THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOOK WHAT'S GOING FOR THOSE WHO GO A COLUMN OF NOTICES ABOUT CHURCH, LODGE AND SO CIETY MEETINGS PRESBYTERIAN ilVv' Guild will meet Thursday evening In Uio church basement. MASONIC Tuesday, March 21, 7 p m. Fellow Craft degree. CHRISTIAN Aid Socloly will moot Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All membors aro requested to bo present. LUTHERAN ' AM society wll hold a meeting Thursday afternoon. Mesdames Thay er, Koch, Wostphal and Oostrelch aro to entertain. EASTERN STAR Will hold its regular meeting Thursday, March 23 at 7:30. There wil be initiation and refreshments will bo served. METHODIST Aid Society will meot Thursday afternoon in the church parlors. Those on entortaining commltteo are Mes dames Robert Dorryborry, Cummlng, Tout, J. Tucker, Lunsford, and Logan. k , tlU(3N'ELL , 1 ' . ' y " Frank Dockus and family aro slak with tho flu. Tho mombors of tho Girls Sow ing club sold popcorn at tho sale on Thursday and o nrlchod their treas ury by ?3.3G. Miss Ethel McCrackon returned from St. Paul, Nebraska, Sundayl evening and resumed her duties in ho school room this week. Rev. DLon will preach at Blgnell Sunday March 2 6th at 10 a. in. and Sunday BChool will follow a, m. on tho same day. Mrs. Blaine Combs was so unfor tunato as to lose a beautiful pair of gray gauntlet, fur-trlmed gloves whllo on a trip to Nichols last Fri day night. Violet Fletcher has been absent from tho Maxwell high school the past week on account of being 11 with tho flu. Other members of the family are aso sick. Jesso LaPlant reports that his father, William LaPlnnt, who was taken to tho Green Gables Sanitar ium near Lincoln, last week is some what Improved. Twenty-two members of the Fort McPhorson Sunday school visited the Blgnell Sunday school last Sunday. A ten mlnuto discussion was held on how to increase tho attendance of the school. PRESBYTERIAN Aid society will meet In the church parlors Thursday at 3 o'clock. The hostesses are Mesdames Hart, Wentd land and Deotz. This meeting lias boon advanced one week. :o:- Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mylander and son expect to leave soon for Arllng ton Colorado where thoy will reside in tho future. Altho not in our Im mediate communityTwo regret very much to sco them leavo and wish them success in their now home. Word was received here of the mar-j rJage of Miss Morjorlo Llddell to Pat) Lcwellon of Grand Island. Mr. Lew ! ellcn is in the clothing business there. Mr. and Mrs. Lowellen are expecteti in the city this evening. EGGS FOR HATCHING I can furnish 200 eggs this week' from my heavy laying R. I. Reds, j either In 50, 100 or 200 lots at 10 1 cents each. This we6k only up to ' Monday evening, March 13. South Park Poultry Yards, J. II. VanClcave ' The combination salo held last Thursday by the Blgnoll Community Club was fairly well attended. A salo of this kind Is usually composed of the unwanted things about the farms. Taking into consideration tho offerings and tho financial terms it is considered a success. Tho ladles of the club served the lunch. CARD OF THANKS Wo desire to thank our many friends for their kindly assistance and sympathy at tho death of our beloved Vernon. , .Mr, and Mrs. Trcvlyn Daucet. Mr. and Mrs. Julo A. Doucot. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Mrs.' Leavltt gave" a dress form demonstration at tho homo of Mrs. J. W. Rose last week. About twenty five ladles were present and three dress forms 'were made. Oh Wed nesday she gave a demonstration at Pleasant View school In district 31 and on Friday at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Starn in district 3. all Paper 10c a Roll and up Painting and Paperhanging Store Open Afternoons Ritner Building, 113 W. 6th St. Phone 570 H. H. LANDGRAF Twenty-seven or more- members of the Blgnell Community club at tended the program given at the Nichols school house last Friday ev ening. They report a splendid pro gram, a flno lunch and tho best kmc. of a tlmo. Many woro unable to attend on account of illness. This club wishes to extend a hearty vot of thanks to the Nichols people for their hospitality. R. R. Morris reports nine mem bers for tho Blgnell Poland-China pig club. Mrs. Abercrombio has her poultry club all ready for work. A. R. Leavltt Is still working on tho Hampshire pig club. Mrs. C. E. Snyder, leader of tho girl's sewing club reports that tho girls have al most completed their first course. The children at school aro still en joying their hot lunch club and es j jeclally on vory cold days. H 8 J.t 3 n J.t i j.t J.t i.t 11 j.t $ $ j.t J.t it j.t :.: $ j.t s.j JJ J.t j.t $ $ j.t Jt j.t j.t J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t J.t 1 j.t j.t J.t j. Cold Weather Coming? We will no doubt have more cold weather. The present indications are that the mines are practically sure to close down March 31st. Havo you enough coal to last the rest of the season? We have a good line of high grado coals at the right prices. Just received.another car of Columbine Lump I Per Ton $10 LARGE SOLID LUMP COAL The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. 