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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBLNE. tlamtnndlng of tlia boat practlcos in oulturo In ordor to got tho bot ' 1 1 , ( rosulU. Bankers must tnko an ln- VILS0N I'OUT. Kdllor and Publisher. ' terest in tho Industry and bo ns will- Scmt-ffieeklu iaribimc ' Ing to furnish capital for seed and Enter! at the North l'lutte, Nebraska lnnchinery for potato raising m they P08i0"-.-n8 SCCOml C,"8..,!!.tt!.r, ! aro for boots or whoat Diversity of SUHSCJtU'TION 1'ItlCBt industry is tho groatost fuctor in the i 1 1 ...... 1 ...ahhhhIIi n m nnyt. Ono Year, in advanco $1.60 agnounurui mu.u.. Ul D FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1922. tion. EDITOJHAL NEBRASKA FLA (J LAW LOME, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE YAK- IOUS ORGANIZATION'S OK THE CITY Whoever In any manner, for cxhlbl tion or display, shall placo or cause In our next Ibbuo wo will havo a 1J bQ vmc0(t nny wordi glir0( ,nark, poom entitled, "Tho Rlvor," by O. 0. p,cturC( Uos,Ea ,irawlng 0r nny ad- vcrllsomont of nny nature upon nay flag, htandnrd, color or onslgn of tho H. Woidnor, 8"Uporlntondont of tho Na tlonal cemetery at Fort McPhorson. . -- . .... . .. ' ' a' .i- ITnltnd Stntos or state flarr or onsicn Tlia MNDune. warns jib curnunj iu . deliver tho papon during tho noon1 ot this stato; or shall oxposo or cause hour on Tuosday and Friday. Some- to bo Exposed to public vlow any such times tho papers nro not ready but1'" standard, color or ensign, up.n wo expect theboys to call at tho of-, which shall havo been printed, paint fico and find out. Somotimes tho od or othorwlso placed, or to which l.nva clvft-.ftxmiBfia that thov havo "hall bo attache!, cippendod, affixed other tasks to do at noon. In that caso wo must got other bqgs. It is a bUBinesB mattor. and whero possible tho papers must bo doliverod at noon, or fnnoxod, an woid, figuro, mnrlc plctnro, design or drawing, or any n.'lvcrtisomcnt of anj nnturo; or who hall expose to l.ubilc vlow, manufac ture soli, oxposo for salo, glvo away While ho was" not snoklnifor nub-1 or Imvo in possession for salo or to llcation, it is roportod that Engineer Rive away, or for uso for any pur ' Smith looks upon tho lower Platto , pose, any artlclo or substanco, boing irrigation project ns ono of tho groat- an nrtlclo of crchaudlse, or n rccop ost In tho United States. Mr. Smith taclo or orchandlso or artlclo or has had ton years oxperionco with. thing for carrying or transporting govornmont projects, in Montana and morchandlso upon which shall havo Washington. Tho project is said to .boon printed, paintod, nttacned or covor "over 30P.000 acres of land in : othorwlso placed a representation o Lincoln, Dawson and Buffalo coun- any Buch flag, standard, color or on tios. Tho cost of constructing this sign, to ndvortiso, call attention to, project will bo many millions of dol- j tlocorato, mark or distinguish tho ar lars and it la expected that this cost , tlclo or substanco, on which so plac will bo undortakon by tho govorn-(ed; or rwho shall publicly mutilate, mont reclamation sorylco. It wllljdofaco or defy, tramplo upou, or cast placo ovor GO.OOO acres of Lincoln contempt, oithor by words or act, up- county land under cultivation. At tho last County Fair olght prizes ! woro offered for tho best colloctlvo prcolnct oxhiblts. Less than eight products ehtored tho competition and th'oro itro forty-eight prooincta in Lin coln county. Tho proposition' which was urged in last Tuesday's Tribune 'was that again tho directors should "offor olght prizes but instead of of fering thorn by proclncte thoy should bo by school . districts. This would not rcquiro nny more prlzos nor any mormonoy hut it would make the school district tho unit instead of tho proolnct. Tho number of school dis tricts In tho county would not be taken into consideration any moro tlinn tho number of chlckon ralsors vlnHho 'c'dunty'ig taken- Into 'considera tion In offering prizes for poultry or tho number of babies In tho county 1p Samo to roprosont ' tho bettor babies department. METHODIST 11:00 Tho Things That Wo Would. 