The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1922, Image 7

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How Yeast Vitamon
Tablets Put On
Firm Flesh
iEI (Lai
ui jB
KjfilL, S CALF
Strengthen The Nerrea and In
vlgorato Tho Body Easy And
Economical To Talce?Result
Surprisingly Quick.
v Ift.yo,i Wftnt Put om8 firm
Healthy flesh on your bonca, inercaso
your ncrvo force and power, cleas
your akin and complexion and look
and feel 100 per cent, better, simply
.J?" two 01 Mastin's tiny
Ml AM ON Tablets with each meal
Kvyfti?h. ""ulta. MaaUn'a VITA
MON Tablets contain hlchly con
centrated yeaat-vitaminca aa well as
tho two other still more important
vitamines (Fat Soluble A and Watc
Soluble C) and are now being used
by thousands. Maatin's VITAMON
Tablets never cause gas or upset tho
stomach but, on tho contrary, Improvd
digestion. Be aure to remember the
name Mastin's VI-TA-MON tho
original and genuine jreast-vitamino
Muiuu jiuero is nomine else Uko it.
bo do not accept imitations or sub
w&V; You can get Mastin's VITA
MON Tablets at all good druggist.
Are Positively Guaranteed
to Put On Finn lth,
Clear the Skin and Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
is indispensable la treating
Influenza, Distemper, Coughs and Colds
o prevalent among horses and mules at this season ol the year
rh.r..nef.'y thlrty yea.T3 "SrOHN'8" has bee ""yen to ' prevent
i?ni V:11 .? 10 ev n cure them. An Scca-
atonal dose "conditions" your horse and keeps disease away,
f", a ,m djr ! r casea actually suffering. "HroiIN'8" Is quick
..tJtJl2:wt?.cent" and 1-20 per bottle at dru '1.
Tho world's standard remedy for Iddney,
liver, bladdor and aric add troubles, the
enemies of life and looks. In uso since
169& All druggists, three sizes.
Look for the name Gold Medal on ever? box
and accept no imitation
?0hu? Hides, furs, Wool & Pelts
S13 S. 13th St. OMAHA, NED,
Write for price list.
Reason for His Preference.
Blchurd was fond of n neighbor und
liked to spend the greater part of
every day at her home.
One day I said:
"Why, IUclmrd, I believe you like
Mrs. Ford better than mother."
"Well," he replied, "she isn't always
washing me up."
"Why did he not accompany you to
the theater, instead of sending tickets
for yourself and mother?"
"It was not the kind of show," an
swered Miss Cuyenne, "which would
permit n gentleman to feel at ease In
the presence of ladies."
It Is better to he disappointed In
iove than It Is to be disappointed in
WorM'i Uiiilard cold and U (Tlppt
renwdy. Ptmind red bo bearing
Mr. Mil' portrait and aJfnalart.
Your Httlo one will love tho "fruit"
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if
consupateu, dhious, irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A teasnoonful
fails to cleanse tho liver and bowels.
In a few hours you can see for your
self how thoroughly It works all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of
the bowels and you have a well, play-
iui cnuu again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea
spoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu
ine "California Fig Syrup," which has
directions for babies and children of
all ages printed on bottle. Mother 1
You must say "California" or you may
get an Imitation llg syrup. Advertisement.
Poetic Graces.
"Poets necessarily have lively Imag
inations." "Yes," nnswered Miss Cayenne; "es
pecially those who write circulars to
tell you how sweet and helpful the tel
ephone service Is."
Not There, Not There, My Child.
"Mother," said little Buymond,
"please show uiu the place In the
Bible where It tells about Santa
Ciaus." Boston Transcript.
Friendly Credits.
Fluhb "Short credits make old
friends. Dubbs "Yes, but old friends
want long credits."
One Who Remembers.
"Our friends may forget us," ob
served tho street-car philosopher, "hut
the fellow who sends out the quarter
ly dun for the income-tax gatherers
never does." Buffalo Express.
Cost of Session Totals $17,048.74. Get
Tax Measure Defeated by
2 to 1 Vote.
The war has made table linen very
valuable. Tho uso of Bed Cross Ball
Blue will add to its wearing qualities.
Use It and see. All grocers. Adver-tisement.
The trouble with the money you give
people for charity is that it brings
them right back for more.
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds' Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Aspirin Is tlie trade mark of Bayer Usuofactore of Uoaoseetlcaddester of 8l!y liesctd
(By Frank E. Helvey)
Lincoln. Tho Fortv-flrst fRner-Inn
cession of tho Nebraska Legislature
convened in Lincoln Tuesday, Jan. 21th
and adjourned sine dlo Thursday. Fob
2nd nt 4 p. m., having been In session
nino days, considered 10 bills, enacted
11, killed 0 and passed numerous reso
lutions presumed to reflect public
opinion on a variety of subjects.
