The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1922, Image 2

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Out of tho Bpccial bosbIoii of tlio
lcgislaturro which Just finished Its
nine days of dollbcratlon, tho farmers
nro directly Interested In two hills
passed, rind so7oral resolutions. Tho
bills of direct Intoroet, Is ono remov
ing tho restrictions which hampered
stato banks from rcdlscountlng war
flnanco money, nnd tho other tho ap
propriation bill, which roducod tho
biennial appropriation of last Bosslon
Under tho bank bill it will now bo
possible for stato banks to rediscount
farmers' papor through tho war fl
nanco corporation without fear of ex
ceeding tho nmount of its paid up
capital stock and reserve, a restric
tion which up to dato lias prevented
mo3t banks from frcoly handling
those funds.
Resolutions opposing tho "match
ing of dollars with tho fedoral gov
ornmont" for public Improvomont;
creating a special committoo to inves
tigate tho road building program; op
posing tho Issuance of tax froo se
curities; nnd favoring tho Groat
Lakes, St. Lawrcnco watorway pro
joct, might well havo boon resolutions
adopted by a farm bureau convention
Instead of tho stato legislature.
A concurrent resolution giving' tho
stato tax commissioner authority to
make a study of tax questions was
also passed.
Asldo from tho roapproprlatlon of
tho capital fund of two years ago,
and defeat of thogasallno bill, tho
special session dcalTwlth no subjects
of special Interest to farmors othor
than those first montlonod.
Tho froozlng points of a largo va
riety of vegetables and fruits, which
aro Hkoly to bo subjected to froozlng
conditions during harvesting, handl
ing, or marketing, havo been tho oh
Joct of spoclnl studios In tho buroau
of plant Industry of tho United States
department of agriculture. Between
15,000 and 20,000- dotormlnatlons havo
boon made, Including tho freezing
points of 25 varlotlcs of apples, 22
kinds of strawberries, 18 varieties of
potatoos, 10 dlfforont types of sweet
potatoes, 10 tomato varieties, and
irtk HB jjlQl
many varlotlos of ohorrios, grapos,
ponchos, plumbs, blackborrios, rasp
borrlofi, cranborrloe, and some cut
f'owors, particularly poonlos, rosod,
and lilies. Bosldos this genoral study,
tho work is being continued with tho
principal fruits and vogotablcs which
nro llablo to bo in danger of froozlotj
I elthor in transit or on tho market. In
this work tho methods of detecting
Ifrcozlng Injury, thn rate at widen
I fruits or vogotablos frcozo In con
stant low tompornturos aro deter
mined. ,
The freezing points wore deter
mined for 18 standard varieties of
Irish potatoes, grown under the samo
cultural conditions, harvested at tho
some time, and stored at tho samo
tomporaturos. Tho freezing point ap
parently varlos with tho varloty and
3I10WH a tondoncy to vary with tho
family group. It has boon shown that
potatoes can frequently bo oxposod to
tomporaturos much bolow tholr freez
ing points It they arc not disturbed
until tho tomporaturo Is again, abovo
tho freezing, point. This Is nn Im
portant consideration to potato grow
ers and handlers.
My using tho school dltrlct as a
unit nnd employing tho services of
nearly all organizations interested In
tho public wolfaro a vory successful
antirnt compalgn was rccontly put on
In Utah. Ono of tho assistants of the
Biological survey of tho United States
department of agriculturo ronorta
'that 17,074 rats woro caught in traps
land killod bv mfl.inn nthni Jinn nnln.
on. It wns, of courso, imposslblo to
1 dotormlno how many of tho rodonts
.woro poisoned, but altogether 1,250
pounds of barium carbonato poison
woro used, and thousands of tho pests
must havo been killed in ,this way.'
Dealers roportod that great numbors
of traps woro sold.
Various phases of tho riddance
work woro brought out in tho differ
ent classos In tho schools, and repair
ing buildings and rat proof construc
tion work wns taught to moro than
12,000 studonts in tho manual train
ing classes. Approximately 30,000
essays and 37,000 postors and draw
ings on rat eradication woro submit
ted by G1.238 school children. It la
ostimatod that somo 125,000 people
woro" roachod by domonstratlonu,
bulletins, circulars, otc.