7:30 Tho Sixth Commandment EPISCOPAL -11:00 Holy Communion and Sor 7:30 Evening Prayer and Sormou. KENSINGTON- Eastern Star konslngton poned until further notice. is post- CATIIOLIC Ladies will hold a food exchango Saturday Fchr. 4 at tho W..R. Mal onoy store. The Farm ar's Auction 2or H. M. Johansen, North Piatt, Nabmska. Phone 783F3 For thoso who do not havo enough stock or machinery for a general farm sale, I am located bo I can hold a combination Balo nt North Platto' or ut tho Fair view dairy 1 tnlloB west of -town. I havo always got enough stock or mnchlnory listed with mo so we can hold a combination sale any timo. , NOTICE OF PETITION . Boolor, Crosby & Baskins. Estate No. of Juno James, do- CHRISTIAN 11:00 "Secret of Spiritual Powers'' 7:30 Endeavor will havo charge of sorvlcos. CATHOLIC Girls club will postpono lta regu lar mooting on nccount-of tho death of Miss Farrolla Bister. BAPTIST 11:00 Communion. 7:30 "Tho Continental Limited: Members of tho railroad are Invited. on any such flag, standard, color or onslgn, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdomoanor, and shall bo punished by n, flna not excooding ono hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not moro than thirty days, or both. The words, "flag," "standard," "color" or "ensign," as usod in this subdivision or section, shall inoludd any flag, standard, color, ensign or nny plcturo or roprosontntlon of olther thereof, mado of any substanco, or represent ed qn any substance, and of nny size ovidontly purporting to bo oithor of said flag, standard, color or onslgn of tho United Stntes of America, orj ti plcturo or a representation of elthor I thereof, upon which bo shown the colors, the stars, and tho strlpo3, In any number of olther thoreot, or by which tho person seeing tho samo, without doliboration may bollovo tho tho flag, colors, LUTHERAN 11:00 "Tho Transfigured Christ: tho End of Chnstonod Exporlence, tho be ginning, of UnBolflsh Service."" 7:30 "Tho Evolution' of Sin." EASTERN STAJ1 Regular meetings are never post poned. Lodgo always meets tho'eoc ond and fourth Thursday of orfch month. (Directed hy E. Mason Hopper I Goldwyti Picture ' KeiihSunday, loeday, Tuesday tl ATlMr'P LMINtPlAV LUTHERAN Chqlr will hold au oxchanga, St urdny, Falrr. 4 at uerryuerry' una Forbes. Homo mado cakes, pies, broad doughnut cookies, dressed ohlcllon and fresh eggs will ho on- sulo.- FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Gloso in. Phono 1147W. . standard or onslgn of tho United I States of America. Tho possession 1 Tlvey aro specializing on potato y any person, othor than a public growing. on tliroo aides of us. Wo officer, nB such, of nny such flag, havo . the Koiynoy district, tho Al-1 utandnrd, color or ensign, on which llanco district and tho Kimball dls- B,ai u0 anything mado unlawful nt trlct. No ono has been ablo to tollLny tlmo by thlB section, or of any hus why wo aro not growing enough "potatoes In Lincoln county to supply tho locul ncods. North Platto "ships r In many cars of potutocs each your and theso potatoes should bo grown hero In Lincoln county. Potatoos can bo grown In sandy soil and by dry ..farming methods and the farmers of BlflcolhColtnty havo 'botn"bf thoso at Jiiand. .Htvlll, rcmlijp co-operation S?oit1u rWorff'hnd an Intelligent un- artlclo or substanco or thing on which shall bo anything mado unlawful at any tlmo by this section shnll bo presumptive ovldonco that tho Bamo Is In violation of tho section. (1905 p. C92; Ann. 2390; Comp. 79151). ;o: 1,093,000 Fords delivered to their owners In 1021. Tho now low prices will ninko tho number of sales great er In 