The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1922, Image 4

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Offlco over the McDonald
State Bank.
W. II, Cramor returned from Lex
ington Saturday night.
Dixon Optical Co,, glasses fitted.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Dnimmoy loft
for Omaha Friday night
Bert Naporetok loft for Los An
goloa Saturday morning.
Did your wlfo toll you to subscribe
for Tho Tribuno?
Ed. Laux of Hastings spont Fri
day transacting uusinoas.
Harry Scott has accepted a position
jit McKain's meat narkct
Tom O'Connor1 was in Donvcr last
wook transacting business.
W. Q. Don n of Ilorshoy transacted
business in tho City Friday.
Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men,
Sorvico and Satisfaction.
Ituth Jinan of Brady spent Satur
day shopping in tho city.
A. Sensel spont laBt woclin May
wood transacting business.
Mrs. J. M. Schopp of Maxwoll spent
Saturday shopping in tho city.
II. J. Ilathman Is off duty at the
J. C Ponny storo bocnuso of illness.
Mrs. Leo AittTorsou went to Ovor
ton Saturday Iq visit for a fow dayp.
C. E. Baiter of Tryon was in town
Saturday to reccjvo medical attention.
Dr. L. J. KIUUSE, Dentist- X-Itny
Diagnosis. McDonald Bank llulldlng.
Phono 07.
Mabol Austin of Sldnoy is sponding
a row days visttUig friondn in this
Do you want your piano tunod7 Mr.
Leoubordt is horo. Loave your
order nt Smith-Johnson or Roxall
Drug Stores.
Remnant Sale
Wednesday, Feb. 15th.
For One Day Only.
All Remnants will bo sold
One-Half Price.
6, 10, 25c Storo.
The North Platte
Noll Coonoy loft for Ovorton Sat
urday to visjt relatives for a fw
days- V
Ethol Sousar loft for DonVor Fri
day night to spond a fw dayn shop
ping. Dixon Optical Co., tostB oyos.
, Holon Smitli loft for Omaha Friday
night to spend a fow days visiting
II. Mi Cnthers, travoling inspector
for tho P. F. B. spont Saturday in
tho city.
' Mrs. 13. II. Whlto of Sutherland
spont Saturday morning shopping In
tho city
Mrs. F. L. Smith wont to Suthorlund
Saturday to visit Mrs. A. R. Scott for
a fow days.
Clinton & Son, tho EyoOlass Men.
Servlco and Satisfaction.
Zcta Donogan will ontortaln a
numbor of hor frionds at a valontino
party today.
Earl Banks arrived from Lincoln
Saturday to visit his cousin Mrs. W.
II. McDonald.
Sam Polos of Lomoyno spent the
woek ond visiting friends and rela
tives In tho city.
Lottie Oman who lias boon off duty
at tho J. C. Ponny store resumed hor
duties Saturday.
Elmer Coates returned from Lin
coln where ho uttondod tho Lumber
man's Convention.
Put Tho Tribuno away aftor all tho
family havo road It as you will want
to rofor to it later.
Jool Olson of Maxwoll was In tho
city Saturday to attond tho American
Logion Convention.
Mrs. E. H. Flto loft Saturday morn-;
lnir for Fort Morgan to visit hor
brothor Oscar Nyo.
C. V. Watson of Ord arrived here
Friday to attond the American Legion
Convention Saturday.
Earl WllBon and family loft for
Paxton Saturday evening to 3pend
several days thoro visiting friends.
Dixon Optical Co., grinds lonsos.
Mrs. Frank Conlln and children
arrlvod this morning to visit hor
paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Karry Dixon.
Mrs. William Wafer returned to her
homo in Brady Saturday after spend
ing sevoral days with Mrs. Salisbury
Mrs. A. Q. Shopard of Sldnoy is
sponding sevoral days in tho city
visiting her husband, A, G.' Shopard
Joo Ruuch Sr. returned homo Sat
urday night after spending -several
days transacting business in Low
cllcn. Mrs. James Hathaway of Grand Is
land arrived Saturday to spond sov
oral days ioIting with 'Mrs. M. M
Mrs. II. W. Wolbourn returned to
hor liomo Monday in Sterling after
sponding sovoral duys visiting uul
mothor. tsKm
. v"
or do you want
Then let people
Dr. V. T. Prltchard, veterinarian,
in an.uddross to tho Ilot&ry club yes
terday, spoko at length on bovino tn
borculosls and its effects on human
health. Ho, said tho state and fcddrnl
plan for combating this dlsoase is
adoquato and far-reaching. Regard
ing tho local situation Dr. Pritchntd
said, "I havo tested hundreds of
dairy cows in tho vicinity of North
Platto and havo found 90 head of
dairy reactors hero. Those cows wore
at onco shipped to Omaha where they
were tostod by federal exports ami
disposed of uccordlng to law. Of ono
fiord of thirteen head examined,
twelvo wore sent to tho fortilizor
Link. I havo recently oxamlned nine-ty-threo
head of milk cows not:
North Plntto and C per cent' wero tu
bercular. In citlos whore tho milk
Bupply has boon tested tho percent
age of Infant deaths has fallen off
materially and I claim that Lincoln
county children aro as valuablo as
those in other plncos." The address
was woll received by the Rotarlans
and enthusiastic comment was heard
on all sides.
