THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE BARGAIN COUNTER LIST ! BASKET MALL HOYS RE TURN FROM PLEASANT TRIP EAST MEBOHANTS OFFEK BAKQAINS FOR TIUIIFTY FOLKS OF THIS COMMUNITY Road tboso advertisements for they aro tho offorlnfes of North Platto ro tail merchants nnd are intondod to givo tho rcadors of Tho Tribuno values to he found nowhoro olso. Read nnd act. , Bargain price, 1917 Ford touring, $75. iichdy & Oglor. LISTEN Don't forget tho big food at McKaln's Cafo and moat markot comblnod for 35 cents. 108 East 6th Btrcet,- Wo aro selling our entire lino ol flno cotton Japanese kimonos at $4.75 each for a short timo. Hotol Palaco Bazaar. Havo a photograph made of you.r kiddles. Their charms can bo inado permanent in a good portrait Rom brandt Studio. SPECIAL Flour, 48-pound sack, $1.48. Gamble wit Springor. 4 Stores. Seo my 1922 stock of paper from bno-third to one-half choapor than lost year; also somo bargains In pa pora loft ovor. Call 10G1J and I will bring to books to your house. Phil Deats. 1921 Touring, complete, $300.00. , Hondy & Ogior. :o:- . - . FOLKS YOU KNOW v Air. and Mrs. Will Friend of Grand Jjsland, arrived Sunday to visit friends. Mrs. J. H. Dixon went to Brulo Snt urday to spend tho week end visiting ' friends.. Mrs. E. H. Painz and family of Dal las, Texas, shopped in tho city yes terday; Dr,. Vandiver of Ogalnlla spent yosterday in the city on pr&fessionul business. Mrs. Joe Murphy, is spending this week in Omaha visiting friends ami shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Forost Hill of Big Springs transacted business in the city yesterday. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Freytag of Wellfleet transacted business in tho city Saturday, James Frattcr of Rising City is ex pected in a few days to visit his brother, Georgo Frater. Dixon Optical Co., Ien3 grinding. Attorney J. J. Halligan loft yester day for Chappel to spend several clays thero on business. Johji Chrlstonson returned to his homo in Cozad Saturday after trans-" acting business in tho city. Earl Shero of Sutherland was in tho city Saturday to attend tho Am erican Legion Convention. Miss Daisy Farrel returned homo from Montana where sho was called by tho death of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. W- E. Butth and Miss Iva Smytho loft for . Kearnoy and Grand Island whoro they will spend several days visiting friends and relatives. Manager Smith and tho basket bait team nnd substitutes returned Sunday from n tour of tho onstorn part of tho stato. On tho trip they played games with Lincoln High, Hnvolook High, and Univorsity Placo High. Tho Lincoln gamo was 29 to 12 in favor of Lincoln. Fridny night tho boys won tho gnmo at Havolock by a 32 to 20 scoro nfter bolng tied at tho end of tho regular playing timo and ngreoing to play five minutes longer. Saturday night the Univorsity Placo team won with the scoro 40 to G. Tho trip is the longest any North Platto team has mado t date and it met throo strong teams on three nights in a row. Tho boy3 had n good timo nnd woro glad they took tho trip oven thoug'h they did not win all tho games. 1 :o:- CAM1 FIRE DIRECTORY Meets every other Wednesday nftor school. Guardian Mrs.. C F. Koch. Assistant Guardian Miss Ruth Duncan. Presidont Ruth Doty. Vico Prosidont Mildred Hlrsch. Secretary Wilma CoghilL Treasurer Mablo BrotorniUs. Roster: 1 Ruth Roctor. Ida Payno. Emma Buchanan. I'loronco D.uts. Mildred Crosslor. Mildred Hirsch. Minerva Hastings. ' ' - Evolyn Chamberlain. ' ' Wilma Coghlll. y .' Mablo Brotornltz. ;V Mildred Skinner, Ruth Doty. LOOK WHAT'S COMING FOR THOSE WHO GO A COLUMN OF NOTICES ABOUT CHURCH, LODGE AND SO CIETY MEETINGS -:o:- ROYAL NEIGHBORS Will ontortain their husbands and Invited guosts at a card party Friday. evening nt tho K P.. hall. PIIILOS GUNA Club will meet Wednesday nftor noon nt tho homo of Mrs. M. H. Oil foyl, 108 west 3rd. HOME MISSIONARY Society of tho Mothodjst churc will meet Friday