Ml 7 s NORTH PLATTE SEail-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ASSURE AS DAWN BRINGS A NEW DAY CASCARA QUININE 4 jetsam . -" . DtXTROIT. For your daughter's sako, use Ilcd Cross Ball Bluo In thd laundry. Sho will then hnvo tlmt dainty, well-groomed nppenranco Uint girls admire. Ad vertisement. With somo artists painting Is more of n habit than an art. mam. wimm rftnTncoTici mssm- wmsmt i mm&i mmm i -.ZSSBBi. Unlit Si W 01 i?.BKHHIft HHB JmtntUOf. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bears Signature TVEW H Always t or v AO Uf For I Exact Copy of Wrappct. In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCHTAUR COMPANY. NEW YOflK CITY. Take Yeast Vitamon Tablets To Get Job-Winning "Pep" Easy and Economical Results Quick. Thin, rnn-down folks who find that business is bad and employment ffl scarce should try taking two of Mastin's tiny yeast VITAMON Tablets with their meals for a short time and watch how their physical and financial condi tions improve. Mastin's ViTAMON Tablets .supply in niguiy concentrated form true yeast-vitamtnes combined with the other hcalth-giv'ng vitamines which Scienco says you must havo to be strong, well and fully developed. If you aro weak, thin, pale, Generally run-down, or feel lacking in brain power and ambition, and want that firm flesh "pep", .T.I.V. . you surely need some of these previous vitamines in your syilem at once. Mastin's VITAMON mixes with your food, helps it to digest ana supplies Just what your body needs to feed and nourish the shrunken tis sues, the worn-out nerves, the thin blood and the starved brain. Pimples, boils and skin eruptions seem to. vanish like mopio under this healthful in fluence. Mastin's VITA MON Tablets will not cause gas and they help to correct constipation. They are easy and economical to take. Bo sure to re member the namo Mas- tin's VI-TA-MON. You can get Mastin's VITAMON Tablets at all good druggists. s Whv not be) a strong! well-built fellow with plen ty of "Pep," en ergy and a clear skin fllowlnr with ruddy health and vigor? Just take Mastin's Yeast VITAMON Tab lets for a short time and watch the truly amaz ing results. YHt ORIGINAL AND CtNUIHE YEAST . VITAMINE TABLET Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increasa Energy When Taken With' Every Meal or Money Back Slnco Women Smoke. Pandora opened her box. "Christmas cigars," she explained briefly. Wise is the famous man who doesn't overwork his popularity. Our Textbook Age. "If I only knew what to do vrlth tho baby!" "Didn't you get a boo!x of Instructions with it, mother?" Most commonly a woman argues the way she gets off a car. 1 SPIRIN WARNING ! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet Also bottles of 24 and 100-Drugglsts. Aspirin U tne trad mirk of Bsy.r Manufacture of Uoecetlcaciditer of Sillcyllcacld NEBRASKA IN BRIEF Timely News Culled From All Parts of tho State, Reduced for tho Busy. Wolf limits aro camouflage for shoot ing pheasant, prulrle. chicken, grouse and other protected fowl and game Is tho charge made by lu Stuhr, secre tary of the department of agriculture, lie declared the "wolf hunt" has be come a nuisance In tho state and that It threatens! the game and fowl ser iously, lie pointed to one such hunt advertised to take place soon near Heaver City In which Is expected 1,000 men will take part. It Is to cov er 140 sections of land. "In somo counties they hold those hunt! as often as once a week and they rarely get n wolf," said Mr. Stuhr. "Hut with such n mob of men, the game war dens nro helpless. They kill the pro tected game and birds by wholesale. If thu thing doesn't stop I will try to have a law passed prohibiting wolf hunts. A short tlmo ago, tho doctors of Pawnee City made physical exami nations of every pupil in tho public schools. Among tho defectives found were very extraordinary cases. One boy was found to bo totally blind In one eye, and altho ho la nearlng his teens, neither his parents nor the teacher had found this out before. Another boy hud inverted eyesight. Everything was viewed upsldo down. Ho held his books upsldo down to read, and peoplo on tho street seemed to him to bo literally standing on thclr'heads. Tho boy and his parents were both un. conscious of tho defect. Tho Kearney volunteer firo depart ment, disgusted over failure of tho city commissioners to purchase .additional Uro-llghtlng apparatus, tendered Its resign,",! ion In n body, effective within 30 days. Tn the Intcrum tho city com mission Is confronted with tho neces sity of cither acting on an additional truck purchase or seeking a paid de partment. It Is possiblo f,n expression of voters on purchaso of a truck will bo usked at a special election In March. A plpo lino from tho Wyoming oil fields to cither Omaha or Sioux City on the Missouri river Is a possibility of tho near future, with construction to begin this summer. Tho Mid-West Co., ono of tho largest operators In Wyom ing, Is the concern behind tho move ment for construction of tho line, which if built will follow tho route of tho-Northweste(il from Casper through O'Neill to enable It to tap the Big Chief llelds north of Itushvlllc, which tho Mid-West now Is developing. Tho famo of Valley county as the popcorn center of tho world is evi denced by tho fact that Miss Jennie Brown of Brlgalow, Queensland, Aus trailia, wroto a letter to County Agent 0. 