The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1922, Image 8

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    . ... . .1 . n. i.
WILSON fJU'T. Editor una Publisher.
8 .
Entered ut the North Platte, Nebraska
' Postofficu uh decond Ciuus Mutter.
Qne Year, in advance.- -$1.50
-"bHt- ' ' 4 .-tf--TUESJDAY,
'FEBRUARY 7, 1928
',' 'I'm i f larr.-r-rtfes.-r,- . -sst- js. iiS
Ono tiling tho fnrmors of this
country did during tho past year was
to gather and send to tho starving
peoples of Europe almost a million
bushels of gift Corn. Thig saved tlio
lives of thousands of starving people
and Incidentally extended tho market
for corn and corn products In tho
European countries whoro com has
not been woll , known before. Tho
Amorican Farm Bureau and other or
ganizations of "h -kindred naturo load
In Uils matter..,,, ,.
Advices from Lincoln say that ono
Judgo of the Stato Supremo court Is
to bo elected next fall from tho Six
th district. This is a now arrango
mont which was Adopted last yoar.
Tho Tribuno would suggest tliat wo
have mon In Lln'coln County who havo
shown thcmsolvo to havo tho quali
fications of asiipromo jtistico and it
would suggest that ono of theso mon
bo solcctcd and put in nomination.
Wo might not bo ablo to olect ono
of pur mon in opposition to sqmedno
from tho eaBtorn part of tho stato
but since nil candlatos who do not
llvo in tho slxth nro barred wo shpuld
havo a good, chanco to olect a man
from Lincoln County and wo should
do It. Tho candldatps fllo on a non
partisan ballot jo that politics is not
oxpected to qntor Into, the election.
" . . .
Today Is tho birthday annlvorsary
of Clmrloa Dickons. To tho oarllor
gonoratlon tho mention of tho name
hi onough to cause pleasant mem
ories. Wo laughod and orlod with
NioholMJ Nibkl.Bby arid Plclovlck and
wo sympathizocl. with tho horoos In
Domboy & ' Son and Olivor Twist.
Bleak House, Old Curiosity Shop and
Edwin' Drood will bo recalled with
pleasure .Dickons had a message
and ho "put it over" with his stories
Dickons is not so popular today as
ho was twenty or thirty years ago
but his fiction is still road by count
loss multitudes of pcoplo who can nnd
" crow & "citow '
' Toiopiioiio 708 '
2 cans Corn .23
lOVounco jam . -i.J. .28
Largo packago Oats .21
Largo can Poaches Pr m..l, .21
Largo Golden Rod Noptha ,21
Lard In 20 pound lots or more, jo
Bacon 15c up
Sfao .Pqrk ..r. , ,12J5
Flavo Flour I.CO
Cronm Wlujat . l.S
Gallon Apricots -.08
Bred Sows and Gilts
Wednesday, February 15th.
Sale Will be Held At Besack Sale
Barn in North Platte.
Wo will sell 40 of tho best sows and gilts we
ever sold in a public sale. This offering is sired
by somo of the noted boars of the breed and bred
to the The Giant Orange 117739, sired by Orange
Giant by Mountain Giant. Giant Columbus, another
real herd boar prospect which we hove mated to
most of tho gilts and look for something pretty
good. Sato will bo held regardless of weather so
try and com whether you buy or not.
Terms: Cash or 6 months at 10 per cent.
AUCTIONEERS Thorval Jonoen and Ed Kierig.
, ' CLERK Ray Langford of First Notional Bank.
do think and who still 'Want to think.
Andr ho mnkos his rodders fool and
knfjw and thoy liko it. Ho was a
irnt wrltor In his day mid his nd
mlrers may woll pauso tq rocall Bomo
6ft. the ploasant hours jLfioy popnt in
tho company of his creations.
