THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE s jl H'LO BOBBY ! j I NOT NOW n COMES DORIS? GOT ANV CANDY? I AIN'T .' J HOME BUT I'LL RING MDU A Box ALMOST 3 CAUSE SI'S GONNA HAVE A BEAU TON16HT, 5tE IS ! FULL OP CHOCOLATES "TO MO BROW CUT OUT THIS' LIST AND KNOW WHERE THE CARS COME FROM Tho now ayBtom of numbering auto licenses makes it posstblo to sea at a glanco what county any Ne braska car is from. That is, if you know tho numbor of tho county. Tho counties aro numbered according to their rank in population. Tho num ber of tho county is given at tho left of tho number of tho liconso Issued. Following is the list of Nebraska counties and tho number of oach. Cut out and fasten to your car. It might bo of uso to you: 1 Douglas 2 Lancastor 3 , Gago 4 , Custer 5 . Dodge 0 Saunders ,7 Madison 8 Hall 9 Buffalo 10 Platte 11 Otoo 12 1 Knox ( 13 --- Codar 14 . Adams 15 - , 1 Lincoln ' 16 Seward J 17 - York j 18 , L Dawson 19 ; Richardson 2 Cass 21 ; Scotts Bluff 23 - Saline 23 Boone 2 Cuming MI Butler a AnteloDe 27 Wayne I 28 Hamilton 29 Washington, Zq"V.I"-. Clay 31 ; Burt 3a"Il""I Thayer 23 ; i Jefferson 34"r" -i-E1-- 1 .Fillmore 35i" D,xon s0 . , Holt 37" - Phelps 3g " Furnas 39" -2- Cheyenne ' , Pierce 41. 42. ; Polk -.S ----- Nuckolls i Colfax 43.,- H ; Nemahu 45 Webster G" ( :; , Merrick AT---Z.-r- ViUcy 48"-I"I"----V-- Rcd v'layf 49 ;1 Howard Coll KrmkUn B1 ' Harlan 02. 53. 54 57- Keir"ey . Stan a i : Pawnee Thurston Slie- in . Johnso" 1 HOW THEY TRAVEL Thee are the beautiful tnterurban autos thai carry passengers be ,ccn Seattle and Tacoma They carry 40 people, four to eight in each ci'mrrtnKnt which are separated by glass partition panels. The far i is much less than on the railroads, 58 Nanco 69 Sarpy 60 Frontlor 61 Shorldan 62 -- Qrooloy 63 Boyd Morrill 65 Box Butte 66 L . Chorry 67 r - Hitchcock 68 Keith 69 i Dawos 70 liz. Dakota 71 ; Kimball 72 Chase 73 Gospor 74 Perkins 75 - Brown 76 i Dundy 77 . Gardon 78 Douel 79 1: "Hayes 80 - Sioux 8i Rock 82 Koya Paha 83 Garfiold 84 ' Whoolor 85- 11- Banner on Blaine 87 - 1 Logan 88 LouP 89 Thomas 90 MoPhoraon 91 Arthur 92 Grant 93 Hooker . :o: THE WINTER BIRDS, OF LINCOLN COUNTY (Artlclo 2) There are a few summer birds which aro sometimes found hero dur inpr the winter. Decembor, January and February aro called tho winter months. Any bird seen hero during that timo is classified as a winter bird. If it is seen hero every year it is called a regular winter bird while if it is only seen on occasions it is called a Irregular winter bird. Rob ins and bluebirds somotlmes migrate hero before tho close of February' but this is' not usual. Meadowlarks wore seen in tho meadow Just southwest of tlo Washington school building last Friday (January 20.) They should not bo here at this timo of tho year but they sometimes stay all winter. Probably there aro other places In the country where they aro seon this winter. Wo would be glad to hear. Once in a while a blackbird or a killdeer or a robin stays hero all vinter Wo have had blue Jays hero In the winter but not often. These arc all called irregular winter resi dents. These birds live on seeds, grain and such foods because' no bird 'h'oh i'" es n:i 'nsecto could possibly oxlst through one of- our winters. That is the roison w!iy swallows, kingbirds, orioles nnd similar birds pro never scon hero during tho win ter months. IN WASHINGTON CAN YOU DO THIS? Here's one of the sights the Prince of Wales is viewing in India a fakir who has to do this daily foV two hours. He crosses his less in front of him so that he stands on his knees, a great bal ancing stunt for two hours! THE HOME TOWN IS GOOD INVESTMENT FOR FARMER Last January, L. T. Rezanlna of Sldndy balanced Ills Harm account book and then Bont It to tho College of Agriculture at Lincoln with tho re quest that it bo checkod over. Tho book immediately Impressed tho farm accountant with Its completeness and apparent accuracy. Mr. Rozanlna's ac count book needed no correction. Recently when asked if ho had made any changes in farm plans as sug gested by his account book Mr. Rozan ina said, "My account book has shown mo that oven for this western country I should ralso more hogs. Fortunatoly I have followed that plan this year. Whilo I havo always milked cows, I am milking moro this year and