The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1922, Image 8

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ScmMBecklu Srtluutc.
WILSON TOUT. Editor and 1'nbUsher.
Entorod at tho North Platto, Nebraska
PoBtofflco as Second Clasa Matter.
Ono Yoar, In ndvanco $1.(50
TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 19,22.
Signs of spring aro to bo soon.
The sap Ik running In the box older
and soft maple trcos. Slight tlngo
of groou aro soon on some of tho
warmer lawns, tho rod wing, robin
and moadowlark have roturncd from
tho south nnd tho boys aro playing
Tho cook books Issued by tho
ladlos of tho Methodist church last
fall aro on salo at Illnckors and
Nowtons. Anyono from out of town
can securo copies by Bending to either
of thoso firms. Tho second edition
has boon printed and they aro being
offorsd in an art paper binding In
olthor brown or groy and in a .black
oilcloth binding. No cook book
published in North Platlo recently
has had as wido a sale as has this
ono in tho short tltno It has boon
This county noeds rain. Thoro
was a doflcloncy In tho total amount
of rainfall last yoar of almost one
third tho usual amount and thoro
has boon a doflcloncy during both
January and Fobruary of this yoai-.
If tho ground thaws out without n
rain or snow, tho winter wheat will
bo soriously damaged and all kinds
of spring work will bo dolaycd. Ono
farmor who found his winter wheat
brown, dug up sovoral plants and
took them into tho houso anu
.watered them. Thoy camo out and
aro malclnc flno green plants so ho
docs not thing that tho wheat Is dead
ovon If It Is brown. Thoro is yot
plonty of tlmo for most of tho wheat
but wo must havo molsturo boforo
long if wo aro to got a full crop.
Taxes miiBt como down. Thoro Is
a lot of scntlmont nbout somo of the
various actlvltlos of our government
nnd thoso lead us to Bay that thoy
rro worth tho money. If wo woro
to grant that there Is no wasto, nor
oxtravagenco nor graft In any way
In any part of our govornment wo
would still say that taxes must como
down. Wo' aro nQt conducting pub
4I0 business as wo do our private
business or olso wo aro neuror bank
ruptcy than wo think wo aro. When
a Bchool or n city or a county or a(
stato or a nation spends moro than
it takes in it cannot continue long
to pay Its dobta. You cannot mako
good citizens of our taxpayers when
thoy aro drlvon to robollion every
time thoy go to pay tholr taxes. Bubi
noss at a tjtnndstlll, ronts out of all
proportion, school, and, pity warr
ants bolng registered and drawing
oxcosslvo intorest and discount, prop
erty transfern practically stoppod,
monoy lntorost high and resources
tied up; that Is tho story of high
lax9 and until each unit from the
school district to tho nation gets
back to a sano basis of joxpondlturos
thoro .will bo no roturn of prosperity
TaxoB must como down. '
Tho Tribune editor believes that
tho best Inlorosts of all tho pcoplo
of Lincoln county would bo sorved 1
by announcing at tills tlmo that North
Platto Will not undortako to COlo-
brato tho Fourth of July by any kind
of n community oftort Thoro nro a
number of communities in tho county.
At Union Stock Yards,
IN THIS SALE There will bo 250 to 400 head of cattle.
3 loads of native steers weighing around 750 pounds, a
good kind. 1 carload of Whiteface stock calves, good
quality. A lot of mixed cattle, cows, calves, heifers,
steers, bulls, butcher stuff, milk cows, which will sell in
small lots.
150 Wyoming Hereford 600 Pound Stcors are billed
here for the 20th, which will sell treight paid to Missouri
River, feed and transit on any branch of Main Line.
Bring what cattle you have to sell to the Auction March 20.
Stock cattle aro selling good now. .
Wanted for the next Auction, March 27, 1922.
which would Uko to colobrato tho
Fourth but thoy cannot do so whon
part of tholr pooplo com6 to North
Platto. So thoy havo had to glvo
up to North Platto for sovoral ydars.
Now North Platto should glvo up to
them. Wo would Hko to go some
whoro olso this yoar. It has boon
proposod that wo havo somo gooa
auto races horo on that day but this
has mot with opposition. It was
proposod to havo a gonulno wild
wost and ono promotor has boon
hefto during tho past weok Booking
to put on his show but ho did not ro
colvo much oncouragemont. It waB
BUggostcd that a pageant would bo
tho propor way to colobrato tho
birth of our nation but no planB havo
yet boon made. Each of tho ideas
suggested has had as it basis tho
making of monoy by somo organiza
tion. Thoro Is no doubt but that
thoso organizations need tho money
but thoro is somo doubt if tho Fourth
of July Is tho tlmo to mako it. Wo
bcllovo that tho other communities
In this county should bo given tho
right of way this year and that
North Platto so announce at once.