Whilo nt tho Blgnoll mooting last
night; tho editor was romlnded of a
lilClo schoolhouBc down In York coun
ty wjioro ho taught his first" term
of school. It was Just such a roo.n
as tho ono at Blgnoll. Tho equipment
was practically tho samo and in about
tho samo stato of repair. But wo
coitld not concoivo of such a mooting
having been hold thero as wo en
joyed Friday night. In our eaily ox
porlonco thoro was no neighborhood
harmony, thoro wore factions, that
woro fighting all tho tlmo both In
court nnd out, thoro was slandering
of ono another and seomcd that many
families In that district carod for
nothing but to stay at homo nnd nurBO
tholr baser natures. Things may bo
changed In that old school, wo hope
thoy aro but tho contrast was strong
as wo romombored tho past and caw
tho presont How much richer country
Ufa Is with noighborllncss and co
operation. Tho editor had tho plcasuro of at
tending a meeting of tho Blgnoll
Community Club last Friday ovoning
in company with S. M. Soudor. Wo
woro cordially received and enjoyed
ovory minuto of tho ovoning. Tho
Blgnoll pooplo havo always shown, a
fino spirit and thoy appear to oiijo
having visitors- Tho program was en
tirely by local talont and consisted
of songs, roadiugs, tableau, violin 'and
piano selections, a dobato and a mon
ologue. Ono part of tho program was
glvon by tho pupils of tho school and
nnothor part was givon ontlroly by
tho mon and women who had boon
married twolvo year's or moro. Two
of tho ladles led , In somo songs in
which all Joined with a will and thoy
lwidd good music. Tho Club la to bo
eongratulatod oh tho community has developed and tho load-
orship it Is training. Wo hope wo get
an Invitation to attond again and if
possiblo wo will bo thero.
In introducing Miss Bortha Brown
to tho' Roturlnns yestordoy, Mrs. Ed
ward Dickey said that Miss Brown
is horo directing a piny for- the North
Platto 10. Y. P. A. Tho play is on
titled "Miss Hob White," and Is a
professional play although givon by
amatours. Sho said tho play Is being
given to help financo tho work of tho
E. Y. P. A. which stands for tho
Episcopal Young Peoples' Associa
tion. This association was tho first
of Its kind organized In - tho United
Stntos although thoy havo been com
mon in Canada. It Btands for relig
ious, intellectual and social advance
ment of young people Miss Brown In
her rosponso said tlmt howovor
worthy tho E. Y. P. A.' Is, it Is not
asking support of tho play for any
othor reason that that is is a good
Sale of
Upon Request.
play, will bo woll given and Worth
tho money paid for tickets.
:o; '
A man known as Jack Ellis or
"Tonnossoo Bed," a fireman by tho
namo of Campbell and a yoiith named
Glon Weeks, woro arrested yostorday
and two of thorn lator confossed to
taking a part In tho robbery of Eior-
dam and Johnson last Thursday night. borshlp money and for that reason is nol available for those who arO not paid
All of tho booty was recovered but a un members. Send your lists to tho County Agent's Office at North Platto,
stick pin which cannot bo accounted ,ox 283' w,loro tho County list will bo compiled for the paper. Tho greatci
for. Acording to tho story told police, ho numbor the greater tho service to the County,
tho hold-up was planned in Camp
bell's room and ho equipped therti
with disguises. Later ho helped dis
pose of tho valuables. All aro being
held in jail -until their hearing. Con
oral approval of tho local authorities
is Gxnresscd on account of the nromr.t
apprehension and confession. Later
Ellis and Weeks woro taken into1
count court last ovoning at 5 o'clock 1
and woro bound over to the noxt term
of tho district court and placed un
der $2,000 bonds each.
