THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Jt i.t :.: :.t j.t j.: j.t j.t j.t j.t jt J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t B j.t j.t j.t jt j.t jt j.t j.t jt jt LY. SI 3 Pounds Salt Fish 2 Pounds Lard 2 Pounds Hamburger or Sausage The Only Meat Market on the North Side H. SIMON 8c NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. jwK-iMKfr!tMM-wt' CLIPPING (JIVES ADYICK OF NF-'SOII, BLOWING IN WKSTKRN KAX- 1IKASKA FARMIIR TO OT1IHK "Nothing will liolp tho fiirmor nnd tho cattlomnn out of tho holo bo quick ly and offlciontly iuj Individual work," said a woll known Nobraska fanner In Omaha this week. TUIh farmer SAS IS PRKVKNTl'B BY liiSTHit rirnitow A mothod of controlling soil blow ing In tho wostorn part of Kansas has boon worked out by county ngontM co-oporatlvoly omployod by tho United States department of un said that ho had not much oonffdenco rlculturc and tho KnnsiiB State AgrI In many of tho curo-nll Hchome pro posed for farmors by doctrlnarloa and othorB seeking advisory Jobs In which tho hours were short and tho pay high. Among tho pollctos suggested by tho fannor for his brothorn woro: A fow hour attontlon to Uio caro of machinery oacli mouth to prolong tho period of Its utility. Kooplng up farm buildings by re pairs and occassional painting so that a dime In time may bo onablod to savo ultimate dollars. Using stuff produced ou tho farm for tho table instead of soiling ev erything at deflated prices and buy ing at high prices. Hogs, small flocks of sheep and chickens and a woll-BoIeclod dairy herd to oko out the daily lncomo and utilize wasto products. Tho establishment of short porson al credit at banks to onablo a small j pletely destroyed. In fourteen eoun- eulturo collogo. Tho limited rainfall In this aroa, with altornatc freezing and thawing, causes tho top soil to bocomo a pulverized mass, which blows readily. During tho winter and spring of 1021 tho westorn counllos nufforcd an unusual amount of lass from soil blowing. Tho most practical method of counteracting tho effect of blowing consisted of running Hstor furrows nt Intervals of about twenty feet at right angles to tho provalllng wind. Tho furrows need to bo renewed oc aslonally. and if tho weather is un usually dry and windy now lister fur rowp should bo run between the first cues. Six mon tried this mot'ioi on 300 ncros in Moado county and cut wheat on this land avenging from 10 to 20 bushels to tho acre, while the wheat on tho otltor fields ot their own and tholr neighbors were coin- loan to go a long way instoad of plastorlng all of his possesions for loans that ho can not uso to adnn tago. Kooplng out of tho clutches of ex ploiters, especially tho suro-thing stock promotor. Tho acquisition of tho business mothods by which other buslnoss mon obtain tho full working valuo of tholr capital. Intelligent work, which mnkoa tho largest posslblo uso of ovory minute of timo nnd every effort That provident sonso which lays by a surplus, however small, for a tight timo, which is a policy followod by tho humblest business man. Drov ors Journal Stockman. t:ea 05G farmers used mctods to pro- wnt soil blowing on 8,0r-i acres :o: FARMERS :o:- Wo nro Boiling out ontlro lino ol tlno cotton Japnnoso klmonas at $4.75 each for a short timo. Hotel Polaco Bazaar. i..'i..i.V4'..-..V.-..-.V...?V..-.......W..'WJi 1 J. S.TWINEM ED.l MiMiiroiuthIo Physician k Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery llonpltnl Accoimnodutlon I'lutto Valley Hospital J.t Former Nnmo Twlncm Hospital. N01ITI1 PLATTK, NKBlt Wo wold all kinds of parts for all kinds of machinery. Work guaran teed and prices reasonable. Formerly S. & It. Ropalr Shop, loaned one block west and ono-half block north ot post oflcc. Murphy's Welding and Repair Shop. :o: Tiny AutomoDlle. An Australian father has Just com pleted tho construction of n motor car, which Is what they call an automobile In Australia, for his son. Citizens of Sydney found much to laugh nt and n good deal to prnlso when the little son appeared In the smallest practical mo tor car In the world. The motor car, which was built In two years, Is a complete model in ralnluture of a big car. It hns a one-horsepower air cooled engine, with forward and re verse cenrs. electric head and tall Debts, etc. Tho little driver has mas tered his costly toy and Is able to drive proudly along In places where traffic Is scared. Tho story of tho first drive docs not mention whnt name hns been conferred on this Australian product, :o:- WILL SACRIFICE PLAYER