NO. 25.
City Election Today Polls Close at 7:00 p. m., Vote.
i if i p dim it
At tho Uyemura salo-last Friday
ono span of horses brought $380 anil
they woro just horses not pedigreed
nor thoroughbred.
There will he a declamatory contost
and literary program u tho Platte
Valley school next Friday ovenlng.
Following tho exercises tho folks will
have a box social. Everyone is invited.
North Platto high Doool debating
team won tho fourth debate of the
season at Shelton last Friday night
when it got a threo to nothing de
cision. The same question was used
that has been dobatdd in each of the
former contests.
Kiwanians and their ladies will ban
iuct this evening at the phristlan
church at G:30. Rev. W. H. Moore
will bo the toastmaster. Tho theme
of the evening will bo the century of
peace between Canada and tho United
J. C. Daublo, division manager o
tho National Refining Co. was in North
PJatto Sunday and held a conference
with a number of traveling salesmen
of that company. Tho meeting was
hold at the Palace hotel and took the
whole day. Ten salesmen were pres
ent. Dr. Kerr and J. B. Sebastian were
elected- directors of tho 'Rotary club
UB Thrifty
lie NMifch
musT cut
It's up to you -as to whether or
not you can make ends meet.
One big help in the practice of
economy is to
In doing this you can tell where
the money goes and you have
the advantage of our hanks ex
pert bookkeeping system.
We know of not better way to
help you save your dollars than
to do all of your buying
through a
Checking Account
Your cancelled checks are un
questionable receipts.
Pay By Check Always
Tho monthly weather summary for
March, 1922, has Just been issuod by
Weatherman Shilling. Whllo tho
amount of precipitation during the
month was only about half thenormal
for March it was more than ho has
reported for any March during the
past five years. Tho total was le3s
than half an Inch. The temperature
did not go above 77 nor below 2, with
tho average just a littlo bolow tho
normal. It is interesting to note that
there is one March record where the
thermometer wont to 2t degrees be
low zero and one, where it went to 8G
abovo, but neither records were made
this year. Thero woro 13 clear days,
14 cloudy days and 4 which were
partly cloudy.
at its regular meeting held yestorday
noon in tho Presbyterian church din
ning room. Tho board of dlroctois
will meot this weok and eloct officers
for tho club to servo during tho com
ing year.
A shorthorn cow on tho Frank Strol
berg placo gave birth to twin calves
last Sunday. Both calves are good Hvo
heifors. Tho mother is listed in the
catalogue for tho Strolborg sale of
Shorthorn cattle, which takes place
on April 18 at the Union stock yards
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Woodhurst
spent the week end with Judgo and
Mrs. Woodhurst' in this city. They
wero married in Grand Island last
Saturday. Mrs. "Woodhurst was one
of tho popular young business women
o'f that city and Mr. Woodhurst is en
gaged in the automobile business
Tho. Gideon, band oL tho- Methodist
Sunday school had a dinner party last,
evening at tho church. After the din
ner which consisted of salmon salad,
sandwiches, pickles, fruit cako and
cocoa, games wero played and a short
business session was held. Twenty
two girls attended. ,Mlss Sarah Kelly
is tjio teacher.
Following are tho captains of the
class track teams in tho Senior .High
school: Senior class, Donald Yost;
Junior class, George Shaner; sopho
more class, Edwin Rector. Theso
captains will pick out teams for the
inter-class track and field meet
which is a regular annual event in
the local High schools.
At the clcse of tho last aftemooi.
st.'PHion of tho State Association o'1
Lrcal Insura-.-. Agents the following,
officers won citcted for tho coming j
year: Fran' A artln, Omaha r,i"''1
ident; J. II. S eelo, Hastings. U o
presldont; A. II. Burbig, Kearney,,
Vlco president; J. E. Sebastain, North I
T31n...i t'rif-.w.tiill I I'l'l I' It V A II rPl.rt .1 I
convention will be held in Hastings.
Tho G. I. A to the B. of L. E enter
tained tho husbands at a six o'clock
dinner Thursday ovoning at tho K. P.