A largo growd attended tho pro
duction of ' "Tho Hoodoo" at tho
Franklin auditorium last night. Tho
play was given by tho Nlcaflgeo
Camp Flro with tho help of somo 'of
tho High school boys. Tho proceodsv
woro divided between tho Camp Flro I
girls and tho Junior class. Between
tho acts, a selected group of players
from tho High school orchestra rond
ored sovornl selections. , Whilo the
auditorium is not fitted for tho pro
duction of a play, tho students made
tho best of tho arrangements and
ploased tho audience. Tho play was
a comedy and tho parts woro well
tnkon. Miss Sara Kelly was tho di
rector and deserves tho credit for its
ail nrraa TIV1 lrtf lr rr la 1i r rn nf r P
. " . ,7 r. , 7T
bllt.lUCtUia. ifjl.kUll UUllJi IbUOOUll -
MCAiicuaai; iuny l.oq, jnorino sieu
bins; Billy Jackson, Phillip Temple;
Doris Ruffles, Gladys Hlncklo; Gwon'
dolyn Porrlngton Shine, Mary Ells
worth; Mrs. Ima Clingor, Alice.
Smith; Mrs. Porrlngton Shlno, Holen
Schawigor; Aunt Paradise, Mario
Schwniger; Solomon Spigott, IInrly!
Bunnoll; Homachus Spigott, Donald
RusboH; Malaphio Mook, Wilbur,
Swanson; Dodo, Marlon Rlchardi);
,Miss Longnooker, Evolyn Boldt;i
Dunn, Thcodoro Payno; Mrs. Spigott,:
Luclllo Goldsmith; Eupopsla Spigott,.
Gortrudo Doty; Angollnu Clingor,
Helona Hoga; Lulu, Clara Orton;,
Four Little Spigotts, Evelyn, Muriel
Schwalgor, John Henry Piatt and
Harvey Stobblns.
In making out his Income tax re
turn for 1921 tho averngo taxpayer
will find a considerable Baving in
comparison with tho amount of tax
paid on tho samo income for 1920.
Tho exemptions provided by the
rovonuo act of 1921 aro $1,000 for
nlngiq pornons alio term Including
widows, wldp.wora, divorcees, and
porsons separated from husband nnd
wifo by mutual agreement) , 9&.5QO
for mnrrlod persons whoso net in
como was $5,000 or loss, and $2,000
for married persons whoso net ln
como was $5,000 or moro. ' Under the
rovonuo act of 1918 tho personal ex
emption allowed a mnrrledi person
was $2,000 regardless of tho amount
of not lncomo. Tho personal exemp
tion allowod a married porson ap
plies also to tho head of a, family,
man or woman who supports In ono
housohold ono or moro relatives by
blood, marrlago, or adoption.
Tho oxomptions for dependents a
porson who recolvcs his chlof support
from tho taxpayor and who Is under
18 yearn of ago or incapablo of self-
support bocouso mentally or physi
cally dofcctlvo is increased from
200 to $400. m
Tho act roqulres that a return bo
filed by ovory slnglo porson whoso
net income for 1921 wns $1,000 or
moro, ovory married porson who not
Income wus $2,000 or moro, and by
ovory porson, slnglo or married,
whoso gross lncomo wns $5,000 or
Tho roquiromont to fllo a return of
gross lncomo of $5,000 or moro re
gardloss of not incomo is a now pro
vision. Not incomes Is gross lncomo
less certain spociflod deductions for
businoss expenses, losses, bad dobts,
etc., which aro fully explained on tho
Itoturns must bo filed by married
couplos whoso combined net lncomo
for 1921, Including that of dopondont
minor chlldron, oqualod or oxcoodod
$2,000, or If tho combined gross In
como oqualed or oxcocded $5,000.
, Tho porlod for filing returns Is
1 from January 1 to March 15, 1922
Heavy ponaltios nro provided for fall
i ro or "wilful refusal" to fllo a re
turn on tlmo.
Forms 1040A for Incomes of $5,000
and loss and 1040 for incomes in ox-
, -sss of $5,000 may bo obtaluod from
tho pttlcos of collectors of internal
rovonuo and brnnch offlcos. Tho tax
may bo paid in full nt tho tlmo of
filing tho return, or in four equal in
stallmouts, duo on or boforo March
15, Juno 15, Soptombcr 15, nnd Do
comber 15.
