The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1922, Image 5
THE NORTH PLATTE'. SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE BARGAIN COUNTER LIST MEJICHAKTS FOR OFFER BARGAINS FOLKS OF PLATTE VALLEY SCHOOL NEWS THRIFTY THIS COMMUNITY Tho lights wore put in tho now building tho lattor part of last wook. Tho pupils of tho intermediate room are watching for winter birds. Thoy havo a list of slxtoon now. Tho children onjoyod a lottor from an acquaintance who is in Alaska. Thoy aro raising tho bluo I fox for furs' on tho Aleutian islands. Four of tho tenth grado pupil'' last Friday afternoon, debated tho question: Resolved: "That tho Jap ancso will change tho languago ana customs of the American people." Tho Judges' wero Mr. and Mrs. Til- EL1ZAHETH ANN REDLINE Road these advertisements for they aro tho offerings of North Platto ro- tall merchants and aro intondod to givo tho readers of Tho Tribune values to bo found nowhero olse. ; ford and Mr- IIasklns- Tho decision Read and act. I wtl8 In favor of tho affirmative. I Thoro should bo something in ' common between tho school nnd tho LISTEN Don't forgot tho big feed 1 community. Peoplo havo .been ask at McKain's Cafe and meat market j lng wlmt bo dono to BUmuInto combined for 35 cents. 108 East 6th tho neighborly spirit in tho Platto Btreot- , Valley? This has boon overcome in "Wo aro selling our cntlro lino ot fine cotton Japancso kimonas at $4.75 each for a short time. Hotel Palaco Bazaar. Havo a photograph made of your kiduies. Their charm's can bo made permanont in a good portrait. Rem brandt Studio. Nichols district by a literary society, in Hershoy and North Plato by night school, in O'Fallons in part by a do bating team and general co-operation Now folks, wliat shall wo do in tho Platto Valley? Roost this spirit of co-operation and let's start something. SPECIAL Flour, 48-pound sack, $1.48. Gamblo wit Springer. 4 Stores. Seo my 1922 Btock of paper from one-third to one-half cheaper t than last year; also som'o bargains in pa pors leftover. Call 10C1J and I will bring to books to your houso. Phil Deats. :o:- Dlxon Optical Co., glasses fitted. C. C. Cain of Gothenburg attended tho American Legion Convontlon in the city Saturday. Clinton & Son, the Eye Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. -:o: Mr. and Mrs,, John peRolf aro ex pected homo from. Torro Haute, Ind. tho last of this week whoro they wero called by tho illnoss of tho former's mother. - - Clinton & Son, The Eye Glass Men, Service and Satisfaction. POSITION OPEN for HIGH-GRADE MEN AND WOMEN J L.& S. Groceteria. Read in this issue the advertise ment of Insured. Savings Accounts by all the North Platto banks. If you think you could secure depositors under this now Plan, and if you aro absolutely trustworthy, it will pay you to see the representatives of the Company managing this Savings movement. Room 412 McCabo Hotel 7:!J0 to 9 P. IS. Friday nnd Saturday oft Tills Week Monday of Next Week. 1 EHzaboth Ann Davey was born Jan. 2Gth, 1859 at Rockland, Onto nagon Co., Michigan nnd died at North Platto, Nobr., Fobr. 12, 1922 at the ago of 63 years, 18 days. Sho was tho fifth- child in tho family of Mr. and Mrs. James Davoy. Whllo she "was still a child the family moved to Calumet, Mich., and Iator to Lako LIndon, Mich. In tho fall ,pt 1877 thoy cnhio to Nobraska and Mr. Davey bought a farm four mllos south of Hebron, Thayer Co. This tias been tho family home for over forty years. On Juno 12,' 1881 sho was united in marriage to John J. Rodlluo oi Lanark, 111. and thoy wont to Chos tor, Nebr. to start tho now homo. Later thoy moved to Bontonvillc, Ark. whoro thoy Jolnod tho Mothod Ist church, in which faith she con tinued until her death. Boforo that ( tlmo sho had been a member of tho Episcopal church, of which her par- onts were also members. Mr. and , Mrs. Rcdliuo wero tho parents of threo children, J. A. Rodlino, of Holvoy, Nebr., Mrs. E. W. Dlckasoil . ' of Kaufman, Colo, and Mrs. R. M. ' Wooks of this city. j ' After tho deatft of lier husband she Tlved with her children much l of tho time, spending tho last por- iod with her daughter, Mrs. R, M. Week's in this city, whoro she died Tho funoral was hold from this homo and interment was in North Platto cemetery. Mrs. Rcdline waB a member of tho Eastorn Star Chapt. i No. 31 at Hebron and SIgnot Chapt. No. 55 of this cityconducted tho I funora) services. Besides her children, she leaves n sister, Mrs. Win. Podoll of Kauf man, Colo., and four brothers, T. C. Davey, Monrovia, Cal., J. H. Davey ) Hebron, Nebr., E. C. Davey, Bpulder I Colo., and Hiram Davoy of Scotts bluff, Nebr. I