PIANO For qulok turnover will sacrifice prlco. Playor In our possession In North Platte and must bo moved at once. Easy paymonts. Write quick for particulars to tho Donvor Music Co. Denver, Colo. i Brood oow bate! i FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1922 This will bo your last cluuieo to buy tho big kind of llrood Sows sold at North Platto this spring. TIUb is tho timo wo nro soiling the blggost and boat bunch of bows that wo havo ovor sold. You will agree with ub whon you soo tho otforlng. Thaso sown nro bred to farrow from April 1st to May 1st, so tho warm woathor will holp to savo tho litter. Como to Uio salo and buy onoof those good Duroc Sows bred to roal tried boars. Salo to bo hold at ' II ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 rrniiimm yi mi- in mmhuhi Tno Illocks South of Depot, TERMS: Cash or G months timo with good socurlty; 10 per eont iuterost. Frank Strolberg and Geo. Schwartz. UNION STATE IlANIT, Clerk JKNSKN and JOIIANSI'N' Auollonecrs ji 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 III 1 1 ID 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 lf I The Broken f 1 Engagement By WINIFRED DUNBAR f iTi 1 1 1 r 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright, 1S22, Western Newspaper Union. "I'm in a trap, that's what I ami" vociferated Martin Dalton, "and you've got to holp me out of It." Hugh Wayne, lawyer, smiled slight ly. Ho did not hide an Irrepressible sentiment of contempt for his fussy, erratic client. "I heard she was heiress to a big estate." continued Dalton. "Come to Ilnd out, she has simply an Interest in a lawsuit that may drag along for years, and when It winds up all the funds will go for litigation. You're my office phono 241. lawyer I've come to you for advice." "Well, what do you expect me to do?" questioned Wuyne. "I am engaged to ills Croydon. I want to break the engagement 1 I want you to help me get It rumored around that I've lost a lot of money. That'll fix things sure I" Wayne neither assented nor dis sented to this suggestion. Ho hnd met Vera Croydon more than once. Her sterling, charitable nature hud up peulcd to him strongly. Ills life had been a lonely one. Now ho was glad that this peerless woman was not to marry Dalton. During tho next two or three days Wayne learned how Miss Croydon, her sisters mnrrled off, the freshness of girlhood passed away, longing for a homo ntul companionship, had accept ed an offer of mnrrlage as a refuge frpni loneliness. In about a week tho town was startled, then interested nnd then all gossip and tattle over rumors of the llnanclal ruin of Dalton. Tlien, one morning, Dalton came into the' law yer's olllcc. "Well, I suppose you know rm bankrupt 1" he gloated. "Yes, It's all over town," nouueu Wayne. "I have written to Miss Croydon, telling her of my changed fortunes. I suppose she will be down here to see you, hinting about disappointment, balm for a broken heart, and all that." "I doubt It," observed Wayne, dry ly. "Oh. vou don't know women ns I dot Well, then, If she Is ut all ob streperous. I'll give her a thousand dollars to let me off. Fix It up with her. I've had a narrow escape." It was with dllllculty that Wayne could endure the coarse, offensive bar gaining of the selfish, calculating Dal ton. but he was his chief client, and It was policy to remain negative. Just as he was leaving his olllcc that afternoon a visitor entered, who seemed- to bring with her an air redo lent of ilowers, the fresh air and the subtle charm of rare womnnly dig nlty and beauty. It was Vera Croy don, and tho henrt of the young law ycr beat faster as he recognized her. "I have come to nsk you to speak for me to Mr. Dnlton," she said with downcast eyes. "In all honor he paid mo the compliment of nsklng me to become his wife. I lenm now that he has lost his fortune. I gave my prom Ise I cannot break It. Ills poverty will make no difference to me." Wayne was amazed. Then he fancied he rend between the lines. This noble woman respected a solenm pledge. She must know she was sac Hiking herself, but she stood firm He would not tell her of the money offer, of the real sentiments of Dal ton. To his Intense satisfaction Dal ton happened Into tho office at that moment. In a polite, easy way, Wayno managed to leave them In con sulfation. He walked up and down the corridor while they were con versing. Finally, Dalton came out with the activity of a man escaping something he dreaded. "Engagement canceled 1 Let me oft without a penny," Jubllnted the heart less