The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1922, Image 4

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CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men
Sign ol Iho Big Ring
Satisfaction Sure Try Us.
Graduate Opticians
8 Office ovor tho McDonald
It Stute Hank.
Mrs. Jamos Baker returned from
Sidney yesterday whoro alio has' been
visiting friends.
J. Gantt and son loft Sunday for
Omaha whoro tho lator will recolvo
medical trcatmont.
Put Tho Trlbuno away after all tho
family have read It as you will want
to rofor to It lator.
Mrs. T. R Doucet took her small
son to Denver Sunday to rocelvo
medical trcatmont.
Harold Bllckcnstcrfor of Oklahoma
Is visiting his paronts, Mr. and Mrs.
II. BUckensdorfor.
H. L. Cochran loft Sunday night for
Henry Clark transacted buslnoss In
Sutherland yestorday.
ilond tho Bargain Countor list.
C L. Basking transacted business
In Ilyannls Monday.
Clinton & Son, tlvo Uye Glass Mon.
Servlco and Satisfaction. Lincoln whoro ho will transact bbusl-
irolon Parlat of Horalioy shopped noB8 for a fow uays
In tho city Saturday. Oeorgo Mcpinloy roturnod to Ogal-
Dowoy McGrow returned to Tor- a"a Monday aftor spo"nd!ng tho week
rlngton, Wyo., yestorday. .ond with his family.
Dixon Optical Co., glasses fitted, i You ca" let tho chlldron road Tho
Mrs. D. M. Reynolds transacted Trlbuno. Thoy will not find anything
business in tho city Monday. , in it that will bo offensive
Cy Cochran of Brady transacted Harvo Knight returned to his homo
business in tho city Monday. noar Koystono Monday aftor Bpond-
Cllnton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Mon, ing soveral days in tho city transact
Sorvlco and Satisfaction. 1 Ing business.
Beatrice Mays of Horshoy spent Mrs. Nols Puthoff returned to her
Saturday shopping In tho city , homo in Wood Illvor Saturday after
Mrs. II. B. Reynolds of Gothenburg spending soveral days with her sister,
shopped In tho city yestorday. Mrs. Elmer Coatos.
Is your wife loncsomo while you aro Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Evans returned
awny7 Send her Tho Trlbuno. to their homo In Gothenburg Satur-
Androw Nardlno of Brady transact- day after visiting friends in North
od buslnoss in tho clty yesterday. Platte tho past woek
William Lo Barron loft Sunday Iva M, Soaburg died- yestorday
night to transact buslnoss In Omaha, morning at 11 o'clock. Tho funcni'
Mr. and Mrs. "Byal Jolinson of will. bo hold from 'tho homo on West
Gothonburg visited in tho city Sun- Tonth stroot nt 3 o'clock this nftor
day. noon. Bov. Stevens officiating. Tho
Mr. and Mrs.' George Sandors wont romalns will bo takon to Chilatocho.
to Horshoy Sunday to Arlslt Frank Iowa, and interment will be made
Esholman. 'j -' there
James Bakor returned from Bod :o:
King. Ind., whoro ho, lias boon visit- T,1 Methodist men met nt G:30 last
Ing friends. ovoning in tho banquet room of tho
P. G. Hoxio returned to' Ogalalla church and enjoyed a dinner pro
Monday after spending soveral days Pared and served by tho Methodist
In tho city. . Lndlon Aid. Following tho banquet
Mrs. C. W. Batos arrived from aml 8on, songs "with orchestra ac
Calrano, Minn., Saturday. Mrs. Bates companlmont a number of short talks
will inako North Plntto her future woro &vcn nU(1 an oloctlon of offl-
Tho number of calls for Informa
tion about tho potato growors' moot
ing to bo hold hero noxt Thuraday
indlcatos a wldo sproad intorost in
tho proposition. County Agont Kol
logg's offico reports moro interest In
this meeting than In most of tho
meetings which havo been called and
if Weatherman Shilling docs his best
tho attendance is oxnoctcd to tax tho
I seating capacity of tho hall. II. 0.
