THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SPEC ALLY WRITTEN RURA L HEADERS INFORMATION AHOUT AGItlCUL TUKAL SUKJKCTS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES MYSTERY A'BOUNDEP IN MOVIE MURDER For 1922 tho Omahn Stock Ynrd3 company offers to each of tho tweity-) fivo Corn Club nnd fivo Sheep Club1 members ranking highest In tho state a frco trip to BoyB and Girls Club week nt tho stato Agricultural Col lege, thirty trips In all. Not more' than ono of thoso trips can bo award- j cd a single club, nor moro than thrco within tho samo county. In 1921 such 1 trlpB woro won by ono shcop and six teon corn club mombors, who will bo tho Stock Yards company's guests nt tho Agricultural Collcgo at Lincoln May 29 to Juno 3, 1922. Thousands of Osago fonco posts havo been shippod from southeastern NobraBka to all parts of tho stato. Buyers and Hollers of this post will bo Interested In tho recent lnvotiga tlons of tho Ohio Stato Agricultural Experiment station by which It wan found that Osago orango postH aro In a class all by themselves so far as llfo is concornod. In ono fonco which was built forty years ago 100 por cont of tho Osago posts woro Bound. Black locust Is next in durability, followed closoly by red codar. Mul borry, catalpa, whito cedar, oak and nsh follow In ordor. No statomont. was issued rolatlvo to stcol posts sinco thoy huvo not been In uso long enough to dctormlno tholr rolatlvo durability bb compared with wood posts. During tho year 1921, a farm-to Do you want your piano tuned? Mr.1 Lcoubordt is hero. Loavo your ordor at Smith-Johnson or Rcxall Drug Stores. Dixon Optical Co., oyo sorvico. TRY JIcKADi'S CAFE Fresh Lino of MEATS AND GROCERIES 10S E. Oth St. GEO. McKAIN, Prop. 9 Edw&i'd F, Sanded Perhaps no murder mystery of re cent years has so stirred the inter est of the nation as the shooting of Wm. D. Taylor, Lasky movie di rector, at his home in Hollywood. Calif. Infatuation of Mabel Nor inand and Mary Miles Mintcr, two celebrated screen stars, for Taylor; the fact that he had formerly been imarricdjL and vasthc father, of a Ethel D. Taimeia 19-ycar-old"daughter living iriNey York, were only,. incidents inifiho gripping tale of jovc,'adyenturc?ro mancc and murder.. Picture isvof the home wlicreiXTaylor wasmur-l dcrcd. Inserts' 'arcof ,Taylor;hisj daughter, and f Edward F. San'ds.t former valet j to .Taylorj ' for , whom! police of the nation searchedjriltry. ingiocicarupucinysicri DR. L. A. SNAVELY DENTIST X-Rny Diagnosis Oxygon nnd Anntheslo. Ovor Union Stato Bank. Phono 29C. PIANO TUNING Work Guaranteed IIOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE Phono 415 Masonic Building at Corner of Fifth and Dowoy. DR. J. R. McKIRAIIAN Practice Limited to Diseases ol Women and Snrgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 127 Residenco 656 OTIS R. PLATT, M. D Physician Bud Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union Stato Bank. Office Phono 29GW House Phono 296R i i. 5. iwiptra ui.y. Tho following aro a fow of tho grow seed under mulch three or Important parts of Mr. Werner's four inches deep, preferably hay, on talk on tho "Potato Industry in Lin- account of wood seed. This has a coin nnnnlv" whlirli wntt rnrnnflv tnrwlrinnv In nrnmn) lilo-Vi tnmrnn """ -w , Klvon ftt thQ courthouse. Thoro Is in tho ground which, is det- : , 7 7 7 a B0 to think that potatoes rlmental to seed. Deep cultivation' tola of 0,281 barberries were found mJghl not bo profltably for may bo practlcc(1 before tho rootoJ on 10? farm Properties A total of Ul0 Cftr,y ma but Uw fac arQ TAZSmn1101 -lIow cultivation will re- survoyeu. a total ot dubucb on .. .. nmtlln. , ,. a ,. , i,.i 1 205 dlfforont farm properties woro , , 7U" , 77 ' , COUntlCS wJUUiira Ji iuuiuojui tvuum unumi uuiu u vci; uuuiu- sumuiato a largo acrcago tins year ca auvantago over tnoso louowmg and thoroforo nivo a tendoncy to other crops, and this loaves a very ward lower