mercenary. Keen-witted Hugh Wayne could not fall to read the ex pression of relief he noticed on the fuce of Miss Croydon. "I fear I have grazed a serious mis take," she said, with a bright smile, aud the soul of Wayno took hope. Somehow he got to calling upon her. Then ho beenme Interested In tho great lawsuit, which Involved her Inherited fortune. One dny, several months later, Dalton met tho lawyer on the street. "I say," he observed, "I sec In the papers that Miss Croydon hns won her fortune, after all?" "Yes," assented Wayne. "Wish I'd stuck to her," remarked Dnlton. "You helped as her lawyer, didn't you? Pig fee. I Bupposo?" "The best in the world," declared Wayne. "Do tell -ivhat now?" "Herself. Miss Croydon becomes my wife next week." Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Spcclnlty, tit Real Estate. Referenced aud Dat Flrxt National Dank. North Platte, Nebraska. GEO. D. DENT Physician nnd Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgerj nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Offlco 130. Residence lit Res. phono 217 L. C. DItOST, Osteopathic Physician North Platto, Nobraski Knights of Columbus Building. DR. L. A. SNAYKLY DENTIST X-Ilny Diagnosis Oxygen nnd Aiiafhcsla. Over Union State Bank. Phono 200. DERRYBERRY & FORRES. Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Dlrectori Dny Phono 41 Night Phone Black f88 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES FOR LIN COLN COUNTY FOR YEAR' 1922. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. W. T. PRITCIIARD Grndunto Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterlnarlat Hoppltnl 316 South Vino Street Hoi jttol Phono 033, Houso Phono 633. Estato No. IS 19 of Mary Stella Sholly, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County; Ncbranka. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons lntorostod In said Estate take notlco that tho Admlnlstator has filed a final account and report of his administration and n petition foi final sottlomont and discharge as such, Administrator, which have been sot for hearing boforo said court on March 28, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., wnen you may appoar und contnt the same. Dated March G, 1922. WM. II. C. WOODHURST. (Seal) County Judne. i - r i TRY McKAIN'S CAFE Fresh Lino of MEATS AND GROCERIES 10S E. 0th St. GEO. McKAIN, Prop. DK. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102 war. WALDORF, Tinner. Makes or repairs anything mado of tin or sheet metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital. Office 340 Houseias DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Ovor the OaBls. North PlatU DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Bay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Phones Office 642, Residence 676 Goneral fund $75,000.00 County roads 40,000.09 County bridge - 50,000.00 County Agrlculturo socloty - 2,000.90 Farm Buroau 4,475.00 Spocial Bridge Precinct LotIcs. Osgood brldgo Precinct $1,500.') South Platto Precinct 1,500.00 BIrdwood brldgo Precinct 2,500.(10 Platto bridge Precinct 2,000.00 Bostwlck bridgo Precinct 500.00 Horshoy bridgo Precinct 700 6C East Platto brldgo Precinct 2,000.10 School District Bond IotICs. Dist No. $25,000.00 2.500.W 1 7 18 21 23 31 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 NOTICE Notice Is hereby clvon that the im- dorslgned will on Wednosdav. March 29, 1922, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. sell ut pubic auction, to tho hlehost bidder. for cash, at tho front door of tho lm- ulomont Store of Derrvberrv j.nrf Forbes Imploinont Compnny. at 400 Locust Street, in tho city of North Platto. County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, ono second hand Max- ,woll touring car, Manufacturers serial number 326277, Motor numbor 33181J number of cylinders four, year model 1921, which salo will bo under and by virtuo of a certain conditional sales agroement, made and ontered Into by ono W. K. Portor with Derry borry and Forbes Implement Com pany, dated May 25. 1921, and there after assigned to Commercial Ac ceptance Trust, tho assignee and hold ,or of said conditional sales contract, and which conditional sales contract was recorded on May 20, 1921, in the offices of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska the amount claimed to bo duo thereon at tho timo of tho first publication of tho notice of this salo, to-wlt, March 7, 1922, being the sum of Six Hundred Three and 05-100 Dollars ($G03.05) with Interest at 10 por cent per annum from and after said date. COMMERCIAL ACCEPTANCE TRUST. By Wm. E. Shuman, Its Attorney. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 37 3,500.00 47 100.G1 55 5,000.0.) 67 450.00 82 1,000.00 94 . 350.90 105 300.00 111 300.M 113 200.09 110 200.00 119 200.00 120 200.00 12G , 300.00 131 350.00 132 500.00 133 500.00 Special Building "Fund LotIcs. Dist No. 19 200.00 33 $2,500 00 60 900.00 65 1,000.00 91 200.00 100 300.00 130 200.80 131 200.00 132 300.00 133 300.80 Tho above and foregoing Is a cop of the estimato of expenses mado by the Board of County Commissioners for tho year 1922 at North Platte, Nebraska, this 3rd daya of February 1922. B. H. Springer, T. M. Cohagen, H. Cokor, Attest: County Commissioners. A. S. Allen, County Clerk. 3rRS. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture and tho. Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phone 1147; DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor 7 Building & Loan Building. 5, (! Offlco Phone 70. Res. Phone 124? DR. 3. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases ol Women and Surgery OVEIt REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Offlco 127 Resldenco 656 OTIS It PLATT, M. D Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answored Day and Night. Over Union Stato Bank. Offlco Phono 29GW Houso Phone 290R Notlco Is hereby given that the un dorslgned havo formed a Corporation under the laws of tho Stito of Ne braska under tho namo and stylo of "Tho Stir," with Its principal nlace of transacting its business in tho CU7 of North Platte, Lincoln County. Ne braska and tho genoral nature of tho business to be transacted being the gonoral merchandising of mens cloth ingi gents' furnishing goods and othor merchandise; that tho amount of tho capital stock Is the sum of $15, 000.00, vkich lias been paid in by the salo of morchandlso and fixtures as authorized by tho Bureau of Security, Department of Trado and Commerce of the Stato of Nobraska; that the time of the commencement of busi ness is tho 2nd day of January, 1922 and the termination of tho corpora Hon, January 2, 1942, and tho high est amount of indebtedness to which tho Corporation can at any timo sub Joct iteolf is tho sum of $10,000.00 and that tho affairs ot tho Corpora tion will bo conducted by a Board of Directors, consisting of not less than three persons, and .a President, Sec rotary and Treasurer, tho offices of Socretiry and Treasurer may be held by ono porson. ED. J. VANDERHOOF, EVA VANDERHOOF, and J. GUY SWOPE, Incorporators. john s. snrais, m. d. Special Attontlon Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Offlco Phono S3 Residence Sb The Farmer's Auctioneer H. ML Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 "In the Swim." The phrase, "In tho swim," Is very easily understood and Is used todny, as It has been for many years, to do 1 uto that a person Is In tho midst of prominent activities, either In society-, In business or In any other field. That 1 tie origin of tho expression had some thing to do with fish and water is obvious. It is presumed thnt It had been borrowed from tho fishermen on the Thames who cnlled thoso portions of tho river where tho greatest num ber of fish could be found, "the swim." The reverse of this snylng "to bo out of the swim" Is tnken from the same source. A Thames tlshormnn who hns vainly tiled to mako n catch remarks thnt ho Is "out of tho swim," meaning thnt ho happens to be near n spot 1 where fish are twro. For thoso who do not havo enough stock or machinery for a goneral farm salo, I am located so I can hold a combination salo at North Platte or at tho Falrvlow dairy 1 miles wost ot town. I havo always got enough stock or machlnory listed with mo so we can hold a combination sale any timo. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE LEYPOLDT & PEN NINGTON COMPANY TO BE HEREAFTER KNOWN AS THE NEBRASKA MILL & ' ELEVATOR CO. August Folber, Oliver Crissoy, Mar garet Crlssoy, A. Felbor, T. B. Ward, Treasurer of tho Oklahoma Blblo and Book Concern; Bortrand Folber, Molvlllo Folber. Arthur Fel bor, Isaac Felbor, Tllllo Folber, Corrlno Folber Schnoffor, E. Cuth bort Schacffer, Oklahoma Book and Blblo Concern, a Corporation; and Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of tho stockholders of the Loypoldt & Pennington Company noiu ai uio onico or the company on tho 8th day of Fobruary, 1922. that tho articles of incorporation of the said Loypcldt & Pennington Company wor.o amended by tho adoption of new nnd amended articles of incorporation 10 t:iKo tno placo of tho articles of In corporation now existing; that under and by virtuo of said amondod articles of Incorporation the name of tho cor poration was changed from the Loy poldtyfe Pennington Company to the Nobraska Mill and Eiovator Company. The principal placo of transacting tho brslne33 Of the corporation Is at North Platto. Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Tho goneral nature of tho cor porate business to bo transacted shall bo tho manufacture of wholesale and rfil dealing In. the commission and brokoiage business in, flour, hay, r'.Min, lumber, fuols, hardware, Imple ments, farm machinery, paints, oils, glass, mo- lding, mill work, stone ri"k. litno. cement, planter, all kinds of building materials, live stock, pro duce foods, seeds, corvl genoral morchandlso business of ovory des- rintlon: the construction, malntoa mce and operation of clovators, mills and machlnory for tho manufacture of any of tho products, and the opera tion and handling of any of tho busi nesses herein set forth; tho buying, selling, leasing, owning and operating of lumber and coal yards and other real ostato and personal property, In cluding mills, elevators and stores ; tho buying and soiling of real estate and to do a goneral contracting busl- all persons having or claiming any intorosts in tho Northeast Quartor , ness; and all othor things necossary, (NE V4) of Section Twonty-soven proper, usual and essential In carry (27), Township Thlrteon (13), North Ing on nny of tho businesses referred of Range Thlrty-ono (31), Lincoln j to heroin. County, Nebraska, roal names un- Tho amount ot tho authorized cap known: Itnl stock Is Two Hundred Thousand You and oacli of you will horoby 1 ($200,000.00) Dollars, of which Oho tako notlco, that Gus P. Wlonbarg. 1 Hundred Fifteen Thousand ($11C,--plaintiff in an action wherein you and 1 000.00) Dollars has been subscribed each of you are defendants filed his and paid for; the balanco of th potltion in tho District Court of Lin- j stock shall bo paid for in cash as coin County, Nobraska on Fobruary sold and Issued. 18th, 1922 tho object and pm ne of I The timo ot tho commencement of SHERIFF SALE Notlco Is horoby gtvon that by vir tuo of an execution lssuod by Wm. II. C. Woodhurst County Judge, in and for Lincoln County, Nobraska, in favor of J. S. Davis Auto Company nnd against Edward Galvln, and to "mo dlroctod, I will on tho 27th day ot March nt two o'clock P. M. 1922 at tho McDonald placo on Section 5, Town ship 13, Rnngo 30, In said County ot for for salo nt public vonduo tho fol lowing proporty to wit: which said action Is to quicv ' '-lu tiffs title In nnd to tho Northeast Quartor (NE 4) ot Section Twonty soven (27), Township Thirteen (13), North ot Rango Thlrty-ono (31), Lin coln County, Nobraska, nnd to ex this corporation was August 5, 190 and 1b to continue for a period of 50 years from thnt date. The highost amount of indobtednesa or liability to which this corporation mny at any timo subject itself Is two- elude you and each of you from any I thirds of Its lssuod capital stock. and all right tltlo and lntorost In and Tho affairs of tho corporation are to said real ostato whatsoovor. Plain-1 to bo transacted by a board of not tiff allogcs in his potltion that you 1 1033 than Five (5) and not moro than and oacli of you havo no right title, I Nino (9) directors; and tho officers lino or lntorost In nnd to said ro.U of tho corporation are to be the presi ostato whatsoovor and alleges that ho ' dent, vice-president, socretnry and lias a new and Independent tltlo to treasurer and such othor officers and said roal ostato by virtuo of adverse ! employees as may bo provided by the possosBion ot said roal ostato for I by-laws. moro than ton years. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho offi- You aro required to answer said ' cors of said corporation have !iore action on or boforo tho 10th day ot , unto set their hands at North Platte April, 1922 or Judgmont by default Nobraska, this 8th dy of February", will uo talten against, you excluding , ivzz. you and each of you from nnd nnd all Two Hundred ton of ice, moro or right title and interest in said real loss, taken on snld execution as the, estate. nronorty of Edward Galvln. Dated this 13th day of March 1922. A. J. SAL1SUURY, Sheriff. GUS P. WIENBARG. By Halllgan, Bentty & Halllgan, His Attorneys. NEBRASKA MILL & ELEVATOR UU.MPAN V . ji icssor.t to thj' I.civpoUt & Pen r.iry Co. By, L. P. JEPSON, President S. M. SOUDER, Secy, and Treasurer. Y 4