The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 31, 1922, Image 6

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(CHAPTER XV Continued.)
j 18
Tony thcroupou ordered tho women
to sit down on the ground In tho shado
land not roovo under penalty of "got
'iln' a wing clipped." Wo obeyed In
l(cnco and looked on while tho pirates
jwlth wolfish voracity devoured tho
meal which had been mennt for us.
fXhoy had pocket-flasks with them, and
as they attacked thorn with frequency
thjo'talk grew louder and wilder. By
degrees It was posslblo to comprehend
tho extraordinary disaster which had
bofallen us, at least In a sketchy out
llho of which tho detail was filled In
later. Tony, It appeared, was tho mas
'tor of a small power schooner which
had been fitting out in San Francisco
for a filibustering trip to tho Mexican
.coast, and his thrco linrd companions
.vjcro tho crow. Nono was of tho old
hearty breed of sailors, but wharf-rats
pure and simple, city-dregs whom
chanco hud led to follow tho sea.
(Tony, In whom one detected a certain
(rough forco and ability, was an Ital
ian, an outlaw specimen of tho breed
(which mans tho fishing fleet putting
iforlh from tho harbor of San Fran
jclsco. When und whore ho and Mag
nus had boon frioiids I do not know.
But no sooner had the wisdom of Miss
Browne imparted tho great secret to
her cluihco ucqualntanco of tho New
fork wharves, than ho had communi
cated with his old pal, Tony. Tho
power-schooner with her unlawful car
go stole out through tho gate, made
her delivery In tho Mexican port, took
on fresh supplies, and stood away for
Leeward Island, Tho western anchor
age had received and snugly hidden
her. Captain Mugnus, mcanwhllo, by
means of a mirror flashed from Look
out, had maintained communication
wjth his friends, and oven visited them
unflor cover of tho supposed shooting
expedition. And now, while wo had
been striving to overcomo the recal
citrancy of Mr. Tubbs, Captain Mag
nus had taken a short cut to tho samo
end. You felt that tho secret of Mr,
Tubs would bo extracted, If need be,
by no delicate methods.
But Mr. Tubbs charactor possessed
nono of that unreasonable obstinacy
which would mnko harsh measures
noccssury under such conditions. Ills
countenance, as tho Illuminating con
versation of the pirates had proceed
ed, lost tho speckled appearance
which had characterized it at tho
height of his terrors. Something KUo
his normal huo returned, Ho sat up
strnlghtor, moistened his dry lips, and
(poked around upon us, yes, oven upon
Aunt Jane and Miss Hlgglesby-Browno,
with whom ho had been so lately and
so tenderly reconciled, with a side
long, calculating glance. After tho
piratoa had eaten, tho prisoners on tho
log wero covered with a rifle and their
hands untied, whllo Cookie, In a lu
gubrious silence" mado eloquent by his
rolling cyos, passed around among us
tho remnants of tho food. 1'ot under
all tho terror was a bedrock confidence
that tlicro was, there must bo some
how In tho essence of things, an eter
nal Tightness which would keep mo
safo from Captain Magnus. And as
I lookod across at Dugald Shaw and
mot for uu lnstaut his steady, watch
ful eyes, I managed a swift little smllo
a rather wan smllo, I dara sny, but
still a smile.
i Cuthbcrt Vano caught, so to speak,
itlio tall of It, and wus electrified. I
saw his Hps form at Mr. Shaw's ear
tho words, "Wonderful llttlo sport, by
A curious stiffening hud come over
'Cuthbcrt Vano. For tho first time In my
knowledge of him ho showed tho con
nclnumiPKS lnfitoml nf nnlv Mm onh.
'consciousness of tho dlfforcuco be-
tweon Norman blood and tho ordinary
sanguine fluid. Ills shoulders squared ;
he lost his habitual easy loungo and
sat erect and tall. Something stern
and aquiline showed through tho
Igraooth beauty of his fuco, so that you
thought of ciuglcs of crusading knights
stretched on tholr ancient tombs in
Ugh Staunton church. lie was their
tvnin flncfuriflniit'. nffnn nit Hila alnur
calm, gentio-manncrcd Cuthbcrt. It
was a young Hon that I had been play
ing with, and tho clawB wore thoro,
strong and terrible In tholr vclvot
Captain Tony, having finished his
pipe, knocked tho ashes out against
.the heol of his boot and put tho plpo
'in bis pocket
"Well," ho said, stretching, "I'd ruth
er havo a nap, but business Is bus!