Mrs. Redlino suffered during tl: I later years with asthma which affect ed her heart and that with dropsy caused her final illness. Sho was rather retiring in disposition but attracted a largo number of friends ,to her. These friends will over re member her winning wayB and her fine spirit and will miss her more than words can tell. They oxtc their deepest sympathy to tho sor rowing relatives in their great loss. NATIONAL SPEAKER TO RE Dr. J. J. Wilson, announces that Put Tho Trlbuno away after nil tho ' ho will bo out of tho city during tho family havo read it as you will want HERE AND GIVE AN ADDRESS ..'wTJolc beginning Fobr. 20th. Mrs, Maude B. Perkins of Hast tTyraoUBOrN. Y. who is national Sec retary of tho young pooplos' brnuch of tho W. C. T. U. will bo in North Platto on Wednosdny, Febr. 22 and will a union mooting at the Christian church thai ovonlug. Mrs. Jos. Murphy nnd Mrs. Minnlo Perkins mot this Bponkor In San Francisco last yoar whllo attouding tho national convention thoro and found her to bo oarnestly religious montnlly nlort, socially attractive and vory capable. Everyone is in vited to this mooting. senior mail' school to ISSUE THE USUAL ANNUAL to rofor to it later. ' Farm Bureau Exchange List. All paid-up Farm Bureau Members aro column inch of froo advertising for seed,, entitled to a maximum of one fnml. llvivqtnn.fc nnrl nnrntnl-linnd farm machinory. Those ads to run for two cdnsocutivo issues of Tho North Platto Soml-Weokiy Tribune This sorvico is paid for by Farm Bureau' Mom borshlp money nnd for that reason is not nvallablo for thoso who aro not paid up mombors. Sond your lists to tho County Agent's Offico at, North Platto, 3ox 233, whoro tho County list will bo compiled for tho'pajorT The grcatel .ho number tho grentor tho sorvico to tho County. ' ""VT- For Sale Ono milch cow. Grogg, North Platto. A. a For Sale Horoford bulls. Frod McClyniont, North Platto. Wanted Farms for rent. Agont, North Platto. County At tho recent meeting of tlu Board of Education authority wan given tho sonior high school to issuo an annual at tho closo of tho year provided it can bo financed otherwise than by soliciting advertising from tho local merchants. Tho student council has talcon up tho matter and an attempt will bo mndo to raise tho required fund by means of sales of copies and other approved ways. -:o:- IIUIWS PERKY STKH1HNS Clinton & Son, tho Eye Glass Men Service and Satisfaction. Rufus P. Stobblns was born at PIttsfield, 111, May 9, 1867 and died at Ventura, Call., Jan. 22, 1922. At tho ago of slxVcars tho family mov ed to North Platto whoro ho lived for almost all tho remaining years of his lifo. For tho past twenty-two years ho has been engaged In tho live-stock nnd hay business, spend ing tho larger sart of his tlmo on his ranch west of tho city. Ills en tiro lifo was a practical exemplifi cation of tho golden rule, 'his first thought being to boncfit others and there aro many who will long re member him because ' of some un expected kindness which no showed them. "Mark tho perfect man ana behold tho upright for tho end of that man is peace." :o:- NOTICE To John Beatty and Others to pos itively stay off my farm and not to remove anything from my premises or I will prosecuto to the full extent of tho law. Minnio Sooso Every sensible man believes in life insurance but not every sensible man HAS life insurance, Next week, next month, next year may never come for you. Running a home is like conducting a business. A well managed corporation always provides a reserve fund as a safeguard. You don't know what day your wife and child may ' need such funds. We have a policy to meet your exact needs. Let us tell you about it. iii'ltl-D;lJlBP--1iMltail ali M'lHililH if if1 if' if :.: if- i.f t.t :.: V. 5:i if t.t if if i.t Hi t.t. if if i.t' i.t t.t i.t i.t. i.t i.t i.t: t.t tf t.t :.: t.t 11 i.t it i.t t.t tt it i.t i.t i.t i.t t.t tf .: t.t :.: :.: 'if I H .! 4 , v v 1 D j,ii, ft- D rillL D3 1 "v,V f i lli ,t - " T Bot not more so than paying good money for poor printing. Our shop makes good on any and every job, letter heads, statements, envelopes, sale bills, programs, wedding announcements, window cards, tickets and display advertising. Give us a chancer The North Platte Tribune ) tj. if if it if if t.t if if if if if i.t t.t if if f t.t if if if if t.t if if ' if if t.t t.t if if if it if if if if if if if if if if if t.t if t.t if t.t t.t i t.t if if t.t t.t t.t . it if , it If" if if if it if t.t tf if if if if if tf tf if if if if tf it if i.t i.t t.t if if if if if ' tf t.t tf if if t.t if t.t t.t if ' if if t.t if 11 if ix . -a- t.t V