THE NORTH PLATTE SBMl-WEEKLY TRIBUNE "Poem By! Uncle Jo: UNGRATEFULNESS "Why Is it, that wo'ro discontented In this fair land of fruit and flowcrfl7 Why can't thoro bo somo schemo lnvonted to palliato our selfish hours? Our harvest-bins aro ovorflowln' unbounded wealth Is at our hand, and still our dlscontont keeps growln'l Id'b more than I can understand. . . . Thoro was a day that I could mention, I can't forget It, even now. Wo kept our fcolin's In suspension by waltzln' with a shovel plow. . . . Wo didn't flirt with flcklo fortune wo novor chased tho nlmblo cent, wo got along without no schorchln'. Wo didn't havo no discontent! Wei jlldift Icnofw np strained conditions, nor hungry mouths, nor greedy oyes. . . . Wo didn't havo no politicians to fill our oars with blasted lies! I wouldn't say that I'm contondln' for what you call back number ways. . . . But I can say, without pretcndln' that them was mighty happy days! port. Ho said that ho knew all tho mombors of every farmer family with in his trado district, that hel had viBltcd every houso and ho mado it a practlco to do so at frequent inter vals. Ho Btarted In business twenty-flvo yoara ago with a capital of $G00. To day ho Is In comfortablo circum stances and doing a larger 'business than at any tlmo during his experi ence. Merchants Hko Uiis man mako tho homo town tho most valuablo asset In ovory community. A good homo town enhances tho valuo of cvory ncro of land in tho vicinity; it makos ovory farm a moro desirable placo to live. Tho homo town la tho best Investment a farming community can havo and It only requires tho good w;ill and co-operation of tho buv noss men and tho farmers to mako to pay big dividends, socially and fi nancially, to ovory family in tho com munity, both town and country. Tho Furrow. WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS PROM EX. , CHANGES WHICH REACH b -; i OUB DESK, SURGICAL REPAIRS Eldor Mr. Pitt, Guy's father, living Just west of Arthur,, put his loft hand whoro It had no business and lost ono flngor and badly crushed wrist. Ho mounted tho windmill tho other day to Bhut off tho whool and unfor tunately got tho hand in tho gcera with tho abovo stated results. Ho re turned Tuesday from North Platto -CH HARVEST whoro ho undonvfont surgical repairs! Sovonty-throo mon at a local hospital. Arthur Enterprise. mont to go out over tho atato for that town and hor "business" mon. It will take tho town yearB to outgrow tho stigma that will result from such a pinchy, hldo-bound program aB thoy havo beon putting out. Mullen Tribune. ENTERPRISE Paxton Is now supplied with oloctri- clty from North Patto, tho transmlB slon lino having beon completed about two weeks ago. Paxton 1b on tho west end of lino which also supplies Sutherland and Hershoy. Tho citizens of Paxton aro to bo con gratulated for tho ontorprlso and patlonco In dealing with many difficul ties connoatcd with; tho ontorprlso which gives tho' town 24-hour sorvico. Koith Co. Nows :o:- I'LATTE VALLEY SCHOOL NEWS were worHlng on tho Ico Monday and tho shipments ' Including Monday's output totaled 438 cars, 12,802 tons. Tho Union Pa cific roallroad lco houses at Junction City, Kan., burned down Sunday and ns a conscquonco instructions wero received hero to lay off on Tuesday night for fnrthor orders. Tho sovero weather of tho past week Increased tho thickness of the lco to fourtcon and ono-halt inches. Gothonburg Times. CIRCLE HUNT A coyoto hunt will tako placo on tho south sldo on January 25, Tho north lino of tho territory designed to bo covered will bo from tho Wil liam Hastings placo west to ttyj chan nel bghlgo and from thoro on woat to tho sbulhoast c6rnor of tho Jensen farm, one-half mllo west of tho old Luodemann place. Tho south lino will 0nQ Sumlay aftornoon two tour,BtB) 00 approximaioiy ino 6 i. it. u. ft mftn nnJ h,8 Q woro paa8ng tho Highllno. When, tho hunt is com- I through a small town In Illinois, com Visitors aro always welcome. Watch for tho dato of tho dedlca tlon program. Thoro wero no failures during the first semester in our high school. During tho past week tho botany class has been studying tho germin ation of soeds. Tho architect from Iowa and tho members 4of tho Nichols school board wero our visitors Wednesday. .Thoy oxprossed their approval of tho now building Tho business meeting of tho Platto Valley high school was held last Wednesday, Tho foiling oflcors woro elected: Mary Leo Pease, presi dent; Garnetto Hasklns, vice-president Clarlnda