The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 17, 1922, Image 1

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' 1 r
NO: 12.
A. A. Reed, stato high school inspec
tor, visited tho schools Thursday. Ho
remarked oa tho phcnominal growth
of tho High school slnco he was hero
four years ago.
Miss Bertha Brown, who has been
directing tho play, "Miss Bob Whlto"
for tho E. Y. P. A., will lcavo this
afternoon for Pittsburg, Kans., where
sho will direct tho samo play.
Jos. Glasser was taken before the
Insanity board yesterday and glvoD
a hearing. Ho will bo taken to thr
Hastings asylum for treatment if the
right arrangements can bo made.
Tho Gothenburg boys and girls
basket ball teams will play tho North
Platte boys and girls basket ball
teams this evening at the Franklin
auditorium. The Brady school is conn
ing in a mass to attend tho gamo.
Tho Alma High scfibol basket ball
team will play tho North Platto High
school team Saturday night at the
Franklin auditorium. As a prelimin
ary to this gamo Brady and Maxwell
will play off a disputed game.
Frank Campbell who is accused of
being an accompllco of Ellis in u
recent hold-up here, was taken into
county court and given a prelimin-
ary hearing yesterday afternoon. Ho
was bound over to tho district court
and bail fixed at $2,000.
H. G. Hewitt, or Omaha, is in the
city this week perfecting the new
savings plan In which tho banks
have entered. Mr. Heweit Is fiel "
manager for H. O. Wllhelnv & Co.
stato agents for tho Northwestern
National Life Insurance Co.
Tho Lincoln County Bankers'
JVssoqlatlon will meet in North Platto
on Wednesday, Febr 22. This is a
legal holiday and tho men can leave
their business better then than on
other days. The association Includes
a number of bankers in other coun-
ties adjacent to Lincoln county.
Registration ln tho night school Is
progressing nicely, out of the first
hundred that wero given tho oppor-
unity to reglstor Wednesday, ninety
registered for tho second term, be-,
sides sovoral from outside the night
school. This is4 possible in a great
many classes as the work is individ
ual and can bo taken up at any timo.
Mrs. Hetta Johnson passed away
Thursday morning at tho homo of hor
son, Herman Johnson; who lives nine
miles southeast of tho city. Mrs
Johnson was 83 years old. Tho funeral
Tvill be held Sunday at 2:30 from tho
Safer Than Money
When Traveling?
Experienced travelers do not carry
currency with them. Thoy buy
Travolors checks which 'can bo cash
ed at any bank and practically ovory
hotel ln this and foreign countries. '
Travelers Chocks aro compact, easy
to carry, handy to use. Thoy aro is
sued in denominations ot $10, $20, $50
nnd $100. Your countor-signaturo lnv
presonco of acceptor identifies you.
Wo will gladly supply your Travel
ers Checks whon you need them.
The Platte
At tho regular monthly meeting of
tho Twontieth Century Club last
Tuesday afternoon it was ; Proposed
to change the name of tho club to
tho North Platto Woman's Club.
This proposal will bo voted upon at
tho next regular meeting. The new
name Is said to bo moro in harmony
With the work and purposes of the
club than tho ono tho club now has
It is said a majority of tho members
favor tho change.
Horman Johnson homo. Interment
will bo mado in tho cemetery four,
miles south of tho Johnson farm.
William Davidson. John C-Dola
and John Radberg- were arrested at ,
Ogallaltv on a liquor change .and
after belne released bv Judge Tew-,
ell wero taken In hand tfy federal
agents and brought before Commis
sioner Woodhurst of this city. Ho
bound them over to tho Juno term
of the Federal Court and they gavo
ball; Opela for $1,000 and tho others
for, $500 each,
The Legion Auxiliary Is planning
a dance for tho evening of Fobr. 22.
It is to be ono of tho big social dancos
of tho season according to their ox-
pectations. Tickets are on salo at
Jay's , confectionery, tho Roxall,
Smith-Johnson and Rlncker Drug j
stores and Donaldson's cigar store, i
The dance will bo held in Legion hall '
and tho proceeds witl go toward the!
Amorlcan Legion building fund.
- ., j
Tho regular monthly meeting of,
the Twentieth Century Club was
hoU1 at thc home o Mrs- w E, starr
last Tuesday afternoon. A good
n Hon film on nf mnmhors rnnnrfpfl.
; : , :
w. u. xienuy gave u10 . xuUmi u
of tho program, speaking on 'The.
