The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 28, 1922, Image 9

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Mrs. W. . Edmonds
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "I liavo taken
Dr. Plerco's Favorlto Prescription and
found It very helpful In troubles pe
culiar to women. It Is very strength
ening to tho Internal organs and espe
cially docs It eliminate Buffering at
special times and regulates lu tho
proper way. My daughters have also
taken tho Favorlto Prescription with
tho best of results; they would suffer
bo at times that they would bo com
pelled to stay homo from work, hut
after taking this medicine they have
not suffered since. Fnvorlto Prescrip
tion Is tho best medicine a young wom
an can take If suffering In this way."
Mrs. W. L. Edmonds, 705 Second
Ave, W.
Tho uso of Dr. Pierce's Fnvorlto
Prescription has made many women
happy by making them healthy. Got
it at onco from your nearest druggist,
in either liquid or tablet form. Write
Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel In Buffulo,
N. Y for freo advice.
Headquarter! for Merchants, Cattls
Men, Agrlculturlits and
Their Families
Fireproof. Rooms 11.25 upwards
Tho Hotel with a Reputation
Take Dodge Street Car Lino from Depot
IIA11PKH. & URIEL, Proprietors
Cures Colds in. 24Hours
La artppe tn 3 uars
M W.W. Ml l-L. CO., DETROIT. J
Ladies LetCuiicura
Keep Your Skin
Fresh and Young
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c
These Letters Recommending Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound Will Interest You
For Your Own Good Please Read Them
YoungBtown, Ohio. "Last fall I
began to feel mean and my back hurt
me and I could hardly do my little bit
of housework. I was played out
when I would ju3t sweep one room
and would have to rest I would havo
to put a cushion behind mo when I
would sit down and atnightl could not
sleep unless I had something under
my back, I had awful cramps every
month and was just nearly all in.
Finally my husband said to mo ono
day, 'Why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham'a medicino?' and I said, 'I
am willing to take anything if I could
got well again.' So I took one bottle
and a second one and felt better and
the neighbors asked me what I was
doing and said, 'Surely itmust bo do
ing; you good all right.' I haVo just
finished my eighth oottle and I can
not express to you how I feel, the
way I would liko to. If you can uso
this letter you are welcome to it and
if any woman does not believe what I
havewritten to bo true, sho can writo
to me and I will describe my condi
tion to her as I havo to you." Mrs.
Elmer Heasley, 141 S. Jackson St,
Youngstown, Ohio.
"I was very nervous and run
down," writes Mrs. L. E. Wieso of
706 Louisa St, New Orleans, La. "I
Lydia E. Pinlcliam's Private Tcxt-Boolc upon "Ailments
Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. Writo
to tho JLydia 13. Pinkham Medicino Go., Lynn, Massachusetts.
It's easy to chaso any man you can
get on the run.
The art of living consists In not be
ing a (lend one.
1 dSsr-v
Buy Alabastine from your local dealer, white and a variety of tints,
ready to mix with cold water and apply with a suitable bnuh.
Each nackaee hai the crois and circle printed in red. By inter
mixing Alabaitine tints you can accurately
rugs and obtain individual treatment of tich
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants fox Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
who arc constantly in direct touch with
tho public, there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest ' (or
its romarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that ono reason why
so many applicants for insurance are re
jected is becauso kidney trouble is so
common to tho American people, and the
large majority of thoso whoso applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
that they have the disease.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on sale
at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large. Ilowevcr, if you wish
first to test this great preparation send
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham
ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention this paper.
"Does your daughter practice her
music regularly?"
"Yes, Just as regularly as I remem
ber to remind her thnt she must do
Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottle of
OASTOIUA, thnt famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
"The modern girl muffles nnd hides
her ears In her hair," snys Uncle Jed,
"but from my observation she still
contrives to hear when a mun proposes
to her."
Tho housewife smiles with satisfac
tion as she looks at the basket of
clear, white clothes and thanks Red
Cross Ball Blue. At all grocers. Ad
vertisement. Giving a Guess.
"Pa, what Is this heel of Achilles?"