'ness, so lot's get down to It Which
o' them guys has tho lino on tho stuff,
"Old Baldy, here," returned Mag
nus. wiUa a nod at Mr. Tubbs. "Old
Washtubs I call him generally; ha,
' 'Then looky here, Washtubs," said
(Tony, addressing Mr. Tubbs with sud
4m sternness, "maybe you could bluff
'these bCMrsoft guys, but wo'ro a dif
ferent breed o' cats, wo are. What-
ever you know, you'll come through
with It, and come quick, or It'll bo tho
worso for your hide, see?"
Mr. Tubbs roso fronflhe log with
"Captain," ho said earnestly, "from
long experience in the financial cen
ters of tho country, I have got to be
a man what understands human na
ture. Tho minute I looked at you, I
seen It In your eyo that there wasn't
no uso in tryln' to bluff you. You nro
a congenial crowd, you boys gosh,
but you do look good to me after tho
bunch o' stiffs I been playln' up to
heret All I ask Is, to let me In on It
with you, and I'll bo glad to put you
wise to tho best tricks of a sly old
fox who ain't over been caught yet
without two holes to his burrow. I
won't ask no half, nor no quarter,
cither, though I just signed up for
that amount with tho old girl here.
But give mo freedom, and a bunch o'
live wires like you boys I I've near
froze into n plaster figure o' Virtue,
what with talkin' llko a Sunday school
class, and spnrkln' one old maid and
makln' out llko I wouldn't melt butter
with tho other. So II. II. will ship
along of you, mates, and we'll off to
tho Chlnn coast somewhercs where
tho spcndln' Is good and tho pollco
not too noisy, and try how fnr a
trunkful of doubloons will go I"
With a choky little gurglo In her
throat Aunt Jano fell limply against
me. It was too much. All day long
Alio had been tossed back and forth
llko n shuttlecock by tho battlcdoro of
emotion. She had borno tho shock
of Mr. Tubbs' sordid greed for gold,
his disloyalty to tho expedition, his
coldness to herself; she had been shak
en by tho tender stress of tho rec
onciliation, had been captured (by
pirates, and now suffored tho supreme
blow of thin final revelation of Uie
treachery of Tubbs. To hear her ro
inanco described as tho sparking of an
old maid and by tho Bparkerl From
MIsb IIlgglesby-Browno had como a
snort of fury, bnt sho said nothing,
having apparently no confidence in
tho effect of oratory on pirates. Sho
did not oven exhort Aunt Jane, but
left It to mo to Bustaln my drooping
aunt as best I could.
As Mr. Tubbs- mado his whole-heart
ed and magnanimous proposal Captain
Tony opened his small black eyes and
contemplated him with attention.
Then ho glanced round upon his fel
"What say, boys? Shall we ship
old Washtubs on tho schooner and
lot him have his fling along with us?
Eh?" And as Captain Tony uttered
theso words tho lid of his left eye
eclipsed for an Instant that intelli
gent optic.
From tho pirates came a scattering
volley of assents. "All right hooray
for old Washtubs sure, closo tho
"All right, Washtubs, tho boys are
willing. So I guess wo better bo mov
ing toward that chest of doubloons."
It was arranged that Sllnker and a
cross-eyed man named Horny should
remain at tho camp on guard. As a
mcasuro of precaution Cookie, too,
was bound, nnd Aunt Jane, Miss
Browno and I ordered into tho cabin.
Tho three remaining pirates, nrmed
with our spades and picks nnd dis
pensing a great deal of Jocular pro-
faulty, set out for tho cavo under, tho
guidance of Mr. Tubbs.
Thankful as I wus for the depart
ure of Captain Magnus, 1 underwent
torments In tho Btlfllng Interior of
tho cubln. Aunt Jano wept pltcously.
At last I heard a fulnt moan:
"Virginia 1"
I went to her. "Yes, nuntlo?"