Farm Bureau
, -
paid-up Farm Bureau Mombors aro entitled lo a maximum of one
column inch of frco advertising for seed, feed, livestock and second-hand
farm machinery. Those nds to run for two consocutivo issues of Tho North
a Semi-Weekly Tribune. This service is paid for by Farm Bureau Mom-
For Sale Ono milch cow. A. S.
Grogg, North Platto
For Sale Hereford bulls. Fred
FOR SALE Tho Goodwin Corset at
115 E. 8th St., Phone 1153 J. I
FOR MONT Storage space In fir J
proof ware house. Simon Bros. ,
FOR RENT Three rooms, furnished
for light housekeeping. Phono 540 W.
WANTED TO RENT Modern 5-room
house for a year. PhonO 10G6W.
LOST Ladies' 'fountain
' 430J.
pon. Phone
FOR RENT G-room house, modern ,
oxcept heat. Inquiro at 222 East
Fifth street, Phono 255J
FOR RENT Seven room house at 300
B- Sixth St. Inquiro
of Robert 1
or L. I. Tucker.
WANTED Mature lad v or
Want Ads
to collect and solicit businoss mjraa,n8 tho conspicious oxcoptlon. Re
North Platte. Addross P. O, Box C7S. I vls,on of waSw or incronse of work-
, ( ing hours to effect lowor production
LOST Small black coin purso con- costs has evidently not been com-
taining money and koy, in or near ploted, and tho expectation of rail
Prosbytorian church. Return to this ' road freight ,rate roductions porsists,
offico and recelvo reward. . idospito' tho delays oxporienced. With
"WANTED Agent to sell Hog, St"o7K '
and Poultry tonic. Supply dealers
uhd also sell diroct to farmers
dross E-C care Tribune"
FOR SALE Whito Plymouth Rook
cockorols and Buff Orpington coclc
erols. Edw. Walker, J603 E. Firth.
Phono 920W. y
FOR SALE Two extra good injlch
cows; will' bo fresh soon. R. R.
Wondorson', Brady, Nq1. Route 1.
Phone 98il.
j . - -'
FOR RENT 480 acres In Arthur
county; improved, for $175 a year.
Will accept either good Ford car or
lease on a houso instead of money.
J. F. Jensen, Kimball, Neb.
FOR SALE Dining room and bed
room furniture, Dubfold, 2 rugs,
floor lamp and othor household fur
niture In first class condition. Mrs.
F.'j. McGovorn, 321 W. Sixth St..
Phono 434J.
FOR SALE Ono or three lots and
thrco room houso; prlco $1,800 for
all or $1,250 for houso and lot; will
tako somo stock In trade; part cash.
Whlto Box 444, North Platto or call
at 2003 West Sixth street.
WANTED 61 good buyers at our an
nual blood sow sale, Wednesday,
February 22. We will sell a select of
forlug of 40 bred sows and 10 fall
shoats; 0 Red Polled bulls of tho
largo typo and woll grown; 8 bred
owes, and 200 yearling Shrop bucks.
Salo will bo hold undor cover on tho
farm four miles west of Lexington.
If interested send for catalogue. J.
O. Anderson & Son.
NOTICE 60 lots of Puro Bred Po
land China sows and gilts will bo
sold at Maywood, Nob., on Tuesday,
Fbbruary 14. This offering is caro-
fully soloctod from our herd of cholco
Polands. Tried sows, fall gilts and
spring gilts, bred for spring farrow.
Send for catalogue. Salo to bo held
in boated sales barn. Como.
Maywood, Nob.
For Salo, Trado or Rent
Call R A. Olsou If ou want to buy,
sell, trado or build. I can servo you
in tho way of location nnd PRICE.
Homos, vacant lotn, 3 to 40 acTo tracts
with or without improvements, irrl
gated farms, sand hill funns, ranch
land with alfalfa nnd wet hay land at
prices to comparo with tho prosont
tlmo values. Call or wrlto
Phono 1130 314 So. Locust St.
.10 HIS' S. SIMMS, M. D.