"Something new In rubber, I
s'pose." Louisville Courier-Journal.
would often sit down and cry, and wao
always blue and had no ambition. I
was this way for over a year and had
allowed myself to get into quite a
serious condition. One day I saw your
advertisement in tho daily paper and
began to take Lydia E. Pinltham's
Vegetable Compound at once. I have
improved ever since taking the third
bottle and find it is tho best medicino
I havo ever taken."
Benefited by First Bottle
"I was completely run down and
not able to do my housework. I just
dragged myself around and did not
have energy to get up when once I sat
down. I read advertisements of
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound in our paper 'The Indiana Daily
Times,' and learned all about it 1 re
ceived results from the very first bot
tle and now I am doing all my own
work, even washing and ironing, and
I never felt better in my life. I tell
all my friends it is due to you." Mrs.
Elizabeth Reinbold, 403 N. Pino
St, Indianapolis, Indiana.
You should pay heed to the experi
ences of these women. They know
how they felt beforo taking the Veg
etable Compound, and afterwards,
too. Their words are true.
Live the present hour. Never mind
the day.
Some bnre-fneed lies are old enough
to wear full boards.
A SK your local dealer to rec
ommend a practical dec
orator. If you are unable to
secure one you can do the work
yourself, tinting and stenciling
your walls to give beautiful results.
Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper
match draperies and
Wrilt for special uggullom and
latett color combination!
1MT Crlfili Arc CnaJ RipIJj, Mid.
News of All Kinds Gathered From ,
Various Points Throughout
More than 1,300 people, some of
them from seventeen different states,
many of them from all parts of Ne
braska, crowded the first Mothodlst
church at Lexington to listen to the
dchnto upon speculation and grain
marketing between George Jowett of
Portland, Ore., general innnngcr of tho
Northwestern Growers' association,
nnd J. J. Itnlph Plckcll of Chicago, ed
itor of tho Itoundup. Tho title of tho
debnto was "Resolved that speculation,
commonly called gambling, Is a menace
to the marketing of grain." Mr. Jowett
took tho ninrnmtlvc sldo of tho ques
tion nnd Mr. Plckcll, the negative. Af
ter two hours of disputation, tho three
judges decided that Mr. Plckcll had
presented tho strongest argument nnd
nwnrded him the dlclslon.
Tho dead bodies of hundreds of
strange birds were found on tho
streets nnd In the pnrks, at Broken
Kow, following the recent snow storm.
Tho birds somewhat resembled the
sparrow In form, but their markings
wore white nnd brown with black
stripes. Since the warm weather of
tho last day or two, the ones sur
viving the storm continued their Jour
ney north.
The Board of health hns Issued or
ders that all homes to be placarded
where there ore patients with Inlluonzn. ;
There Is moro sickness In Nellgh nt ;
Mio presonttlme since tho epidemic of !
a few years ago. All social functions j
have been postponed Including the nn-
nual banquet to bo given by the Farm
ers Union,.
James P. Penney, 24, of Crookston,
shot and fntnlly wounded his father,
Frnnk Penney, during a qunrrcl over n .
load of straw. The father endeavored
to stop .Tnmes from tnklng tho strnw.
Tho boy jumped on top of the stack,
drew a .38 cnllber revolver and fired
two shots, both of which took effect.
In anticipation of the threatened
strike at the coal mines n good supply
of coal Is being laid In nt tho Sold
iers' homo nt Grand Islnnd. Cars
aro being received every few dnys
and several hundred urns nro already
on hnnd.
A firebug set fire to the Empress
theatre, In Fremont, causing a $10,
000 loss, In tho opinion of Flro Chief
Harry Morse. L. P. Cable, trap
drummer, lost his collection of Instru
ments and traps, valued at S2.500.
Flro which started In tho George
Fredrick grocery store nt Antloch, de
stroyed seven buildings in tho most
Important business block In Antloch,
causing n loss estimated at 570,000,
partly Insured.
The congregation of tho Presbyter.
Ian church of Scottsbluff, by a vote of
two to one, decided to build tho new
church home' on tho site of the present
one ntar the business district.