Tho main work of tho session, tho
reduction of stnto appropriations for
tho current year, shows, in the bill as
enacted, n grand total reduction of tho
appropriations made by tho Inst regu
lar session of $2,051,755.85. A com
putation by tiie Stato Department of
Finance Indicates that this retrench
ment permits tho reduction of tho tax
levy for stato General Fund of 33 1-3
for tho current year.
Tho cost of tho session for members
and ofllcers salaries, mileage, employees
and Incidentals foots up; for the
House, $12,400.35 ; tho Senate, $4,588.30,
a total of $17,048.74, leaving unex
pended $1,002JDO carried In tho cur
rent appropriations passed to pay the
cost of tho special session.
Call Contained Ten Items.
Tho ofllclal call Issued by Gov. Mc
Kelvle contained ten Items of proposed
legislation: Bevlsion of tho biennial
appropriations ; a tax of 1 cent per gal
lon on gnsolne; a study nnd report for
tho uso of tho next legislative session
for amendment of tho revenue laws;
amendment of tho banking lnws ; re-
nppropriatlon of tho Capitol building
fund; amendment of the law relatinir
to publication of legal notices; amend
ment of Omnlm city charter; commit
ment of females to stato reformatory
for women nnd transfer to penitentiary ;
commitment of prisoners in reforma
tory to tho penitentiary nnd an approp
riation for tho cost and expenses of
tho speclnl session.
All of tho Items In tho Governor's
call were represented by bills Intro
duced during tho session except ror the
amendment of tho banking law. This
was omitted as a result of the generally
expressed s.entiment, voiced also by
representatives of' tho State Bankers
Association, that tho time and condi
tions were not opportune for chnnges
in I ho bnnking lnws. Ilowevcr, under
this clnuso In the call, a bill, S. F. 8,
was Introduced nnd passed lrivlnr? to
state banks tho right to receive nnd
loan tho funds of tho Federal War
Finance board without rcferenco to the
limitations of bnnk capital and sur
plus ns defined in the lnw of 1021.
Bills In the House.
In tho House eight bills were Intro
duced during the session :
II. It. 1 Bevlslon of general approp
riations made by tho regular session of
1021. Passed nnd signed by the Gov
ernor. II. B. 2. Appropriating $5,000 for
mileage of members, employees salaries
nnd Incidental expenses of the special
Boss'lnn. Passed nnd signed by the
II. It. 3. Appropriating $14,040.00
for snlarles of members and ofllcers of
tho speclnl session. Passed and signed
by the Governor.
IT. It. 4. He-npproprintlon of the
Cnpltol building funds (now amounting
to $1,0.-0,000.) not specifically appropri
ated by the 1021 session tho itccunui
laled In the Treasury. Passed and
signed by tho Governor.
IT. It. 5. Validating the publication
of legal notices made In conmriiittv
with tin; statutes prior to the 15)21
session but Invalid under Chapter 185,
session lawn 1021. Killed bv the
House. This bill was duplicated in S.
F. 7. which pnssed and was signed by
the Governor.
II.. It. 0. Amendment of "proof of
publication" stntute, providing form
of aflldavlt and penalty for false state
ment. Killed by House.
II. B. 7. Levying one cent per gal
lon tax on gasoline) and other liquid
fuel nnd providing for refund of the
tax when articles taxed are usod fnr
nny other purpose than propulsion of
motor vehicle on a public highway.
ivuieii ny iiousfl through Indefinite
postponement by xoto of 07 to 31.
H. B. 8. Adds tho rermlreil nnnim
cations of a legal newsnnnor tn tnnt
providing ror "proof of publication."
Eight Bills in Senate.
In tho Sennte eight bills were Intro
dueed :
S. F. l. Repeal of legal newspaper
iiuumicauon law enncted 1021. (Chap.
185) and requiring qualifications of
legal newspaper to appear In "proof
oi puinicatiou" aflldavlt provided for
in sec. 7007 It. S. 1013. Killed in Sen
ate ns duplicating other pending legislation.
S. F. 2. Authorizing stnto Tax Com
missioner to mnko survey and study
of revenue laws and recommend
amendments to next session. Cost to
bo paid from appropriation mndo for
Tax department by l2l Ht.ss0Ui
Passed nnd signed by Governor.
S. F. 3. Amendment Oinalia city
charter permitting condemnation cost
of opening and widening streets to be
paid to property owners In 10 annual
payments. Passed Sennte nnd killed
m House without a roll-call.
S. F. 4. Authorizes commitment to,
nntlltAllflntatt m ...... gt . . .
i'v..inmiui) ui uny lomniO COnVlClCUj
of felony and confined in woman's rci
formatory who appears to bo lncorrlgi
joic. rassed and signed by tho Gov
S. F. C. Authorizes commitment tn
penltentlnry of any malo lnmnto of
reiormatory, convicted of felony, who
appears to bo lncorrlrrlbln. PnctuuVnmi
signed by tho Governor.