1022. D. A. R: Sioux Lookout Chapter D. A. R. will moot at Mrs. Grimes Monday at 7,: 30 sSarp. Important business to 'bo transacted and a full attendance is desired. . u : FOR RENT Storage . BpactJ In fire proof waro house. Simon Bros. FOR RENT Three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. Phono G40W. ,'E. R. Goodman. Pres. N. E. Buckley. Sec -Treas, Goodmasi-Buckley Trust Co. CAPITAL S50.000.00 If you would 1)3 interested in having a part or ail of your money invested in high grade securites exempt from State, County and City taxes and have the income from same paid toyou monthly, call and see , Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho Editor: In Tuesday's issue of Tho Trlbuno wo noticed a suggestion In regard to colloctlvo precinct exhibits at tho county fair. It was suggested that prizes bo awarded by school dls trlcts Instead of by precincts. There aro forty-nlno precincts and 134 school districts In Lincoln county. Wo wish to thank tho party who mado this suggestion and wo would greatly approclato It if others would express thotr Ideas regarding this particularly tho numbor of dlfforcnt prccInctB and school districts. Our aim Is to mako this year's fair tho best in the state. In order to do this wo must havo tho hearty co-op- oratlon of ovory man and woman in Lincoln county. So if you will mall your suggestion to S. M. Soudor, sec retary or J. C. Wilson, president, thoy will bo taken up with tho directors anl oYory possible effort will bo mado so na to make It to tho Interest of tho people Mall your suggestions early and avoid tho rush. Lincoln County Fair Association. By J. C. Wilson AT THfE SUN SUNDAY, 'MONDAY, TUESDAY "FLOWER OF THE NORTH" BY James Oliver Curwood WITH HENRY B. WALTHALL AND " . PAULINE STARKE :And an All-Star Cast in Thi Thrilling Tale of the HERBERT HOOVER X O 8 0 X t S' Goldwyn P: Rupert Hugties" comrdy drama of American taarried life ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stae of Nebraska. To all per sons Inter.' cd In said Estato tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho probate of tho will of said dooeased, and for tho appointment of Lr. E. Mehlmnnn as Administrator ' with the Will Annexed of sold. Es tato, which has been set for hearing heroin on March 3rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. Datod February 2, 1922. (Seal) WM. II. C. WOODIIURST, County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE Want Ads PLEASANT VIEW ITEMS WANTED, TO RENT Modern B-room houSo for a year. Ehono 106GW. LOST Ladies' 430J. fountain pen. Phone Examinations aro over. Charles Llorninti spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Swiritlell. Tho'treater had a free picture show Wodnesday ovenlng. Charles Llerman helped Frank Hand butcher Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Llccman is having a quilting party today. A Mr." and Mrs. lland and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison McKnight and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sllns Kugler. Martini Stephens . hud n bad acci dent Wednesday noon when she fell striking her left arm and spraining it very bad'y She is not been In school Shl.'O. "3 i Si To Clvdo M. Trotter, and all nor- sons having or claiming any, Intorost in Lot Ton (10) of Block Two (2) of Rlvordalo Addition to the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, ucal names unknown. You and each of you are hqroby nogfied that Anna Voss -as, pTalntlff, commenced an action against you and each of you In. tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Janu ary 30, 1922, tho object and prayer of the petition filed thoroln, being to quiet title In the plaintiff, Anna Voss, to -all of Lot Ten (10) of Block Two (2) o Rlverdale Addition to tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, No braakn, against any interests in, rights or title to, or Hen upon said