900 E. Front St. Phone 40. j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t :.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t , , , - ; H If Our Most Wonderful FOR TWO DAYS, WEDNESDAY & THUR The Dresses in this Sale comprises exclusive New Spring Models of high grade Taffetas and Canton Crepe, made up to the minute in style, in all the wanted Spring shades. No two dresses alike and value's to $35.00; while they last, Wednesday and Thursday, at SDAY ONLY $17-75 THE GREATEST DRESS OFFER OF THE SEASON $17.78 ALTERATIONS Free of Charge LADIES' OTJTFITTINO No Charges, No Approvals. Every Sale Pinal . For Heal Dress Values jce Norlh Window Display H s?tJ FOLKS YOU KNOW A lmhv rrlrl wan lnrn rn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stovio yesterday morn- j ing at their homo on East Sixth, ! Charl03 Pitts who was accldently j shot several weeks ago was ablo to J bo moved to his home yostcrday. ( Ttichard Faulkner returned Satur day from Burton, Kansas where he spent two weeks transacting busi ness. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnston thl3 morning. Mrs. Johnston was formerly Miss Gladys Witt. Mothers attention iyou must see thoso wondorful girls' dresses in ' ginghams and percales at $1, Wed nesdayDollar Day only. Block's. Dollar Day bargains in children's drosses, aprons, petticoats, sill; i?aists, silk hosiery, corsets, brasior3 , and silk camisoles, all at $1 Wednes- 1 day, Dollar Day only. Block's. I Dixon Optical Co., lens grinding. ! The Aid Society of tho Metho'disi church will hold lis annual Easter salo of homo baking, aprons and wovon rugs on Saturday April 15. Place to bo announced later. Remember tho adrtroau ui Labor Tomplo next Sunday aftornoon by Chas. VW. Maer. This addross given under tho auspices of the Brother hood of Locomotivo Firemen and En gineers. :o: SHORTHORN SALI3 Wo aro soiling our ontiro lino oi flno cotton Japanese klmonas at $4.75 each for a short time. Hotel Palnco Bazaar. Mrs. J. J. Smith ana daughter Holon returned Sunday from Grand Island where thoy vlsitod Mrs. Smith's brother Win. Nolan. FOR SALE Cholco lot of young Rod Poll bulls at farmers prlcos at PAYNE'S DAIRY-FARM South Sewoy trot ,wMMMwww . .www MMf.HM,MM.WfHMMMMMVMfMtttiMMttM VVV ' " Tho Keith County Shorthorn Breeder's Fourth, Annual Salo will bo held at Ogallala, Nebr. March 2u 1922. 27 Bulls and 11 Females This is a cholco lot of cattle and if you want a good bull or a few choice females, don't fall to attond this sale. For cataloguo address B. W. Sheldon, Secretary. Ogallala, Nebraska. -:o:- LET US REPAIR YOUR AUTOMO BILE TOP A torn or badly worn automobile top ruins the appearance of the car. Let us fig ure with you on need ed repairs, or on a brand new top. Drive over our way tomorrow and let us talk it over, J. A. BANTA 8c SON 615 Pine Street, North Platte, Nebraska JBtXtiBBC3BBtiOSa ROAD NO. 418. To Whom It May Concorn: Tho special commissioner appoint ed to locato a public road as fallows Commencing at tho northwest corner of Elmoro street of tho Vlllago of DlckonB, running thence north to the south lino of Section sovonteeu nbout, sixty rods In township ton, range thirty-two, west of tho Gth P. M., Lin coln County, Nebraska, Uie abovo des cribed road to bo Sixty-six foot wldo, has reported In favor of tho estab lishment of said road, any or all parties having any objections there to, or any claims for amago by reason of tho establishment of above doscrib cd road must ftlo same In tho office of the County Clerk of Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska, on or beforo twolvo o'clock noon of tho 29th day of May, 1922, or said road will bo allowed without roforenco thoroto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska this lGth day of March, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. j.t :.: :t J.t Jt it.t SEED POTATOES. S-C. Rhode Island Red Eggs For Hatching Most protltablo chickens. Extra heavy layorB and all-round utility birds. $1.00 per sot; $G,00 per 100. Eggs hare been tested. Mrs, Geo. Tekulve, Wo will unload a car of Minnesota Red River Early Ohio certi fied seed potatoes about Friday or Saturday. Parties who havo had their potatoes ordored ploase call at car and get them. Wo will also unload a car of Red Moon Flour on thoso date. Users of this flour can get better prlceo on thoao dates than nftor wo put It In tho warehouse. Tho prices will run tho samo at all Fed Moon Dealers. McMichael Grocery. riioiio 441 it ft .J'.l'.v.V. ..'............. JJ ft 8 Ofer Phono 852J 1201 I'. Fourth St. Take Advantage ot This Many households are without any king of a saw owing to the fact that for the last few years saws have been very high in price. Through the co-operation of the Winchester Arms Co. we are in a position to offer you a good grade 26 inch hand saw and a 2 foot rule at $lQO Have a jSaw handy when you need it. W. R. MALONEY CO, . For Wednesday, March 22. 8 ?rwM....MM...........MMMM.,...........,............... ....... ........ :.t I j.t J.t j.t J.t II J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t t.t j.t J.t It . it J.t j.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t tt