TUB NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE m Walrath & Sherwood Lumber SUCCESSORS TO j i 3 V J! COATES LUMBER & COAL CO. Ik ,.ff J" - V ,v .' m Hi I In consolidating the two above firm's we are better prepared to meet the needs of the public than ever before. We will carry in stock the very best material that money can buy, and by increased buying power- we are more ' y than able to meet all legitimate competition. s ' l; As we have done in the "past so in the future we guarantee satisfaction to all. - Elmer Coates and Robert iDerryberry retain all their interests in the North Platte and Maxwell Yards. 7 Mi LFi Satisfied Customers Made Our Success, Our Motto:---"SERVICE ALL THE TIME" ELMER COATES, Manager. PHONE 7 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Root and Mrs. Crosby were among tho city visitors from Suther land Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Thompson oi Lowollen spent yesterday in tho city visiting friends. Mrs. Hattio Marsh returned Sunday evening after spending tho week end at Clozad visiting friends. , Cora and Fern McNeal left for Gothenburg this morning to attend the funeral of Orpha McNeal. Put Tho Tribune away after all tho family have read it as you will want to refer to it later. Will Holleran left for his homo ut Hastings after spending the past week at --the T. Hanlfin homo. V. S, Combs who lives near Tryon returned to his homo yesterday after spending several days in the city. Miss Ada Wilson of Sutherland spent Saturday and Sunday "In' "the city as the guest of Ruth Sizomoro. Dr. L. J. KItAUSE, Dentist, X-Rny Diagnosis. McDonald Dank Kulldln;?. Phone 07. Mrs. Helen Hammond of Santa Ana', Calif., is visiting at tho home of her par.nts, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. IIo,io. - C. O. Dedmore left Monday for Denver whero he will spend several days looking after business matters Boys knee pants tt 93c, $1.25, $1 45 and $1.95. Tho best for price at the ' Leader Merc. Co. RULES FOR THE CORRECT USE OF THE FLAG IN EXTERIOR DECORATION I L. & S. Groceteria. The Daughters of tho American Revolution has adopted the following as the proper use of tho American flag for outside decoration: Tho flag should bo displayed only botweon sunrise and sunset. It should not bo displayed on stormy days nor at night. (There aro certain exceptions as it floats continuously over tho grave of Francis Scott Key and it should remain flying through out an engagement during a battle. ) The flag should always fly to the breeze, preferably from a staff, when displayed out of doors. It should never bo fastened to tho side of build ings, platforms, etc. Bunting only should bo used In decorations, drapery, rosettes, cur tains and costumos. . :o: : , " " Mosdame3 Neville, Reynolds find Tout will leave today for Lexington where they are to attend the state con vention of tho D. A. R., as delegates from Sioux Lookout cliapter. Mrs. Y. A. Hinman, the regent will accompany Shorn. The convention will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. . Womens Bungalow aprons on sale at 98c, $1.45 and $1.95 at the Loader Merc. Co. Raymond McNeal, tho small son of Chorion McNeal of this city, broke his hip bone near the hip joint yester day. It is not known definitely just how the accident happened ' but it is thought that ho ctMight his foot in the swing and fell. Dixon Optlral Co., Ions grinding. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Edwards and daughter,, Helen, left this morning for Pleasant Hill, Mo., where they will spend three weeks visiting Mr. Edward's sister, Mrs. II. T. Smith. L FOR THOSE 10 60 A COLUMN OF NOTICES ABOUT CHURCH, LODGE AND SO CIETY MEETINGS DEMOLAY Initiation of candidates Thursday, at 8 p. m..' ! FRESBYTERIAN Aid society will meet in tho church parlors Thursday afternoon. It will bo entertained by Mesdamcs Hosford, Slebold and Shaffer. ' ' Keith Theatre, Friday, Mar. 17 Reserved Seat Sale Starts March 16th. RUSCO & HOCKWALD PRESENT 7fRD SEASON Mil V ML L 'SHOW , V IN THE unni n GEORGIA D00MMO ffianci and rckeslpa FOR THE STREET 15 VAUDEVILLE ACTS &OME missionary:. . . ..