Strolberg, secretary; Carol Hasklns. treasurer. Tho caBS colors nro bluo and gold and tho class flower Is tho Iris Tho enrollment In tho" primary room la 21, In tho Intermediate room 24 and In the high school 8. Total enrollment G3. Thoro was much rejoicing Monday morning by both pupils nnd teachers whon school oponcd In tho now build ing which wo liavo waited for bo long. Much credit is duo tho school board and all wha have helped to put tho project--.through. Tho pupils havo ro solved to tako aB good caro ot tho building as osslblo and in this way try to show Homo ol tholr aprcclatton. Q - TQ WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Having bought tho interests of Chas. Ranoy in tho Auto Wrecking Co, Webster's New International DICTIONARIES arc in use by busi ness men, engineers, bankers, judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler gymen, by Mttccessful men and women the world over. Are You Equipped to Win? The New International provides the means to success. It is an nil knowing teacher, a universal ques tion answerer. If you seek efficiency and ad vancement why no t mako dally use of this vast fund of inform ation? 400,000 Vocabulary Termf. 2"00rac. 6000 Illustrations. Colored Platen. 30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries. Regular anil India-Paper Edition. When in Omaha STOP with us Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing ia back of these hotels. Guests may top at any ono of them with the na surance of receiving honest valuo and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY Clinton & Son, the Ej'o Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. PIANO TONING Work Onnrnntccd.1 HOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE Phono 415 Masonic Building at Corner of Fifth and Dowcy. DELL I1R0WNFIELD Farm and Lire Stock AUCTIONEER Telephone 74 Ilorslioj, Neb. 81 Bj Wrlteforepeo- imen paces, illuotratlons, eto. Free, n et of Pocket Maps u you namo thi popct. G.&C. MERRIAM CO.. Springfield, Mass in him i.i in JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Givon to Surgery McDonald Dank Building Offtco Phone 83 Residence 31 Did your wlfo tell you to sul-scrlbo for Tho TrlbunoJ WM. WALDORF, Tinner. Makes or repairs anything made of tin or sheet metal. 610 Locust. Under General Hospital. of pletcd a harhocuo will bo Indulged in montIng th(; whUo on tho pro8perIou8 ' North Platto, I will not ho responsible at tho Schroodor place. Tho tlmo do Hlgncd for tho hunters to lcavo tho lines will bo 10 n. m. Loxington Clipper-Citizen. NO TRAPPING ) look of tho placo. "When, right In front of ono of tho homo-like resi dences, a tiro on tholr automobile blow out. The day was liot, tho travolors woro tired and dusty. But changing a tiro Is no easy task at boaor aro working near tho north 'nny t,mo ftntl on tt hot Sunday after" rlver bridge In tho river, Several or,noon in 11,0 rcBiuonuni msirici oi a them can bo soon from tho brldgo' a-rango town the Job was a real trag nearly any ovonlng about sun down. Tho colony has grown vory rapidly this past fall and winter. Thoro Is no opon season on beaver, and until thoy encroach upon timbor to such un extent as to bocomo a nulsanco can a pormlt bo secured from tho Btato authorities to kill or trap them, and then only by tho ownor of the lands they are working on. Ilorshoy Times. for any dealings mado or contracted by him. Signed, Bochan Bros MANY WANT TO MARRY HER LOOTING AROUND Tho wiBlnosB mon of Taylor, Nob., must bo a sot of casc-hardonod dead heads. Thoy havo touted around un til tho editor of tho Clarion, published nt that placo has sorved notlco on thorn in words with hut ono meaning that thoy havo nil but starved him and, their paper to death and that unless lmmcdtato rollef In tho way ot patronagt) la forthcoming ho Is forcod to closo up Bhop and quit business. Won't that bo a beautiful ndvortiso- ody for two tousoled and grimy trav- olorB having a fair dogreo of prldo. Operations had not boon carried j far beforo tho ownor of tho horao-j Hko placo sauntorcd out, Inquired of tho travolors whoro thoy woro going' nnd ho Invited tho lady tourist to conio up on tho porch with his wlfo, whoro thoro was an easy chair, cool Bhado and an nbundanco of lco wator. Aftor tho tiro was changed, tho tourists woro invited to wash up and to rost and rofrosh thomsolvos. Can you lmagiuo a moro npproci- atod courtosy? This man, tho ownor ot tho homo-llko placo in tho little town was tho loading merchant and his attention