S. F. 0. Amendment of law govern
ing tlio dePOSlt Of tho fntiilu nr "nil
class cities anil villages In State banks.
Believes stato bank of requirement to
Klvo bond covering such deposits.
usseti and signed by tho Governor.
S. F, 7. Vnlldntlon nt Inml nnllvia
puoiisned in newspapers which failed
to comply with Anrll nnd Octntr nf.
fldavlt law of 1021 session. Passed
and signed by Governor.
f. F. 8. Authorizes Stnto bnnks to
receivo and loan funds of Fodernl War
l inanco board without limitation na to
nanu cnpltal and surnlus ns nrm-hit
in uiap. loo. session laws 1011). Pas
seu and signed by Governor.
Carry Emergency Clauce.
AH tho lnws above noxi ns Jinx?in
t . . -----
oeen pnsseii and signed carried tho
"emergency" clauses oxeont- IT. n. ft.
and became law In full force nnd ef
fect on approval by tho Governor.
UI tho legislation considered hv tho
special session II. B. 1., tho revision of
state appropriations downward, and
n. B. 7, tho gasoline tnx hill.
held tho center of tho stage. For tho
public nnd tho membership ns well tho
gasoline tnx was tho outstanding item
of both Interest and contest, taking
more of tho time, attention mill i1ivjmti
of tho session than any other Issue, tho
it did not pass beyond tho Honsn wiir..
it originated and did not reach tlio
senate for formal. consideration.
An OUtllllO for n. B. 1 wns nrnnnro.l
by tho Department of Finance under
direction of tho Governor prior to the
opening of tho session nnd wns nrv.
sented In tlio messago of tho Governor
.to the Joint session on .Tnnunry 24th.
This proposed reductions from
proprlntlons pnssed by tho 1021 session
of $2,730,505.85. Included in which wna
a cut in tlio Federal-nld rond tax of
$750,000 presumed to bo replaced by
tho gasoline tnx of ono cent per gallon.
The IIouso Flnnnco Committee drew
tho formal bill further reducing the
suggestions of the Governor's mes
sago by $53,250. Senate amendments,
including tho restoration of $750,000
road funds, necessitated by tho falluro
of tho gasoline tax bill in tho House,
increased tlio House appropriation
$50,500 outside tho addition of tho
road-fund nbove noted. This wns
largely duo to amounts rpiom,i rn
militia (and $10,000 nddllonal for strike
servico costs nt Nebraska City), Bull-
commission and University.
The House refused to concur In the
senate amendments and conferenco
committees were nnmed to adjust dif
ferences. Agreement wns ronrOiPil )w
tho sennto receding on various Items,
.t.u,uw oeing taken from tlio road ap
propriation; $JU,O00'from tho Bailway
Commission nnd other smnller revisions
mnde, leaving the bill presenting a
total reduction from tho nmount np
proprlatod by 1021 session of $2,051,
755.85, in which form It received final
approval, the House vote recording 8-1
for tho amended I 111 to 4 opposed.
H. B. 7, tho gasoline tax bill, was
debated at length through several ses
sions of tho House and was once the
"special order" for a full afternoon's
discussion. On filial consldomtinn i
Committee of the Whole a motion to
indefinitely postpone and thereby dis
pose of the Issuo for this session wns
adopted by n record vote of 07 to 31.
Resolutions Numerous.
The session was prolific of rcsolu-
uons presumed by members who adopt
ed them to reflect the public opinion of
uu nny in .Nebraska.
Criticism of tho relntive cost nfrnmi
work performed by the shite limm.t.
ni..iit of Public Works and fho county
boards led to the Introduction In both
houses for Investigations by leglslntivo
committees. A ruling that such action
was outside the call for the Nosyinn
brought from tlio Governor a messago
suggesting that an Investliratini? mm
! mittoo composed of tho Governor. At
torney-general. Auditor and two mem
bers of each houso be appointed; tho
cose or investigation to bo paid from
tno muds of theso ofllcers. Itosnin
tlons In conformity were adopted, the
jiuusw miming isppcrson and Hoff
meister and the senate Busheo and
UKKnrd as members.
Moth House and Senate by resolu
tion condemned the system of Federal
all appropriations which the states
nn cuiied upon to .match with state
money, Anderson offering tho sennto
resolution and Axtoll In the House.
isotii were adopted.
Resolutions directed to Congress np
prove n constitutional nmendment per
mitting taxation of national, state and
municipal securities heretofore tax free
The sennte resolution by Itlckard the
House by Dywirt. Both were adopted.
