I THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE M THESE. FELLOWS WITH CARS THINK J 7 u THE tMRDS WITH CHEAP CARS ARE. THE HOME SWEET HOME by F. Parks f VE GOING 9 U UiT1 THEY OWN THE I JX ROAD I X-Tgl ' worst; YOU NEARLY HIT ME s- " Til J nrvu, 1 ifY , VI V S . ' 1 ! !! y ' L m LL WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS tfBOH EX- CHANGES TTOICII REACH OUR DESK. Muldoon For tho past wook or ten days At torney Albert Muldoon has boon bask ing in tho aunsklno of tho Bouthlaud, escaping tho lato storm and taking a racation from tho arduous duties ot his profession. It is roportod that ho is having a groat timo, fishing and shooting .on Matagordaa Bay, near Galvoston, Tox. Kolth County Nows. BOOSTING RIGHT Novor in tho history of Sutherland was tho need of a Commercial club folt more than at tho present timo. Wo should have a lub to cooperate with tho towns to tho east and west of us on the south side Irrigation project. It is a big move in tho-right direction and wo should be in and holping to boost. Let's hao a Com munity club. Sutherland Courier. CALIFORNIA SNOW A card to tho Indopondont from A. J. ' Anderson of Turlock, Calif., says "Sunday mbrning. January 29, tho ground was covered with snow. Yes January 30, it snowed nearly all day, and tho flakes came down something in alzo like tablespoons. This mom havo beon lnspoctod with tho oxcon- frolght business nnd' now pland nro tlon of Brule, Ogrtlalla and five rural I bolng considered, so wo nro informed, to mnko. a chango that will rollevo tho situation by. putting in a division station east of Northport, Bomo place botwoon Lowellon and that placo. Wo nlso learn that Llsco Booms to bo in pretty good position to meet tho requirements. Tho lntontlon acorns to bo to put Uio entire lino from North Platto to Yodor on ono frolght system with a division point about mlddlo way, leaving the coaling sta tion at Northport for emorgoncy use. Horotoforo tho frelgt's run to North port and then thoro is another crow that makes tho run from that point to Goring, making an awkward ar ranBomont of schedule. Tho new ar- ' nnrrnmnnt Wnillll lln fiAVflV with th.lt 1 tWl& .IVTM.U " " 1 ' " system and leavo a more practicablo system in operation but a different point would almost necessarily re sult. We' find that It is practically 200 miles from North Platte to Yoder and tho plan would bo to about oven ly divido tho dlstano which would put tho half way mark about whore Llsco stands, that town bolng 103 miles from North Platto and 95 mlloa from Yodor. Broadwator seems to bo an applicant for tho place of division, se bolng 117 miles from North Platto and about 87 niloa from Yoder. it flnonn't seem reasonablo to us that schools. Paxton Tlme3. NOT SETTLED YET. Tho Brady vlllago board and clerk wont to Maxwoll on Tuesday ovoning, mooting with Maxwoll board, and Mr. Ilonningston. who was tho successful bidder for building tho transmission line from hero to North Platte. Tho Bady board has glvon up all hopes that a right of way cai bo secured west to North Platto, but after a conforenco with Mr. Honnlngslon Maxwell decided next Monday to bo curo tho right of way west, and It tho effort meets with failure, Mr Honnlngslon agrees to return tho bonds to tho twd villages with only a just expense account for his ex penditures. So far Brady Is concern ed, with tho return of tho bonds Brady can go on negoLatlng with Gothonburg, where current can be socurod cheaper than with North Platte, and tho right of 'way almost assured. Maxwell can hook on to tho lino at any time, with tho same agreomont as drawn up for tho lino west. Brady Vindicator. WE'RE DONE TOO. "A roprosentativo ot tho Horner T.vn.nnm Tint-pan of Kansas Cltv made an unsuccessful effort last week to company would make as expenslvo a book a lycoum courso In Brady next wlntor. Wo had ono this winter and thore Is still a lecture number to come It- is figured that about ?80 will be necessary to make up tho loss. About two-thirds of tho season tickets sold for thoso entertalnmonts are bought by citizens just to bo a good fellow, GOT IT TlTKTlf TOTTTTAV AV SIT AW? QflirfinT. I APPORTIONMENT IN LINCOLN COUNTY ing, January 81, after covering tho ,d some never go to a Binglo enter- in flVO UUI1IUBUU VU UUU) 