to tho strangor was nothing moro nor iesa than his ovory day buslnoss policy. Ho told tho tourists all about tho little town and tho prosporious farm ing community that surroundod It, and upon which it doponded for sup- V ftMfc kj i.kS,? r if t w m -v. v it $5 Portrait Free In order to bo doing something during these dull times, wo will mako you a 14x20 oval convox $5.00 vor trait FREE. We want you to show It to your friends and advertise our work. All wo ask of you send us 95c to pay for postage and boxing and wo will send tho portrait prepaid, freo. Mall your photos, with 95c Givo us a trial. Wo copy anything and everything. Mondy back If not pleased. PALM ART CO., llnstlngs, Neb. NOTICE FOR BIDS Tho school board of District 8 will accopt sealed bids up to 7:30 p. m.. Fobruary 1, 1922 for hauling coal from North Platto to tho Bchool houso in District 8. The bids must specify tho amount wanted to haul each ton ot coal and unload samo. Bids will be TOponod at tho school houso in Dis trict 8 at 7:30 p. m. February 1st. Tho board rserves tho right to reject any and all bids. II. S. HASKINS, Moderator. Dated this 20th day of January, 1922. DR. L. A. SNAVELY DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen Anntlicsin. Over Union State Rank. Phono 296. nnd I J. S. TWINEM M.D. j Homeopathic Physician h g Surgeon 8 (.cnrrnl Practice and h ('"iistructlon Surgery U Hospital Accommodation i Plntto VnUey Hospital g Former Nnmo Twiucm Hospital. NORTH PLATTE, NKBB, TRY McKAEN'S CAFE Fresh Lino of HEATS AND GROCERIES 10S E. Gtli St. GEO. McKALN, Prop. OTIS R. PLATT, M. D - Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union State' Bank. Office Phono 296W Houso Phono 29GR Wanted HIDES AJD FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ The Farmer's Auctioneer H. ML Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not havo enough Btock or machinery for a general farm sale, I am located bo I can hold a combination salo at North Platte or at tho Fairview dairy 1 miles west of town, I havo always got enough stock or machinery listed with me so wo can hold a combination sale any "mo. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by tho undersigned, four teen miles north of North Platte, County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; on the 31st day of December, 1921, three black mules, 700 pounds each; two black horses, 1,000 pounds each; fivo bay horses, 1,200 pounds each; ono black yearling colt and ono gray yearling colt " Dated this 3rd day of January 1922. (Signed) Frank Clark, Bast Tryon Route. DERItYBEBItY & FORBES. Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nud Funeral Dlrectorr NOTICE TO BIDDERS Mts Marjone Andre, of San Francisco, who advertised lor a husband who would send her through college She got many an twers. but hasn't picked the manj " " ' "" "- - - - . . . n I - WHOSE UNCLE IS HE. ANYHOW? Soaled bids will bo roewved by tho City Council of tho City of North Elatto, Nebraska, at tho offlco of the City Clerk of said City up until 8 P. M. of Tuesday, February 7th, 1922 for tho furnishing, F. O. B. cars North Platto, Nobraska of tho following ItoniB : Ono (1) Eight (8) Inch Bonturi Me- tw lubo complcto with registering, In dicating nnd recording apparatus and all other accessories Including n year's supply of charts, Planimeter for integrating charts, Instructions for installing; necessary mercury and sot ot tools. Ono ten (10) inch Venturi Meter complete as abovo Ono twelve (12) inch Vonturl Motor completo ns above. . Bids to bo mado on each motor Boparato; alBO give total prlco if throo mctors aro takon and Btato earliest dato delivery ot Bomo can bo mado. Payments will bo cash within 30 dayB aftor arrival of meters, F. O. "B. North Platto, Nobraska. Tho City Council TOBerves tho right to reject any or all bldB. B. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. Eldor, City Cleric Datod January 21st, 1922. Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black C88 Office 340 Houael26 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis. North PlatU EXTENSION ROAD NO. 394. To Whom It May Concern: Tho special commissioner appoint ed to locato a public road as follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner of SoctioiL-10, Townahlp 11, North Rango 30, thenco west botwoon sec tions 10 and 15, and 16 and 9 said Township and Range, also commenc ing at Southeast cornor ot Section 10, Township 11, Rango 30 thenco oast botween Sections 11 and 14 said TownBhlp and Rango, also commenc ing at tho southeast cornor of Sec tion 10, Township 11, Rango 30 thonco Bouth botwoon sections 14 nnd 15 "bald Township and Rango, road to bo 66 foot wido, has roportod in favor there of all objections thereto or claims for damagos by reason ot tho establish ment ot abovo described road muBt bo filed In tho offlco ot tho County Clerk on or boforo 12 o'clock noon ot tho 7th day of April 1922, or sold road will bo allowed without roforonco thereto. