THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Stmlfflztilu. Stibjutfe fjlev Head of Government Saving System You Don't Buy Inexperience or Take Chances When We Work on Your Car. EXPERT AUTO TOP MAKERS AND TRIMMERS PLATTE AUTO TRIM CO. PHONE 30OJ 107 Vest 6th Street WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. Entered nt tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco as Socond Glass Mattor. SUDSCIlirTION PRICE l Ono S1ihr, in advanco .$1.60 FRIDAY, MAUCII 31, 192 EDITOttlAL W. '1J. MoDonald handed ub a copy of tlio North Plntto Entcrprlso tlilr. wook. It f& dated Fob. 11, 1874. Ho callod our attention to an article en titled, ''Irrigation" which roads ns follows: "Ono of the most glganti j, ; schomo of modorn days has just bcei ' Introduced in congross and nipped in tho bud by committee. This is a plan to Irrigate tho torritory of Colo rado and ditch tho stnto of Nebraska Wo say well dono good and falthfui sorvnnt. A more imprncticablo scheme novor entered tho minds of men", In tho nbovo article tho word "ditch" is In italics, Is it used in a slangy sonso? Thoro is only ono purposo for which North Platto pcoplo pay their school taxos and that is to odticato their children. To get thin education the chlldron must attend school. There aro only 175 days of school in each year. It is wrong to allow boys and girls to stay out of school a singlo day unless it la necessary. It is wrong to cut thiB opportunity by closing school for a singlo hour uuIchb it Is noo cssary. Thoro aro vory few occasion 3 whon tho authorities aro justified in letting school out. And this is our point. Tho school authorities aro not to blame. Whon a powerful organiza tion in tho city which Includes mom bors of tho board of education asks to have school dismissed for half a day that tho boys may hava a good time doing RomoMiIng or other which this organization thinks should bo done, tho suporlntondont and tho mem bers of tho board aro not to blamo. They aro more or less "tho sorvants of tho pooplo nnd as bucIi thoy try to do what tho pcoplo want. Tho troublo is with "wo tho pooplo". Wo keep urging tho 'authorities to dismiss school for this and that until some of tho rnor Want Ads WANTED Washing. Phono 1249-W, FOR RENT Storago spaco in tiro proof warn--house. Simon Bros. slnccro pupils and practically all ol tho teachers aro disheartened. This plrlt of "lino up tho schools" got started during tho war and it has per slstod ovor slnco in spito of tho con stant romlndor in all other lines that "tho war Is ovor". Tho schools can not accomplish tho purposo for which wo pay tho taxes unless tho thing is stopped. - Your Health--Your Shoes! If Naturo had hor way, wo should bo healthy and happy all tho tlmo. Wo abuso nature, thwart hor marvellous 'efforts by eating too much, slcoping'too llttlo and by many other Indiscretions such as wearing "bad shoos" which havo a direct bearing on health. bomo womon can woar lncorroct . shoos and novor suf for much but most womon would fool better and got loss tired If tholr foot woro properly cared for and properly shod. Evoryono says "Bo who has given thought to this sub ject. Tho Hastings College Glee club at tracted a crowded houso at tho Prosbytorlan church last Tuesday ovonlng whon it put on ono of tho host amateur programs ovor Boon hero. Thoro woro not scats enough to ac uccommodato all who attended. Tho concort was oxcollont and gave tho greatest satisfaction to those who know of tho difficulties hi getting a group of college students Into shape. Director Fuhr rocclved much praioo for tho .artistic mannor in which tho ontortalnmont was carried out. It would bo difficult to mention this most ploaslng numbors without de tailing tho completo program and that would require considerable Bpaco, Tho young people of the local Pres byterian church aro to bo compll montod on bringing to North Platte such a high class entertainment nnd placing it within tho reach of all who caro for good music. Miburn, Iowa May Gth, 1920 Rheumatism Horb Co., Ocean Park, California Gontlcmon: My mothor Is suffer ing doadfully with rheumatism. We havo tried doctors, all sorts of patent medicines and liniments but no re lief, and my Blstor-In-law (Mrs. W. F. Antlo of Norwalk, Iowa) wroto' me and told mo to: got a pound of your herbs, for sho know It would do won dcrs for my mothor. Sho said it cuiod ihor and sovoral of hor neighbors. Plcaso soud it as suickly as possible, Vory Respectfully, Mrs. E. M. Jones. Sond for freo booklet of lcttors from pcoplo all over tho U. S. testify ing to tho wonderful rosults of tho3o horbs. Mon and womon agents are building up a good business. Agents wanted ovprwhero. Price $1.00 por pound postpaid. RHEUMATISM HERB COMPANY Ocean Park, Call. :o; Put Tho Tribune away after all tho family havo read it as you will want to refer to It lator. FOR SALE Baby 315-L-J. FOR SALE Lotsl good terms. Mrs. Thomas Axtell. Phono 1212W. FOR SALE Puro bred Buff Orphing- ton eggs, $1 per setting. Phono 12JH-L-J. FOR SALE Cultivated ten aero tract, close to town. Price right for quick sale. Answer XYZ, caro Tribune. -:o: "A man usod to wondor whothor in: could afford an automobilo; now most of thoso who do not Qwn cars aro wondorlhg whothor thoy can uf, ford to bo without ono," says J, V, Romigh. "Tho public generally is be ginning to understand what car own ors havo known for a long time, that tho ownership of an automobile con fors distinctive and vnluablo advan tages In both commercial and social Ufa. Thoro are somo investments which arc ho rich In dividends of profit and satisfaction that any mnn doos poorly who rofusos to mako thorn ovon at much temporary sacrifice. Such Is tho automobile In tho light of prosont recognition of its service to humanity. Our lino of Dodgo Brothers cars is interesting from this view point in tholr complete embodiment of nil that a man can want In car performance." -:o:- Cantllovor Shoes havo dono a groat deal of good for a groat many women. To Bomo thoy hayo given a bettor dis position; to somo now onjoymout In '. walking out of doors; to others an en tirely now degroo of happiness. For when tho foot is unrestralnod, ns it is . In floxlblo, comfortable, natural shap ed Cautllovoro, tho uorvos and circu lation aro porfectly normal; andyou aro plcasod to ngroo with thoso many doctors and foot exports who say that good shoos and particularly good looking Cantllovor shoes do holp Naturo to make-you woll and happy. DR. S.E. BUFFER CHIROPODIST, 31faast Fourth Street. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Marsh Monday March 27. L. Hastings loft for Choyonno Wodnosday. Ho will return by tho way of Donvor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred O'Mara nounco tho arrival of a baby born to thorn Tuesday March Mrs. O'Mara was formorally Wynno Sullivan. an glrt 28. Miss :o:- NOTICE Important mooting all members of Furmors Shipping Association, Satur day, April 8 at 2:30. Discussion of now shipping yard and distribution of farmers union commission lkrm rotund. WARREN DOOLITTLE, Secretary. THE North Platte's Holeproof Hosiery Store fjoltzproof rfCxsiGrtf Ladies' Pure Silk Holeproof Hosiery Good Looking-Long Wearing These hose have the "Extra Stretch" top, the most com fortahle stocking made, fitting all limbs snugly, whether large or small, without binding, but it prevents "runs" arising from garter strain. 1 .65 A Wonderful i.nliia nf villus ill m pair All the popular colors, sizes to 10 Your Holeproof Hosiery Store P E C 1 A 'L Beauty Parlor at The Style Shop Shampoo, lemon rinse, curl and hair dress . . $1.00 Facial Massage with electricity - x .75 Scalp Treatment - x7 . ;" .50 Hot Oil Treatment ' 7 - .50 Manicure - .- ' .50 Hair Bob . .35 PHONE 199 FQJt APPOINTMENT WANTED Acetylene welding of all kinds, prices reasonable North Sldo Blacksmith Shop. buggy. Phono MONUMENTS OF QUALITY This is but ono of tho many flno niomorlals that wo havo ejected in tho North Platvo Cemetery. As Memorial Day is approaching, wo aro inviting all who aro Interested In securing work for tholr cemetery lot to visit our Me morial Art Room. NORTH PLATTE MONUMENT CO. FOR SALE Milch cow. Call 955-W or see Paul Burke, G22 South Chest' nut street. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms nt 1221 West 7th St. Cot our prices. FOR SALE Two well located lot3 Price $550.00; $100.00 down nnd 15 por month. Phono 1254-L-J. FOR SALE About 600 bushels Red it t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t Strolberg, North Platto, Nob. FOR SALE OR TRADE Fordson, tractor and all kinds of machinery Phono 79G-F3. Col S. P. Whittaker. MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP McDonald Bank Building. TliY THE SPECIAL Bontilla Face Pack With Elcctricitj Jt will clear and bleach your skin and remove Blackheads, Pimples, Large Pores and Wrinkles. It is the Famous Clasmio Pack, known as" a great beautif ier, gives wonderful results and helps all skin troubles. (Diploma.) Phono' -105MV Shampoo and Curl, $1.00. t.t i.t i.t i.t i.t t.t $.: i.t i.t t.t t.t J.t :.t t.t t.t li t.t t.t :.t t.t t.t .t t.t t.t li t.t t.t it t.t t.t t.t n FOR SALE Hatching- oggs, Barred Rocks, S. C. Rods and White Log- horns, $1 por Betting. Luther I. Tuck- or. Phonov698J. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock setting oggs, 75c for 1G; $4.50 for 100, F, C, Waltemath. 502 S. Locust. Phono 444W. FOR SALE English White Leghorn sotting eggs, $1.00 for 15; $4.50 a hundred. 2019 West Gth, J. H. John- sen. FOR RENT Improved cattlo ranch; sharo of crop; cash for pasture. Phono 175-J. J. A. Barta, G15 Pine St. FOR SALE Team, ono buckskin, ? years old, weight 1400; ono bay, G years old, weight 1300; sell cheap for quick sale. Also heavy Harness and a wagon. See F. A. Burke, 802 West Socond street. FOR SALE G.OOO Progressive evor- boaring strawberry plants, $2 per hundred; 50 .Japanese climbing vines, splendid grower hero; can bo trimmed to any desired shnpo, 50c each. C. A. Mooro, 21G W. Twelfth St. Phone 484J. C. S. Nayo of Grand Island visited friends in North Platte Wednesday and Thursday. CARD OF THANKS To tho Chamber of Commerce, Mer chants and Business Men, Elks Club, Robert Stloknoy, Amoricnn Loglon Quartet and ospoclally John Kennedy: Wo hereby wish to oxpross our j thanks publlcaly for your assistanco In helping us handle tho fifteenth! annual convention of Nobraska As-j sociaiion or imcixi uiro insurance Agonts. which convention just closed. Through your sevoral offorts tho con voutlon was pronounced a grand suc coss by nil prosont. NORTH PLATTE FIRE PREVEN TION AND INSURANCE BOARD By C. F. Templo, President. It's Oyer Already. It' seems like only a few days ago that you wero writing 1922 for' tho first time. Tho first three months of tho Now Year havo already passed. How much money havo you saved? April first marks tho beginning of tho socond quarter of tho year a now, intorcst period at this bank. Ono dollar or more will open an account and if deposited on or before tho 10th, will draw interest from tho first at tho ratoof 5 per cent. Deposit NOW! The Platte Valley State Bank E When in Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing la back of these hotels. Guests may stop, at any ono of them with tho as surance of receiving honest valuo nnd courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY I LET US REPAIR YOUR AUTOMO BILE TOP A torn or badly "worn automobile top ruins the appearance of the car. Let us fig ure with you on need ed repairs, or on a brand new top. Drive over our way tomorrow and let us talk it ovor, J. A. BANTA & SON 615 Pine Street, North Platte, Nebraska Now where, oh where is Wo man's Place? What domicile should she em brace? The spinster murmurs "In the home." The bathing girl says "In the foam." The weary wife "Oh, let us roam." But they're all wrong: it's in tho gloam ing shades by rivers cool and sweet, In nook, in cranny, dim re treat. Prom e'en the moon's inquir ing face. Yes, there, oh, there, is Woman's Place. It's all you like Connie for and then some more. Sho stands for taxes on gloom! So vote the Talmadge Ticket in tho Campaign of Smile, and Guile and Style, commencing Saturday at the Keith.