11U1U uui v-yv- changes this week that Ogalalla, Brule and Sutherland turned down ground ono night at least years, tho beautiful snow blanket dls- ( .nnnni-nrlHinfnrii t.lin rjlVH ff tho SU11, . The youngsters had a big time, as cum courses this year, and ono of they had not seen snow hero since tho owns lost $200 on their contract." Now Year's day, 191G." Gothenburg Independent. RURAL SCHOOL Miss Ross, our county Red Cross nurse, has completed the physical in spection in tho Pdxton schools. She was pleased to find tho schooj using papor towels and containing shower baths. Miss Ross gives us the follow ing report of defects of the pupils of our school: Forty-three pupils with abnormal eyes; 43 pupils with abnor mal throat or n so; 2 pupils with poor hearing; 47 pupils with defec tivo teeth; 7 pupils ovor 20 per cent over weight, and 43 pupils more than 7 per cent' under wolght. Miss Ross wishes to express her appreciation of tho snlondld cooperation glvon by tho teachors and the school board Brady Vindicator Recently an agent of tho Midland, Bureau was hero and closed up a con tract for a four numbor, ?40 course Wo, with tho fifteen, signed, but let us say hero it is the last That's final. Such entertainment courses might not havo been out of placo back In tho days of literary Bociety when folks had very little amusement, and no placo to go, but now wo cant seo for tho life of us why tho bureaus should bo kept In exists nco. Porhaps It Is because of such suckers as us. Hero Is tho Idea: Who guarantees us a liv ing and a big profit? Then why not tho entertainment companies and tho talont whoso business Is not a bit moro "preferred" than oura, bo car ried about on a chip It used to bo ar gued that they wore imperativo on chaugo and only movo tho yard and Dlflt roundhouso 13 miles runner east oi Its present location. So wo feel sure that Oshkosh or Llsco will bo tho one In lino for tho location, Oshkosh being 87 miles from North Platto and about 110 miles from Yodor, but of courso on tho heavier frolght end of tho road, tills, If any difference In distance would bo considered, Bhould bo tho shortest. Besldo Oshkosh has an up-to-date, sufficient water and sowor Bystom, together with a modorn light plant, and these no doubt will bo taken Into consideration by tne railroad officials. Garden County Nows. :o: No. Amt. Duo $2,202.75 ' 30.39 j 44.22 48.03 5 235.14 6 197.11 7 175.14 108.63 53.03 155.17 J. 71.33 30.09 I 41.02 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 38.89 4G,86 122.10 45.43 39.27 32.G5 50.15 95 99.43 PC 33.53 97 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 98 1)9 100 101 102 103 104 105 G7.45 82.14 45.88 48.07 2G.G7 25.G5 27.72 38.4G 39.33 106 . i. 130.04 107- ' . i 41.40 108 32.35 58.28 ll)J- iS.H4 145.70 110 38.50 83.G7 53.30 To tho Editor: Please publish tho following clip ping from tho Omaha Dally Nows, of lntorcat to North Platto people: Tho editor of this newspaper has receled tho following with tho re quest that It bo published: 3G.91 L 42.D5 38.64 1 54.42 14.97 90.12 ' 2G.6. 26 131.01 23 24 25 DON'T RUM A THING DOWN BECAUSE IT AINT YOUR'M. J AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TEL EGRAPH COMPANY. Now York, Jan. 1G. 1922. Most of tho schools of Kolth county , "educational grounds", otc, etc., Rats. To tho Stockholders: During tho years 1921, tho progress of tho company in al Ithat it has un dertaken has beon gratifying and wo believe that It has been distinctly for ward. Tho quality of sorlco rendored has passed pro-war standards. Thoro is no reduction In tho de mnnd for tolophono sorvlco. . Whllo final figures aro not yot at hand for tho yoar, wo can assuro you that tho Increased rato of dividend lias been earned with a substantial margin as usual. H. B. THAYER, President. Tho Omaha Dally Nows gladly grants tho roqucst for publication bo causo this Item is of great interest to its roadors, to tho pooplo of this state and ospocially to tho stato rail way commission of Nebraska. Especially tho final paragraph, In which this is Btatod: "Wo can assuro you (that is, tho stockholders) that tho lncrcasod rato ot dividend has boon earned with a substantial margin as usual." Tho stock of tho Araorican Tolo phono and Telegraph company Is now earning 9 per cont dividends. Tho Amorican Tolophono nnd Tele graph company la tho solo owner of tho Northwest Boll Tolophpno conr pany, which is asking for permission to increase tolophono rates In No- braska, and which has recently boon pormltted by this stnto railway com' mission to continue a surcliargo. Why should thero bo an Incroaso, or oyon maintenance, of prosont ratos whon tho real owners of tho North west 8ystom aro drawing "an In creased rato or dividend,' of 9 per cont nnd boBldos aro earning "a sub stantial mnrgln as usual"? The public would llko somo light on tho matter from tho stato railway commission. 