"Virginia," sho murmured, "I think
shall not Hvo to leave tho island,
even If I nm not not executed. In
fact, I havo a feeling now as though
tho end wore approaching. I havo al
ways known that my heart was not
strong, oven If your Aunt Susan did
call It Indigestion. But oh, ray dear
child, it Is not my digestion it Is my
heart that has been wounded 1 To havo
reposed such confidence In a serpent 1
To realize that I might havo been Im
paled upon Its fangs I Oh, my dear,
faithful child, what would I havo done
If you had not clung to mo although
I permitted serpents to turn mo from
you 1 But I am cruelly punished. All
I ask Is that some day when you ore
married and happy, dear you will ro-
inovo from this desolate spot tho poor
remains of her who of her who "
Sobs choked Aunt Jane's utterance.
"Jano " began Miss Illgglosby'
"I was speaking to my niece," re
piled Aunt Jano with unutterable dig
nity from hor corner. Her small fea
tures had all but disappeared In her
swollen face, and hor hair had slipped
down at a rakish anglo over ono eye,
But, of course, being Aunt Jane, she
must choose this moment to bo queen
"Thore, there, auntie," I said sooth'
Ingly, "of course you are not going to
lonva vour bones on this island. If
you did you know, you and Bill Halll-
well might ha'nt nround together
think how cozy I (Here Aunt Jane
gave n convulsive shudder.) As to
my being mnrrled, If you were betting
Just now on anybody's chances, thoy
would havo to bo Captain Magnus',
wouldn't they?"
"Good gracious, Virginia I" shrieked
Aunt Jane faintly. But I went on re
lentlessly, determined to distract her
mind from thoughts of her approach
ing end.
"All thlnes considered. I supposo I
really ought to ask you to put my af
fairs In order when you get back. If
I am carried off by the pirates, natu
rally I shall have to Jump overboard
at once, though I dislike the Idea of
drowning, and especially of being
eaten by sharks. Would you mind
putting up a llttlo headstone it
needn't cost much in tho family plot,
with Just 'Virginia' on it? And any
thing of mine that you don't want your
self I'd like" Bess to havo for the
huby, please. Ask her when tho llttlo
duck Is old enough to tell her my sad
story "
By this time Aunt Jano was sob
bing loudly und waving her little hands
about In wild beseeching.
"Jano 1" broke In Miss Browno again
In awful tones. But at that moment
the door of the cabin opened and tho
face of Sllnker peered In.
"Say," ho remarked, "there ain't no
sense In you girls stnyln' ccoped up
here that I sec. I guess me and Horney
can stnnd you off If you try to rush
us. Como out and cool off a little."
The great heat of tho day was over
and tho sun already dropping behind
the peak of the Island. Mr. Shhw
"There Ain't No Sense In You Girls
Stayln' Cooped Up Here."
and Cuthbcrt had been allowed to sit
In tho shade, and I thought tholr
wrists wero not too tightly bound for
comfort. Cookie had been released,
and under tho eye of .Horney was get
ting supper. Crusoo bad earlier in
the day received a kick In tho ribs
from Captain Magnus, fortunately too
much occupied with the prisoners to
pursue his vengeance further, and had
fled precipitately, to my enormous re
lief. Tho dog was quite wise enough
to know that ho would help mo best
by keeping out of tho clutches of our
common foe.
Just then there come from tho woods
tho sound of footsteps and voices, and
tho three pirates and Mr. Tubbs en
tered tho clearing. A thrill ran through
tho camp. Captors und captives forgot
all else but tho great, tho burning
question had tho treasure been dis
covered? And I am sure that no one
was so thrilled as I, although In my
mind tho question took another form.
For now I was going to know what
had been waiting for me' there in
tho cave, when I stood yesterday at its
black entrance, afraid to go In.
As True Now as When Addison Ad
vised It, More Than Two
Centuries Ago.
Two hundred years ago Addison
wrote: "Nature delights. In tho most
plain and slmplo diet. Every animal,
but man, keeps to ono dish. Herbs nro
tho food of this species, fish of that
and flesh of a third. Man falls upon
tho smallest fruit or excrescence of
tho earth, scarce a borry or mushroom
can escape him.
"It is impossible to lay down any
determlnnto rule for temperance.