The IIouso by resolution approved
tho Gront Lnkcs-St. Lawrence water
way and asked Congress to- support
tho project; nlso that statute pressure
be applied to tho national C.
Commission for early reduction of all
rail ratos; alty that foreign war-debts
be not cancelled but funded
est benrlng bonds. Another resolution
renders uio soldiers Homo at Grand
Island to tho Federal government.
A senate resolution ronnostu im a.
torney-Genoral to ccwlemn tho U. P.
excess right-of-wny for highway pur
poses. Another nouso resolution ad
vises our stnto Ballwny Commission to
refuse nn Increase in rates to tim
North western" Bell '.telephone Company.
Satisfies the sweet tooth
and aids appetite and digestion
Cleanses mouth and teeth.
A great boon to smokers,,
relieving hot, dry mouth.
Combines pleasure arid
Don't miss the joy of the
new WRIGLEY'S P-K the sugar
coated peppermint tid bit!
Good for
He's Married.
"What's his present salary?"
"Ho says It's never nresent lone
enough to knowl"
Look for the Name "Bayer" on Tab
lets, Then You Need
Never Worry.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can bo
taken safely for Colds, Headache,
Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum
bago, Bheumutlsm, Joint Pains, Neuri
tis, and Pnin generally.
To get quick relief follow carefully
the safe and proper directions In each
unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets if
Aspirin." This nackniro Is nlniniv
Btamped with tho safety "Bayer Cross.'-
ne -uayer Cross" means tlio gen
uine, world-famous Asnlrln nresrrlhpil
by physicians for over twenty-one
years. Advertisement.
People will ue all rlirht ns soon ns
they forget this year and begin to hope
for next year.
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor elllclency as
well as promoje skin purity, skin coni'
fort nnd skin health. No mug, no
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irri
tation even when shaved twice dally.
One soap for all uses shaving bathing
and shampooing. Advertisement.
The man who Is addicted to white
lies soon becomes color blind.
Cut Glass. '
Use lukewnrm water, softened by
the addition of soap, ammonia ami
washing soda, for cleaning your cut
glass. '
When yon find the truth In your
way you may be sure that you are on
tho wrong side.
Galva, Iowa "I lmvo always been, to
a certain degrco, out of sorts tn general,
but after my last baby girl enmo, for
three or four months I suffered irons
pains and discomfort duo to feminino
and intestinal troubles. Then I becama
gloomy, subject to fits of blues, and was
completely discouraged. Finally, after
becoming almost a skeleton from suffer
ing, my sister urged mo to try Dr.
Pierce's Favorito Prescription. I took
six bottles of this, also ono vial of Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and ono small!
packngo of Dr. Picrco'B Golden Medical
Discovery TablcU and now I am in
perfect health." Mrs. Dorothy Calp.
You should obtain this famous
Prescription now at your nearest drug
store in tablets or liquid, or send 10c to
Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, in Buflalo,
N. Y., for trial pkg. tablets. '
If you use Bed Cross Ball Blue In
your laundry, you will not be troubled
by those tiny rust spots, often caused
by inferior bluing. Try it nnd see.
Learning makes n silly man n thou
sand times more Insufferable.
jm m'iu hit-' it
You'll Smile Too
when you know the Comfort
and easy stretch
v or m
wjariieed OneYcar- Price 75
Always Insist on NU-WAY
. '-AV-C1.1.U uuaran
,ee.dSuspender8,Garters and Hose Supporters
Ask Your Dealer "i"n'th"n,'i
Accept no tubilllutu U.k I.. ..... k..,
Nu-Way Strech Suspender Ca.MfrsAdrian, Mich I
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 6-1922.
landof PntsperityX
Ciffrrn tf hnmn iMlrM AnMii.nti!u at. .a. .
,"-- ; j i "r- vm,4 luuiucD uiai cannot
frnSf ,Uh? 1intebe.' T,,,e ttou,ands ' farmers
trpm the United States who have accepted Can-
nihnS f ? "i0 "e"'6 n FRli E homesteads
?ZJ2Sl i?iTlianAlniherprovlS.cs have been well
ab?ealoanasTterSl.Cr0PS' There to 8ti!' vaU-
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Aore
to the acre oats, barley and flax also in k:
huuuuukc. wnuo rmsinii iiorsm.cnttle.sliceD
and hose is equally profitable. Hundreds of farnv
ers In western Canada have raised crops in a
single season worth more than the whole cost of
tnelrland. With such success comes prosperity.
Independence, good homes and all the comforts
and conveniences which make life worth llviiig.
arm Gardens, Poultry, Dairying
re sources of income, second only to grain
Browing and stock raising. Attractive cli
mate, good neighbors, churches; schools,
good markets, railroad facilities, rural tele
phone, etc.
" -tie., wnia
Boom 4, Bee Bid?., Omsba, Nek
an4 Colonisation, Dominion ot Canada