prices. Violent fluctua- good properatlon for boets the next tloii3 in potatoes arc vory common year. If alfalfa ground is not avail- found in thoso thirty-four Of this total numbor which woro found, 12,000 woro romovod. Escaped barborrlcs havo boon found on twolvo Birds carry tho soods from mature c,ca"80 of this fact and their per- able very well rotted manure may be fruiting barberries into orchards, slmMo characteristics. It is not used or ground that was manured groves and hedges. In this way tho 10W a"" you cnu Pduco bin tho year before. Sweet clovor Is as barberry is becoming established Lw nian,y, busho18 Pei acr0' Tho Gd aB alfalfa- If the vincs are within a fow foot of tho growing oxtra ylo,d ,n many ca8CB "sures sprayed with arsenate of lead well cralns. Throo such cases woro found yur onUro I)rnt" A 10080 8n witn stirred, two pounds to fifty gallons this lost spring where such escaped p,lenty of -';lgation at tho right of water, when tho bugs hatch barborrlcs woro responsible for rust mo aro eBSontlnl. Whore Irrign- ,t wlu provont damage from that on wintor whoat as early as May Uon ,a rcn-lrcd tho ditches shoulo 80urco. Tho handling of potatoes Homeopathic Physician & Surgoon General Practice and Construction Surgery Rospttal Accommodutlon g Plntto Valley nonpltal U Former Nnmo Twlnem Uospftal. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR, a john s. snats, m. b. Special Attontlon Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 31 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Oflloe Phono 333 Res. Phone 10? 20. At that tlmo ot tho year it was bo deep enough to nllow the water bas a crreat deal to do with their keeping quality aud for that reason tnelr market value, thoy should novoi be handled In bulk. The more dirt you can get to run ovor the cereals ggaam;:tiitrniiiiimiiXl1 impossible to find stem rust on cer- ,0 como under tho potatoes and oals oxcopt noar barberries. It tho ivor ld tho run ovo 1 10 barberry Is not eradicated now, the ; urowtU ahould not bo rJlnn will lmcomo thorouchlv os- checked and then tho field flooded tabltshed in every woodland In tho bocauso It will produce second or digger the less bruising you will have tnft nmi tliov will ho an nvor in- l'"bby growth. Early Ohio and Ir- if tho water Is shut off at least thrco creasing monnco to tho production ot lah Cobblor aro tho best varltlcs to WCOks beforo digging, tho potatoes grow in una luwuiiy. uuru yii-cun wm iandlo and keep Oottor. iJlow of potato aro much bettor than Bmall your ground doep to mako a loose pieces as Is shown by tho fact that bed for tho expansion of tho tuber, fifteen bushels of seed per aero will Unless you havo had a lot ot oxper glvo you a much hoavlor yield than lonco with potato growing it is not nlht or ton busholB. Where the advlsablo to plant moro than ono to nvcrago temperature for tho grow- three or four acres tho first year, Ing season runs ovor 70 seed pota- nnd lncrcaso your ncroago aB you toes aro llkoly to bo of poor quality loarn moro about it. Two acres will and for that reason it would pay to bo much bettor than fivo acres poor ship in certified seed from a cooler jy grown and carelessly marketed, cllmato, north or west. Certified Boys and glr,ls entering the pota "ed Bhould have a government seal to club for tho ?75 scholarship arc stamped on tho wlro which holds a giyen a complete sot of IcsBons on largo blue tag, this seed having un- potato production and aro asked to dergono Inspection at blossoming grow ono aero of potatoes. Any tlmo, harvest tlmo and, when sacked, further Information concerning the For lato markot It would bo ndvIs-,nbovo club may bo obtained at tho ablo to plant In June. Early pota- office ot tho County Agent, 325 Fed oes should bo planted between tho orai Building, North Platto. WM. WALDORF, TInntr. Makoa or repairs anything made of tin or shoot metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital. Here U your opportunity to Iruuro esolnit embarrassing errors In spelling, pronunciation nnd poor choice of words. Know the meaning of puzzling war terms. Increase your efficiency, which results In power and success. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY is an all-knowing teacher, a universal question answerer, mndo to meet your needs. It is in daily 1130 by hundreds of thousands of euo cesj.ul c.u end womia tho orid over. 450,000 V.ordn. 2700Iiacs. 600.111- lustrations. J 2.000 HloiiranhlcalEn Ules. 30,030 Geographical Uu'jjccts. C3AKD l'ltU?, (lliuhest Award) rnnarua-ractiuo Imposition. RCCCIAR or.d IfrjIM'JIPCU Editions. WRITE for r.p rltarn Pbtm. I'Rl.E 1 'octet ila.;- u yea uaaio this paicr. G. & C. rtfECRJAM CO., fc'prtnflUeld, I.:ass., U. S. A. i -'f ' tonth and fifteenth of April. If tho potatoes aro hand cut it is possible to throw out all thoso which indlcato lutornal dlscaso and all seed Uould bo treated in corroslvo sub. Umato solution four ounces to thirty gallons of water. Potatoes to bo dipped beforo cutting and kopt In uolutlon ono hour. Four lots can bo dipped and thou mako a now solu tion. This will kill tho black scurf which tho formaldohydo will not do If seed stock sprouts badly, placo It In tho sun In layers about six Inches doop. It Ib a heavy drain upon tho eod to tako off two or thrco growtho of sprouts. You may bo ablo to :o:- BUED SOW SALE E. R. Goodman. Pres. N. E. Buckley. Scc.-Trcas. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. CAPITAL 850,000.00 If you would bo interested in having a part or all of your money invested in high grade sccurites exempt from State, County and City taxes and have the income from same paid toyou monthly, call and see Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Duroc Jersey. Tho Unlvoralty of Nobraska Experi mental Substation will hold its annual bred bow sale at tho Experimental Substation farm, thre miles south o North Flatto at 1:30 p. m. (contral tlmo) Tuesday, Fobruary 21, 1911. Tho offering will consist of about 35 pure brod gilts and tried bows, and also a fow very oholco 1921 fall boars by a son of Great Orion Sanaa tlon. Tho gilts carry a largo amount ot Great Orion Sonsotlon blood. They aro well grown but nol fat Sorao are bred to a son of Royal Pathfinder, tho others t son of Colonel Boasa tion. We belfore yeu will llko those hogs axd wo srro certain thoy Iiato tho broedlns, typo wad care tint should fjfro witisfactary results. W. P. SNTWfiR, Snpt -tor- Mr. and Mrs. Albert LoDloyt of l'axton roturnod to tholr homo after nttondlng tho funeral of tholr nloco, iMlsa Adolo LoDloyt. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Sorvico nnd Satisfaction. Mrs. J. II. Fonda loft Saturday for Ord, Nob., whoro sho will visit hor daughter, Mrs. D. II. Tarklngton. Dixon Optical Co., glassos fitted. Miss Mary Joyant of Tryon was In tho city Saturday to rocelvo medical treatmont Office 340 HouselW DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Ovor tho Oasis. North Platte Wanted HIDQ6 AND FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ DR. RED FIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Smrgcon, X-Bay Colls Promptly Answered Night or Dojr i-uonos uuioe 04ii, Keeldence 076 antS. M. HEKRY OILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture and tho Art of Singing Roe. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phone 1U7J Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. (Jenernl Farm Sales A Specialty, alt Ileal Estate. Uiiferencofi and Vtt. I'lrvi NuJlonol Bank. North Platto, Nebraska. W. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Vcterlnnrian Ex-Governmont Veterinarian and os anBlstant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 31G South Vino Street Hoi. pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633. GEO. B. DENT Physlclnu nnd Surgeon Special Attention Given to SurKorj and Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Offlco 130. Residence lit Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Pliyslolan North Platte, Nebraski Knights of Columbus Building. NOTICE OF PETITION Boolor, Crosby & Basklns. Estate No. of Jano James, do- ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said Estato take notice that a petition has boon filed for tho probato of the will of said deceased, and for tho appolntmont of L. E. KTohlmann as Administrator with tho Will Annexed of said Es tato, which has been sot for hearing herein on March 3rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Fobruary 2, 1922. (Soal) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. J. J. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE JIcCAJJE 1I0TEL, OVER STAMP'S HAftEIlY. PHONE 71. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platto. Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For thoso who do not havo enough stock or machinery for a general farm Bale, I am located so I can hold a combination salo at North Platte or at tho Falrviow dairy 1 miles west of town. I havo always get enough stock or machinery listed with me so we can hold a combination sale any tlmo. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakrrs nnd Funeral Director! Day I'Siono 41 Night Phone Black E88 DELL BROTVNFIELD Farm and Lho Stock AUCTIONEER Telephone 74 Ucrshoy, Nob. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. Estate No. 17G5 of Bernard Miller, decoased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nobraska, to all por sonB interested in said Estate take notlco that tho executor has filed r final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final sottlomont and discharge as such, and for decree of distribution and heir ship which havo been set for hoarlng teforo said court on March 10, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated February 9, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE OF COLLATERAL SECURITY DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor , 0. 7 Bulling A 1MB Batldfctg. Office Pfcote 70. Rec Phono 1MJ UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE lYesibeaBd No. 1 4:45 p. n. No, 3 1:45 a. m. No. 7 , 4:25 p. m No. 13 8:10 a, m. No. 15 12:40 a. to. No. 17 6:25 p. m No. 19 9:io n. m. No, 25 7:00 p. m. No. 53 8:60 a. m. East&Bd No. 2 12:20 p. m. No. 4 . 11:00 p. m. No. 8 12:05 p. m. No. 10 2:25 p. m No. 12 11:30 p, m. No. 18 1:15 p. m. No. 20 7:20 'p. m. No. 26 5:40 a. m. no. bi 10:10 p. m. No. 10 8:55 a. w. Notlco 1b heroby given that by vlr tuo of a collateral note dated Sep tember 24, 1921 for tho payment of tho sum of Fivo Thousand Fivo Hun dred ($5,500.00) Dollars on Decem ber 24, 1921 with Interest at tho rate of 10 per cont por annum after due, and payable to McDonald Stato Bank, North Platto, Nebraska, and made executed and delivered by H. L. Pen nington, under and by virtue of said collateral note, capital stock certifi cates of Tho Loypoldt & Pennington Company of North Platto, Nebraska, In tho total amount ot Ton Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars, represented by Its certificates No. 8 for fifty (50) shares and No. 9 for fifty (500 shares, tho par valuo ot each share ot which is Ono Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, each cortlflcato bearing date October 20, 1919, executed by the President and Secrotary of said The Leypoldt & Pennington Company of North Platto, Nobraska, having been pledged as security for tho payment ot said noto and actually dollvorod to said McDonald Stato Bank by said H. L. Pennington, and assigned by said H, L. Pennington In blank and now in tho possession ot said McDonald State Bask, North Platte", Nebraska, and default having been made in tho pay ment f the amount duo upon said Hote, and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to re cover Bald debt or any1 part thereof thoroforo, Bald McDonald Stato Bank of -North Platto, Nebraska, will boII tho property In said