r THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE BARGAIN' LIST Olll AM) COUNTY M-mS A ltconso to wotl vn iwuod to Miss Lorotta Murphy, city librarian, TWO MORIS LOCAL ORGAN- ivuun,n, mviuuuiuit ui uuwuiiou nmi wiio ims neon on uuiy nursing H T7 itfAViriw 'iii.JLAVAi lV' Ja J. Ji Mra.,W. R Stnclt is ill nt hor homo Mfs'ij Josophlno Eggors 0f tho Btimo Injured foot, will return to hor WoU MERCHA.NTS -4, FOK TIIKIFTY OFFKU FOLKS THIS COJmUNITV on East Third stroot. Ollnton & Son, tho l3yg ainss Meni Sorvlco and Satisfaction1. plnbo on Fobruary 2. Judgo Wood- tho last of tho vook. Mrs. , Ann hurst porformod tho ceremony. Church lias tnkon hor nlnoo whllai Tho boy at Bchool would annroolato she was away. - JIrs- ONIa Salisbury, troasuror of Lbttlo Oman is off duty at tho J. C. ! eottlntr Tho Trlbuno roeularlv. Dixun Otitic! Co.. crlnds IdnBcwi. tll North Plnttft ABsociatod Charitlos HAJIGALNS, Penny Co., becnoso of lllnoas. Tho Manltau Camn Flro mot Friday Saturday Judco Woodhurst Issued rMorts a donation of $5 from . tho Dlxton Optical Co., tosts eyes. night with Efflo and Edith Carnontor. n Hconso to wed to Andrew Ruff, a Methodist clrtirch Lftdlou Aid soclaly FUNDS OF Mrs. Alison Wilcox will ontortaln Aftor a short buslnoaa mooting dainty farmer of Dayard and Miss Eater Mil- nml ?100 from 1,10 North Platto Hu nt TJrMpri Wailllasilnvnnnrnnnn ' i , n.. (.. 1 , -ti.t I. mi:. J..-1 tfirv nlllll 'Pill lliafno iUn Mnl rtf I o- m.,...,,,., miuuuu, , i uii uauiiiuiiu) uro survuu mm uiu n iiNiuuur ui ubukobii. mo luumi - ."y v Road thoao advortiaomonts for they arb thfi offorings of North Platto re tail merchants and afo intonded to glvb tho readers of Tho Trlbuuo values to be found uowhero olse. Read arid act. 575, Bargain price, 1917 Ford touring,1 a short Illness. Little Dotty Louiso Carson is ro-, Camp Flro girls then wout skating, ported to bo vory ill at hor home. I Clinton & Son. TJio Eye Class Men. Harold Langford Is off duty at tho ' Sorvlco and Satisfaction. Star Clothing Houso becauso of ill-! : . -rrrr. 11033. Clinton & Son, the Eye Gloss Men Sorvlco and Satisfaction. a 0. L. Johnson resumed his duties at tho J. C. Penny Co.. Saturday after then porformod tho coromony Which $827.81 donated to' dat6 , maUo thorn man nml wife Dixon Optical Co., oyo sorvlco. Dixon Optical Co., tosts oyos. L. & S. Orwffivfciiu. ' Hohdy & Oglor. LISTEN Don't forgot tho big feed at MoKaln's Cafo and meat inarkot combined for 35 conts. 108 East Gth street. i Wo aro soiling our ontiro lino ol flno cotton Japanoso kimonos at $4.75 each for a short time. Hotol Palace Bazaar, ."Dancclond Entertainers" played 1 and sang to an audionco of C02 last1 Saturday night. ' Dixon Optical Co., lena grinding. Record crowd at DancolAnd last I Saturday night. Over COO dancera and on lookers. Sond In your namo for tho Hlp'to Hop danco contest next Saturday night at Dancoland. - I Mrs. Carl Somorman received word Havo a photograph mado of your)from Australia yesterday that her J&2EX-E3ESEZKS klddlea. Their charms can bo mado'mothor had passod away pormanont In a good portrait. brandt Studio. Rem- SPECIAL Apples, por box, $1.75. Flour, 48-pound sack, $1.48. Gamble wit Sprlngor. 4 Storea. Seo my 1922 stock of paper from ono-tliird to ono-half cheaper than last year; also somo bargains in pa pors loft over. Call 10G1J and I will bring to books to your houso. Phil Dcats. 1921' Touring, complete, $300.00. Hondy & Ogler. Tho Whittaker Millinery and Spe cialty Shop has just received a ship ment of imported Swiss oyolot em broidery nock wear. Also beautiful laco collars and vests, under General hospital. Did your wlfo toll you to subscribe for Tho Trlbuno? Miss Mttbollo McFarland will ontor taln tho Chancery Bridge club Wed nesday evening at her homo. Tho "losers" of tho Indian Card club will entertain tho "winners" Wednesday ovonlng at tho Oasis. Harry Buchfinch, tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A; Buchfinch la re ported to bo very ill at his home, Carl Bonner will teach tho book keeping class at nbjht school for tho remainder of this eight week term. Judgo Woodhurst married Jeard W. Kosterson of Hershoy and Mlsa Ruth Woekman of thla city on Fobruary 2. Dr. L. .1. KHAUSi:. Dentist. X-Unr IMnirnnsls. McDonald linnk llufldinp. I'lionc 07. . Mr. and Airs. J. E. Mason have GOG Locust, 80 tnelr homo on East Fourth, street , ami aro now residing at tho McCabo :o: AMERICAN LEGION CON VENTION HERE SATURDAY 1 1 hotel. Charles Hagcn waa 'arrested Frl lay evening on tho charge of drunk- ednesa. Ho was finod $14.50 and (COStS. . . j The Sonlor class mot yesterday. A group of state officers of the Thoy decided to havo a speaker for American Legion will bo In North graduation and voted to ask Bishop, ft Platto on Saturday, February 11 to Stuntzi confer with tho commanders and ad-J During trio month of January jutants of tho various posts of this ! Judgo Woodhurst issued but seven part of tho sixth district. Tho buul- marriage llcensos which js below tho noss session will bo hold In the average. morning with a luncheon at tho Elk3 Saturday evening tho Junior High club at noon. In tho afternoon open ' school basket ball team defeated