T.lnnnln Wlnlimnv TTVa TVIw. Tllirlrp
1-ead in tho singing giving Bpecia. ,
444i., .. wi,,1
uiiuuiiuu iu wo u"b juuu'
Nelghnors'i .which was brought hd?
from tho stato convention. Mrs.
F. Cotterell presided. A nominat
ing committee was appointed consls-
.Ing of Mesdame3 Blalock, Rector,
Tout, Cumming and McReynolds.
It will report at the next meeting,
A number of Lincoln County
citizens attended a mooting at Og -
auaia weunesaay at, wnicn irriga-
, tlon raatters wero dlscuessed. Tho
farmers in the west part of the
county aro anxious to get Irrigation
and are asking to come in on tho
canal which is to supply tho south
side or to get in on a canal being
built by a prlvato company west or
here. This concern is known as tho
Tri-County ditch since it supplies
Duel, Keith and Perkins counties,
and it was probable that other meet
ings will be hold to clear up tho
Mrs. Wilson Alexander left for Toi
rington Wyo. Thursday morning tp
visit hor parents Mr. and Mrs. James
Valley State Bank
. il
1BJls0JfAIg Qp 0UIt
. Mrs. W. A. Brooks of Horshoy shop
ped In tho city Wednesday. '
J. E. Sobastian loft for Sidnoy yps-
tor.lsy lo transact buslnoss.
Mrs. A. D. Riddlo of Oshkosh was, n
I Monday shoppro in tho city. . i
Leo Carroll left for Kansas Oily
yesterday to transact business. v
"Ill or Ulg Springs trnnsaotmi
business in the city Thursday. ,,
Attorney Tibbbts was a business
cauor m uio cuy woimosiiay
Joo Rauch Sr. loft Thursday for
Lowollun to transact business.
Minnio Wise of Oozad transacted
1 buslnoss in tho city Wednesday.
I Mrs. George Woodon returned to
" homo ln Scottsbluff Thursday.
Mrs. Stephen Baldwin spent Mon-
day in Suthorland visiting friends. thrift and saving, which movement
Adelia Elgo of Gothenburg spent has been worked out by tho North
Wednesday shopping In tho city. western LIfo Insuranco Co. Tho
Charles West of Belgrade Is tranB- comploto announcement Is boing pub-
, acting business in tho city to-day.
L. C. Basklns spent Thursday ln
Arthur transacting legal business.
Porcy Musham, Gothenburg trans-
acted buslnoss In tho city Saturday,
C. R. Strykor of Suthorland trans-
acted business In tho city yesterday
Mrs. .1. C. Sawyer loft for Choyonre
Friday to visit frlands for a fow days.
M L vetor8on of Gothenburg trans-
., i,!f,,1Ma n tho mtv Wndnosdav.
miSB mmn c,lonner ,8 olt uuvy m
, tho j. c penny Co. becauso of illness.
I -it ttv tn i 1.1. t
I it,Ilvu l,U3
aftcrn00n to visit friends in tho city.
Mrs. Will Scovell of Maxwell trans-
t.. ti. .11.. tir.,i.i
j. K. sterns of Morrill, Neb.,
. '
iransacieu Dusmess in mo ciiy 'laurs
-A. W. Krugor of Goring spent yes
terday transacting business in tho
II. A. Cain of Llsco Is spending
the day in tho city transacting busi
ness. Morris Gregory of Hastings was in
tho city Thursday transacting bus-
j. W-
Manlo of Hoklroga spon.
Tmirsrtay in the city transacting busl-i
Dr. Newman of Wallaco was in tho
city Tuesday
on professional busl-
j j p Back of Wallaco was in tho
city Tuesday to receive medical treat-
Mrs. C. R. Moroy left for Hastings
Wednesday whoro sho will visit re
latives. Frank Carey of Grand Island
transacted business in tho city Wed
nesday. James Wood of Scotts Bluff wa
a business caller ln tho city yes
terday. E. F. Sullivan of Wallaco spent
Wodnesday transacting business in
tho city.
Will Horner of Wallaco was in tho
city Wodnosday to visit his daughter,
W. E. Lyon of Grant was in thc
city Wodnosday to rocolvo medical
Mrs. A. H. Torrlll roturned to her
homo ln Maxwell after visiting Mrs.
Ed. Clarko.
Amelia Bateman of Sutherland is
spondlng this ,weck In tho city visit
ing friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lucas of Larlme,
Wyoming visited In tho city Saturday
and Sunday.