Special Attontlon Given to
McDonnhTllank Building
Offico Phone 83 Residence 3(
Makes or repairs anything made of
tin or sheet metal,
510 Locust. Undor General Hospital,
Exchange List.
McClymont, North Platte.
Wanted Farms for
Agent, North Platto.
rent. County
i At tho tolophono hearing hold in
Omaha last Thursday William E.
I Shuman cf this city was selected to
tako chargo of tho tolophono rate
hearing boforo tho Nebraska Stato
Railway commission. Ho will rep
resent tho tolophono users of tho
stato of Nebraska who aro In the
territory of the Northwestern !Doll
company. . This is considerod the
neatest rate war case ever presented
1,1 tho Btato nntl 11 wiU roflulre scv-
orai moniii8 ror its preparation and
Dup's Review says:
Expansion of b slness, if not whol
ly lacking, still develops slowly. Tho
coldest weather of tho winter at dif
font points has augmented demand
for heavy weight apparel and fuel,
yet thoro Is a disposition now to
watch closely for gains which result
from othor than purely seasonal in
fluences. Basic industries have hold
;rfost 0Mho. advance of, recent month
and in somo instances havo made
furthor rocoverey, but rapid revival
at manutactunng estamislimcnta ro-
rf dJUf tS 8tU1 to Jiccomplish-
T, rt . ,tt'T i".
thore is
and hesitant attitude in many quar
ters, and a reluctance to undertake
forward operations of magnitude. Tho
fact that January has brought no gen
oral activity in businoss has not less
ened the belief that more decisive im
provement in conditions this yoar Is
fora shadowed and tho current grad
ual progress Is disappointing only
to thoso Interests who had anticipat
ed a sudden turn for the better.
Clinton & Son. the Eye Glass Men.
J'Tvice and Satisfaction.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a collateral note dated Sep
tember 24, 1921 for the payment of
the sum of Five Thousand Five Hun
dred ($5,500.00) Dollars on Decem
ber 24, 1921 with interest at tho rate
of 10 per cent per annum after due,
and payable to McDonald Stato Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska, and made
executed and delivered by H. L. Pen
nington, undor nnd by virtue of said
collateral note, capital stock certifi
cates of Tho Loypoldt & Pennington
Company of North Platte, Nebraska,
In tho total amount of Ten Thousand
($10,000.00) Dollars, represented by
its certificates No. 8 for fifty (50)
shares and No. 9 for fifty (500 shares,
tho par valuo of each share of which
is Ono Hundrod ($100.00) Dollars,
each certificate bearing date October
20, 1919, executed by tho President
and Secretary of said Tho Loypoldt
& Pennington Company of North
Platto, Nobraska, having beon pledged
as security for tho paymont of said
noto and actually dellvorod to said
McDonald Stato Bank by sold II. L.
Ponnington, and assigned by said H.
L. Ponnington 1n blank and now in
tho possession of said McDonald State
Bank, North Platto, Nobraska, nnd
default having boon made in tho pay
mont of tho amount duo upon said
noto, and no suit or othor proceeding
nt law having been instituted to re
cover said debt or any part thereof
therefore, said McDonald Stato Bank
of North Platto, Nobraska, will soil
tho property in said collateral noto
described, viz: Capital Stock fortlfi
cato of Tho Loypoldt & Ponr'ton
Company of North Platto, Nebr ska,
roprcsontod by Certlflcato No 8 for
fifty (50) sharos, nnd roprosentod by
Certificate No 9 for fifty (50) sharos,
each of tho par valuo of Ono Hun
dred ($100.00) Dollars, each certifi
cate bearing dato of October 20, 1919
executed by tho President and Secre
tary of tho sold Tho Loypoldt & Pen
nington Company, North Platto, No
braska, and Issued to said H. L. Pon
nington nt public auction at tho bank
ing houso of McDonald StatcBank,
North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobras
ka, on tho-28th day of February, 1922
nt tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said
Dated, this 4th day of February,
Mcdonald state bank.
