The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 04, 1922, Image 3

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Poem By3
Uncle JonSi
While I conccdo the dreadnought's sphoar, it ain't of drcadnaughts I
vrould sing ... I sposo wo build ono every year, or, start va new one
every spring . , . Now, I havo mostly boon opposed to all machines
fer killln' men, till one moro question has arose: Wo build a college,
every when?
I lovo to think woVo got tho power to face the world an shake our
list ... To know, that when tho war clouds lower, we've got tho
guns they can't reals! . . . And still, I'm bound to h.nto, tho things
thoy moke fer killln' men and through my ear this question rlngBt We
build a Bchool-house every when?
Old Cato viowod tho Holy Writ, beside the keen an' deadly knife the
ono, with fires of heaven lit, tho other shaped fer ending Hfo . . . And
I havo learnt to lovo tho means that lifts me to a higher piano, and so, Ive
learnt to hate machines that only servo by giving pain . . .
Instead of schemes to murder fast, it seems to bo tho nobler deed,
while stretch of years Is whlzzln' past to teach our boys iand gals to
read ... I'd swap the dreadnaught fer tho school, an' trade tho saber
fer the pen, heliovln' in tho gracious rule of Peace on Darth, Good Will
to Men I
depth and in Uilck sheets your
chances for n well aro good. Tho
pump and the engine must bo of tho
proper design and must be run at
tho proper speed. Tho Agricultural
Collogcfs Circular No. 2 gives much
helpful information on this subject.
Can anyone explain why there are
more scrub bulls than purebreds at
tho head of dairy herds? It can not'
be tho "cost" t(hat Is keeping the,
dairy farmer from buying purebred
bulls, for well bred bulls can be pur
chased at very nominal sums. The
that tho man who owns a scrub
bull get rid of him any buy a good
bull. There never was a better op
portunity for tho farmer who desires
to improve his herd. High class
bulls can be purchased at a very
moderate price. There can be no
pride of ownership in owning u
ecrub; no dcslro for improvement;
and no pleasure in looking forward
to tho development of his progenv
for they offer no hope for improve
ment and little reward for the effort
in caring for them. It pays to use
a good purebred bull.
Aro you reatlng your seed oats foo
smut this year? Do you know the
best way to do It? Do you know that
tho time spent In this is worth more
in dollars and cents than most every
thing else you do on the farm? Think
of it; you can treat enough in two
hours to plant 40 to GO acres. An in-
creaso of one bushel to the ncre
means 60 bushels on 600 acres. Tills
at' 35 cents a bushel is $21.00. In
other words your tlmo would bo
worth $10.50 per hour if you got
only a bushel lncreaso per acre. It
is seldom that seed treatment does
not increase tho yield from three to
five bushels and many times twice
that much.. A five-bushel increase
vould make your time spent in se -d
treatment worth $52.G0 per hour.
Think it over. Hero is tho treatment
recommended by the Agricultural
Colloge. As tho seed Is being shovel
ed into tho wagon to be taken to the
fie.'d to seed, havo tho boy of tho good
wife sprinkle it with a solution made
of one pint of formaldehyde to ten
gallons of water. Use this on about
40 bushels. Can anything bo easier?
Try it. Be sure to get your formal
dehyde In sealed bottles. Otherwise
it may bo weak and of no value.
There Is keen interest in irriga
tion through central and western Ne
braska this year. Old ditches which
have been little used for the pas', ten
years are being cleaned out and put
inti. service t'ai3 spring. Many
farmors are planning to install
pumping outfits fqr irrigating small
tracts from wells along the valley
of tho Platte and tributary slrc-jims.
Pumping for irrigation is a fairly
expensive process but often a profi
table one if tho pumping unit is prop
erly chosen, says the Agricultural
College. Before spending a lot of
monoy for expensive equipment ono
should' be sure about the water sup
ply. Even though other irrigation
wells in the neighborhood are yield
ing a good supply It is no 'sign thai
your well will be good- Test wells
should be dug to reveal the character
of the sub-soil. If coarse gravel and
sand is encountered at a shallow
mends that all seed potatoes be
treated before they aro cut for plant
ing. This Ib for tho purpose of con
trolling several diseases, most espe
cially scab and another disease com
monly called rhizactonla. This latter
disease does considerable damage to
the plants frequently killing them,
thoreby Injuring the stand of tho
field. The method rocammended is
to dissolve four ounces of corrosive
sublimate in ono gallon of hot water.
Then odd this solution to twenty
nine gallons of wator to make a to
tal of thirty gallons. At all times
use non-metal vessels for this solu
tion ns it docs damage to metal and
in turn the solution is weakened. Tho
potatoes should be soaked in this so
lution before they aro cut for plant
ing for from ono to ono and one-half
hours tho first time the solution Id
used. Tho solution can bo used for
four lots of potatoes. However, the
length of tlmo for treating should be
Increased ten minutes after each lot
haa been treated. After four lots of
potatoes have been , treated in ono
batch of solution it should bo dis
carded. This solution Bhould be
handled carefully at all times ns it
is a deadly internal poison. Exter
nally there Is no danger from it in
so far as the handling of tho pota
toes in tho solution is concerned.
Last Monday evening there was a
mooting of those who aro intorosted
in putting a band across for Arnold,
and there was about twenty-five pres
ent. This number included several
from tho surrounding community who
aro much interested in band music.