Hall. Tho tables wero decorated with
lighted candles and cut flowers. After
tho threo course dinner songs and
dinner speeches woro in ordor. Spec
ial honors were confered on six of
tho chartor mombors, eacli of whom
was presented with a beautiful bas
ket of cut flowors. This occasion was
tho 25th anniversary of tho lodge.
Nomination papers are being cir
culated this we'ok in North Platto for
tho following candidates for stato of
fices on tho Progressiva party ticket;
Arthur G. Wrny of York for Governor
T. J. Ellsbury of Grnnd Island for
Lieutenant Governor
L. A. Larson, Wollfloot, Nebr. Secret
ary of Stato.
Knuds C. Knudson, Gonoa, Nobr. stata
Grant L. Shumway, Scotts Bluffs,
Stato Auditor.
Edward Sughrow, Bartloy, Nobr. Com
missioner of Public Lands.
F. L. Bollan, Lincoln, Attornoy Gen
Roy M. Ilarrop, Omaha, Stato Rail
way Commissioner.
Anson II. BIglow, Omaha, United
States Senator.
Dale P. Strough, Stato Railway Com
missioner. :o: .
Saturday Judgo Woodhurst issuod
a marriago Hconso to Emmott knight
yid Miss Margaret Roseflold, both of
tliis city and then performed tho
marriago ceremony for them.
Tho Army & Navy storo opened for
.business last Saturday and roports a
gpod day. Thi3 storo is located in
the Lipshltz building at tho corner of
Locust and Front street. It is the
room formerly occupied by tho Amerg
lean Express Co. Tho Army & Navy
storo is owned by Stein and Smuck
ler, Those men own a similar storo
in Grand Island whoro they havo been
located for ovor a year. They are
still running tho Grand Island store
and oxpoct to continuo it. In an in
terview yestorday, Mr. Smucklor said
they expect to keop a storo at North
Platto as long as business is good.
"Tho stock is on hand, the storo is
open and business is good,?' said Mr. I
. :o:
On Friday and Saturday nights ot
this week the comedy "Claranco" wiljy
oo presoniea jai ino cranium auui
torlum by a cast made up of mem
bors of tho Junior clasp. This play
is by Booth Tarkington, author o(
Ponrod and other stories. "Clarence"
has no medals, no shoulder bars, no
great accomplishment One of the
"five million," he Berved where ho
was Bent though it wns no furthoi-
than Texas.,. As,,an entomologtetho C
found on "this side of the obcan no a
field for his specialty In tho groat
war. So they set him to driving
mules. Now, reduced to civil life and.Mn Vroman lives in Vroman precinct
seeking a Job, he finds a position Id In Lincoln county. Ho was born in
tho home of one Wheeler, a Weathy vNorth Platto in 1876.
Englewood man with a family. And
because ho'd "been in tho army" hoj
becomes guide, philosopher and friend
to tho members of that same agitated
and distracted family group. Clar
ence's position is an anomolous one.
Ho mends tho bathroom plumbing, lie
tunes the piano, he types off stage
ho plays the saxophone. And around
him revolves such a group of char
acters as only Booth Tarkington
could offer. It is a ical Amorican
comedy; and tho nuulenco rlpplrs
with appreciative and delighted
Paul Scharman of Laramie, Wyo.,
is in orth Platto visiting relatives. He
Is enrouto to Laramio from Columbus.
H. R. McMlchael returned home
Monday from Omaha whoro ho trans-
aActed business.
Jack Ross and Lester Clapper, botli
hailing from Wallace, wero arralgne.'
in county court last Friday afternoon
and each given a fine of $200 for hav
ing liquor in his possession and for
transporting it. Ross got nn addi
tional $50 for resisting an officer.
Both nro laying out tho fino in tho
county Jail.
Clyde Sheots, under parole from
tho stato penitentiary was picked ui
by Sheriff Salisbury last Friday night
and will bo returned to Lincoln to
continuo his term at tho pen. In tho
early morning hours Dr. Dent discov
ered him prowling about his homo
after having followed ono of tho fam
ily who had como in on a lato train.