- Society of tho Methodist churcn will meet in the church parlors on Friday atfernoon. Every member is expected. FRIDAY Tho L. A. to tho 13. of R. T. will moot Friday' 'at 3 p. m. In the K. P. Hall. There will be initiation and lunch will be served by Mosdamos Mc Faddon, Cool, Aldrich and Bailor. RASE BALL , ' Thorc will be a meeting of all who are Interested in base bull for thu com ing season at tho Landgraf harbor shop Wednesday ovening at 7:30 Ev eryone is invited. r KEYSTONE Class of tho Methodist church will ho entertained nt a St. Patrick's party Thursday evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith, 321 West Sixth street CHRISTIAN Ladies Aid Society will hold a social and apron sale Thursday even ing In tho church parlors. Each per son will bo charged a penny for overy Inch ho or sho measures around the waist. All members nnd friends are in vited to attend. Don't forget your pennies BAPTIST Ladies auxilliary will meet In tho church basement Thursday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. This being tho annual meeting roll call will bo held and oach member is to respond with a scripture verse. Thoro will be the annual roport of all committees and tho oloctlon of officers. Each person Is requested to bring a pencil. Tho program for this mooting will bo map studies of tho foreign fields by tho leader, Mrs. E. H. Saunders. Tho hostesses aro Mesdames Lincoln, Thompson, Case, Robinson, Roberts and Clawson. LOCAL AJfD PERSONAL Will Norris departed for his home in Choyenno Sunday after spending sovoral days in tho city. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jackson an nounce! tho birth of a daughter, Sun day, March 12 at 90Q East Fourth street. Harry Bailor returned yesterday from Washington and California whero ho has been spending tho winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Gates left for their home In Choyenno after spend ing sovoral days at tho Gates homo in this city. Mrs. M. Harvey returned to her homo in Cheyenno after spending several months at tho A. E. McCon noll homo in this city. Llttlo Charles Pitts who was shot above ' tho heart a week ago when taln'sa shot gun from a wagon is reported to bo Improving. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rittymhouso re turned yesterday from Lincoln and eastern points. Mrs. Rittonhouso wa-? formerly Miss Carrio Jttarti Mr. and Mrs. Lochlal Johnston who have been spending tho past five months in Now York and other oast orn points returned homo today. Our vast stock. Jn our Rondy to Wear section 13 filled to overflow ing with scores of garments await ing your inspection. Tho Leader Merc. Co. WILL SACRIFICE PLAYER PIANO For quiok turnover will sacrifice price. Playor In our possession In North Platto and must bo moved nt onco. Easy paymonts. Wrlto quick for particulars to tho Donvor Music Co., Donver, Colo. FOR SALE Ohoico lot ot young Rod Poll bulls at fnnnors prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Sowoy street Bred Sale of Big Type Poland Chinas CONSISTING OF 45 Head ot Toppy, Tried Sows and Gilts At farm Ay2 miles due west of North Platte, on' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd Commencing at 1 p. m. Central Time. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS APPLY TO CLERK FOR TERMS. C. G. Landolm & Son and Glaus Anderson I 'OWNERS A. W. THOMPSON and II. M. JOIIANSEN, Auctioneers. F. C. PIELSTICKEK, Clerk If interested call for catalog. mmEmmasBBssw. -:o:- Dld you know hat tho film for "Tho Throo Muskoteors" showing at tho Keith Theater, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, total length was over two and one-half miles long. This i3 Douglas Falrbank's best picture. For tho benlfit of out of town visitors, those living west of North Platto can arrive on Train No. 10 and seo an en tire afternoon matinee and catch Train No. 17 homo. Matinee on Satur day and Sunday. Fronm tho east you can arrive on Train 17 or 25 nnd seo tho ovening show and roturn on trnln No. 4. -:o:- B. V. Cooper roturnod yoatcrday from Ogalalla whero ho spent several days transacting business. " "t ' ' 1 v . j j 1 j s ' "'" mi"" mini iln .i...... i ....Tp. n r...,. n.., .,irJ. rmr1T1, Running the Factory To help turn the great wheeb of industry, there is perhaps no single instrument that compares with the telephone. The telephone keeps the factory in constant touch with the jobbing house, with the hemes of its em ployees and officials, and with distant cities, towns end villages. Of all modern conveniences for saving time and effort, none perhaps is worth as much for the money spent as is your telephone. j Vj Northwestern B EPHONE COMPAMY