THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CHATS WITH YOUR ' GAS MAN As tlio title suggests wo. want these advertisements to be in, tho nature of friendly .talks be tween us. Our purposo In this is to toll you certain facta about our bUBinoss that will,' wo be Hove, clear nway many unlsuii dorstandlngs. Wo confess that prejudice against tho business has been fostorcd by letting gross errors go uncorrected, but nil this Is going to bo changed so far ua wo arc able to chnngo it. Wo shalt try in thoso advor tlBomonts to answor overy ques tion about tho gns business that has puzzled you. If wo seem to bo ovorooklng any, kindly writ? us about it and it will be ans wered. .Head those advertisements ns thoy appear from time to timo You will not only find thorn in teresting and lnformativo; but wo boliovo thoy will causo you to soo tho public utility busi ness, particularly tho gas busi ness, In a now light. North PlatfeLight & Power Co. . JACK MORROW FLATS Tho ladles sewing club cleared 150.40 nt its (bazaar last Friday night. Quito a numbor from tho Dlgnell community attended tho program horo last Friday night. "Mrs. William Wto Is quite sick with inflamatory rheumatism. Mrs. II. F. Harlan of Lincoln la visiting wltli tho Gus Haaso family onrouto to Sidney, Nob. William Freeze of North Platto was out on tho Flats looking over the winter wheat on his farms and re ported ho found qultp a lot of it dead. Georgo L. Kellogg, county agent, held a demonstration at tho J. V. Die nor nlaco last week to find tho cause of tho troublo with somo ailing hogs of DlencrB'. Huby Hutchinson of Maxwell ban boon visiting at tho Ouh Haaso homo. Miss Mario Sonhcmnn of this vi cinity and Ivan Waller woro married last Tuesday and thoy left at ono on a wedding trip to Polk county. :o: (Financial pago of World-Herald. March 25th.): "Jackson, Mich., March 24. A most unusual condition as regards automo- bllo dollveries has dovoloped hero. Tho local Dodgo dealer is accepting orders Biibjoct to two or more weeks dolay in dolivory. This tlmo of tho year moat companies can usually make prompt dolivory. Tho Dodgo Brothers factory is making moro cars than at any tlmo In its history, running closo to 700 cars per day." Get your Dodgo ordered early. J. V. Itomlgh, Dealer. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dixon Inst Friday after non. Charloy reports that mother and baby nro doing nicely and ho noods nothing moro to mako him happy. NOTICE Union Contracting Pnlntors hold a special meeting and reported a sub stantial cut to bo cffcctlvo April 1. Beware non-union painters. P, 0. Deals, Sludcr and Dlstle, II. II. Landgraf, Payho and Ovron, Canrlght and Weinberger, L. II. Duke, Hupfer and Landgraf. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Raymond Johnson of Cheyenne spent the week end at the II. Johnson homo In this city. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, Dentist, X-Iloy Dlngnosls, McDonnld Bank Building. Phono 07. J. V. Itomlgh reports the sale of Dodgo Brothers roadsters to W. H. Blout and Vic Bergman, and a Dodgo touring to C. C. Lyon of Grant. Cal Schulz arrived Friday ovoning from Lincoln whoro ho has been at tending university to sepnd tho spring vacation with his sister, Mrs. M. Cu hagon. J. J. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE McCABE HOTEL, OVER STAMP'S BAKERY. PHONE 71. NOTICE TO LEG IONN ARIES CARD ' OF THANKS' ' Thoro will bo a Bpoclal meeting at; FIromon's hall Thursday evening March 30. This will bo tho most im- portant meotln'g of tho season. Mem bers having census blanks must fill and turn them in at this meotlng. Tho mooting scheduled for Monday even- ing,"Aprll 3 will bo postponed until April 17, 1922. C. J. LETH, Adjutant. C. A. SELBY, Commander. FARM LOANS Como in and see me when In need of Farm Loans. At tho presont time I can mawko a few Farm Loans. T. O. SWENSON UNION STATE BANK How Men Were Injured last year and how they may be injured this year. A record of claims paid by The Travelers in 1921 IT'S EITHER A DESERT ISLE OR A TRAVELERS POLICY! If a man vonturos forth tho "automobile threatens his earning capacity. If, ho stays njt homo tho seemingly Bafo but actually hazardous Hfo of tho householder endangers him. It has naarrowed down to, a cliolco botweon a desert islo and a Travolors Accldont Policy. The policy costs llttlo. Tho desert lalo lias no appeal. , Number Amount of Claims of Claims Automobiles 29.9 34.3 At Homo 23.7 19.4 Pedestrians - ..15.G 15.9 Sports and Recreation 21.4 14.5 Travel , -M.8 10.8 Miscellaneous 1.5 2.4 Horso and Vehicles ! 