Wore I to consider my readers as my
patients, nnd to prcscrlbo such a kind
of temnorance as Is accommodated to
all persons, i wouia copy mo iohow-
Ing rules of n very eminent physician :
Mako your whole repast out of one
dish; If you Indulge In a second,
avoid drinking anything strong till you
hnvo finished your meal; at the samo
time ubstain from all sauces, or
at least such us are not tho most plain
and simple.'"
First Papermaker.
The original papermaker Is tho pu
per spider, In tho denso woods In tho
Interior of Africa, that largo spider
building Us homo from flno paper of
its own making, when It selects a
smooth surfuco about two Inches
square, covering it with flno thrends
that are papery, placing Its 50 eggs
beneath, then spinning a thin border
that pastes It down tight until tho eggs
hatch In three weeks. Indianapolis
Chewing of Detective's Car Wins
New Summons for License
less Peddler.
New York. Were nil the horses In
New York endowed with the genius
that characterizes Nero, who works
for Maurice Kelly, peddler, there
would be fewer motorcars about.
Detective Walter J. Coffey is at
tached to tho Oak Street station. Be
cause he lives in Flatbush he employs
a flivver to rldo to duty.
The other night he parked tho fliv
ver in front of the Oak Street station
house, night here Is whero Nero,
peddler's horse, comes in. He was
parked a few minutes later directly
back of the flivver.
Endowed with the Identical passion
that prompted his namesake to burn
Rome, and propelled, perhaps, by a
Commenced to Tear the Leather Out
whim to Institute general war against
tho machines that havo all but put
him and his likes out of business,
Nero commenced to tear tho leather
out of Officer Coffey's car with his
teeth and to scatter upholstery amid
tho snowflakes.
This process continued until Nero
was spied from the window by Officer
Coffey. What Officer Coffey said to
Nero Is not recorded. Neither Is any
mention mado of the speech which
Officer Coffey. made to Peddler Kelly
when ho nrrived five minutes later.
In the course of this harangue, how
ever, It became a matter of suspicion
to the detective that Kelly, who lives
at No. 018 Jefferson avenue, Brook
lyn, was plying his trade without a
Here, Indeed, was heart balm I Offi
cer Coffey handed Peddler Kelly a
summons. And as tho two mon mount
ed their respective vehicles, prepara
tory to altered parking arrangements,
a third' dissertation delighted tho ears
of tho bystanders.
This one was addressed by Peddler
Kelly to his horse.
Twice Refused Lodging, Man Takes
Pencils and Asks Arrest In
Goshen, N. Y.
Goshen, N. Y. J. II. Guy, a prisoner
In the Orange county Jail, stole two
pencils, according to tho authorities,
to get Into custody after ho had been
refused lodging at two Jails. Guy was
out of work and needed food and rest.
Guy asked Policeman David Clark
for a night's lodging In the Goshen
Jail. Refused, he went to the Orange'
county Jail, only to be turned down
again. The authorities allego he left,
snylng he would force them to care
for him, went to Conklln's coal ofllce,
forced nn entrance, and violated tho
law technically by taking only two
Then, seeking a policeman, Guy said
he had broken the law, and demanded
ho bo nrrested. Ho was held for tho
grand Jury.
Guy Is tho most contented prisoner
Sheriff W. M. Leonard has In his cala
Automobile Mirror as
a New Flirtation Aid
Los Angoles, Cal. Now comes
the rear sislit automobile mirror
as the latest vehicle for flirta
tion. Mrs. Hattle Webb of Los
Angeles Introduced the mirrors
In her testimony when she
sought a divorce, nlleglng that
Mrs. Babe Eberleo nlways sat
In tho back scat of her
husband's uutomobllo and flirted
with Mr. Webb. Tho husbjind
did not contost the case and Mrs.
Webb was granted a dlvorco and
the custody of the two children.
Corn Shredder Severs Man's Hands.
Lowlstown, Pa. Cecil Richardsou
lost both hands when ho attempted to
free one hulid that had been caught
In a com shreddor which ho was op
erating on his father's farm. Richard
son was wearing gloves, and theso
held his hands after they had been
caught lu the cog3.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
W Hot water
Vga Sure Relief
25$ and 754 Packages. Everywhere
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists.
