THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SemMBecklu Srtbime. 1 1 1 n t ii 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j j 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 f How John Reforms 3 1 His Wife i WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofffco as Second Class Mutton Want Ads SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Ono Year, In advance $1.50 FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1922. EDITORIAL At sometime during tho early part of tho ovcnlng wo pretty nearly havo heart falluro when tho lights go off. Each tlmo wo have a feollug that they won't como on ngaln. Tho motors bc gln to run down, tho darknoss Is in tonBo and wo stand In suspctiso for what accniB sovoral minutes. Then tho lightsl flash on again, Uio motors begin to hum and all sconm well with tho world. It may bo necessary to do that but It Is mighty annoying. Ono follow said It caught him tho other night, Just as ho was taking a spoonful of raspborry sauce to his mouth and ho missed tho mark. Tho other day wo got wind of some of tho work tho Roy Scouts are doing and located whoro they nro at work, bo wo wont over to soo. Wo found tho placo and inspected four or flvo lean to ehaclis and ono bridge Tho la.;?r '.vu. twelvo feet long and was foul it of tho matorlal found on tho groun.1. To mako It more pormancnt tho flo-jr had been fastened on with baling wire. This little foot bridgo had boa built entirely by the scouts and aB I 3tood ' on its centor and could not even shal.c It I wnj moro than pleased. Tho fhacks wcro mostly only partly com phtod and all but ono was of sollu construction and attractive. Ono was flimsy, poorly built and lookod shifty as If tho buildors elthor had no skil! in wood craft or lnd trlod to got by with as littlo work as poslblo. The boys had cut somo qf tho small cotton wood saplings and massed thorn with willows. Tho matorials with tho ox coptlon of tho wire woro all found on tho grounds whoro tho shacks wero built and It Avas a fine oxamplo of woodcraft and what tho scouts can do. Wo -did not learn tho namoa of tho boys who nro doing tho work. Tho litomturo. music and art de partment of tho Twontioth Century club met Tuesday afternoon at tho homo, of Mrs, Harry M. Portor, 1203 west Fifth street, Interesting and in structvo papers woro road by Mrs. A, L-. Lano whoso aubjoct was "Argen tina," and by Mrs. W. P. Killon of Wnlhico, upon Pom. Mrs. Stuart, a visitor to tho club from Ilutto, Mont , told in a moat pleasing mannor main' wonderful things sho saw and unusual oxporloncos sho encountered during a Bovon years' residence in South Amor Ica. Tholmn Starr pleased hor (hoarora with two piano solos. After tho program dolIclouB rorroohmont3 woro sorved by a commlttoo consist ing of Mrs. L. U. Dick. Mrs. II. I. Ilirschfold, Mrs. J. Ilirflchfold, Mru. H. L. Kolso and Mrs. L. II Mason. In spite of tho stormy day tho nftornoan was thoroughly enjoyed by a largo number of ladles. :o: Saturday at tho Cash Market, corn fed hoof post roast, 14c a lb. Phono 2G. I. L. Stobblns. TINNER BU1LDJNG a homo in volves many responsibil ities and calls for import ant decisions at overy turn. Because of this it fre quently happens that tin work on now construction is below tho standard of tho rest of tho job. This can bo in either tho workmanship or in se lection of matorials for specific requirements. Penult mo to furnish you with an estimate on NEW or ropair work. Wm. Waldorf, Phono 517508 Locust Si. m By CALVIN HENDRICKS 5iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiimiiiiiiih3 Copyright, lm, Woittrn Nwpaper Union. John Dunbar mndo love to Mary Woods with all tho fervor of an old romance and lived unhappily for tho rest of their lives. Or ueurly so. "I can't understand It," said honest John at the end of n very miserable day. It wus the twenty-fifth anniver sary of their wedding. "And nobody else can," added his brother-ln-lnw, Ephralm. "Do you know, the didoes, antics and whims of that woman sister though sho Is, I will say it have grown on us uncon sciously. Wo huvo meekly submitted, and sho bus developed Into u regular tyrunt and pretty nigh a nuisance." John Dunbnr sighed In pure helpless ness and desperation of spirit. "She's u depressor and no mistake 1" commented Ephralm. "It's her way or no way In everything, nnd hers Is gen erally tho wrong way. I pity you, John, Indeed I do, from tho very bot tom of my heart I" "Maybo she'll change," suggested John hopefully. "I say, John, you look gray and tired and worn out," observed ISphralm. "You need a little change. Why don't you go up to tho city nnd take a day or two off? See tho folks, have somo recreation. You'll be the stronger for n new battle with life." The suggestion led to nctlou. John Dunbar broke the routine of n ouartor of a century. Ho went to tho city. While there ho attended tho theater. John hud never seen u play before. Its main character was a modern Hera elites who laughed ills wny Into the piny, nil tho way through It, and faded out of It, leaving a