Let North Platto go visiting this
yoar and bco what a good whole
soulod colobratlon tho other parts of
tho county can put on.
I Wo wish to extend our dcopost grat
itude to our many friends who were
so kind to us In the timo of our sor-
'row for tho loss of our father.
I Mr. and Mrs. dco. Tekulvlo.
Arthur Gregg will loave the latter
part of tho weo kfor Omaha where ho
has a farm.
1 John Nolson returned today from
Sterling whcjro ho looked after busi
ness matters.
Rov. N. P. Patterson of this city
has Just purchoned a Duiclc six tour
ing car of tho North Platto Bulc
Auto Co.
J Mrs. C. A. Madison roturncd to her
(homo In Choycnno after spending tho
pnst week with ner slstor Mrs tiios.
Watts (
John Mcllvaln will leave tomorrow
for Chicago and Now Y8rk City whore
ho will spond two months visiting
Troop 7 of tho Boy Scouts won tho
championship pennant when It won
tho final game Saturday night from
troop 5. Tho scoro was 1C to C.
Mrs. T. Qulnn and daughter Frances
aro guests at tho Joo '(Julnn home
this, weok. Mrs. Qulnn Is In tho ' city
to sco her sleter who Is receiving
j medical treatment hero
. Mrs. T. C. Jofforlcs of Chlco, Calif.,
apont several days In North Platto
visiting frlncds. Sho left for Ogalalla
, yostorday to visit her son George
onroute homo,
Palace Cafe
Everything first class and prices
reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific
March 20y
North Platte, Nebr.
BROWFIELD, Auctioneers.
.'.Si i
V :;it
Miss Ida Ottenstcin entertained at
a dinner at her homo Sunday oven
lng. Read tho Bargain Countor list.
Tho Yeoman drill team left yesterr
day for Curtis where It will Initiate a
Miss Lola Jonos arrived Sunday
from Lincoln to visit Miss Lillian
Dixon Optical Co., tests oyes.
E. N. Lowo has accoptod a position
In tho repair department at tho Shoo
Tho caso of Bishop vs. Liston is be
ing fought In district court U1I3 weok.
It Is a Jury case and may take sovoral
Did you know tliat tho film for
"Tho Throo Muskctoors" showing dt
tho Keith Thoator, Saturday, Sunday
and Monday, total longth was over
two and ono-half miles long. This is
Douglas Falrbank's beat picture. For
tho benlflt of out of town visitors,
tlioso living wost of North Platto can
nrrivo on Train No. 10 and seo an on
tlro nftornoon mntlnoo and catch
Train No. 17 homo. Matinoo on Satur
day and Sunday. Fronm tho cast you
can arrlvo on Train 17 or 25 and seo
tho ovonlng show and roturn on train
No. 4.
Tho local High school debating
toam will go to Lexington noxt Friday
whoro thoy will contest. with the toam
from Umt school In tho district cham
pionship rnco
Tlio community Balo at Dignoll will
tako place on Thursday of this week.
Many moro nrtlclos havo boon Hstod
than havo boon advortlscd and tho
salo promises to bo a big ono.
A divorce- was granted by District
Judgo Towcll yestorriny to Mrs. Ema
Artery from rioyd Artery and her
maiden namo of Emma Fry was re.
Dixon Optical Co., oyo Borvlco.
Mrs. Mary Harmon Bacon died at
hor homo last night at tho ago of GH
voars. Intormont will bo mado In tho
Nortli Platto comotary. Funeral ar
Migomonts havo not boon mndo at
bis tlmo.
Llttlo John Uttorback ontortalned
ton guests at his homo Saturday In
' 'mor 9f his tonth birthday. Tho
(Mldron spent tlio nftornoon play
ing games after which a dainty lunch
was sorved.
At a mooting of tho senior class
yostorday "Nothing But tho Truth,"
was chosen a tho class play for this
yoar. Miss Mabol Gibson, a teacher
In high school will direct tlio play.
Miss Gibson acted In this play sovon
tlmos with Unlvorslty playors. Tlio
cast ha not been soloctod but will
probably bo clioson tills wook.
'If '
Seed potatoes
Seed corn
Alfalfa seed
Garden seeds
Want Ads
FOR RENT 4-room houso, 309
Chestnut. Call 10CHV.
FOR SALE While Wyandotte eggs,
$1 per sotting. Phono 691 W.
FOR RENT Storage space in fire
proof ware house. Simon Bros.
FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms
Call 420 E. 10th.
FOR SALE Buick car, cheap. Phono
FOR SALE Good home-grown alfalfa :
seed. Call or sco P. W. Olson. 1
FOR RENT Farm and ranch place.
