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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE r W.. , pA vw.'oc -mTAttE A WALK WITH FAHHV) WAKtA , ? I rj VVmOW OlO t KAJCW YOU OlCWT WANT) It f YeS,BUT THEY DON'T ) I L 2w ?Awe&y . oV, 9 'J, I TO SPEAK TOlMBW? THEV i OV H THE SAME ' H j o S, l if AN INTERESTING LETTER FJIOM NORTH PLATTE BOY IN i MEXICO . Tamplco, Tampa,, Mexico, . . Mata Redonda, Bor., March 18, 1922. Mr. WlUon Tout, Editor Tribune, North Platte, Nob. Dear Mr. Tout: Now that suffici ent time haB lapsed since my visit to North Platte, I foci that 1 should write nd lot you know how things nro going with mo In these parts, yet, I think it moro correct to say dis tricts on tho outskirts of civiliza tion. Would you bcllovo I sometimes think that tho missionaries are us ing poor Judgment in Bonding people to far away China to mako Christians, when thoro nro so many ignorant and wild human IboIngB In thoao dla Ucts that nro waiting to bo Christ ianized. I guess It Is becauso thoro is no wall to climb over in ordor to outer Mexico, and again it is too closo to homo. The first part of this month one of our beat launches wan hold up, and its passengers robbed. I am on closing n clipping from a Tamplco paper giving tho accounts. This Is tho first hold up this company has had In about two months. Wo have a. good many bandltfl roaming about tho oil fioldB now days, owing to so many bolng out of work. I Oil prospects nro not looking so vory good Blnco tho first of tho year. Roports havo boon curront of salt wator in tho Toteco and Corro Azul wollfl and In tho now Huastlca de velopment at TJorra Dlanca, but I understand that tho officials havo denied theso rumors. Tho outstand ing facts that tho thrco companies oporatlng in this area, tho Huasteca, Mexican Quit and International havo continued to take oia of tho pool from 350,000 to 380,000 barrols a day; . that January shipments from Moxl can porta woro quoted as aggregat ing 18.303.905 barrels which Is a WHERE ARK THE DEAD I Whoro arc tho mighty ones of agca past Who over tho world their Inspiration cast, WhoBO memories stir our spirits like a blast Where aro tho dead? Where are old empires' slnows snapped and gone Whoro Ib tho Persian? Mcal? Assyrian? . Whore nro tho kingB of Egypt? Babylon? Whero nro tho dead? 'whoro aro tho mighty ones of Greece? Whero be Tho mon of Sparta and Thermopylae? Tho oonquorlng Macedonian, whero Is ho? Whoro aro tho dead? Whoro aro Romo's founders, whoro tho chlefest son, Before whoso nnmo tho whole known world bowed down Whoso conquorlng armioa chased tho rotreatlng sun? Whoro nro tho dead? Whore's tho bard-warrlor-klng of Albion's state A pattern for earth's sons tq omulato A truly noble, wisely, goodly groat? Whoro aro tho dead? Whero la Gaul's hero, who aspired to be . ' j' A second Caesar in his mastery , , To whom cartas crownod ones trombled, bent tho kheo'5 , jC ; Whoro aro Uio dead? . '" ' ', Whoro Is Columbia's son, hor darling child Upon whoso birth Vlrtuo and Freedom smiled Tho Wostorn star, bright, puro and undefllcd Whoro are tho dead? ,f Whoro aro tho sons of song, tho soul Inspired Tho bard of Greece, whoso music of heaven acquired With admiration, ages past has fired, Tho classic doad7 Wlioro Is tho Falrlo MInstrol and Oh! whoro Ib that lono bard whom dungoon gyocs did boar For his lovo song breathed In a princess' ear Tho gontlo dead? Where Is tho poet who In death was, crownod Whoso clay-cold tomplos laurol chaplots bound Mocking his dust, in life no honor found Tho Insulted dead? Groator than all, an earthly sun enshrined, KHinv"A la Ml r. lrlnn rf III la 9 XIiaya al.nll wn. t rwl . , - , . , p I M UV.w M.J .1...) Ul J.u, II HVtU 0il4ti ITU iJUU . .. . The Swan of Avon Monnrch of tho mind year, iteceni completions in luirr.i Blanca by Huastoca and on tho iBth- mus by El Agulla glvo vory substan tial (basis for tho bollot that Moxlco Is not yet a doad cock In tho pl bo far as oil Is concerned nnd, finally that according to rollablo reports all, avallublo storage In Moxlco is filled, At this terminal alono, wo havo near ly a million barrols in storago at all times. Tho Corro Azul No. 4 Is still holding tho tltlo as tho greatest woll with n rlnllv rvlltiMlf nf 'fi1 ((( 1nfrrtlr. ,...,,.,,' . . . All things In naturo nro proportionate uuu iiiu iwuAiutiu i uuuiuuiii in uuuui Tho mighty doad? Did they all die whon did their bodies die Llko tho bruto dead, passing forovor by? Then whereforo was tholr Intolloct bo high Tho mighty doad? Why was It