The Annual reunion of the Scottish
Rite Masons of Nebraska will be held
in Onmlia March 20-23. An nttondnnco
of 1,200 Is expected. Chnrles A. Pat
terson, Onmlia Is secretary.
Tho council of West Point hns passed
an ordinance authorizing the calllngof
a special election for the purpose of
voting on the Issuance of $17,000 water
works extension bonds.
With the purpose of making Geneva
a better grain market In view, fanners
of Fillmore county nro organizing n co
operative elevator company. The con
cern will ho capitalized nt $.10,000.
In Federal court, Omaha, three Indict
ments against Thomns Matters, grow
ing out of tho Sutton, Neb., National
bank failure In 3013 hnvo been
Tho "flu" hns struck Cheyenne county
ngaln and several cases are reported.
Tho largo majority of victims nro per
sons who escnped tho epidemic three
yenrs ago.
Mitchell nnd Coring pledged nlmost
$25,000 for tho Western Nebraska
Methodist hospital, to bo built at
Scottsbluff at a cost of .$lfi0.000.
The comptroller of tho currency has
approved tho application of tho Frst
National bank of Wlnsldo to organize
with n cnpltal of $30,000.
"Bo Courteous to Strangers" Is a
Slogan thnt hns been ndopted by the
t Publicity bureau of the Omaha Cham
j bor of Commerce.
Dates for tho Antelope county fair
havo been set for tho four commencing
Tuesday, September 12.
I After haggling hack and forth for
! the Inst two years between the city 1
council and various welfare organi
zations over tho construction of a ',
municipal swimming pool, city coun- '
cllmen have decided to give the people
of Fremont a chanco to settle the
question themselves at tho election,
April 4. An ordinance has boon nas-
sed that orders the Issuing of $25,000 I
bonds for tho construction of a swim- i
mlng pool In the city park. It will !
be 200 feet long and 320 foot wide, i
with a depth of ono and ono-hnlf feet
to 12 feet.
Tho railway commission has auth
orized the Monroe. Telephono com
pnny, which hns 3,000 subscribers nt
Monroe, Albion nnd neighboring
towns, to continue present ratos un
til December 1.
Members of tho Salem Lutheran
church of Fremont havo launched a
drive for tho erection of a new church.
Tho present edifice Is declared to bo
Inadcquato for tho needs of tho con
gregation. Plans for the erection of a
new church havo been discussed ever
slnco tho arrival of Midland college
from Atchlnson, ICans.
Development of electrical current
sulllclcnt to furnish cheap light and
power for tho Platte valley from Suth
erland to Kearney and across to Hast
ings and Irrigation of nearly 1,000,000
acres of land from the projects upon
engineers are busy now In Nebraska.
The total cost of the projects will bo
$30,000,000 to $40,000,000, according
to rough estimates. Tho cost per ncro
to the Irrigated land In tho Plntto river
vnlley will not exceed $35 nn aero, en
gineers say. v.rhls would supply $20,
000,000 for tho ono project nlone.
Winn Mrs. Dirck Smith of Wahoo,
gathered hor hen eggs sho found ono
which weighed n half pound nnd mens,
urod eight Inches around the short way
nnjj,ten the other. It was pcrrcct In
shape. Upon breaking the shell of tho
egg there was another normal size egg
with a good shell on tho Inside, also an
ordinary yolk and enough white to fill
shel's of three ordinary sized eggs.
Arthur Anderson has taken n photo
of the curiosity. It will protmhly bo
sent to tho museum.
Approximately ISO Inmates of Ne
braska penitentiary will soon bo stend
lly employed In tho now prison shirt
nnd overall factory. Installation of
129 lnrgo power sowing machines Is
expected to bo completed soon. Largo
quantities of buttons, thread and cloth
nro already nn hand. Tho factory will
prolmbly turn out 125 dozen shirts a
day, according to Warden Fcnton. Tho
cntlro product will go to a Jefferson
City, Mo., wholesale concern, which
has contracted for tho labor.