We wish to express our slncoro
thanks to tho kind friends and neigh
bors for tho assistance given us dur
ing tho death of our mother nnd
grandmothor, Mary E. Stobbins.
Mr. I. L. Stebbins and family.
Mr. Leo Stebbins,
Mr. and Mrs. Itussol Wymnn
To John Bcatty and others to pos
itively stay off my farm and not to
removo anything from my promises'
or I will prosecuto to tho full extent
of tho law.
Minnlo Soeso
J. E.' Edwards returned from Roch
ester, Minn, whore ho has been tak
ing medical treatment.
Mrs. Keith House of Maxwell was
in town Saturday to receive medical
L. &, S. Groceteria.
maid, a teamster, a cook,
odd jobs, or any other kind
a job of any
know of your
have 2300 subscribers and 9200 readers
Mrs. Gladys Logg of Lincoln, work
ing in tho intorosts of the Univorsity
Extension Department will spend two
days in Lincoln county noxt week
teaching tho ladles how to make dross
forms upon which they may fit and
mnko tholr own cloth'os. Feb. 23-sha
will demonstrate nt a mooting to be
hold at Wallace. Tho noxt day she will
bo, at tho homo of Mrs. Gene Atkinson
about four miloB south of Brady. Both
meetings are for the ladies of 'lie
towns nnd it is expected that a large
ndmbor will bo prosont Later on,
specialists In drossmaklng and mlllln-
dry will visit tho county.
, . For quick turnover will sacrifice
price. Player in our possession In
North Platte and must bo moved nt
onco. Easy payments. Write quick for
particulars to tho Denver Music Co.,
Donvor, Colo. N
. Bert Boyor, v arrested for illegal
possession of liquor, was sontonced
to ninety days in tho county Jail.
' Mrs. Veve Nelson entered the' Platte
Valloy hospital Friday to receive med
ical treatment.
' Miss Forn Dolf is reported to be
ill at hor homo this woek.
1: Is this the way
NOW is the time to
put in shape for Spring Riding.
106 East Front St. Phone 983
Boys, tsk about the Henderson Bicycle Club.
kind or steady employment?
wants through the columns of
i :
Harry Cram or returned from St.
Paul Sunday evening whoro he was
called by tho death of his nophow.
Miss Carrio Smith returned to hor
homo in Cozad Saturday aftor spend
ing sovoral days shopping in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon Johnson of
Gothenburg spent Sunday nt tha
homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson.
Frank Oleson returned to his home
in Maxwoll yestorday after attondlng
tho Amorlcan Legion Convention horo
J. F. Downs of Ilorshoy roturned to
his homo in Council Bluffs, Iowa yes
terday aftor visiting at the homo ot
E. R. Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders at
tended n party at Horshey Saturday
night at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs
Warren Lannlng.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Blaufns roturn
od to their homo in Ognllala yestor
day after spending sovoral days trans
acting business.
Tho thrco year old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Thrasher swallowed a saf
ety pin n fow days ago. Tho pin lodged
In tho child's stomach. They oper
ated on tho baby Friday at tho Platto
Valley hospital.
Mrs. W. C. Reynolds and Mrs. York
Hlnmnn will entortain at a luncheon
Wednesday aftornoon nt the Hinmnn
homo 320 West 3rd street and, on
Friday afternoon at the Reynolds
homo, 220 west third.
YOUR - bicycle is?
have your bicycle
a boy or girl
Sire of Peggy I, No. 3 Cock
bird, splendid A No. 1 Red.
Dam of Peggy I, No. 11 hen
(232 eggs) splendid A No.,l
Peggy I 250 egg hen,
Sire of Peggy II, Wisconsin
Champion I.
Dam of Peggy II. Peggy I. .
Peggy II 287 egg hen.
Sire of Lady Hoover, Wiscon-.
sin Champion I.
Dam of Lady Hoover, Peggy II.
Lady Hoover 329 egg hen.
Sire of Peggy III, Wisconsin
Champion II.
Dam of Peggy III, Lady Hoov
er. Peggy III 307 egg hen.
Sire of Peggy IV, Wisconsin
Champion III. " "
Dam of Peggy IV, Lady Hoov
er. Peggy IV 309 egg hen.-
Sire of Peggy V, Wisconsin
Champion III.
Dam of Peggy V, Lady Hoov
er. Peggy V 313 egg hen.
Lady Hoover, the most fd
mous hen in America was hatch
ed on April 7, 1917, the day war
was declared, and layed her first
egg September 5th, 1917. First
years record 329 eggs.
1 have in my pens this year
some of these 300 egg strain of
Rose Comb Reds and am only
asking a nominal price of $2.50
per 15 eggs for these wonderful
producers. I have many hens of
the 225 and 250 egg class.
Eggs for Hatching will be
ready March 1. Get the best
while you are getting.
So. Park Poultry Yards
Mrs. Charles Ell went to Denver
Monday to spend several days visiting
Clinton & Son, the Eye Glass Men.
Service and Satisfaction.
. r