not confined to earthly sphere To earthly wants If It must porlsh horo. Why did thoy languish for a bliss moro dear? Tho blessed dead? 1 f ' I. . V.' to bring In a woll In Tlorra Blanci No. 2 which Is located approximately 25 miles from tho famous Corro Azul No. 4, that thoy claim will ho a larg or well yet than Corro Azul, tho fact Is man alono In an Imperfect stato He who doth all things rulo and rogulato, Then whero tho dead? , w If hero thoy porished, whero tholr bolng gorm, VhnrA Wnrn tlintf Hmurrlita HiaI Imrtna iiftnliAi. !,.!.. II,.. II l,o ..l, l.l1.n.. " ""I-, ""' WU..,, ... i.u iv .....v... I"""" W)1V Hl.nn(1 n lnn.o atrnntU n ,..m DUIll bllttll nwt tt null u , tin ijiuuiiv . ... I A IIU lltMUl in. ut courso mo unuiiunpa, Ainniuui and Zncamlxtlo fields havo practical ly gono to snlt. It Is In those fields tlmt this company, "Transcontlnon tnl," put so much rollanco. Since tho first of January wo havo boon getting our oil from tho Huastlca, and of courso that moans tho Trans continental will have to find a hotter hunting ground when tho abovo fields play out Work nt tills terminal lum boon completed, and tho company 1ms como to realize that thoy can do without tho co-oporatlon of somo of tholr cmployoos. Consequently tho force has boon cut down a consider nblo. and most of tho mon nro now handling two Jobs. I foil holr to a mon- A C0UPl0 of "B lollows havo gnugera watch, which has to bo bcon P'nylng tonnls nearly ovory day wound eight hours In ovory twonty- tuo ,ftst fallr months In ordor to bo four and from 3 iu m. to 7 a. m. at ln condition, should thoy begin play- Umt Tho beauty part of this llttlo ,n ball oxt'nv work la that I got plonty of I havo boon getting Tho Tribune oxorclso and frosh air. Climbing up qulto regular, of courso an Ibbuo and dovn twonty-ono 55,000 barrol falls to roacli Its destination owing tanks before breakfast is enough to to tho mail trains bolng hold up so glvo anybody an unusually big nppo ofton of late. tlte, not excluding mysolf, and too, 1 Hoping that thlnga aro runnlm; nm rathor glad that tho company la smoothly In tho Platto, nnd that bus- paying tho broad mil. uy uio way, i inCss will get bade to normal soon. 14 r. Thoro aro no doad! Tho fonnB Indeed may dio, That cases tho other lal bolng now on high; Tls but tho outward covering Is thrown by, This Is not dead! Tho spirits of tho lost of whom wo sing, Havo porished not; thoy havo but takon wing Changing an earthly for a hoavenly spring, Thoro aro tho dead. Thus is all nature, porfoct harmony Provades tho wholo, by His nll-wlso decree, With whom aro thoao, to vast Infinity Wo mlsnnmo doad. O. O. II. Woldnor, Maxwoll, Nob. J. J. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE McCABE HOTEL, OVEU STAMP'S BAKERY. PHONE 71. When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe Palace Bazaar Everything reasonable. Station. first cluafl and prices Opposite Union Pacific Did your wife toll you to subscribe for The-Tribune? MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Cultnro and the Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. 'Third Phone 114 J DR. M. R. STATES Chiropractor Rooms 5. C, 7 Building & Loan Bldg Oftico Phone 70 Res. Phone 1242 BR. J. R. McKIRAHAtf Practice Limited to DIseasso of Women and Surgery Over Rcxall Drug Store Phones: Offlco 127 Residence 656 FARM LOANS OTIS R. PLATT, SI. D. Physician nnd Surgeon X-Rny Dlagnosa and Treamont Over Union Stato Bank Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales n Specialty Also Real Estate Rc'erences and Dates First National Bank North Platte, Nob. NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1876, of Elizabeth Nolda, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all por sons Interested In said Eatato tako no tlco that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Rudolph Nolda as Administrator of said Eatato, which has been set for hearing horein on April 11th, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated March 15,1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST. (Seal) County Judgo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I can mawko a few Farm Loans. T. O. SWENSON UNION STATE BANK NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAF Taken up by tho undersigned, 4 horses, near tho stock yards, Coun ty of Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska; on tho 26th day of March 1922: two bay geldings, weight about 130O pounds; ono black gelding, weight about 1300 pounds; one bay mare, weight about 1200 pounds. Dated