afternoon In tho church parlors. A good attendance Is desired. LUTHERAN Girls club will bo entertained Thursday evoning at tho homo of tho Misses Holon and Jossio Baker, 503 Wost Sixth street CATHOLIC Girls club will hold a Valontino party at tho K. C hall this evening. All Catholic girls . aro cordinlly vited. Rollo Duval. Absent mombor: Beverly Wurtolo. :o: A CARD OF THANKS, Wo wish at thfs time to express our' appreciation oftho many kind nesses extended to us by friends at tho passing of our beloved brother, tho late Rufus P. Stebbins.' and our thanks for tho many beautiful floral tributes which wore sent at that timo. ' . Etta S. Bonner, 1 Thos. L. Stebbins, G. Ross Stebbins. Florlne Stebbins entertained tho ffJlcafigoo Camp Flra at her homo last ovonlng. A business mooting was hold after which dainty refreshments weo served. ; LUTHERAN Aid society will meet Thursday af ternoon at tho church basement The entertaining committee will bo Mes dames Meadows, Minor, Hall, J. E Sebastain and Yorrk. :o:- NOTICE . The North' Platto and Dickens Tolophono Co. will hold its annual stockholders meeting at tho residence of Carl Broodor, Friday, Febr. ,24, 1922 at 2 p. m, sharp. R'. Kunkel, ,Sec. :o: Frank Smith was fined $104.80 Sat urday for illegal possession of liquor. Tho North Platto Amorican Legion basket ball team dofeated tho Her shoy American Legion team Friday night. The score was $7 to 2L Mrs. John Baker entortnincd tho War 'Mothers at a tea Friday after noon at her home. Washington pie and tea wcro served for lunch. The Ladios "Auxiliary of tho B. of L. E. met at tho K. P. Hall Friday afternon. Thoy had installation of of ficers followed by a dainty lunch. Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Redllne will bo hold at the homo of her dau ghter Mrs. Robert Weeks, Wednes day afternoon nt 2:30. Tho members of tho Eastern Star will conduct tho funeral service. GUILD of tho Presbyterian church will moot Wednesdny ovonlng in tho par lors of the church at six o'clock. A dinner will be served to tho members of tho Guild and decorations will bo in keeping with the season. :o: 'Tho Christian Endeavor Society en tortalned at a party at the Christian Church parlors Friday evening. Tho ovonlng was spont In playing gameg and a dainty lunch was served. All attending report a good time. The Students of tho Night, school dofeated tho faculty men in a basket bnll gnmo Saturday night at tho Frah- klin auditorium. Tho final scoro wes 10 15. Tho game was vor'y interest lng because of tho expert playing. . ;o: : BRED SOW SALE ft ft t .i ' it -IF x. TRY THIS it i.t i.t t.t 3.1 It ft ft ft t.t it ft ft ft ft l.t it it J.s ft 11-4 cups Sugar l-2 cup Butter 1 Bsc 1 cup Sour Milk 1 teaspoon Soda 1-8 teaspoon Clovc3 1 tonspoon Cocoa 1-4 teaspoon Cinamon 2 1-3 cups Cow Brand Flour After oiftlng Pinch Salt Pinch of Citron 1 cup Chopped Raisins 1 cup Curronts 3-4 cup Nut Meats Furnishing a cake recipe to tickle tho palates of all 'tho family is a very easy task. Furnishing flour which will never fail on this or any other baking rcr cipo is quite another performance. Wo feol this has been accomplished , in Cow Brand Flour. We urge that it be submitted to tho most sevoro test to be found in any cook book. It is tho housewife in her kitchen test who soon learns the real qualities of Flour. Cow Brand Flour stands all tests. Cow Brand Flour is ground from Nebraska wheat right hero in North Platte. Thoro is no bettor wheat grown. Modern perfection 6f small unit rollers makes it possible to produce BETTER Flour , herb than may bo had" from largo milling centers with mixed and unbal anced grains. IT'S GOOD Try n sack of COW MltANI) Flour today. Don't lot your Grocor Substitute. North Platte Flour Mills ft ft i i ft i.t i.t ft j.t ft i.t it ft ft ft ft ft :.: i.t I ft ft ft ft ft ft i.t j.t ft j.t I. ft ft ft ft j.t ft ?