property, of any of the defendants In said ac tion; to bar tho defendants and each "of them from all interests In, rights, or title to, or Hen upon said property and to enjoin said defendants and each of. them from ever claiming or asserting any Interests In, rights, or tltlo to, or Hen upon said real estate. . You are required to answer said pe tition ont or before tho 13th day of March, 1922. ANNA VOSS, Plaintiff. By WM. E. SHUMAN, Her Attorney. FOR RENT G-room house, modern oxcopt heat. Inqulro at 222 Ertst NOTICE OF SALE OF COLLATERAL Fifth street. Phono 2G5J SECURITY WANTED Mature lady or gentleman to collect and solicit business In North Platto. Address P. O. Box 678. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of -W collateral note dated Sep tember 24, 1921 for the payment of ' " " xl. a TTIf mi. 1 T71! TT.... FOR SALE Or exchange, for' city U1 wm ol rivo illuU8iluu J'lvo "uu" property, 640 acres of land, 8 miles dred (?5,500.00) Dollars on Decern- i oi mm ...til. ln.nn a -nA frnm tnmn. O. TT. Thnnlecko. uu tioi. mo .um of 10 per cent per annum after due, litems: FOR SALE 1922 Ford roadster; new, au(i payable to McDonald Stnto Bank, One (1) Eight' (8) inch Benturi Mc- complotoly equipped, at a bargain, North Platte, Nebraska, and mado tor tubo complete with registering, in- NOT1CE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will bo received by tho City Council of tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, nt tho office of tha City Clerk of said' City up until 8 P. M. of Tuesday, February 7ih, 1922 for tho .furnishing, F. O. B. cars North Platto, Nebraska of the following on reasonablo terms. Dealer. FOR RENT Farm, 160 acres, fine lo cation, all necessary buildings; near Brady on Lincoln uignway. John McOeo, Brady,' Nob. J, V. Romigh, executed nnd delivered by II. L. Pen J nington, under and by virtue of said collateral note, capital stock certlfl j cates of Tho Leypoldt & Pennington I Company of North Platte, Nebraska, j In tho total amount of Ten Thousand I ($10,000.00) Dollars, represented by WANTED Agent to sell Hog, Stock Its certificates No. s ror nuy ouj and Poultry tonic. Supply doalort ; shares and No. 9 for fifty (GOO shares, nnd also Boll direct to farmers. Ad- tho par value oi cacn snare oi wnicn drcsB E-6 care Tribune LOST OR STRAYED Ono white-faced cow and calf; brand on right hip; hole in right car and dulnp. Edward Thleslng, Brady. FOR SALE Whito Plymouth Rock cockerols and Buff Orpington cock erols. Edw. Walker, 1G03 E. Fifth. Phono 920W. Canadian Northlaadi in Summer Secrotary of Chnmbor of Commorco Says: Insurance off ore men and women an opportunity to pool tho financial effocta of clicnco misfortunes, and is also a good medium for earing and investment. Tl wldo distribution of Insurance In this country Is an In valuable factor In' our dally life, and is, I bollovo, one of the finest results f onr national development. (Copyright, 1921, by the Spectator Gto.) Published by O. F. TirmtPLS. the Travelers M&m. :o:- Tho boys of tho Epworth Longuo entortnincd tho girls Thursday oven Ing at a party In tho Mothodlst church rIorB. Garaoa woro played and at t' o closo of tho ovonlng a lunch wca ecrvod. Mrs.. Qoorgo B. Gnrrad entertained fourtcon guests Wodnesday, tho oc cnslon being Mr. and Mrs. Garrad's olovonth wedding annlvorsary. A plonsant ovonlng was sfcont nn.d dainty refreshments wero ecrvod, If your son Bont n telegram say ing that your husband had another wlfo, what would you do? Soo whijt Mrs. Splggot does In tho "Hoodoo," Fob. 0. FOR SALE Dining room nnd bed room furnlturo, Duofold, 2 rugs, floor lamp and other household far- nlturo in firBt class condition. Mrs F. J. McGovorn, 321 W. Sixth St, Phono 434J. WANTED Salesman or saloslady for Nebraska townB. Soiling oxperionco not necessary. If you havo ambition enough to walk from houso to houso that's onough to soil an artlclo