this 28th day of March 1922. (Signed) J. E. STEVENS. PLASTERING nnd STUCCO LEON Yf. Phone BMW SCO MATHEWSON 118 Bold A-tC. GEO. B. BENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130 Residence 115 Offlco Phono 241 Res. Phono 217 L. C. BROST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Come In and soo mo whon in need j Offico Phono 296W House Phono 26n i 1 of Farm Loans. At tho present time .TniriV S. SIMMS, lffs T. Special Attention Glvon to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 315 BR. L. A. SNAVELY Dentist X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen and Gas Anesthesia for Extractions. Over Union Stato Bank Phono 296. BERRYBERRY & FORBES Liconsed Embalmors Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phone Black 538 COL. S. P. "WHITTAKER Auctioneer Reforonccs: Call me or make dates at tho Unon State Bank. Phone 796-F-3 Or write to mo on East Tryon Route North Platte, Nob. Estate No. ??? of Maud C. Babbitt, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notico that tho time limited for pre sentation and filing of claims against said Estate is July 18, 1922, and for settlement of said Estate is March 16, 1923; that I will sit at tho county court room in said County on April 18, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on July 18, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated March 16, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (St'al) County Judge. ROAD NO. 418. y. T. PRITCHARB Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and ex asslstant deputy Stato Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Phonos. Hospital 633 Residence 633 BR. 1 1 ARO LB FEHNNER Osteopath Ovor Hlrschfeld's Offlco Phono 333 Ros. Phono 1020 J. S. TWINEM M.D. Homeopathic Physician A Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation i Platte Valley Hospital j Former Nnmo Twlnem HospftaL NORTH PLATTE, NEBB. To Whom It May Concern: The special commissioner appoint ed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho northwest corner of Elmore street of tho Village of Dickens, running thence north to the south line of Section seventeen about, sixty rods in township ten, range thirty-two, west of tho 6th P. M., Lin coln County, Nebraska, the above des cribed road to bo Slxty-slx feet wide, has reported In favor of tho estab-A llshment of Bold road, any or alll parties having any objections there to, or any claims for amago by reason of the establishment of above describ ed road must file same in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, on or before twelve o'clock noon of tho 29th day of May, lazz, or sam roaa will bo allowed without reforence theroto. v , Datod at North' Platte. Nebraska. this 16th day of March, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. Strolborg salo of Duroo Jersey hogs at North Platto last wook and brought homo thrco of tho cholco offorlngs of the day. Two of tho bows woro Blrod by "Tho Hit," tho grand champion of the 1922 Donvor Stock show and woro tho high dollar sows of tho sale Kolth County News. :o: Dixon Optical Co., grinds lenses. :o: NOTICE TO CREDITORS think I will suggest that tho foot Ploa80 glvo my r0Barda to frIond8( , Eatato Nq 1868 q. JanQ ball coaches put a tow fifty foot lad roraaln, .1 . II. rnl tw.11 tlnl.1 In I UUr UJ, IIU i iwuu ... a..u, ... . . . Yours thni Hin nln.vnrn Hilcht oniov a hot. ' i t rrnltlnn- nYnrxlana' n'l J ARCHIE HOOD. course 1 would not enro to lot the Cla. Transcontinental do players know that I was tho ono who Petroloo, S. A. auircestod Uio idea. I bollovo what Parinuo oo. llttlo oxperlonco I havo had climbing Tamplco, Tnmps, Moxlco. laddora in tho laid; month has woll Mata Hodonia. irinnrl mn it Would nrOTO BUCCOSS- SO! ful STROLBERG SALE Wo havo not started to play baao D. A. Lawler, who has a stato wide ball aa yet this year, owing to tho roputatlon for raising fancy, thorough iiffnnf orminala havlnff bo fow bred cattlo and hogs attended Uio do. of ceased, in tho County Court Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said ostnto will take notico that tho tlmo limited for pro sontatlon and filing of claims against said Eatato is. August 5th, 1922. and for settlement of said Eatato is March 30, 1923; that I will sit at Uio County .Court room In said county, on May 5th, 1922, nt 10 o'clock a. m., and on August 5th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, oxamlne. hoar, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judge. WM. WALDORF Tinner Makes or Repairs