- ft ! $ i.t .t .t ,t t j.t li ft ft ft 11 Duroc Jorsoy. The Univorsity of Nebraska Exncrl montal vSubstation will hold Its annual bred sow sale at tho Experimental Substation farm, three miles south of North "Platto at 1:30 p.m. (central timo) Tuesday, February 21, 1922. Tho offering will consist of about 33 pure bred gilts and tried sows, and also a few vory choice 1921 fall .boars by a son of Great Orion Sensa tion. The gilts carry a largo amount of Groat Orion Sensation blood. Thoy aro well grown but not fat. Somo are bred to a son of Royal Pathflndor, tho othors to a son of Colonol Sonsn tlon. Wo boliovo you will Hko these hogs and wo aro certain they have tho breeding, typo and carol that should give satisfactory results, W. P. SNTTCJR, Supt How Firestone Has Reduced the Cost of Tire Service Size 30 x 3 1-2 Cord 32 x 4 33 x 4 1-2 33x5 30 x 3 Fabric 30 x 3 1-2 Jan. 1921 Prices $35.75 56.55 67.00 81.50 18.75 22.50 Jan. 1922 Prices $17.50 32.40 42.85 52.15 9.85 11.65 Reduction 51 per cent 43 per cent 36 per cent 36 per cent 47 per cent 48 per cent A Complete Line of These Tires Now in Stock S. S R, Service Station. PHONE 820 FOLKS YOU KNOW Mrs. M. C. Hayes spent Saturday h Cozad visiting friends. Mrs. William of Afmlrlil nnnnt Hnr. jiirdny shopping in the city. Dixon Optical Co., oyo service. Guy Fear of Wnllaco transacted business in tho city Monday. Catherine Parker of Sutherland ihopped In the city Saturday. Mrs. Bernlco Brower of Hershcy rshonned In tho cltv s.itnrdnv. jp Mrs. Margaret McFaddon came Fri day to visit Mrs. Roso Garrison. w4 A l.ALUU UJfJlll Saturday shopping in tho city. Mrs. H. N. Smith is sponding this week visiting frionds in Omaha. F. G. Hoxle returned to Ogallala yesterday after spending tho week end at his home here. Harry Carter of Curtis transacted business In tho city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason returned to tholr homo in Ogallala yesterday. Clinton & Son, tho' Byo Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. Mlnnlo Boor Is oxpocted homo from Chicago sometime this week. Mrs. James Hart spont yesterday visiting in Lexington with friends Mrs. -Guy Cody was In tho city Sat urday to recolvo medical trcatmont. Mrs. F. F. Nolan Bpont Sunday in Koarncy vlsitinng with her pnronts Mi-b. Walter Potter of Horshoy spont Saturday in tho city shopping Mrs. Josso Crano of Oshkosh trans acted business in tho city yosterday. Mrs. Harry Johnson and chlldron returned homo from Ogallala yostor-day. Mrs. Amanda Dalmnn of Gothen burg visited Esther Donerl this wook ond. E. It Farrel and son spont Sat urday In Vallaco transacting busi ness. ' ' Clinton & Son, iho Eyo Glasd Mdn. service and Satisfaction., Marian Woolworth'Tdf Sutherland transacted business in tho city Saturday. L. & S. Groceteria. Qncorpbrated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES We Now Feature: Spring Suits For Boys All With Two Pairs of Pants OF unusual interest to the parents and boys who visit this J. C. Penney Company store this sea son is our offering oi c-s Knicker bocker Suits for Spring and Sumner wear. In anticipation of the largest Spring and Summer businers in our boys' de partment during the year 15)22 we have ever enjoyed in our history, wo have assembled an exceptionally fine line of boys' suits which our large quantity buying for 312 stores enables us to offer at lowest possible prices. $5.90, $6.90, $8.90. Others from $5.90 to $16.90 All of these suits are in fancy models such as appeal to both the boys and their Iparents-Norfolk styles with ahd without yokes; box pleats, inverted pleats, knife pleats single and double breasted styles of fancy cassimere cloths in these popular Spring colors: Brown, green, grey and blue. Every suit has two pair of knickers. . Included in pur new Spring showing of Boys' Two-Pant Knickerbocker Suits aro ; 'Penney-Junior" and "Armor-Clad" Suits, with double seats, double knees and double .elbows. Made of finest all-wool Cassimeres. The most wonderful values in boys' fine Buitsthat can be made to sell at anything near our prices. e EM