Hugh Schoonovcr of Kearney
spent yesterday in tho citp transact
ing business.
Albort Riciger of Maxwell was in
tho city Wodnosday to rocolvo medi
cal treatment.
Mrs. H. II. Rimes of Qgalalla was
in tho city Tuosday to rocolvo medi
cal treatment.
Mrs. Goorgo Soltoy of Maxwell wa3
In tho city Wednesday to rocolvo med
ical troatmont.
Mr, and Mrs G. S. Thompson of
Horshoy transacted business ln tho
city Wednesday.
Rov. C. F. Koch spent eoveral days
this week in Omaha looking after
synod business.
S. E. Simms of Torrington, Wyo.
spent several days attondlng to bus-
Innan In Hin n(f v
Clarke LoDioyt arrived from Grant
today, called by tho death of his sis -
tor, Adelo LoDioyt.
The following resolution was
passed at a rornnt mnnllmr rc
Master Builds cf North Plalto:
Resolved That In as much as there
have been sharp reductions in mam !
111103 of merchandise nnd also a gen-1
oral dcclino In tho prices of differ
ent classes of labor, it is only right
and Just that tho wage scale for tho
different trades in North Platto bo
reduced accordingly, in order to in-
duco the prospoctlvo homo ownor
or Investor to build or make that
Improvement. Bo it further rosol
vod: That wo, tho Mastor Builders
ot North Platto, reduco tlio wago
scaiQ of nli
tho coming year, samo to become
offectlvo immediately.
All of tho North Platto banks have
united In a movomont to nromoto
lished in tho advertising columns or
this Issue. As wo understand tho
plan It asks tho depositor to mako
a small monthly deposit. In tho bank
of his cholco. Theso deposits with
tho Intorost which is paid thcroon
wU) g0c-?ho depositor to tl!'j goal of
a deflnlto amount saved in a definl-
t0 length of time. If a porson
,vnnt nv n i1,i ,,..
.,.. .
Rorialn amount in tho bank each
month and at tho end of ten years ho
draws out a thousand dollars. And
dufl th,8 Umo ho hM had Hfo ,
i 4 lt r
J 11 1 14, 14 V J lUlVUVlVIl VKI 111U l Al Uttltt V
' n '
to Ijo a good ono,
Tho plan seems
tho banks aro
ready and tho need for systematic
saving 'is pressing almost ovoryono.
Mrs. Montgomery, who Is vlco pres
ident of tho Robokah loiigo arrived to
day to attend a party given by tho
lodge members.
A boy was born Thursday morn
ing to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark of
this city. Ho is reported to be doing
nicely and so is tho mother.
Tho Christian Endeavor of
Christian chursh hold a busl
Christian chursh hold a buslnoss
meeting In tho church parlors Tuos-
day and decided to support a home
Evangelist In Africa.
Saturday, February 18
and Monday, Feb. 20
Mens Heavy Cotton Un
ion Suits, SI. 50 values,
per suit , . . 75c
Mens Fine Dress Shirts,
values up to $2 . . . 75c
Mens Arrow Collars, all
the newest styles, 5
for 75c
Mens Fine Neckwear,
values up to $1.00, 2
for 75c
Mens Fast Color Hose,
1 25c value, 5 pairs for 75c
Mens Wool Mixed Hose,
25c value, 4 pairs 76c
Mens Dress Caps, values
up to $2,00 75c
Mens White Handker.
chiefs, large size, soft
finish, 10 for 75c
Yours For Service
Norlh rlaJ!C'8 C(M,tCr for
1 en nn" yS(
places and some old
mi:n in new places
Among tho business changes of tho
week, none equal in gonoral impor
tance tho passing of tho Coatos Lum
ber & Coal Co. and its absorption by
tho Walrath & Shorwood Co. of
Omaha. Tho chango is being made
today and will mean much to tho
future "of this vicinity if things go aw
Another chango la made in txollnat 1Ulosa sho Bhowcd Eroat bravory
closing out of tho stock of tho North
Platto Equity Association. During
the past two wcoka this has boon ac
complished at prlvato salo and yos
tofffay tho tloora did not open to tho
public, there being not onough slock,
left to pay clorks. No financial
settlement has boon effected yet but
it is said thcro will bo somo loss to
tho stockholders. Tho Equity did
not fall nor go Into tho hands of a
receiver but bimply quit business.