A follow-up Investigation brought
out somo Interesting facts concern
ing conditions that fostor.rats. For
Instance of tho residents of Salt Lako
City roportlng rats on tho promises,
CO per cent kopt chickens. A high
porcontago of thoso reporting rata
Pays for the
orth PlatteTribune
For One Year
Tuesday and Friday
llvod cither In poorly constructed
housos, kopt no garbage recoptacley,
or had pilot of rubbish, boards, and
othor matorial lying around tho place.
Such food supplies and sholtor at
tract tho rodonts and glvo them u
good opportunity to multiply. But
such concerted action as was taken
in Utah demonstrates tho practicabil
ity of eradication.
Tho gathering of mussels forms' an
important Industry In somo parts of
tho middle west Tho mussel flshor
man's outfit consists of a boat nnd
a pair of dredgos. A dredge Is com
posed or ordinary gas pipe, whereto a
number of hooks nro attached, each
book showing four prongs.
Fastening a stout ropo to his
dredge, tho hunter drops It Overboard
and as tho boat drifts with the cur
rent, tho dredgo drags along tho hot
torn of tho stream. Tho mussel lies
.with shell open, and when a prong
strikes within tho opening of the mus
sel's two sholls, tho deluded mollusc,
under tho Impression that it has cap
tured something odlblo, closos down
on tho hook with a vlso-llko grip.
After floating for twenty or thirty
yards, tho dredgo Is pulled up and
tho remaining dredgo Is dropped from
tho opposlt side of tho boat. It is not
unusual for n fisherman to capture
as many as ono hundred mussels at
a slnglo drop of tho dredgo.
When tho flshorman has as many
mussels as his boat will conveniently
carry, ho rows ashoro and undertakes
tho "cooking out" process. Tho mus
sols are transferred from tho boat to
a tank that holds from flvo hundred
to ono thousand pounds. f Hero tho
mussols are boiled for an hour, I003
onlng tho meat from tho shell. Tho
sholls aro placed upon a platform,'
whoro they aro sorted and cleaned for
Bhlpment. Tho prlco paid for tho
sholls in ton lots frequently touches
tho $10 mark-
"While tho sholls form tho principal
product of tho mussols, tho flshorman
not Infrequently has tho luck of find
ing a valuablo pearl In his catch. A
pearl to bo of first quality must be
of good luster and of round, button,
or pear shnpo. If they are Irregular
In form, but hnvo brilliant colors,
these pearls still havo somo value. An
Irregularity shaped poarl to bo of any
Great valuo should bo not loss than
ono-olghth of an Inch in diameter,
and in color should bo whlto. pluk,
purple,-brown, or black. Very often
tho mussol fisherman find pearls of
perfect shape, but of dull lead color.
Thoso aro worthless and aro known
as "doad pearls."
Anothor product of tho mussel do-
Herving mention 1b tho "slug." Tho
slug Is always Irregular in form, and
is composed of tho samo matter that
goos to mako up tho pearl although it
does not possess sufficient brlllianco
i to bo classed as a baroque.
Slugs aro omployod in tho manu-
iaciuro or encap jowoiry, anu tno
price for thorn ranges from $1 to $1.50
an ounce.
Pearls, baroques, and slugs are
thought to bo formed by tho mussel
as a means of protection against irri
tation. A foreign substance, such as
a grain of sand, effects an entrance
between tho shells. This irritates tho
mussel, and to protect itself it enve
lopes tho offending object in a coat of
micro of varying thickness.
The Farrnar's Auctioneer
. M. Johansen,
North Platta, Nebraska.
Phone 783F3
For thoso who do not havo enough
stock or machinery for a genoral
farm sale, I am located so I can hold
a combination sale at North Plutte
or at tho Fairview dairy 1 miles
west of town. I havo always got
enough stock or machinery listed wltb
mo so wo can hold a combination sale
any time.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertaker nnd Fnuoral Director
Day Phono 41
Nleht Phono Rlnch 688
Farm and Llvo Stock
Tolcphono 74 Hershcy, Neb.
Practice Limited to Diseases ol
Women and Surgery
Phones Offico 127 Resldcnco 656
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnosis and Treatment
Calls answered Day and Night.
Ovor Union State Bank.