tho houso will bo kept at tho Elks club ( Hershoy High school team. The score and at G:30 a banquet will bo served was 18 to 17. at ono of the churches. Complete Gothenburg defeated tho North plans aro being worked out today. J Platto American Legion basket ball Tho American Legion banquet In ( team at Gothenburg Friday evening, connection with tho membership drive ' Tho scoro wns 32 to 22. -will bo held on February 28. j Tho county commissioners hold : :n: i the regular session yesterday with County Superintendent Aileen G.jan present. Routine business was the Cochran is u Lincoln thla week at tending a meeting of tho Association of County Superintendents of this Btato. Sho ia also taking up somo school business with tho state super intendent's office. Sho expects to re turn somo time tho last of tho week. ..t.f...M.....M.i..5;... if i.i i.t j.t .: it it MOVED I am now located in the $ McDonald Building at Cor ner of Front and Dewey Streets. it u if if :.: :.: :.t :.: only matter that came up for atten-J tlon. ' 1 ilolen DoRolf Is now In chargo of tho juvenllo branch of tho city library , at tho Lincoln school. Sho has bsen an assistant librarian hero for some time. , . j Tho North Platte Amorican Legion i basket ball team will play the Her- i.t shoy American Legion basket ball j 1 . r. ... i 1. T i.n iir.i 1 j iuuhi ii l iu .uuHiLm uuu v uu nubility g 1 night. I Mrs. Norman, who ia In chargo of tt the Horshey branch of tho City 11 library reports that thoy havo the II il hrary well organized and running In if ! good shapo now. j Composlto committee of tho night if if school will meet in Room C, Central building Thursday night. Many im- Asm the past, my pat- :.tschool wlH bo alacUB3C ii i i .i .1. rons win uc accorueu ine ft hestof service and all mat- H ters pertaining to Insurance. 1 Surety Bonds or Real Estate $ will receive my careful :;: attention. if i i tf if 0. H. THOELECKE, Phone 277W or 298. if which has :ttmtr.KK::w:tr.Ja::::::v same time. Mrs. W. P. Snyder's Sunday school class of tho Preabytorlan church will havo its regular class mooting Fri day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Ralph Garman, 902 West Third. At tho spocial session of District court hold horo last wook and tho wook boforo, Judgo - Bayard Payno handled flfty-ono cases. Somo of thoso wcro disposed of, somo rc vlowed and somo wore continued. This mado a big holo In tho docket been accumulating for E. R. Goodman. Pres. N. E. Buckley. Sec.-Trcas. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. CAPITAL $50,000.00 If you would be interested in having a part or all of your money invested in kigk grade securites exempt from State, County and City taxes and have the income from samo paid toyou memthly, call and see Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WORLD'S LARGEST CHAltf DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION BUYING FOR OUR 312 STORES LOWE! 312 DEPARTMENT STORES 110 East 5th St. North PJaite, Nebraska. msmt from Vas mi.. urctasnid tP Th? custorrjer pf our .312 department stores require vast quantities of goods. Where the ordinary stor bays in grow lots 6t 144 kl a time, wo buy 312 groos or 44,928 of ono article. Naturally, buying most w fejgy for less heniie, gelling most we sell for less. We Now Feature: Smart Suit Quality And Style That Appeals Prices That Convince mi ' ! I ."..V . i i.w , r . - f For Men audi Young Men STYLE, Quality and Economy are the three important factors that enter into the making of J. C. Penney Co. good clothes for men. More than ever before these three essential, points are embodied in our new Spring Suits for men and young men. Buying in volume for 312 stores we. aro in a position to dictato tho kind of fabrics and workmanship that goos Into tho clothing you buy at our stores. This means that our suits aro mado of seloctod all wool cloths and carefully tailored to fit and hold their shape. large, quantity buying, together with our efficient, store feiothods, enables us to effect substantial savings whichMn Wn we pas$ along to -you, in these splendid suits at excep- ll 11 l V ' ' onany low prices. $18.75 For1 Youns Men's SInglo Breasted Suits In a largo ' Yrmr.fr lVTr varety I broken checks in brown, bluo and tan i oung men cffects Double Breasted Styles aro in plain brown, gray, bluo and tan with neat pin stripes, also Glcnarlceh j plaids in gray and brown. Young Men's Sport Suits aro mado with thrcc-quartdr looso belt,patch pockets and backs with inverted pleats and inverted pleat vent newest Spring colors and patterns. Materials. aro all wool tweeds, cassimeres und unfinished worsteds. J Also Bluo Serges for young men in plain single and two-button doublo breasted styles. Men's Men's Suits of tho moro conservative typo aro ol all Suits W001 worstcci cIotl'9 in gray and brown mixed patterno, and all-wool serges in gray and blue. Shown in tho tw button Bomi-conservatlvo stylo and tho three-button staplo model. The Truly Remarkable Values in ' Men's Clothing We Are Offering This Season Further Demonstrates Our Ability To Serve You Better and Save You More. TILE LARGlflST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD 5T Kill s