Although a foot of snow would bo
needed to make enough moslturo to
greatly benefit wheat In south central
Nebraska counties where the condi
tion is bad from dry wenther, A. E.
Anderson, federal crop expert, snld tho
recent snow would brighten tho out
look. In enstern and western Ncbras.
ka, he said, the crop condition wns
Fairmont Is In doubt n3 to whether
to light tho town by long distant
electric service or continue Its own
plant. At a mnss meeting tho- Public
Service company and tho Blue River
Power company each made a prop
osition. Tho matter was dismissed
when a motion prevailed to print nil
propositions on tho ballot at tho
election April 4.
Seven thousand moro nutomobllca
wero licensed In Nebraska during Jnn
unry and February this year than In
tho snmo months a year ugo, accord
ing to tho state automobile registra
tion bureau. Tho total revenue col
lected as Hcenso fees Increased nearly
$100, 000. Tho nctual number of per
mits issued In Jnnuary and February
was 100,080.
James Pearson of Moorfleld, for
mer Heutcnnnt governor, wns fined
$20 tn county court nt Stockvlllo for
selling milk from alleged tubercular
cows, tho state department of agri
culture announced. Mr. Pearson
pleaded guilty, stating that he had a
number of tickets out, which ho
thought should bo redeemed with
Rotten fire hose which burst In
many places when tho water pres
sure was turned on and frozen flro
hydrants which checked firefighters
resulted In tho destruction of about
lialf ;i block of business houses in
Niobrara after n small flro broke out;
total loss Is estimated at $70,000.
Mrs. Philip Scott, widow of a retired
Saunders county farmer, was awarded
tho widow's share of his $30,000 estate.
Children of Scott Introduced nn alleged
antenuptial agreement, whereby both
forfeited nil rights to s'inro m tho
estnto of tho other.
Public schools at But'to havo been
closed on account of a mild epidemic
of Influenza. Practically nil of tho
high school students, tenchers and somo
of the grndo pupils are victims of tho
Dr. John II. Flnlo: , associate ed
itor of tho New York Times, will de
liver the commencement nddrcss to
the graduating class of tho Univer
sity of Nebrnskn, Juno 5.
A refrigerator car containing moro
than 300 cases of eggs wns totally
lost by tiro at Sterling. The blnzo
Is thought to havo started from n car
Tho equivalent of $2,000 will he ad
ded to tho Buffalo county fair premium
list this yenr In speclnl prizes, tho
awards of Kearney business men.
Tho Sterling Masonic lodge Is con.
tompatlng the erection of a temple
this summer. Tho lodge lost lt9
home by flro a few months ngo.
Paving operations will bo started
Ira Ravenna In a few weeks. About
twp miles will bo laid.
Seven hundred suits aro to bo
brought In federal court, Omaha
against pnrtles who subscribed for
stock of tho Skinner Packing compnny
nnd hnvo failed to mako payments.
Tho subscriptions npproxltnato about
Tho necessary stock has been sub
scribed and a meeting called to or
ganize n fair association at Burwcll.
It Is planned to buy a tract of land
closo to town nnd convert It into a
fnlr ground nnd park. A tourist cump,
base ball ground, golf links and other
features nro plnnned.
Flro dostroypd tho five-room homo
of W. D. Shnnl near Springfield. Mr.
Slmal was alono In tho house nt tho
tlmo of tho flro and almost suffocated
boforo rescued. Tho firemen wero un
able to save tho houso or contents.
Tho loss Is estimated at $3,000.
William Jennings Brynn hns exe
cuted tho deed to his Lincoln residence
to tho Methodist church for hospital
purposes, according to nn announce
ment mado at Dos Moines, Iowa. Re
cently ho offered It to tho Presbyterian
church as a homo for retired missionaries.
tVte Every AU
Tanlac Makes Each Bite
a New Delight
WHEN your dlgestlvo system Is
working efficiently nnd smooth
ly, extracting from your food abun
dant stores of vital energy nnd piling
up a reservo forco of vigor to meet
nny emergency, every blto is eaten
with keen zest and appreciation.