wish wo could got aa many good cows as wo could milk. In addition to tho timoly arrival of cream checks I find tho skim milk makes a wonderful food for growing pigs. While such a plan of farming mnkos" mo work more days In tho year than I used to put In yet I notice that my pay chocks do not stop because I am out of a Job. I am always busy and thoro Is always something coming In. "A fow, years ago wo did not con sider poultry as of much uso In In creasing our Income. Poultry paid its way mighty woll last yoar according to my rocord which shows tho follow ing facts along that lino. Invontory at tho beginning of tho year 140 chtckona worth $65 Inventory at end of year 175 birds worth $75. Our poultry house was worth possibly $150. Not much money tied up In that enterprise on would say. Our records show that our family of eight used so many eggs and so much fried chickon thatyou might not bollovo mo so I am not going to toll you what It was worth. We sold, howovor, 424 dozen eggs worth $154.48, which I consider that much clear profit slnco tho fried chicken nnioggs used by tho houBO hold more than paid for tho work and expenses of caring for tho flock. Yes, I am sure that poultry dosorvos moro attontlon than It gets. Wo really ought to kcop a complete cout rocord on our poultry evon If .feod Is cheap "I am Interested In poultry for au otlior reason. You know how wo havo boon complaining about freight rates? Well, I have found that the cost on shipping eggs la a whole lot less dol lar for dollar than for shipping grain or meat Bo yo see that my records have started mo to figuring on ways of lowering ray coBt of production by producing things which the frolcht will aot at up bfor they get t market. "I am going right ahead keeplec a farm account book. I want to find out for this year what branohM of my busiiMH art saying but.' It may part T A 1 li r f . i . i I nuuk iu nuuw ii. li ii m hoi paying Its way I want to know why. Is thoro anything I can do to make It pay Its why? If thoro Is bucIi an unprofitable ontorprlso shall I clvo it spocial at tontlon or shall I cut it down ono half or Bhall I drop it altogether? If somo ono lino of my buBloss is away ahead of tho othors how far can I in croaso It without throwing my farm ing opperatolns out of balanco? Theso and a whole lot of othor questions should bo answered by my accounts. "Conditions may cnuso my business to vary n llttlo from yoar to yoar but aftor I hao kopt records for sovoral yoars I shall fcol that I am on tho right track if thoro Is steady improve ment shown. "How much ttmo do my accounts take? Not vory much. I always carry a pocket notebook anyway nnd whon anything is bought or Bold I act it down. At tho end of tho wook I ontor It in tho account book. I Bupposo that tho man who does not carry n note book could sot his Items down each ovoning. No sir, it only takes about flvo minutes a week. And for just a llttlo work I got a great deal of satis faction in having a written history of my farm operations and finances. "Mrs. Rozanlnn keeps an account of household and personal expenses. We not only know what tho farm business Is furnishing In tho way of an In come but wo know whoro our money goes becauso of family spending. Yes, wo feol that Buch knowlodgo really holps us to spend to hotter advantage "Slnco I havo begun to kcop farm accounts you couldn't got mo to give up my account book. Funny, Isn't It? If it hadn't been for tho incomo tax I would not havo had an account book. Yes, I had known for a long timo that every business should keep hooks and I had often wanted to know how my farm business really stood. But thoro had boon no ono to start mo out until ono day I ran accross this book In our Farm Bureau office. Tho county agent explained tho book X V 3' o VJ' V .0 ,53 aV v & FRAMING THE FARMER'S FRIEND to mo. Aftor I looked It ovor at homo I found that It was so slmplo and easy that anyone who really wantod to keep an account could do so without help." Pays for North PlatteTribune For One Year SEMI-WEEKLY Tuesday and Friday SUBSCRIBE NOW f jl WOULD VOL) MIND ( TURNING OFF THE ) V LIGHT AWHILE, OLD BOY? ) DR. J. R. McKIRAJIAN Practice Limited to Diseases ol Women &ad Surgory OVER RBXALL DRUG STORE Phonoa Office 137 Rosidonco GCC the :Q 6: of My business it not paying Ita way - 4