Offico Phono 296W Houso Phone 29RR
vitMnuwjmmMravtiW! iwrnunijtihamiirMw
Homeopathic Physician &
General Practice and
Construction Surgery
Hospital Accommodation
Platte Valley Hospital
Former Name Twlnein HospHaL
Special Attontion Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offico Phone 83 Residence 31
Offlcw Phonp 333 Ren. Phone 102(
Makes or repairs anything made of
tin or shoot metal, t
510 Locust Under Genoral Hospital.
Offico 840 HoueflmB
Osteopath Physician
Over the OaBis. North PlatU
Pretty Fair Prtees
Surgoon, X-Ray
Colls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phono Offico G42, Residence C78
Teacher of Volco Culture
and tho
Art of Singing
Ros. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phono 1147J
6, 6. 7 Baildlng & Loan Ballding.
Offico Phono 70. Res, Phono 1243
Dixon Optical Co., eyo service.
Ed Kisrig,
(Jenernl Farm Salon A Upeclaltj, U
Iti'jil Estate. Hcft'i-ttocctt mm
First Nutlonul Hunk.
North Platte, Nebraska.
G nuhi at c c 1 rl n n r i n 11
Ex-Government Veterinarian and el
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
HoBpltal 316 South Vino Street. Hoi
pital Phone 633, Houso Phono 633.
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Snrtrcr)
and Obstetric
Office Building & Loan Kulldlng
Phone; Office 130. Residence 111
Office phono 241. Res. phone 21.
L. C. I) HOST,
Osteopathic RJiysIoliin
North Platte, Nebraski
Knights of Columbia Building
Leoler, Crosby & Baskius.
Estate No.
of Jano James, do-
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all por
sons Interested in said Estate take
notlco that a petition has bS&i filed
for tho probate of tho will of said
deceased, and for tho appointment of
L. E. Mbklmann as Administrator
with tho "Will Annexed of said Es
tate, which has been set for hearing
horeln on March 3rd, 1922, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 2, 1922
County Judge.
Estato No. 17C5 of Bernard Miller,
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested in said Estato take
notice that tho executor 'has filed v.
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such, and
for decree of distribution and heir
ship which have boon set for hearing
before said court on March 10, 1922,
at 10 o'clock A. M., when you may
appear and contest tho samo.
Dated February 9, 1922.
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of a collateral note dated Sep
tember 24, 1921 for tho payment of
tho sum of Fivo Thousand Five Hun
dred ($5,500.00) Dollars on Decem
ber 24, 1921 with Interest at the rate
of 10 per cent per annum after duo,
and payable to McDonald Stato Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska, and made
oxecutcd and delivered by H. L. Pen
nington, under and by virtue of said
collatoral noto, capital stock certifi
cates of Tho Leypoldt & Pennington
Company of North Platte, Nebraska,
In the total amount of Ten Thousand
($10,000.00) Dollars, represented by
its certificates No. 8 for fifty (50)
shares and No. 9 for fifty (500 shares,
tho par valuo of each share of which
is Ono Hundred ($100.00) Dollars,
each certificate bearing dato October
20, 1919, executed bV tho President
and Socrotary of said Tho Leypoldt
& Ponnlngton Company of North
Platto, Nobraakn, having boon pledged
as security for tho payment of said
noto and actually delivered to said
McDonald Stato Bank by sold H. L.
Ponnlngton, and assigned by said H.
L. Pennington In blank and now in
tho possession of said McDonald State
Bank, North Platto, Nobraska, and
dofault having boon mado in tho pay
ment of tho amount due upon said
noto, nnd no suit or other proceeding
at law having boon Instituted to re
cover said dobt or any part thereof
therefore, said McDonald Stato Bank
of North Platto, Nebraska, will soil
tho property in said collateral note
described, viz: Capital Stock Certlfl
cnto of Tho Loypoldt & Pennington
Company of North Platto, Nebraska,
represented by Certificate No 8 for
fifty (60) shares, and represented by
Certificate No 9 for fifty (50) shares,
each of the par valuo of Ono Hun
dred ($100.00) Dollars, each certifi
cate bearing dato of Octobor 20, 1919
executed by tho President nnd Socro
tary of tho said Tho Loypoldt & Pon
nlngton Company, North Platto, Ne
braska, and issuod to said H. L. Pon
nlngton at public auction at tho bank
ing houso of McDonald Stato Bank,
North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, on tho 28th day of February, 1922
at tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said
Dated this 4th day of February,
Mcdonald state bank.