anything made of Tin or Sheet Metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital Office 340 Houso 12S BR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis North Platto BR. REBFIELB Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-Bay Calls promptly answered Night or Day Phonos. Offlco 642 Rosldonco 676 NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1879 of Bridget Jones, de ceased In Uio County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Eatato take no tico that a petition has boon filed for tho allowance to probata of last Will and Testament of Bridget Jones, de ceased and Uie appointment of Dr. Nicholas McCabo as executor of said will which has beon set for hearing heroin on April 18, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated March 22, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST . (.SEAL) County judo EXTENSION TO ROAD NO. 418 To Whom It May Concern: The special commissioner appoint ed to locate a public road as follows: Beginning at tho southeast corner oi Section Twonty-nlno, and Uio North east corner of Section Thirty-two, Township Eleven and Range Thirty two, thence running west one mllo between sections twoty-nlne and th'.r-ty-two, along Bald section lino, thonco souUi between sections thirty one and thirty-two to tho north lino of Town ship Eleven, then souUi between sec tions five and six and section seven and eight, eighteen and seventeen, to Uie south lino of section seventeen. Uionco east about eighty rods between soctlons seventeen and twenty all In Lincoln County and State of Nebras ka, tho abovo described road to be slxty-slx feot wide, any or all parties having objections thereto or claims for damages by reason of tho estab lishment of sold described road, must filo same in the offlco of Countv Clerk In Lincoln County, Nebraska. on or before twelvo o'clock noon of tho 29th day of May 1922. Dated at North Platte. Nobraskn. this 16th day of March 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. NOTICE OF PETITION The Farmer's Auctioneer H. N. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For thoao who do not havo enough Btock or machinery for a general farm Balo, I am located so I can hold a comblnaUon salo at North Platte or at Uio Fairviow dairy 1 milts west of town. I hare always gat enough stock or machinery listed with mo bo we can hold a comblnaUon sale any tlmo. Estato No. 1875 of William Graves, de ceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said Estate take notico that a peUtlon has beon filed for tho Administration of said estato and for appointment of Nctt e Drake as Administratrix of said estato, which has beon sot for hearing horein .on April 14, 1922 at 10 q'clock A. M. Dated March 14, 1922. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judgo. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1880 of Sarah A. Morton, doceasod in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in sold Eestatq toko notico that a petltton has been filed for tho appointment of Robert S Carothors as Administrator of said said Sarah A. Morton, which has beon Bet for hearing horoln on April 18, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated March 24, 1922. WM. H. C WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judgo NOTICE OF ELECTION Notico Is hereby given that on Tuesday tho 4th day of April, 1922, a gonoral election will bo hold in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, Uio polls to bo oponed bo twoen Uio hours of nine o'clock a. m and seven o'cock n. m. Tho vntlntr places will bo as follows: In Uio first ward on Dowey street between 4th and 6th street in Uie building known as the Durbln Garage; In tho second waru in uio court houso on tho sec ond floor; in tho third ward at tha Firo Station Building on Lot 1, Block 100; In the fourth ward In tho build ing on Uio corner of Locust and 8Ui atrectB, known aa Uio Bulck Garage, at which eectlon thero will bo voted ior ana elected: One councilman from tho first ward for Uio term of two years. Ono councilman from Uio second ward for tho torm of two years. uno councilman irom the third waYd' for Uio torm of two years. Ono councilman from tho fourth ward for Uio torm of two yoars. Two members of Uio Board of Edu caUon of tho school district of Uio city of North Platto, County of Lin coln and State of Nebraska, for the term of thrco years. Glvon under Uio seal of the dty at North Platte, Nebraska, this 13th daf of March, 1922. ' Attest: B. IL EVANS, Mayor (Seal) O. E. ELDER, City Se? !