Johnnie Norman of Gothenburg was
present In tho rolo of instructor to
see what tho chances were of organ
izing. There aro plenty to make a
band of twenty-five pieces, and the
boys have been doing a little scout
ing UiIb week to see if they could
raise the necessary funds to put it
over. They need a guarantee of one
hundred dollars a month to make a
go of It. This pays for musical in
structlon on band instruments. Ar
nold Sentinel.
Is your wife lonesome while you are
away? Send her Tho Tribune.
L. & S. Groceteria.
Reduced Prices
1 Guaranteed Products!
Due to the fact that the manufacturers havo reduced the prices of repair parts,
we are in a position to pass this reduction along to our customers on tho repair of
storage batteries at the prices quoted below.
Why We Advertise
We are sometimes asked: "Why do you advertise;
you have no competition?"
Some of the reasons why we advertise are :
We want our patrons to know everything we
are doing and why we are doing it.
We want our subscribers to know the best way
to use the telephone so as to get the greatest
value from it.
We want everyone to know of new and ex
tended uses of telephone service that will be
helpful and profitable to them.
We try to make our advertisements interesting and
helpful. Are you reading them?
Northwestern B
ephone Company
(Any Make.)
Recharging , $1.00
Resealing .50
Reinsolating one cell 3.00
Reinsolating complete 7.50
11 Plato jars 1.60
New jar covers .40
11 Plate case : 2.00
(Any Make.)
Recharging $1.25
Resealing ' .75
Reinsulating one" coll 3.00
Roinsulating complete 9.50
7 plato jars 1.40
Now case 3.00
7 Plato jar cover .40
WHN Plates $ .40
RHN Plates .44
JPN Plates 1 x .40
SHC Plates .48
BHN Plates ' .54
New Acid : .50
Distilled water, per gallon .15
We use genuine PREST-0-L.ITE parts which are pronounced by Electrical en
gineers who are considered to be authority as being the BEST.
Our repair work carries a guarantee for a period of six months.
Our service truck is at your disposal, call us when in trouble.
Midwest Electrical Service Station
Why Go ElsoAvhoro?
J. W. CALIIOON, Manager.
Phono 731
215 East Sixth Stroot
coannssioxKiis' proceedings
Tho board of county, commissioners
met in tho court house in regular
session Monday, March 27 with Com
missioners Colter,, Springer and Co
llagen and County Clerk Allen pres
ent. Tho following bills were approved
and allowed:
P. N. Hcin, road dist. 9 $
Fred Huobun, road dist. 9 .
. E- Hudson, road dist. 9 .
Chris Sutter, road dist. 9
Farmers' Co-operativo Assn.
Johnson Bros, bridge
E. M. Luck, Maxwell 12.00
I. O. JohnBon, bridge 2G-00
Bratt, Goodman & Buckley 10.00
Geo. B. Prosser, Gen. 150.00
Harry Huckfeld, bridge 9.00
J. I. Case Thrashing Co. 89.12
Geo. Schrocongast. Gen. 30.00
Ashley Peters, Gen. L 45.00
Vern J. Coker, dragging 78.00
A. B. Stamp, Gen. 18.00
W. H. C. Woodhurst, Gen. 233.33
T. S. Blnnkonburg 125.00
W. S. Wood 20.00
Mrs. P. J. Cook 1G.00
C. C. Long, dragging 33.50
A. A. Steele, dragging 32.00
Leo Tollllon, dragging 15.00
Raymond Beecham 12.30
A. T. Colby, bridge 19.20
Jas. Beecham, dragging 40.00
Brestol Grocery, gen. 7.00
T. Oldfather, state G8.Z;
R. L. Rhino 58.20
Norman Gutherless 1.50
H. Gutherless 3.00
G. Gutherless C90
Ralph Gutherless 7.20
A. Coon, brldgo 19.50
Francis Camblin, oridgo 30.00
Nick Camblin, brldgo 17.00
N. C. Bowen, brldgo 00.00
C. S. Clark, brldgo - 4.50
L. R. Cochran, rqad dist. 1G .
Olaranco Buch, road dist. 10
Geo. Brown, road dist. 1G
W. II. Goldworth, stnto
John Tollllon, patrolman ...
It. B. Woldnor, patrolman
W. R. Schleicher, patrolman .
W. B. Salisbury 200.00
Alva Baker, hauling a28.00
Amos Foster, road dist. 13 38.40
(To bo continued.)
Tho noxt Lincoln county teachers'
examination will bo held in tho usual
place, Saturday, April 15.
County Superintendent.
New collars are comfortable, and when they are
properly laundered they retain their smooth, comfor
table edges for a long time.
The starched collar is being worn today by all
well dressed men.
If you have ever been annoyed by saw-edged
collars, perhaps you havo tried tho wrong laundry.
The customers of this modern laundry know that
they invariably receive the kind of service which
satisfies. Because our clansing methods aro scien
tific and modern in every respect, we are able to of
fer you a service which cannot bo excelled anywhere.
Wo aro careful wo know our business. We can
please you. Just phone and the driver will call for
your bundle.
Send it to
"Your Bosom Friend"
Dickey s Sanitary Laundry
Tho Soft Water Laundry.
108 West Sixth St Phone 7 '
Springtime, surrounding
us with budding blos
soms and signs of peace
and beauty, stirs mem
ories of those at rest.
At such a time it is befit-
ting that we erect, as a mete testimonial of love and sorrow,
a fine momumcnt or headstone as a lasting tribute to mark
the final resting place.