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska this 16th day of January, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clorfa. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, al Real Estate. References asd Dat Klrnt National Bank. North Platto, Nobraska. DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OR STETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Phones Offlco 642, Residence 676 MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture and tho Art of Singing Ros. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phono 1147J DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor 6, 6. 7 Building & Loan Building. Offlco Phono 70. Res. Phone 1243 W. T. FBITCIIARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 815 South Vine Street. Hos pltal Phone 633, House Phone R33. GEO. B. BENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention GIvcb to Sargery and Obstetrics Office -Building & Loon Building Phone: Offlco 180. Residence 111 EXTENSION ROAD NO. 210 To whom It may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locato a public road as follows: Commencing at tho northwest cor nor of tho southwest quarter of sec tion 2G, thence south on section line to the northwest corner of section 3B, thence west on section lino between sections 27 and 34 to canyon, then in a southwesterl direction about 25 rods around head of canyon, then In a northwesterly direction back to abovo described section line, thence west along said lin to established road running north and south, all this be ing in township nine (9) rango twen-ty-sevon (27) in Lincoln County, Ne braska, has reported favor thereof, all claims for damages or objections thereto by reasfn of the establishing of said road must be filed in tho of flee of tho County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 4th day ot march 1922, or above road will he al lowed without reference there to. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska this 2Srd day of December 192i. A S- ALLEN, County Clerk. Office phono 241. Res. phone 817 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. DR. nAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'B Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1031 N9??,CB 0F TCLE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 8. IN THE CITY OF NORTH . PLATTE NEBRASKA To the owners of tho record tltU ot all property adjacent to or abutting upon tho Dtreets hereinafter described and all persons interested theroin: ..-T,u ?nd ot yu aro hereby no tified that tho Mayor and City Council of the city of North Platte did under dato of December 20, 1921 pass and approve a certain ordinance forming and creating paving district No. 8 ot tho city ot North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that the fol lowing atroets including tho Inter sections thereof within the limits ot tho citv ore comtrised within said paving district to-wlt: All that por tion of Vino Street of said city com mencing on tho Bouth lino of the inter section ot Vino and West 6th Street, thonce north along Bald Vine Street to tho north lino of tho inter section of Vino and West Front Streets in said city, commenc ing at tho west lino ot tho inter section of West Front and Vino streets of Baid city thenco west to tho oast line of tho intersection of west Front and Ash Streets in said city; and all that portion of Sycamore ,stroet com mencing at tho south lino of tho in tersection of West Front and Syca moro Streets in said city, running thenco south to tho north line ot the Intersection of South Sycamore and B Btroota In said city, there to termin ate, with tho exception of the inter sections at Fourth and Sycamore and Fifth and Sycamore Streets of said city. Unless objections are filed as r quired by Btatute within twenty days from tho first publication of this notlco, tho Mayor and City Council shall proceed to construct such pav ing. Dated this 12th day of January, 1922 E. H. Evans, Attest: O. E, Elder, Mayor City Clerk, (Seal)