'Wornor Is tho principal speaker and
ho will conduct a round tablb on po
tato growing which will bo of interest
to ovoryono who attonds. Tho meet
ing is to bo hold in' tho court -houso
on Thursday afternoon.
i Dr. J. Ames returned to his home
at Pottor Monday after spending sov
oral days In tho city.
AttornoyB Halllgan, Carr, Beatty,
GIbbs and Crosby wont to Grant yes
terday to attend court.
Agnes Hoagland returned to her
homo at Horshoy Saturday. Miss
Hoagland recently undorwont an op
oration at tho General hospital.
L. & S. Groceteria,
cors resulted as follows: II. A.
Brooks, president; E. A. Gamble, vlco
prosldontjA. H. Ellott, secretary;
OlmvloH McNamara, troasurcr. John
B. Edwards' waB toastmnBtor and
carrlod out tho plan of tho oonlng In
bucIi n manner that ovoryono was do
Jlghtod with tho ontortainmont. Reg
ular meetings of tho Methodist mou
will bo hold on tho second Monday of
oach month. About sovonty mon nt-tendod.
Save timo and troublo by
getting accurato advice on
battery matters from a spe
cialist on starting lighting
and ignition. Our battery
mon aro skilled auto electricians.
Midwest Electric
Service Station.
215 Ensl Sixth St.
Er jar l linn IT"" I III II ill l ill I iirr
lr a:.-
as- : v.
m k
Without a Telephone ! '""
r Can yop picturo all the trouble, inconvoniehco, 1
danger and loss of time that would result if all tho
telephone lines were silent for a single day ?
The telephone is so reliable that we fume and fret if
,v: it falters or is silent for even a few hours.
" Of all inventions, there is none that., gives a person'
, as much pleasure, profit and protection'for the money ho
. v spends, as the telephone. ' : 1
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
January 13 Lexington, 13; N. P., 27.
January 20 Gothenburg, 22; N. P. 1.
Junuary 27 -Lexington, 19; N. P., 28.
January 28 Sholton, 7; N. P., 17.
February 3 Fromont, 21; N. P., 19.
February A Fremont, 14; N. P., 20.
February 9 Lincoln thero.
February 10 Havolock there.
February 11 Unl. Placo thore.
February 17 Gothonburg hero.
February 18 Alma, hero.
February 24 Sterling, Colo, thero.
February 25 Sidnoy thore.
March 3 Sutton horo.
March 4 Suttdn hero.
Jan. 24 Gothenburg, 23; N. P., 13.
Jan. 20 Brady, 29; N. P., 12.
Fob. 1 Lincoln, 32; N. P., 23.
Feb. 2 Horshoy, here.
Fob. 3 Gothenburg, 35; N. P. 22.
Feb. 8 Brady, here.
Feb. 13 Sutherland, hero.
Feb. 15 Sholton, here.
Fob. 18 Sutherland, away.
That testing cattle for tuberculosis
and tho cleaning up of infected herds
aro having a, permanent effect In re
ducing the extent of tho disease is
shown conclusively by figures recent
ly collected by tho United Statos De
partment of Agriculture from inspec
tors In charge of ho eradication wont
in various parts of tho country. The
Inspectors woro asked to Bupply fig
ures of badly diseased herds, thoso
that had not moro thon 10 per cent of
reactors on tho first test. The first
test on moro thon" 58,000 cattlo in
thoso bad herds shovyed that 2G per
cent had tuberculosis. Another tost
Bix months later on tho same herds,
from which tho reactors had been re
moved, showo(V only 6.9 per cent of
the dlscaso. By another b!x months
tho perccntago had gono down to 2.8
A fourth tost on more than 25,000 of
thoso cattlo showed only 1.8 per cent
of tuberculosis.