1.9 1.7 Bicycles and Motorcycles 1.2 1.0 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS No. of Claims Ami. Paid Cranking 980 $ 83,97819 Foreign muttor in oyo 85 4,098.10 Jolting 90 7,922.95 CrnnkingEntorlng or leaving, hand onught in door , 587 50,879.8 Skidding, ditching or over turning L. 487 S28.089.2li Oporating 60 4.707.10 Carotnklng or ropulrlng 980 56,250.2." Collisions" -.. 920 ' 237,400.25 Around gwrngo - ' 133 - 84,006,08 MlaoallanoQU .-, 131 22,023.05 Total 4,421 $814,315.61 ACCIDENTS AT HOME No. of Claims Amt. Paid Burned In burning houso 9 3.338.C7 Scalded or burned while cook ing, cleaning, etc. 123 14,033.89 Burned while lighting cigar, otc 24 12,000,30 Injured while working around bnniB, shod, gardens, otc. 338 27,091.03 Falls on sUilrs 290 425,416.21 Cutting cornB, too nails, flngor nails , 07 4.316.00 Shaving 90 11,709.86 Sllppod in bath tub 62 6,242.34 Slipped on rugs, floor, otc .. 120 13,608.46 Falls from chairs, tables, eta 63 9,871.01 Runs Into bods, bureaus, doors otc 146 13,803.00 Cut ou bottles, sharp Instru ments, etc. 330 17,058.95 Slips ou lawn, stops, pbrch, etc 339 27,537.37 Falls from ladders, trees, wln- ows 122 39,450.11 Forolgn particles in oyo 66 16,439.95 Hit by falling objects 109 0,635.7'( Gotting In and out of bod 26 2,304.10 Poisoned or Infocted, Insect bites 198 17,309.17 Finger caught In door, win dow, eta 51 1,952.42 Stoppod on broken glaBB, sharp Instrument, etc 134 7,920.09 Carving 1 18.00 Pet animal bites, otc. - 50 2,511.36 Carrying childron, finger In oye, otc 40 2,742.91 Lifting and moving articles 162 10,001.40 Hand tools, axes 294 v 12.753.G3 Miscellaneous ' 223 147,424.35 Total 3,495 $ 160,201.72 x ' ACCIDENTS TO PEDESTRIANS No. of Claims Amt. Paid struck by auto 312 $123,037.31 Struck by team 7 798.02 Struck by bicycle or motor- cyole ' '., 86 2.S0S.0 Struck by train or street car. 23 20,021.1 Struck by falling objoot 31 1.09G.S7 Bitten by dog 24 1,005.17 Sllppod on Ice or wot pave ment 403 04,715.86 Acoldcnts in Public Buildings 209 41,996.98 Foreign partlclo in oyo 132 3,727.01 Fall- causod by unevan ground or curbing i 773 62.151.0S Stoppod on nail,' etc 63 2,320.87 Stoppod on by horso 1 G0.71 Foil Over object on ground 62 4,776. .9 Collisions with nnothcr podes- trian i 16 8,295.14 Collisions with inanimate ob- - Jocts 17 667.62 Miscellaneous accidents 151 31,919.31 Total 2,310 1379,003.42 HORSE AND VEHICLE ACCIDENTS No. of Claims Amt. Paid Collision with autos 6 $ 448.2'. Runaways 20 2,082.58 Collisions 3 ' 1,016.97 Getting In and out 20 1,033.5;: Shying, thrown from vehicle, 37 4,137.59 Horsoback riding , 146 28,735.79 Bites and kicks 35 1,607.62 Working around vehlclos 3 122.14 Miscellaneous 12 1,253.71 Total 282 $ 41,037.98 GENERAL ACCIDENTS 1 No. of Claims Amt. Paid Sports and Rocroation .. 3,170 314,881.01 Bicyclos 73 5,881.84 Motorcycles x 97 18,293.62 Elevators .escalators 32 36,917.56 Miscellaneous . 193 20,782.09 Occupational - 8,001 073,624.17 Total 11,566 fl(100,380.29 Facts, like these, are the season's best reasons for Travelers accident policies 365 davs of the year ' C. F. TEMPLE, District Agent. PHONE 63 :o: Want Ads FOR RENT Stora'go Bpaco in firo proof ware houso. Simon Bros. WANTED Girl for light house work. Phono 1260 J. FOR SALE Baby buggy. Phono 315-L-J. FOR SALE Lots; good terms. Mra. Thomas Axtell. Phono 1212W. FOR RENT Farm and ranch place. Inqulro 1001 N. Locust, nt the Store FOR SALE Cultivated ten acre tract, closo to town. Price right for quick salo. Answer XYZ, caro Tribune. FOR RENT A four room house furn ished. West Sixth St Inquiro nt Owl Cafo. FOR SALE S. C. White English Log horn henB; all young and laying. Mrs. I. E. Qunlly, Box 119. WANTED Room in private homo, closo in, modern; references glvon Address Box 714. FOR SALE S. C Rhode Island Rod sotting eggs, $1 for 15. Mrs. S. Schwaigor. FOR RENT Furnished room, mod orn; half block from court houso, 209 Locust. WANTED Acetylene wolding. of all kinds, prices reasonable. North Sldo Blacksmith Shop. TO TRADE 2 North Platto lots for socond-hand car. Inquire at Trib-uno. FOR SALE Milch cow. Call 955-W or see Paul Burke, 022 South Chest nut strcot. Wo wiBh to thank our many kind friends nnd neighbors for tho -.kindness and sympathy shown us during tho illness and death of ourA'p!ovod Bon, nephew and cousin, Harold. Also for tho many beautiful floral. offorlngs In our late bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Beck, Dr. and Mrs. Warren Hurst," Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Sloverllng, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Botker. ,! :o: Miss Josophlno Robb accepted a position at tho Duko Paint Shop. Sin began hor duties this Week. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAF Taken up by tho undersigned, 4 horses 'ear the stock yards. Coun ty of Llncolb, State of Nebraska; on tho 26th day ' of March 1922: two Uay goldlngs, weight about 130O pounds; ono bla(jk gelding, wolght about 1309 pounds jono bay mnre, weight about 1200 pounds. Dated' this 28th day of March 1922. (Signed) ' J. E. STEVENS. :o: Miss Wilma Coatea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coatos, returned Sunday from Lincoln to visit hor parents. TOR. RENT, Light housekeeping ! grooms at 1221 West 7th St. Cet our prices. FOR SALEAbout 000 bushels Rod River seed potatoes. Inquire Frank iStrolberg, North Platte, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE Saxon "6" touring car, good 'condition; bar gain at $150. Will trade. Call 1247W. FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds and Whito Leg horns, $1 per setting. Luther I. Tuck er. Phono 698J. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock sotting oggs, 75c for 16; $4.50 fo' 100. F. C. Waltomath. 502 S. Locust. Phono 444W. FOR SALE English Whito Leghorn sotting eggs, $1.00 for 15; $4.50 n hundred. 2019 West 0th, J. H. John son. ' FOR SALE Hatching eggs White Plymouth Rock3, 75 conts for 15 or $4.50 for 100. Phone 780F13 or 780F 110. FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. C White Leghorn oggs, $1 per setting. II., A. Ackcrmnn. 008 E. 9th. ESTRAYED OR STOLEN 1 brown maro, 4 years old, wt. nbout 900 lbs 1 brown horso, 4 years old, wt. about 900 lbs. Both.havo white spots on face. W. II. Duggan, Dickens. Neb. Box 9i FOR SALE Reduced from $4,500 to $3,700, flvo-room houso, modern ex cept heat; closo in; nico lawn and troes; garago; $500 cash, balance like ront II. & S. Agency. HEMSTITCHING nnd Picoting attach ment; fits all sewing machines Prico, $2.00. Chocks, 10c extra. Lights Mall Ordor House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. FOR SALE Team, ono buckskin, P years old, weight 1400; ono bay, 6 years old, wolght 1300; soli cheap for quick aalo. Also heavy Harness and a wagon. Sea F. A. Burko, 802 West Second street. FOR SALI3 6,000 Progressive evor boarlng strawberry plants, $2 per hundred; 50 Japanese climbing vines, splondld grower horo; can bo trimmed to any desired shapo, 50o each. C. A. Mooro, 210 W. Twolfth St. Phone 484J. WANTED AmbltlouB boy, doatrious of learning tho cutting, fitting and dosignlng of auto tops and textile ac cessories. Wo have two good openings for tho right persons. Platto Auto Trimming Co., (Rear) 107 W. Sixth St Mr. Maun. VAUDEVILLE AT THE Kr i t y L I I H WEDNESDAY, ONLY DOROTHY CLAIR & JACK BERGMAN Tho vehicle presented by tliom Is up to tho minuto nnd different. Miss CInlr's musical comedy productions Is both clover and pretty and makes a stunning appearance and possesses a personality thnt Is sure to win tho hearts of all. Mr. Bergman Is a basso. Ho is widely known for his beautiful voice, and has boon associated with somo of tho best In tho business. HARRY LA MARK Does a character down east Yankee woman, offering songs and talk and gotting a very good impersonation of a small town maid. Ho appeared for years with Neil Burgess in "Tho County Fair" and has taken his famous female character into vaudeville. ECLIPSE COMEDY FOUR As long ns vaudeville prevails, singing quartets will be In demand, particularly so an act of this .kind, who featuro both harmony and comedy singing. "Tho Eclipse Comedy Four" who presont this sing ing offering have pleased vaudeville patrons throughout tho length and breath of America. FLYNN & TATE Comedy, talking and singing Both Thos. Flynn and Mary Tato who havo recently been motion picture players working for Sollg, Reel craft and others are artists In their particular llnea. Miss Tate is conceded one. of the best, buljt womon, her measurements being al most prefect. 1VLS0 A GOOD FEATURE PICTURE , Graduation! Tho end of the school season is only a few weeks away. That means graduation and commencement for some. Such, days are milestones in the lives of our young folks. Father and mothers treasure swegt memories oi successive development of their children. Perhaps there is no better way of keeping memories always fresh than by photographs. That is our business, reproducing for you a speaking likeness which will endure for years to como. Arrange now for sittings before tho final rush is on. It affords me a personal pleasure to reproduce an artistic and beautiful photograph of our town folks as they are TODAY. All prices reasonable. . Brooks Studio