Doctor covered him and kept him
with his hands up until tho Bhoriff
First Mortgage Farm Land Bonds
$100, $500 ana $1000 Denomination
Issued in Trust Certificate Form
Interest Rnto C to 7 Per Cent '" ' 1
Those aro socurod by lirst mortgages on Lincoln County, Nobraska
farms worth 2 to 4 tlmos tho amount of tho mortgago.
An Ideal Investment for Safety.
Goodman-Buckley Trust Co.
PAID UP CAPITAL $5p,000.00
North Pintle,
Word received by Mis. A. Lcavltt
an-i Mrs. J. II. Edmlnten is to the
effoct that tho nowspapor roports
about Mr. Edmiston having been
stricken with blindness nro oxaggar
nted. Mr. Edmiston has boon blind
In ono oyo for Bovcral years. lie" has
been careful of tho use of tho otner
oyo and refrained from roadlng much
in tho ovoning. Whon ho wont to
Lincoln this winter to tako up -the
work of handling tho Progressive
party headquarters ho probably had
an unusual amount of reading to do
and that with a slight old contracted
Bomo timo ago, may havo Bottled in
tho good oyo and temporarily dam
ngod tho vision. At no timo has ho
been so ho could not seo and his tolo
ram of Saturday wns encouraging
He is taking treatment front t'o best
oyo specialist ho can find and thinks
his sight is improving.
was placed in the list last week by
mistake. Her name got mixed with
somq ono olso's rocord. Pleaso ex
cuse us-
30. E. T. CASEY, North Pla'tta.
Camo to North Platto m 1879 and is
an old employee of tho Union Pacifio
railroad. Lives at 503 West Fourth
31. A. D. ORR, 311 Efflo street,
Fresn'o, Calif. Located in Woll pro
oinct in 1884. Ho lea Lincoln county
in 1901.
32. MRS. A. D. ORR, 311 Effio
street, Fresno, Calif. Camo to Llifcoln
county with her husband In 1884.
33. A. S. GREGG. North Platte. Mr.
Gregg camo to Lincoln, county in 1885
and has resided horb" continuously
sinco that dato.
34. W. A. VROMAN, Gothenburg.
35. MRS. JULIA CASEY, G03 West
Fourth streot, North Platto. Camo to
Lincoln county in July 1881 and has
lived hero continuously sinco that
30. W, J. THOMAS, camo to Lincoln
county in 1874 nnd with his father,
D. S. Thomas, settled on tho home
stead seven miles northwest of North
Platto on what is now known as tho
Dillon place. Afterwards ho filed on
land in Section 24, threo miles north
west of North Platto and has mado
thnt his homo continuously sinco that
37. MRS. WM. J. BICKLEY, North
Platte, is a sister of W- J. Thomas
nnd camo to Lincoln county in 1874.
Her father was D. S. Thomas.
38. ANNA M. CHURCH, 414 West
Third street, North Plaite. Camo t.i
North Platto in Novombtr, 1875 from
Pennsylvania. 1 '
39. EMMA B. ORMSBY, Long
Beach, Calif. Camo to Lincoln county
in October 187C.
40. E. W. CROSSGROVE, Farnnm,
Nob. Filed in tho NEVi Section 12,
Township 9, Range 20 on March 20,
1885. Ho still owns tho lnnd and
lives there.
R. G. Haney of Hayannis loft for
his homo today after visiting friends
In tho city for several days
Georgo Richardson returned to his
homo in Denver yestorday after
spending soveral days in North Platto
visiting Claudo Dolanoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Brusco ar
rived Sunday from Tepoka, Kans.,
whoro thoy spent threo months visit
ing rolatlvos in that city.
April 1 is th0 dato for boginning
tho making of tax schedules. Evory
proclnct in Lincoln county nnd evory
ward in tho city of Nortli Platto has
an assessor who will look after tho
valuations. Tho blankrs woro given
to the nssossors by tho county clerk
in timo so thoy could begin work on
tho first of tho month. Each property
holder is roquirod to fill out a tax
schedulo whoreon ho lists his person
al property at its actual valuo. When
tho assessor has finished securing tho
schedules from all of tho propony
holders in his ward or proclnct ho
turns thorn ovor to tho county offi
cials who mako up tho tax books.