Lem Bally has bought tho Interest
of Harry Hamm in tho Metropolitan
pool hall. Mr. Batloy is an old
timer horo and well known having
been cngagod In various business en
terprises from time to time. Mr.
'Hamm has not yot announcod his
fi'turo plants.
Anothor chango which 'has taken
placo this week Is tho purchaso ol' nt tho close of, tho regular playing
tho bowling alloy at 221 E sixth by timo, did not bronk until tho ond of
Leo L. Anderson. This hall has tho second extra porlod whon Hal
been under sovoral managements , Hgun by a brilliant dribblo tho
during tho past year and was last'iongth or tho floor shot tho baskot
owned by Amos L. Ross. Mr. An-'frnm a difficult annlo with an
hinrai rnmn liprn with tho Midway
I r
Motor Co. and was connected with
that concern until It was purchased
by tho Midwest p'eoplo sovoral weeks'
ngo. ho mis -many, irionus .in.. ui
city who will loolc mr his buccosb.
Tho now Platto Valley school build . tid
ing will bo formally dedicated on J. W. Ro3oncrantz, who has been
Friday, Fobr. 24.. Appropriate ox-, very sick for somo timo hi reportett
erclses will bo hold during tho day a llttlo Improved and jtrospects good
and tho ladles will servo a supper for his being around again beforo
In tho evening. Everyono Is Invited. , long.
Most ovoryono knows about tho dopondabillty, oconomy and
long Hfo of a Dodgo Brothors Motor Car, olther through thotr
own experience or tluit of somo neighbor or friend. Many latu
improvomonts havo boon mado in theso good cars, for. instance
now all brako operating shafts aro equipped with olllcsa bush
ings, all metal partB aro flttod with Alomlto groaso cups. A
flnor nnd bottor car for ovory now ownor with an assurance ot
oven longer llfo than tho older cars, which have mado. such
wonderful rocords.
Price ,1b a socondary consideration, but our prices aro low
far by hundrods of dollars get a now Dodgo prlco list and sea
for yourself.
For six years now, wo hnvo tried to glvo aftor-Borvico to
our Dodgo owners which would glvo tho full uso and satisfac
tion ot their cars. Wo havo tho spoclal equipment, nnd all
Dodgo spoclal tools to cut tho labor cost to tho minimum. Dodgo
Brothors havo co-operated by pricing their parts not over half
tho prlco charged by most makers for replacement parts. We
aro now carrying in North Platto ovor $10,000 worth of Dodgo
parta, and for tho past flvo yoars havo takon caro of 9C por cent
ot tho domands mado on us right out ot our parts Btock. This
moans quick and offlciont sorvico for you and ho costly delays
as is usual with many cars.
Bodee Brothers
Phono 811
Hnvo You Received tho
Miss Adelo LoDioyt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. LoDioyt, of this
city djed early this morning from ef
fects of pneumonia. Sho has been
ill for about bIx woekB nnd frequent
announcements from tho sick room
havo boon alternately favorablo and
discouraging. Miss LoDioyt was tho
youngost child In tho family and tho
only ono at homo. Sho was born horo
and has spent hor wholo ltfo in Nortli
Platto. Aftor graduating from tho
High Bchool Bho associated herself
with Thc Trlbuno and was city re
porter up to the timo sho bocamo 111.
She had a wldo acquaintance and
was universally liked. During her
aim mauo a wonuoruu nguu rso woru
has boon rocolvod ns tp tho funoral
Tho fourteontli anniversary of tho
dedication of tho Masonic Templo
masons on Fobr. 22 at tho tcmpio.
All masons nnd their families aro
invited to bo on hand at 8 o'clock
whuh tho program bogins. Thoro will
bo dancing for thoso who danco and
spoclal ontortainmcnt for thoso who
do not danco. At 11 o'clock thore will
bo refreshments $
Tho North Platto Loglon won its
fourth consecutive gamo Wednesday
night whon It dofoatod ShoUon Lo-
glon by a scoro ot 3-1 to 30. A tlo
!onHV i,in flin. Tim ShoUon team
I " - -
showed good form and fans say
it was tho boat gamo of tho season,
Tho localB play at Sutherland to-
. night,
Do not looso your family picture
rnponl. hv lottinir tho nlcturo you
havo fado. Wo havo somo now oquip
mont for tho making of copies and
I can glvo you bettor prices than in
our moro busy seaoons. Brooks dtu-
Sixth &'Locust
Correct Now Dotlgo Prices?