collateral noto doscrlbod, viz: Capital Stock Cortlfl cato of Tho Loypoldt & Pennlngten Company of North Platto, Nebraska, roprosontod by Cortlflcato No 8 for fifty (50) shares, and represented by Cortlflcato No 9 for fifty (50) shares, ouch of tho par valuo of One Hun drod ($100.00) Dollars, each cortlfl cato bearing dato ot Octobor 20, 1919 oxocuted by tho Prosldont and Socro tary of tho said Tho Leypoldt & Pen' nlngton Company, North Platto, Ne braska, and lssuod to sold H. L. Fon nlngton at public auction at tho bank lng houso of McDonald Stato Bank, North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, on tho 28th day ot February, 1922 at the hour ot 2 o'clock P. M. of Bald day. Datoi thlfl 4th day of Fobruary, 1022. MoDONALD STATE BANK. By W. 1L McDonald, Its President To Clyde M. Trottor, and all per sons having or claiming any Interest In Lot Ton (10) of Block Two (2) ot Rivordalo Addition to tho City ot North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby notified that Anna Voss as, plaintiff, commenced an action against you and each of you In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, on Janu ary 30, 1922, tho object and prayer of the petition filed therein, being to quiet tltlo In tho plaintiff, Anna Voas, to all of Lot Ten (10) of Block Two (2) of Rivordalo Addition to tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, against any interests in, rights or title to, or lien upon said property, of any of tho defendants in said ac tion; to bar tho defendants and each of them from all interests In, rights, or title to, or lion upon said property and to enjoin said defendants and each of them from over claiming or asserting any interests in, rights, or title to, or Hen upon said real estate. You aro required to answer said pe tition on or beforo the 13th day of March, 1922. ANNA VOSS, Plaintiff. By WM. E. SHUMAN, Her Attornoy. NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRACT ORS. Notlco Is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, Nobraska, will recolvo bids for paving, curbing and othor street improvements in Paving District Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 in said City according to plans and specifications adopted and now on fllo In the offlco ot the City Clork of said City. Said bids to cover tho followinz types of pavement, Vortical Flbra Brick, Asphaltlc Concrete, Sheet As phalt, Rolnforced Concrete and War- renlto Blthullthlc. Tho Engineer's estimate on the cost of paving said four districts comprising approximately 70,000 squaro yards Is as follows: Warrenlte Bltullthlc Straight curb $ .85 per ft. Concrete drain box L35 per ft. Concreto tiling .55 por ft. Grading nnd finish ing .65 por cu. yd. Vortical Fibre Brick on 5" Cone base 3,90 per sq. yi. Asphaltlc Concrete on 5" Cone, base 2.90 por sq yd. Shoop Asphalt on 5" Cone, base 3.05 per sq yd. Reinforced Concrete 2.80 por sq. yd. Warronlto Bltullthlc on 6" Cone, base l 3.35 por sq. yd. Fir headers and posts complete .50 per ft Bids must bo on fllo with tho City Clork on or before eight o'clock P. M. of Fobruary 24th, 1922 at which time thoy will bo opened bofero tho Cduncll. They must bo mado on tho pro posals In the specifications filling but ono proposal for each district eoparatoly and ono proposal covering tho four districts if awarded togeth er. Tho proposals mast not bo detached from tho specifications and must be accompanied by a .certified chock pay able to tho City Treasurer for an amount equal to throo per cent of the bid mado. Said specifications shall bo furnish ed to Paving Contractors only, upon applications to the City Clork for a too of Fivo Dollars; said amount to bo roturned whon planB and specifica tions aro roturned to City Clork. Tho Mayor and Council resorro the right to reject any or all blda. By ordor of tho City Council of North Platto, Nobr-ska. Fobruary 7th, 1922. W. H. EJTANS, (Seal) . Mayor. O. B. ELDER, City Clerk. i