Each slgnor of a tax sehedulo takes
oath that ho Is giving a correct list
of his proporty. Only personnl prop
erty is boing nssossod at this timo.
Tho assessing is to bo completed in
ton days if possible.
Dr. Mario Ames roturnod Monday
from Sidney whoro she spent LUo
weok ond visiting relatives.
Mrs. Mary Dunn of Grand Island
arrived Sunday from Grand Island to
spond a week visiting friends,
F, R. Stono roturnod Sunday from
Choyenno whoro ho spont two weeks
visiting friends and relatives.
Miss Francos Dolph Br.ont tho week
brid In Paxton visiting " hor sTsto'r.
Rona, who teaches school there
Mrs. W, Allen will return to hoi
homo In Omaha todny after vlsltlhc
hor si3tor, Mrs. Frank McGoyorn. j
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. Bnpnlk of Elsie
roturnod to thoir homo Sunday. Thov
visited friends hreo for a fow days..
Among- thoso who roturncd to Lin.
coin Saturday and Sunday woro Mar
Drost, Mablo Walters, Bosslo Smith,
Wilma Coatos, Junior Ilinman. Don
aid Nowton, Charles Hirsch and Ray
mond Ogior.
The McBedwin Finish
Enthusiasm for this beautiful Finish
has swopt tho country llko wJidfiro.
More handsomo than slllc; costs you
nothing extra. You owo it to yovr
solf to examine it.
John B. Edwards Co.
Thirteen Sonior High school stu
donts have ontorod tho homo declama
tory eontost and aro prepnring to try
for tho prlzo which is tho honor ot
roprosonting tho local nchools in tho
district declamatory contost. Thoso
who havo entered with tho namo ot
tho selection each will give nnd tho
classification of each soloetton is
given below: ORATORICAL "Tho
Mnrtyr President," Louis Brotornltz;
"The Now South," Mildred Skinner.
HUMOROUS 'Father's Talking Now,
Donvor Wilson; "Ovor tho Baluster,"
Ida Payne; "A Comer on William,"
Edna Barber; "Tho Waiting Room,"
Hnrley Bunnell. DRAMATIC "Pat
soy," Edith-Pylo; "MorJodos," Avalon
Hockcnborgor; "Oh! Ml3tus" Dorothy
Elder; "The Broken Soldior uud tho
Maid of Franco,". Moldin Ellsworth;
-;t.ska," Flirn.v Dcats; "Laddie."
Gs.d.vs Haaa.,v".ija," Olara Ortnu
Chostor Gumming arrived' Sunday
from Chicago whoro ho attonds school
to spend a week with his paronts, Mr.
and Mrs. W, W. Cumming.
Nool Bullock and Lnwronco Enz
mlngor loft today for Qrand Island
whoro thoy will spond soveral daya
transacting business.
Mrs. Etta Taylor MoMullon, wlfo of
C. W'. McMullon diod at their homo in
Gibbon Nobr. on March 23 and waa
burlod at Rlvorsldo coniotory on tho
following Sundny. Mr. and Mrs. Mo
Mullon woro residents of North Platto
at ono time, Mr. McMullon. boing om
ployod in a local harbor Bhop. Tho
Gibbon Roportor says: '-Mrs. McMul
lon bocamo n christian in early life
and unttod with tho Baptist church
in Rockport, Indiana, Bho llvod a
faithful; ..consistent christian lifo anil
In hor suffering" and sfcknoss'wpfs re
signed to hor affliction, beUovlng" that
all things work togothor for thoni thnt
lovo God. Although taken in tho midst
of lifo she was prppnred to go and
left somo directions for hor funoral.
Tho memory of hor lifo and oxamplo
will ovor romain a blessing to hor
family nnd all who knew hor. Quiot
and unassuming ns sho was her influ
ence will continuo ns a strong powor
for good." Bo Bides her bunnd sho
loaves a littlo daughter, Violet and a
number of other relatives.
David Adlr nd Soai