By W. H. McDonald, Its President ,
The Farmar's Austionaer
H. M. Johansiii
North Platts, Nebraska.
Phone 783F3
For those who do not havo enough
stock or machinery for a genoral
farm salo, 1 am located so I can hold
a combination sale at North Platto
or ut tho Fairview dairy 1 miles
west of town. 1 havo always got
enough stock or machinery listed with
me so we can hold a combination sale
any tlmo.
Boolor, Crosby & Basklns.
Estate No.
of Jano Jamos, do-
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stae of Nebraska. To all per
sons Interred In said Estate tako
notlco that a petition has boon filed
for tho probate of tho will of said
deceased, and for tho appointment of
L. E. Mehlmann as Administrator
with tho Will Annexed of said Es
tate, which has been set for hearing
herein on March 3rd, 1922, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 2, 1022.
County Judge.
To Clyde M. Trotter, and all por
sons having or claiming any Interest
in Lot ten (10) of Block Two (2) of
Rlverdalo Addition to tho City of North
Pluttc, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
real namc3 unknown.
You and each of you aro hereby
notified that Anna Voas as, plaintiff,
commenced an action against you and
each of you in tho District Court of
Lincoln County, Nobraska, on Janu
ary 30, 1922, tho object and prayer
of the petition filed thoreln, being to
quiet title in tho plaintiff, Anna Voes,
to all of Lot Ten (10) of Block Two
(2) of Rlverdalo Addition to tho City
of North "Finite, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against any interests in, rights
or title to, or Hen upon said property,
of any of tho dofendnnls in said ac
tion; to bar tho dofendants and each
of them from all Interests in, rights,
or title'to, or lien upon said property
and to enjoin said defendants and
each of them from over claiming or
asserting any interests In, rights, or
title to, or lien upon said roal'ostate.
You aro required to answer said pe
tltion on or bofore the 13th day of
March, 1922.
ANNA VOSS, Plaintiff.
By WM. E. SHUMAN, Hor Attorney.
Sealed bids will bo received by
tho City Council of tho City of North
Platte, Nebraska, at the office of the
City Clerk of said City up until 8 P.
M. of Tuesday. February 7th, 1922 for
tho furnishing, F. . B. cars North
Platte, Nebraska of tho following
itoms :
Ono (1) Eight (8) inch Benturl Me
twr tubo comploto with registering, In
dicating, and recording apparatus and
all other accessories including a
year's supply of charts, Planlmotor
for integrating charts, Instructions
for installing; necessary mercury
nnd set of tools.
Ono ten (10) inch Venturi Meter
complete as abovo.
Ono twolvo (12) inch Venturi Meter
complete as above.
Bids to bo' made on each meter
separate; also glvo total price if
throe metors nro tnkon and state
earliest dato delivery of somo can
bo mado.
Payments will bo cash within 30
days after arrival of meters, F. O. B.
North Platto, Nobraska.
Tho City Council reserves the right
to roject any or all bids.
E. II. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: O. E. Elder, City Clerk.
Dated January 21st, 1922.
To Whom it May Concern:
Tho special commissioner appoint
ed to locate a public road as follows:
Commonclng at tlio southeast corner
of Section 10, Township 11, North
Range 30, thenco west botween soo-
tions 10 and 15, and 1G and 9 said
Township nnd Range, also commonc
lng nt Southeast corner of Section
10, Township 11, Rango 30 thenco
oast between Sections 11 and 14 said
Township and Rango, also commenc
ing at tho southoast corner of Soa
tlon 10, Township 11, Rango 30 thonce
south between sections 14 and 15 sali
Township and Rango, road to bo GG
foot wide, has roportcd in favor thore
of all objections thereto or claims for
damagos by reason of tho ostabllsh
mont of abovo described road must
bo filed in tho offico of tho County
Clerk on or beforo 12 o'clock noon of
tho 7th day of April 1922, or Bald road
will bo nllowed without reference
Dated at North Platto, Nobvaska
this lGth day of January,, 1922.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.