Inquire 1001 N. Lncust u. tho Store 1
FOR SALE R. I. Red eggs, $1 per
15; $5 per 100. C. I. Lewis, G02 E.
C St.
FOR SALE Good work team. 6 and
G years old, weight 1,400 each. Seo
F. A. Burko, corner Eighth and Oak.
WANTED Acetylene welding of all
I kinds, prlcos reasonable. North
SIdo Blacksmith Shop.
Light housekeeping
rooms at 1221 Wost 7th St. Cct our
FOR SALE Cultivated ten aero tract,
closo to town. Price right for quick
salo. Answor X Y Z, caro of Tribuno.
FOR SALE S. O. Rhodo Island Red
sotting eggs, ?1 for 15. Mrs. S.
I FOR SALE S. C. Whlto English Leg-
horn hens; all young and laying.
Mrs. I. E. Qually, Box 119.
FOR SALE Hatching oggs, Barred
Rocks, S. C. Rods and Whlto Log
horns, $1 per setting. Luther I. Tuck
or. Phono G98J.
1400 lb. gray mare, with colt at sldo.
Roward will bo paid for tholr recov
ery. J. M. Schopp, Maxwoll, Nob.
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock
oggs, 75o for 15; $4.50 -for 100. F.
C. Waltomath, 502 S. Locust. Phono
FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. C
Whlto Leghorn oggs, $1 per setting.
Also 250-op; incubator In good con
dition, n. A Ackorman. G08 E. (9th
FOR SALE Reduced from ?4,500 to
$3,700, flvo-room houso, modern ox-
. copt heat; closo In; nlco lawn nnd
'troos; gnrago; $500 cash, balancollko
ront H. & S. Agonoy.
'ai' ...
1 . i ;V ,
FOR SALE Five room house, modern
oxcept heat; garage, chicken yard,
double coal house, fenced garden spot,
trees; CG foot lot; close in; Immedi
ate possession. 415 W. Second St.
WANTED To buy a lot In good resi
dence district. Will pay cash but
not war prices. If you want to sell,
address by letter only, giving location
and price. S. I. W., care Tribuno.
FOR RENT 10 acres, under Irri
gation; good five-room hou&e;
hen houso, hog shed, granary,
good barn; all under fence and
cross fenced; just out side city
limits of Sutherland, Neb. Terms
$400, one-half cash, balance, noto, and
Combination Sale
Thursday, March 16, 1922
By the Blgnoll Community Club at Kignoll, Nebraska, beginning at
1 O'Clock Sharp, the following Property will bo sold at Auction:
15 Head of Horses and Mules
7 head of farm horses, 2 geldings, 5 nnd G years old, weight about
1500 pounds, 2 marcs, 7 years old, weight about 1500 pounds; 1 saddle
horso, 7 years old; 3 mules.
1 sow; 2 Duroc brood bows; 1 reglstored Poland China boar; G reg
istered Duroc boars.
25 bushels potatoes (Ohio varieties); 10 bushel Kaffir corn seed; 5
bushols mlllot seed; 3 feed grinders; cream separator; Ford motor;
scraper; garden plow; 2 carder, cultivators; McCormlck grain bludcr;
2 beds; 1 grind stone'; 50-gallon barrol; bread mixor; 2-row cultivator;
4 Bots work harness; 2 discs; rubbor tiro buggy, nearly now; ho
watoror, with boater; harrow cart; potato digger; breaking plow:
In addition to tho abovo thero will bo a number of other entries
from farmers who havo not yot been seen. Theso will consist of live
stock, chickens, Implements, farm tools and furniture.
Thoro will bo no frco lunch but a commltteo of tho lady members
of tho Community Club will servo a dinner at noon.
TERMS: All sums of $10 or under nro cash; amounts over that sum
will bo glvon six months on bankablo papor at G per cent intorest.
Anyono having stock, machinery, tools, produce or housohold
goods to soil should bring It to this sale. For further information call
on any mombor of tho
BIgnoll, Nobraslcn.
COL. DAVID, Auctioneer ItOY ItlCE, Farmers SUito Bank, Clerk
- V i,
, vv. .'
4: f?'
approved security, duo Jan. 1st, 192:
at G per cent. For information ln
quiro from C. H. Emple, Agent, Suth
erland, Neb.
Mrs. J. E. Dixon left this morning,
for Gothenburg to attend tho McNcal
Darrell Hoaley returned homo this
morning from Lincoln whoro ho ac
companied the basket ball team. He '
spent several days In Columbus be
fore returning home. Darrell was the
only member of tho North Platte team
that received honorabo mention on
tho all state basket ball team. He
also received tho football banner for
tlio championship team.
Bo Held