Aiplrln la the trade mark of Oarer Manufacture of Uonoacetlcaddeiter of Salleylleactd
for Coughs & Colds
Thli ifrup l dlffetcnt from .11 othfi
Quiet ttlltf. Mo oplim. 15c evctwhn.
Presence of a Canary or Goldfish in
the Sickroom Invariably Has
Beneficial Effect.
Next time you sit In n room, tho
furnishings of which -include a bowl
of goldfish, consider how much time
you spend watching the small fish as
they swim slowly about or durt about
in pursuit of each other.
Probably you will conclude you
were indulging tho usuul tendency of
tho normal person to bo attracted to
moving objects. In sick persons and
convalescents this tendency is more
pronounced, and in the aged and very
young it is still more so.
That psychology of this attraction
was given by Dr. Edward N. Leavy,
formerly veterinarian to the animals
In Central park zoo. lie Is now con
nected with n Fifth avenuo pot store.
"Sick persons lying in bed spend a
great deal of tuna watching the gold
fish if an aquarium Is in their room,"
ho said. "It takes their minds off
their pains and aches and Is very ben
eficial." Canaries share with goldfish the
honor of being the' chief animate en
tertainment to the sick. New York
Ono Isn't troubled much by tho laws
against violence If ho Isn't trouble
You are entitled to the benefit
of the doubt. Why not take
advantage of it?
The law is very careful in protecting tha
. rights of a prisoner charged with a crime.
How about tho Law of Common Sense and
the man who has committed an error only? Isn't
this a good place to use the benefit of the
doubt, too?
Take your own case: If you don't know for
sure whether tea or coffee is harming you, you
do know that many are harmed by the drug
element in tea and coffee, and that headaches,
nervousness, or .high blood pressure are symp
toms which often tell that the drug, caffeine, is
giving the nervous system too much jolt
Probably you know, too, that some people
can't drink a cup of tea or coffee at bed-time,
and sleep well that night.
Where many have been harmed by tea and
coffee, and you may be harmed, isn't it well to
put the benefit of the doubt on your side before
doubt becomes an unpleasant certainty?
There's charm without harm in Postum a
puro cereal beverage, rich in flavor, fully satisfy
ing; the favorite table drink of thousands.
Suppose you try giving yourself this benefit
today, and keep up the test for ten days; then
judge the results. See if you don't feel better and
work better. You can get Postum wherever good
food and drink are sold or served.
Postum comes In two forms: Instant Postum (in tins)
made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink whllo the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling for 20 minutes.
Postum for Health
"There's a Reason"
f !, nwm m
Making Good an Old Boast.
A process has been discovered
whereby old leather can bo converted
Into gelatin. Such transformation of
fers a ready way of utilizing many ar
ticles after their value to every ono
but tho Junk man appears to bo gone.
Slnco head coverings nro sometimes
made of leather, It would appear that
at least the man confident that his
candidate will win in an election may
literally back up his confidence with
the time-honored promlso that ho will
eat his hat In tho event that his man
Skin Tortured Babies Sleep
Mothers Rest
After Cuticura
Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c
The Wrong Foot.
From a telegram recently received
by the district superintendent of an
Indian railway from a Babu station
master: "Coming on duty early In the
morning clad In my new and white uni
form I perceived a man seated on a
box in a naked nnd aggressive manner..
Taking him to be an ordinary pas
senger, I proceeded to slop him, where
upon ho hastily arose, unlocked th6
said box, clad himself In a policeman's
uniform he took thereout and arrested
me. The shoe is thus situated on tho
erroneous peddle. Please' arrange."
London Morning Post.
National Emblems.
Tho roso, England's national flower,
was chosen as the country's symbol at
tho close of tho War of tho Roses.
Tho shamrock Is firmly Imbedded in
Irish hearts because St. Patrick used
it to illustrate one of his sermons.
Tho thistle was adopted as the na
tional emblem of Scotland because,
in the reign of Malcolm II. n moat
filled with thistles saved a Scotch fort-
ress from Danish invasion.
A Forgotten Art.
In New York's streets there may
be counted hundreds of signs that
read "Watchmaker." Yet perhaps less
than a dozen of such concerns conld
'make a watch. 1
Tho crooked path Is longest.
- - c v .