0. Dalo desiring a supply of tho best popcorn nvnilnblo and has so ex pressed her wants to tho Valley coun ty agent. Valley county has around 4,500 acres of this valuable crop to her credit this year and has had 113 much as 0,000 acres at times. Llttlo Naomi and Georgia Slnnett, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Slnnett, living west of Stella, ought to ho tho most petted of nil Nebraska children. They hnvo 11 grandparents, nil living within a nudlus of flvo miles. Tho largest of tho Crowell Lumber and Grain company elevators was com plotely destroyed by fire at Wakefield Tho loss to tho building is $20,000 bo sides 18,000 bushels of grain ryid a quanlty of coul. When William May's team returned to his home at Burwell without a drlv er, Mrs. Mny notified neighbors, who found May's body In a hnystnclc after a search. Death was ascribed ui heart failure. Omaha Jewish peoplo havo entered upon a campaign to raise $75,000 to be used In relieving tho suffering Jews of Europe. The Nebraska quota is $125,000. Merchants Spring Market Week Is scheduled for Omaha, March 0-11. W A. Ellis Is secretary. Headquarters will bo at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Bakers at Norfolk are wholesaling one-pound loaves of bread at 0V4 cents and ono and half-pound loaves for 12 cents. Tho estate of the bite Charles W Sunford o Lincoln was valued at ?1, 500,000 In a will Just filed. Tho ntlcndanco at tho North Platte night school at the close of the third week was 1,37-1. Threo coyotes and many rabbits we're killed at a hunt near Dnnnebrpg, After the roundup tho animals were sold at auction. Tho next drivo will bo held February 12. More than 100 persons havo been taking part in this sport. Fearing that ho would become a burden upon his family, J. L. Williams, pierchant of Arapahoe, fatally shot himself thru the heart In an alley near tho Ford hospital In Omaha. Tho dead man had been a patient at tho hospital where ho was undergoing ncrvo treat meat. Shipments of hay out of Nebraska during tho latter purt of January showed a slight Increase, about one third of tho receipts of prnlrlo hay at Chicago coming from Nebraska, nc. cording to tho slato bureau of mar kets. O. D. St. John, miller, of Plntts mouth, employed by tho Nehawka roll ers mills, was warming tho olllco with nn oil stovo when It exploded. II: dragged It from tho building, but his face, bead, arm, shoulder and hands were badly burned. The tiro was extinguished. Cutlcura for Sore Hands. Bonk hands on retiring tn tho hot suds of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub in Cu tlcura Ointment Itcmove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcura will do if Sonn. Ointment and Talcum nrn nami for all tollot purposes.- Advertisement Plain Llctlon. "Your constituents say you don't uso classical English." "That's tho way I want them to feel nbout It," answered Senator Sorg hum. "When wo ent tocether I ant them to realize that tho oblcet of the meeting Is to talk business and not to orgnnlzo a lltcrnry society." Never borrow trouble for tho pur pose of lending It to others. Love's young drenm has been known to develop into Insomnia. I T PtiwjO LOOM IlQyCProducts Baby Carnages &FlimUum Ask Your Local Dealer Write Now lor 32-Page Illustrated Booklet The Lloyd Manufacturing Company C.) Dept. n Menominee, Michigan (18) Retell RnwleltrVn Good IleaHh Spices. Flavor Cocoa. Household Medicine. Toilet Preparation. Etc 140 useful, ererydar neceltlos aold on tlm. lowcatwholoKilenrice. OnmnrketSS yean : used by mill iona. Favorably known all orer America. Lam eateompany intheworld. Easy to build permanent, blff-paylnsbutlnesiinoexperience, practically no capital needed, rjeasant. bcalthful.outdoor work $300.