Tho reports from which their fig
ures were taken show that under nor
mal conditions hords very badly dis
eased may be established as relatively
free in a short time. Thoy also "'show
that eradication work can be carried
on hvithout destroying tho cattlo in
dustry as Is sometimes thought. Er
ratic Results woro obtained on a very
JTOw of tho 18S2 herds tested, tho list
of tills class containing less than 100.
Out of tho 12G.6C8 herds under ob
servation Doccmbor 1, 1921, there
Woro only a very fow that had not
shown satisfactory Improvement as
a result of testing.
On Sale Now and others will be
added from day to day. Always
opportunities to economize and
save at this Store.
Standard 35 inch, per yard
" Plaids, per yard
Bleached or unbleached -.
5 Standard
Standard 36 inch
r3J cwoo n in
Evorct Adams who attends Midland
Collogo nt Fremont arrived yestorday
to spond a fow days with his parents.
Bonjamin Young camo from Mad
rid Monday to attend tho funeral of
his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Young.
Charles William Morton was born
in Wisconsin, May 9, 1859 and
andipassed away at his homo in North
Phitto, Fobruary 3, 1922, at tho ago
of G2 yoais, 8 months, and 27 days.
His early childhood was spent in
Minnesota whoro his aged mothor
now rosidea. When a young man ho
wont to Tonnosseo whoro lator ho
was' united In marrlago with Carrio
Whitman, who died Docembor 31,
1900. Thero woro two childron born
to this union, a daughter, ,Mrs. Alta
Johnson of this city, and a son, Al
mon, who passod away Novombor 2,
1916. Fifteen years ago Mr. Morton
came to North Platto whoro ho has
slnco roslded. Ho Was married August
16, 1909 to Mrs. Addio Coateso, who
survives him. Mr. Morton was a
carpontor by trado and belonged to
tho local Union No. 1200 of U. B. of
C. and J. of A.
As a workman ho proved himself
to bo honest, painstaking and depend
able. His sympathetic naturo was
shown in his devotion to and loving
caro of his wlfo during hor many
months of suffering and. illnoss.
v :o:
Sizes 6 to 16 years
Sizes 4 to 14 years
AH sizes, fast colors
wnc. fiiibb iu KVLHiuUUT J.E.NELSON. MANAGER
Duroc Jorsoy.
Tho University of Nobraska Experi
mental Substation will hold its annual
brod sow salo at tho Experimental
Substation farm, tltroo miles south of
North Platto at 1:30 p. m. (contral
timo) Tuesday, Fobruary 21, 1922.
Tho offoring will consist of about 35
puro brod gilts nnd tried sows, and
also a few vory choice 1921 fall
boars by a son of Great Orion Sonsa
tlon. Tho gllta carry a largo amount
of Groat Orion Sonsatlon blood. Thoy
aro woll grown but not fat. Some aro
brod to a son of Royal P&thflndor,
tho othors to a ion of Colonel Sonsa
tlon. Wo bollava you will llko these
hogs and we are certain thay have
tho brooding, typo and care that
should tire satbifactoF-y results.
W. P. SNYDER, Supt.
of Good Floor
The Kearney Mills is unloading a ,car
of Red Moon Flour,
Friday ' and Saturday.
, This is a high Patent Flour and every N
sack guaranteed. In order to get the i
public started to use this Flour the
price will be cut to
$1.65 per 48 lb. Sack
at all Red Moon dealers, Friday arid
Saturday.' You use Red Moon Pan
cake Flour. Why not Red Moon
Flour. Take advantage of these two
days. For Sale at All Dealers.
Never Before in the
History of North Platte
has this Laundry bervice
been offered at this price
, Combination Damp
Wash 7c the lb.
All Flat Work Ironed. Wearing - Apparel
Returned Damp.
Minimum Bundle 20 lbs.
Your Washing Handled on .the
Individual Plan.
Call The Soft Water Laundry, 103