smllo on the faces and In the hearts of those of his audi- enco who were nttcutlvc and sympa thetic. At nil events that play made such an Impression upon John Dunbar, that when ho got home ho called together out In the woods nil tho family except "mother." "I've got nn Idea, or rnther a play I saw has given me an lden," ho said. "I want to tell you all what it Is, nnd then as the true and loving children you nro I want you holp mo In a plot to to well, to reform mother." "How, father?" Inquired sixteen- year-old Blanche. "Smile. If mother Is cross, don't get grumpy. If she's out of sorts, don't cater to It. Just smlle-sinlle-sinlle." Thero was a certain fairly mlschlo- vous spirit of delight injected Into tho sltuntion. When Mrs. Dunbar that ovcnlng began her usual "I'm dead worn otit with this ceaseless house work 1" her husbiiird beamed upon her expansively, with the comforting ob servation, "That's because you Insist on doing It better than anybody else In tho town I" If shrewd Mrs. Dunbnr suspected tho obvious change In the genial mood of tho family, sho was dlsnrnTed. helpless to resist It. Then, although she never relaxed that grim temper of hers outwardly and never admitted It, she took a se cret, silent; delight In bnsklng in tho loveliness and Inspiring cheer of tho hours spent around the evening lamp, where the family circle was encom passed In cheery Inughtcr, bright rep artee and smiles. Then a climax came two of them that shook the supposed domestic In fallibility of tho self-willed mistress of the household. "The house has been burglarized 1" was the direful announcement of John one night when they returned from a church sociable. Yes, and four hundred dollars In cash missing from n secret hiding plnco whero Mary had Insisted on keeping It, Instead of plnclng It in tho bank I It was nil her fault and sho looked pretty glum. But no one blamed her. John only touched her nffectlonntcly on the cheek and Bold: "Thankful I wore my wntch I If the thieves had taken that with your pic ture In It, I'd have mourned, I tell you 1" And Mrs. Dunbar actually flushed and murmured: "You foolish man!" and then her hard naturo softened still moro ns tho Jovial family kept on smiling, despite the loss of the money. Tho very next day Mary left a hot lire going while sho ran over to u neighbor's. It was to return to And tho house In flumes. It burned to tho ground. Again her fault t but John only smiled, suylng pleasantly: "Suppose you'd been In the housot I tell you, wo'ro lucky people. You deserve a now house with moro con veniences in It, und you're going to havo it 1" And tho day this splendid new edl flco was completed, and tho smiling faces of tho whole family beamed on moUicr ns sho came up tho steps, her Hp quivered. "John, I'm I'm going to behavo my. Bclfl" sho whispered meekly. And tho comers of her Hps wcro no longer drawn down, btit parted la n way that uplifted nil tho hearts that wero thero. And then a now woman became tho queen bf tho now home, that hence forth was Indeed a vcrltnblo "house of Bmllcs." Analyzed. Mothur "But what do you know about him? Una ho como up from nothing or hns ho como down for some- j thing?" Daughter "I cannot say, I uinmmn. He has tho money of tho former nnd tho manners of tho latter." I Boston Transcript. FOR SALE Hay In stack. T. L Stobblns. Phono 7G0F12. FOR RENT-arage, nt G08 West 2nd St. Phono 12G0J. FOR RENT Storago spaco in fire proof ware houso. Simon BroB. WANTED To rent or buy cheap, an incubator, not less than 200 eggs. WANTED Maturo lady or gentleman to collect and solicit business in North Platto. Address P. O. Dox 678, FOR SALE OR TRADE For Ford, an 8-ycar old Jack. Ralph Saul. Route 3. FOR SALE Hatching oggs, Barred Rocks, S. C. Rods and Whlto Leg horns, ?1 por setting. Luther I. Tuck or. Phono 698J. FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I. Red sotting eggs. Phono 783F22. Mrs. F. Nolson, ono-half mllo west of now ico plant. FOR' QUICK SALE $150 Patho Pho nograph and records; total value $190, salo prlco $85. Dixon MubIo Shop. FOR SALE Registered Duroc Jorse boars; Blre Orion Critic; dams vory host blood obtainable. J. E. Quinn mil Son. Phone 1294. 22(f Enat Third St. FOR RENT 5-room, ground floor apartmont, all modern; 2 blocks oast of court houso. Call 1243 1, St, botweou 5 and 7 p. m. or call Boy Scout office FOR RENT 4-room apartmont, down stairs, modorn oxcopt heat; garage Included. On West Fourth St., two blocks west of court houso. Phono 118. FOR SALE Ono $500 bond for $400,! bearing 7 por cent Interest, lssuod by North Platto Milling Co. B. L. Hart, 1003 Commorco Building, Kan sas City, Mo. WANTED To ront grain farm over twonty acres or moro of Bandy soil under Irrigation. Llfo oxporlonco on farm. Havo equipment on hands. Will pay cash or shnro rent. Address North Plntto. R. R. A. Phono 784F5. Arthur Grogg. FO)R. SALE Ono corner lot and ;i- room house, barn nnd coal shod: in doslrahlo location for P. F. E. or railroad employes. Will conshlo" good team, horses, mules, cattle or good Ford or bankablo