$J00O or moron year. Free advertising and ale belpa, Ask tor partlculari: stvo uro, occupa tion, roercncci. THE W. T. RAWIX1GH COMPANY !2 Liberty St. Freeport, IB. HOTEL LOYAL O.IIAUA, NEBRASKA Headquarters for Merchants, Cattle Men, Agriculturists and Tlielr Families Fireproof. Itooma $1.25 upwards Tho Hotel with a lleputntlon Take Dodge Street Car Lino from Depot HAlirKU It URIEL, rroprtetora Wntaott K. man. niTriiTo rHinnitl Patent iAWTer.WatblnctoB " " " ti.n. AdilMinl hi vt It It. natea reasonable. QlsbettreferenoM. llesUerrloea. Cot '.Washl Going on a Long Research Cruise HE IS A GREAT FLIER Tho schooner Gypsy Girl, recently launched at Los Angeles, Is soon to start on a research crulso that will laBt for years. Her first destination will bo tho Islands of the South Pacific. The boat is hero shown, with her skipper, Cap tain Farnswortli. Amiurndalv Wonder, the famous pigeon of the Agriculture deportment that has flown 4,350 miles In threo yeurs, delivering a meysny! to Mrs. Hnrdlng nt tho White House announc ing the opening of tho largest poultry Bhow In tho world, after having 'flown from Mndlson Squnro Garden, No York city. CONCERN WAS FOR MOTHER Of Course Little Frank Was Not the Least Bit Afraid of the Darkness. Tho family has moved from a gas lighted house to one where there Is electricity, and buby Frank, standing on tip toe, can Just reach the two push buttons Inside the rooms. They nro a sourco of great amusement and he never falls to press them whenever he passes. A few nights ago his mother came from the upper rooms and announced bedtime. Llttlo Florence ran upstairs immediately. Frank, up to bis usual tricks, pushed Uie button, and off went tho light. Tho overwhelming darkness frightened the little fellow. After n mhiuto ho asked: "Mother, are you there?" "Yes, dear," said his amused mother. Another pause. "Mother, are you 'frald?" "No, dear, are you?" "No, I ain't 'frald, but you better put tho light on. I'm 'frald you will bo Trald." It's all right for a man to speak right out in meeting, provided ho knows when to stop. Winners never have any fnult to find with referees decisions. Dcfectlvo hammocks hnvo caused many fond lovers to fall out WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, tho great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Soot is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do tho work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has bo many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-ltoot and start treatment at once. t However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement Could Afford the Best. Salcsmiin "I suppose It's a grand piano you require, mndam." Mrs. New rich "Grand 1 1 want a magnificent one." An excuse will serve when you haven't n mind to do n thing. An Example. "You might think there is llttlo or no novelty about fanning," .remarked tho Old Codger. "But I used to know u feller by tho name of Socysmlth who put considerable originality Into tilling the soli. For ono thing, ho had a row of corn G3.7 miles long. Instead oC plowing In the usunl manner he start ed in the middle of the field and cir cled round and round till he finally came out ut onu side. And, at that, ho done tollably well until 0110 time ha broke a blood vessel trying to yell so loud nt a neighboring hill that tho echo would last for half a day after he quit shouting." Kansas City Star. Feminine Finance. "Denr," said Mrs. Newllwcd, "I needed a new hat, so 1 Just wrote u check for ?50 on the First National to save you expense.' "Great gosh!" gasped her husband, "I hnven't n nickel In that bankJi "I know It, dear, but that will lie all right. They won't mind. Their ad-, vertlsement says: 'Our llcsourccs Aro One Million Dollars.'" When you hear one woman speak oC another as being Just her age, tba chances urc she Isn't, Trouble sometimes visits a man who Isn't looking for It. To win a race a Jockey doesn't put extra weight on the horse that helps him succeed 8 t No man or woman who wants to succeed in the race of life can afford the handicap of headaches, insomnia, indiges tion and debility. Nor can they afford to take anything that may keep up a continual irrita tion of the nervous system. Yet this is what many peo ple do who drink excessive amounts of tea or coffee. For tea and coffee contain caffeine, a substance that is sometimes very injurious. Many doctors say that caffeine raises the blood pressure, irritates the kidneys, and over-stimulates the entire nervous system. Also that it is especially bad for growing children, or for any one who ha9 any tendency to ner vousness or insomnia. If you want to avoid a pos sible cause of headache, insom nia, or nervousness, it might be well to stop taking tea and coffee for awhile, and drink rich, sat iufying Postum, instead. Postum is a delicately roasted, pure cereal beverage delicious and wholesome. Order Postum from your grocer today. Drink this fra grant, hoalthful beverage for awhile, and see if you will not feel brighter, more active, and more resistant to fatigue as so many thousands of others have felt. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling watsr. Postum Cereal (in packagea of larger bulk, for those who prefer to nialte the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich, 1