If your mcnls aro not n real ovent,
if you do not approach tho tablo
with tho most lively qntlclpn
tlon of Us delights, then you
arc only half-living, becnuso
you aro only half getting tho
value of your food.
Lack of appetite, or distress
from Indulging the appetite, aro
both duo to tho same cause
failure of tho dlgestlvo system
to properly do Its Important
work. The undigested food
romnlnlng In tho nllmontnry
canal may merely cnuso a dis
taste for moro food when It cannot
toko caro of what It has, or it may
undergo chemical and putrltlcatlon
changes that cause acuto disease.
Besides, theso chomlcnl changes
produce poisonous substances thnt
are carried to every cell and organ
of the body and that cause all Borts
of distressing symptoms.
Tanlac, the famous digestive tonic
and body builder, has achieved Its
wide success because It Is able to In
vigorate the entire digestive tract.
It acts to cause vigorous stomach
preparation of the food, both through
tho muscular churning action of that
Her Baby.
"I've left my babe In thero to dlol"
shrieked a frantic woman who was
rescued from tho burning building.
Policemen were asking tho number
of her room when u 21-stone man In
pnjnmns and a jnunty lint uppeared
on n bnlcony nnd called down: "Don't
worry, Lou; I'm safe."
"My babyl" gasped tho womnn,
Hurry, mother 1 Even n sick child
loves tho 'fruity': tasto of "California
Fig Syrup" and It never falls to open
tho bowels. A tenspoonful today may
prevent a sick child tomorrow. If con
stlpated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has
cold, colic, or if stomach Is sour,
tongue coated, breath bad, remember a
good cleansing of tho llttlo bowels Is
often nil thnt Is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions
for babies and children of nil ages
printed on bottle. Mother! You must
sny "California' or you may get an
Imitation llg syrup. Advertisement.
Much More.
"Old Mr. Grublt holds his own, docs
ho?" "Yes, and ns much of nnyhody
else's as ho can get."
It Is novor too Ioto to mend, marry
or get a divorce.
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Bayc" boxes of 12 tablota-Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Atplrln U Uio Udo mark or Bajrcr Manufacture of MenoacctleacMeitcr of BaltcyUcadd
organ and through nmplo secretion
of dlgestlvo fluids. It then promotes
energetic action of nil tho bowel
muscles and glands nnd enables tho
food to pass through Uio dlgestlvo
canal In tho nonnnl time. Each of
tho thousands of llttlo glands whoso
duty It is to pick up nourishment from
tho food and send this to nil parts
of tho body aro stimulated to
their utmost. Tho wholo result
Is that food Is tnkon caro of
without distress of nny sort
in such manner ns to derlvo
tho utmost benefit from It.
If your appetite Is not keen,
If your food seems to dls
noree with you, If you .aro
underweight, nervous, Irrrlt
ablo and lack energy, glvo
Tanlao tho chanco to show you
that It can work a mlraclo
In your condition as It has In so many
thousands of other cases.
If you are despondent, gloomy,
with llttlo tasto for and enjoyment
of life, try Tanlao and no doubt you
will see the clouds of gloom .roll away
under tho sunshine of health.
You nro entitled to bo healthy,
vigorous, efficient nnd happy. Give
yourself tho chanco to become so ns
thousands of others hnvo, by taking
Get Tanlac from your druggist this
very day. Why wait for tomorrow
when Tanlac and health await you
Are Usually Duo
to Constipation
Vhen you nro constipat
ed, there is not enough
lubricant produced by
your system to keep tho
food wasto soft. Doctors
prcscribo Nujol becauso
its action is bo closo to
this natural lubricant.
Nujol is a lubricant not
a medicino or laxative
bo cannot gripe. Try it
Temporal O Moresl
"Girls havo changed u wholo lot
slnco tho tlmo they used to retire to
put powder on their nones," exclaimed
"They sure have!" agreed Thomp
son. "I called on MIrs Salllc Inst night
nnd she sent word down by her mold
thnt sho wasn't pnlntcd yet, but would
bo right down."
Wlso Is tho married woman who Is
capable of drawing the lino between
coaxing nnd nngglng.