By W. IL McDonald, Ita President
To Whom It May Concern:
Tho special commissioner appoint
ed to locate n public road as follows:
Commencing at tho southoast corner
of Soctlon 10, Township 11, North
Rnngo 30, thonco west botwoen sec
tions 10 nnd 16, and 16 and 9 said
Township nnd Range, also commenc
ing at Southoast corner of Section
10, Township 11, Rungo 30 thonco
cast botweon Sections 11 and 14 said
Township and Range, nho commenc
ing nt tho southoast coruor of Soc
tlon 10, Township 11, Rnngo 30 thonco
south between sections 14 and 15 said
Township and Range, road to bo C6
foot wide, has reported In favor thoro
of all objections thereto or claims for
damages by reason of tho establish
ment of ubovo described road must
bo filed lu the offico of tho County
Clork an or boforo 12 o'clock noon of
the 7th day of April 1922, or said road
will bo allowed without rcforonce
Dated nt North Platte, Nobraska
this 16th day of Jauuary, 1922.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
To Clyde M. Trottor, and all per
sons having or claiming any lntorost
In Lot Ton (10) of Block Two (2) of
Rlverdalo Addition to the City of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
real names unknown.
You and each of you aro hereby
notified that Anna Voss as, plaintiff,
commenced an action1 ngalnst you and
each of you In tho D.strlct Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Janu
ary 30, 1922, tho object and prayer
of tho petition filed therein, being to
quiet title in tho plaintiff, Anna Voss,
to all of Lot Ten (10) of Block Two
(2) of Rlverdalo Addition to tho City
of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against any interests in, rights
or title to, or Hen upon said property,
of any of the defendants in said ac
tion; to bar the defendants and each
of them from all interests In, rights,
or title to, or Hon upon said property
and to enjotn said defendants and
each of them from ever claiming or
asserting any interests in, rights, or
title to, or lien upon said real estate.
You aro required to answer said po
tltlon on or before tho 13th day of
March, 1922.
ANNA VOSS, Plaintiff.
By WM. E. SIIUMAN, Her Attorney.
Notlco is horoby givon that the
Mayor and Council of tho City of North
IPlatto, Nebraska, will recelvo bids
for paving, curbing and other street
improvements In Paving District Nos.
3, 4, 5 and 6 In said City according
to planB and specifications adopted
nnd now on fllo in tho office of the
City Clork of said City.
Said bids to cover tho following
types of pavement, Vertical Fibre
Brick, Asphaltlc Concrete, Sheet As
phalt, Reinforced Concrete and War
rcnlto Blthullthlc.
Tho Engineer's estimate on the
cost of paving said four districts
comprising approximately 70,000
square yards is aB follows:
Warronito Bitulithic
Straight curb , $ .85 per ft.
Concrete drain box 1.35 per ft
Concroto tiling .65 per ft.
Grading and finish
ing .65 por cu. yd.
Vortical Flbro Brick
on 5" Cone baso 3.90 por sq. yd.
Asphaltlo Concrete
on 5" Cone, baso 2.90 per sa yd.
Shoop Asphalt on 5"
Cone, baso 3.05 per sq yd.
Rolnforcod Concroto 2.80 por sq. yd.
Warronito Bitulithic
on 6" Cone, baso 3.35 por sq. yd.
Fir headers and
posts comploto .50 por ft
Bids must bo on fllo with tho City
Clerk on or before oight o'clock P.
M. of, February 24th, 1922 nt which
tlmo they will bo oponcd beforo the
Council. I
Thoy must bo made on tho pro
posals in tho specifications filling
but ono proposal for each district
Boparatoly and ono proposal covering
tho four districts if awarded togeth
er. Tho proposals must not bo detached
from tho specifications and must ba
accompanied by a certified check pay
ablo to tho City Treasurer for on
amount equal to threo por cent of tht
bid mado.
Said specifications shall bo furnish
ed to Paving Contractors only, upon
applications to tho City Clork for a
foo of Flvo Dollars; said amount to
bo returned whon plans and specifica
tions aro returned to City Clerk.
Tho Mayor and Council rosorve tho
right to reject any or all bids.
By ordor of tho City Council of
North Platto,. Nobr ka.
February 7th, 1922.
(Seal) Mayor.
O. H. KLDBR, City Clerk.