paper accept ed. Phono 1131LJ. FOR SALE I havo oxcluslvo Balo for tho W. S. Dolson homo at 305 West Sixth, considered ono of the finest homes In tho city; oloven rooms, modorn throughout; full basement, fully oqulpped; hot wator heat, also gas hoator; six rooms finished with extra oiled oak; vory well arranged Bocond floor, 5 rooms finished tho vory best; tho walls In this homo aro vory noatly docoratod. This homo will bo shown only by appointment Will glvo good tormB. Phono 323; ovonlng phono 1130. E A. Olson. :o: You can lot tho chlldron road Tho Tribune They will not And anything In. it that will bo offonBlvo. Porno ittdlm aJMjr The Dunn-Pen cleans itself while you are filling it It has no rubber sac to rot, crack, and leak nothing to break or to get out of order. It holds several timet as much ink as any other self'Jilltr. DIM-PEN Tkt Ffntatn Pt wllk ike LlltUKtJ I'ymp-llauJU It's the .final fountain pc re sold under an ab solute guarantee. Cametnand ot your STONE'S DRUG STORE i Maiorl'.llt i Standard 3t,i-. I'OpillT l'lii-l'oiut) 1 OoUui m 1 I he CARROLL GOES TO KANSAS CITY AS SECRETARY OF THE RESERVE INC. Word was received yesterday from Kansas City saying that al contracts havo boon signed and dotailB settled 1 in tho organization of tho Resorvo with Lolgh a Carroll of this city as sec retary. Tho following clipping from tho Kansas City Star of Wcdnesdey will glvo tho plan of tho Reserve: A hugo rosorvo storehouse for flour and feed tho only ono of Its kli.d In tho southwest will start opora tlon in tho Rumloy building, North Kansas City, tomorrow. Tho storehouse company, to be known as tho Reserco, Inc., will handle tho products of mills In tho southwest Heretofore, southwestern 'mills havo been forced to sond their surplus stockB to oastorn storehouses. In addition to providing a storehouse closor to production points, the Roa sorvo, Inc., will enable- mlllB to mar ket flour and feed nt reduced freight rates. Tho Rumloy building, a firoproot 4-story structure built flvo years ago, contains about three and ono halt acres of floor spaco, nnd is 300x113 feet Tho doal for building and ground was closed yoslorday by tho North Kansas City Development Company. Tho total Investment of tho corporation backing tho projoct Is approximately $400,000. Tho dlroctora of tho corporation aro'Gcorgo O. Shano and Fred O. Shnno of Philadelphia; William Rold of Kansus City; L. C. Carroll of North Platto, Nob.; C. L. Allor of Croto, Nob. They havo filed application for a state chartor. -:o:- Poker In Hand. Wo lived In tho flat above our land lord, lie and his family were In tho habit of going on motor trips every Sunday. So ono Sunday wo were rather ' surprised to hear a peculiar grinding nolso In what eemed to us to bo their kltfhcn. At my husband wnB not presentable, I grabbed up tho poker, for I felt sure It was somo ono trying to break In, nnd bravely ran down to tho front door and rang tho door bell. I thought thoy would hear the bell ring and bo frightened away. Imnglno my embarrassmont when tho door of tho flat opened and tho land lord stepped out and caught mo with tho upraised poker In my hand. When I Anally got through explaining he merely Informed mo that tho nolso was caused by tho grinding of his coffco mill. Chicago Tribune. There is a scarcity of Hatching Eggs People do not know where to go to get good eggs for in cubators and setting hens. POULTRYMEN should advertise in our Want-ad column which reaches every part of the county. T9 1 rib U VAUDEVILLE AT THE Keith Theatre Friday FRANK SHANNON IN A SON OF ERIN" Mr. Shannon has a very fine volco and his rollicking songs and stories will score heavy as laugh producers. Shannon Is always wolcomo after ho has onco been seen. FIELDS & BROWN Loaded with lota of pop in putting across comedy talk, fast dancing and comedy songs. Both wore formerly with Charlotte Greenwood in Oliver Moroscos "So Long Letty" Company. KIPP & PIPPY JUGGLERS Who tako In everything in their work and many comedy situations help to mako their act entertaining. Thi3 net will dollght the audlonco. FRANK & MAE COLLINS Colobrated instrumentalists In a musical melanco using Banjo, Saxa phones, Piano, Accordion intermingled with singing! Mr. Collins was leader of ono of tho famous Ambassador Orchestras which havo made, such a world wido reputation on tho Victor Phonographs. Mao Col lins was featured with this orchestra with her famous Guorrlni Ac cordlon as well as Banjo and Saxaphone. DO NOT FOR GET AFTER THIS WEEK VAUDEVILLE WILL BE SHOWN EACH WEDNESDAY INSTEAD OF FRIDAYS wan made to restore health to people in your condition. It has been of permanent benefit to thousands who were afflicted just aa you are. Why don't you try a bottle? Get in line for better health fceglnning today. .Every Drug Store carries Dr. Miles' Medicineg. H 6 Have you lost your appetite? Do you get so tired with tho day's duties that you're unablo to enjoy an evening with friends or, at the movies once in a while? Are you losing your rosy cheeks and your springy step? Dr. Miles Tonic