27 28 '29 30 31 32 3G.2S 4 J. 35 32.43 62.77 G8.97 30.03 111 112 113 114 115 11G 117 39.G9 34.58 34.3G 43.9G 31.14 29.23 32.G5 J.S.TWINEM M.D. IUntoopntlilo Physician H Surgeon General TractlM ud '( Construction Surgery j Hospital Accommtetln Plntto lnUoj Hospital t Fornior Nnmo Tnlaein HoopttaL Jl NORTH PLATTE, NEBR, JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. - Special Attontlon Glvon to Surgery McDonnld Rank BnlldhiR Office Phono 83 Rosidenco 88 118 114.2G i CBrVRISHT Ug I PUP. AUT3CAIE 9CHV. Cft ' in tho garret! Any town is capablo of gottlng first class entertainment and wo can always got what money will buy. That Is tho principle tho bureaus uso In Belling their talont. Tho aver age lycoum entertainment has noth ing on any other ontortainnment so far as we havo observed during -tho past ton years but they do got by thru tho gulso of tho school, the church or come society of tho com munity. At any rato let them llko tho rost, go on their own merits. Thoso. remarks aro not made to offend any ono at all, but a plain expression ot our own sentiments, From now on, we aro thru. Wo believe this Is tho senti ment of 95 per cont of tho people of tho community. Wallace Winner. :o: FREIGHT DIVISION It 1ms just como to tho News in a pretty authentic way that thore will bo a chango in the Union Pacific ar rangement of tliolr train service and ospocially tho frolght end ot It on this line. Evoryono has known that thA lnntr run from N-Tth Platto to Northport has boon causing tho off! Hula some concorn In handling tho E. R. Goodman. Pres. N. E. Buckley. Sec.-Treas. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. CAPITAL $50,000.00 If you would be interested in having a part or all of your money invested in high grade securites exempt from State, County and City taxes and have the income from same paid toyou monthly, call and see Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 33 120.95 34 r V5.99 35 5.14 3G 11G.G2 37 2G9.73 38 133.75 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G 47 48 48 49 CO 51 52 53 54 60.92 35.G3 42.G9 28.38 38.61 64.37 5G.16 28.35 41.40 71.16 71.1G 27.52 37.9S 4G.9G 101.29 27.52 48.93 119 120 122 123 124 125 12G 127 128 130 131 132 133 134 27.53 41.U1 68.88 30)29 30.08 24.06 2G.80 66.64 29.22 33v.2T 23V.25 34 C7 31.DD M.4 :o:- Is your wlfo lonesomo whllo you nro away? Sond hor Tho Trlbuno. DR. HAROLD FENNEIt Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phoni 333 Re. Phono 1088 I)R. L. A. SNAVELY DENTIST X-Rny Diagnosis Oxygon and Anathcsliu Ovor Union Stato Bank. Phono - 290. TRY McKAIN'S CAFE Fresh Lino of MEATS AND GROCERIES 108 E. 0th SI. GEO. McKAIN, Prop. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmors Undertaker nnd Funeral Director Day Phono 41 Night Phone Black S88 55 316.45 56 (57 E8 59 60 61 62 63 30.61 31.12 07.14 42.47 87.33 36.87 30.93 40.35 65 - 134.67 Clinton A Son, Tho Eye Glass Man, 66 67 68 69 no 71 72 78 74 75 (76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8G 30.07 84.18 46.30 53.38 47.92 48.24 29.38 29.23 08.3G 21.54 28.90 32.43 32.16 51.66 3G.39 33.13 14.34 55.14 37.28 40.54 ATTENTION! HOUSEWIVES We have reduced the price on Semi-linished or some timcs called Rough-Dry Laundry, from 12c per pound to 10c. In this process vc use nothing hut pure soap and pure soft water just like rain water. All your flat pieces are ironed and starched pieces are starched ready to dampen. Suicly a fine combination for this cold, snappy weather. All we ask is a trial bundle. Just Phone 77 and "Your Bosom Frjend" Will Call. Dickey's Sanitary Laiaidiy "The Soft Water Laundry' Phone 77. Servlo and Satisfaction. y m mmvn ry"rw 80 ' j 100.46