as es sontlnl ns knlvos and forks In tho kitchon If you keep houso. You loso nothing by Bonding 25c for samplo and sales tormB. A. B. Hageman, Ra venna, Nob. I Is Ono Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, each certificate bearing dato October 20, 1919, executed by tho President and Secrotary of said Tho Leypoldt & Pennington Company of North Platto, Nebraska, having been pledged as security for tho payment of said note and actually delivered to said McDonald State Bank by Bald H. L. Pennington, and assigned by said II. L. Pennington In blank nnd now In tho possession of said McDonald State Bank, North Platte, Nehraska, and default having been made In tho pay ment of tho amount duo upon said note, and no suit or othor proceeding at law having boen instituted to re cover said debt or any part thereof theroforo, Bald McDonald State Bank of North Platte, Nebraska, will Bell tho property In said collateral noto described, viz: Capital Stock rortlfl cato of Tho Leypoldt & PennTton Company of North Platto, Nobr. 3ka, represented by Certificate No 8 for fifty (DO) Bharos, and represented hy Certificate No 9 for fifty '(50) BharoB, each of tho par value of Ono Hun dred (?100.00) Dollars, each cortlfi cnto bearing date of October 20, 1919 oxecuted by tho Prcsldont nnd Sccro tary of tho Bald Tho Leypoldt & Pen nington Company, North Platto, No braska, and isauod to said H. L. Pen dlcating and recording apparatua and all other accessories including a year's supply of charts, Planlmotor for Integrating charts, Instructions for installing; necessary' mercary and Set of tools. Ono ten (10) Inch Venturl Meter completo aa above. One twelve (12) inch Venturi Meter completo ns above. Bids to be mado on each motor separate; also give total price It throo meters aro taken and state earliest dato delivery of some can bo mado. Payments will be cash within 30 dayB after arrival of moters, F. O. B. North Platto, Nobraska. Tho City Council reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. Elder, City Clerk. Datod January 21st, 1922. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 394. For Solo, Trado or Rent ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A HOME Call H A. Olson if ou want to buy, ooll, trade or build. I can eorre you in tho way of location and PRICE. f into n in 40 finrn tracts w, V ,nnf imnrnvomonta. hl-1 nington nt public auction at tho hank- ...vvs, ' . I , . , -.iTWnl.l Cfnn TlnnV gtitod forma, sand hill farms, rancli b land with alfalfa and wot hay land at North P atte Lincoln County, Nebrns- nrtrna n mmnATA with tllO ttrGSOIlt i U44 k J " time values. Call or write E. A. OLSON Phono 1130 314 So. LoouBi St. Goodbyo, Arixlotyl Travelers Ac qldont Policies. nt tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. Dated this 4th day of Fohruary, 1922, Mcdonald state bank. Ily W. H. McDonald, lta President To Whom It May Concern: Tho special commissioner appoint ed to locato a public rood as follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner of Soctlon 10, Township 11, North Rango 30, thonoo west botween sec tions 10 and 1G, and 16 and 9 said Township and Rango, also commenc ing nt Southeast corner of Section 10, TowiiBhip 11, Rango 30 thence east between Soctlons 11 and 14 snli -TownBhlp and Rango, also commone- lng at tho southeast corner of Sec tion 10, Township 11, Rango 30 thence south between sections 14 and 15 sold Township and Rango, road to bo 68 foot wldp, has ropprtcd in favor thore ot all objections thereto or clalniB for damages by reason of tho establish ment of nbovo described road niust be fllod in tho offlco of tho County Clork on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of Uio 7th day of April 1922, or said road will bo allowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska tills 16th day of Jaj&uary, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.