The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 31, 1922, Image 1
on TUESDAY and FKIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 31, 1922. NO. 7. dbhe TALK POTATO GROWING HERE COUNTY "WIDE JSIEETINO AT NORTH PLATTE TO lflSCUSS SUBJECT The Lincoln County Farm Bureau Is Inaugurating a campaign to cn courago potato growing hero and haa called a mooting l'or North Platto for Thursday, Fobruary 9. Tho Chamber of Commorco is co-operating with tho Farm Bureau and other organizations may bo asked to join in tho mooting. H. O. Wornor of Lincoln will bo tho main speaker. IIo is assistant profes sor of horticulture at tho University and ono of tho cxtonslon speakers. Tho mooting is to bo hold In the aftor noon so that tho attendanco will bo largo and from all parts of tho coun ty. Thcro Is a movomont, among tho Farm Bureaus to encourage a diver sity of crops and this meeting will bo to promote tko growing of potatoes whoro they havo not been grown be fore. Other speakers nro being sought and tho meeting wll bo widely adver tised. -:o:- FOLKS YOU KWW W. L. James of Nebraska City ia in tho city transacting business. Paul Mlckelson loft for Denver to day where ho will spond a few days visiting friends. I ,Mr. and Mrs. Sollcnberger of Fair bury wore called to North Platto by doath of tholr daughter, Mrs. "Wal lace Qulnn. 1 ... Miss Brown of the 'Rogers Produc ing company arrived in tho city Mon day to direct tho play "Miss Bob White" for the E. Y. P. A. The funeral of tho .late Mrs. Wal lace Quinn will bo held at tho Moth- odIst-chuvchthisAftornoonntW2tthoseprojectotherVwas-thoequlval- o'clock. Tho body wil bo taken to Falrbury, Neb., for burial. U. B. Thrifty SAP Teller 'phitik less bout our rights r- trvore bout pwr Juries opch. & bnV at Your checking account has the double duty of paying your bills and protecting your receipts. A checking account here does this double duty for you day after day, yet there is NO CHARGE FOR CIIECKING ACCOUNTS at this bank. The . conveni ence and protection of "pay ing by check" is free. JUST OrEN YOUR ACCOUNT UNION STATE BANK ASSOCIATED CHARITIES IS RECEIVING CASH DONATIONS Tho following contributions woro rccolved this week by Mrs. OUio Salis bury, treasurer of- tho Associated Charities: Proviously acknowledged $108.51 Altar Society 10.00 Kiwanis Club 25.00 Knlghta of Pythias 50.00 Engineers Charity Ball 504.30 J. Tckulvlo 5.00 Mrs. Emma Pulver 5.00 Maudo Coolldgo 5.00 Delia CoolidgO 10.00 Total $722.81 :o: OUR LINCOLN HIGHWAY IS A FART OF THIS SYSTEM What tho now federal highway ap propriations to bo oxpended under tho direction of tho bureau of Public Itoad3, United States dorartmont of agriculture, will mean to tho country Is accurately gauged in a synopsis prepared by tho bureau, showing tho uso to which tho $275,000,000 pre viously appropriated by congress has been put. Up to Dccembor 31, $212, 077,240 had been put to work in pro jects olther ontlroly comploto or un der construction. To match that amount tho states appropriated $285,- K379.312, making a total of $407,450,- 558. If placed end to ond tho roads to bo paid for by this money would encircle tho earth at tho Equator and extend aB far as from Now York to Sun Francisco on tho second lap. The total milcago of roads under structlon and completed, tho depart-, matoly 27,000 miles. Of this mlleago iuuui a iuuuiuh nuun. nus uiiiuuAi 9,555 miles was in projects entirely of 17,445 is. miles was In projects which wero still under construction but reported 69 per cont.. complete October 31. In ent of 12,000 miles of comploted roads so that tho completed roau to oato was moro than. 21,000 miles, or near ly enough to encircle tho globe. Prior to five years ago the federal govern ment took up active part In tho road construction of tho country. Today about ono-half of all roads under con- structlon are being aided financially by tho federal government, and tho construction is subject to inspection and approval of federal epgineers. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. P. Linglo left for Sterling, Colo., today. Sho will mako hor futuro homo there. W. W. Ohl was arrested Monday charged with Illegal ..possession of liquor. lie will bo tried today at 10. o'clock. Ted Cupp was arrested by Chief of Pollco Splllner on the chargo of Il legal possession and salo of liquor. Ho was unablo to pay tho fine so ho loft town. usiness WHY? BECAUSE Good, Clean, High Quality Coal and get it to you when you want it. We are satisfying hundreds- of customers and can satisfy you. If our coal pleases tell your friends; if it does not, tell We guarantee to please you. you, us. PHONE 40. 900 E. FRONT ST. A COAL FOR EVERY PURPOSE The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. Honest Coal, Honest Weight, Honest Service ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT All OUT l'EQPLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING J. H. Edmlstcn, chairman 6f tho oxecutivo committco of tho Progres sive party in Nobraska writes that the sixth district convention of that nartv wm tm t10i.i nt Tlrn1rnn TW. fohninrv 7. Supt. LIttal returned tho Inst of tho week from Hastings whero ho at tended a meeting of tho Nebraska as sociation of City School Boards and Superintendents. At tho closo of meet" tho election of officers resultod in his bolng chosen secretary-treasurer for tho coming year. Vlco president Coolldgo in speaking of Prosldont Harding at a recent con- vontlon is reported to havo said that Mr Harding "has made an honorable recoru or aciiiovoracnt, which no ' suphistry can mlsintorprot, no mis representation can obscuro and which ' is bringing peace- and tranquility to the nntlon." A good sized nudienco attended tho (rhloy ovonlns at tho UoUradUt chinch. Mrs. MoPnrlmd Is d.Jn of natl her exposition of " " Comos" was onjoyoil by l no lociure was aivon unuor mo nus- I ni noQ T.iin npn iirniinn nr run iihi . . . . , . Harry Boylo, formerly of this oItykal:on was nrosonto(l wllh " gold wntch - has oponod up a potato chip factory at Kearney and is sunnlylnfr tho re-ft tall trade or this part of the, country !jias j'UD i,een brought to our .atton - Harry says tho business promisoatlon is a -sausage factory owned and well and tlmt' ho oxnects to addi Lnnmtn.i iv w w -p.a. tt i v 1b warrant. Ho was calling on the lo - vui uuuima niuuy unu yuiuuu uia lino with several of thom. Tho directors of tho Lincoln Coun- ty Farm Bureau cet at Farm Bureau J whJch ho lmJ wored QUt from ox headquarters In tho federal building porIcnco nn(I Uo 1ms a number of ous last Friday and organized by electing tomorg whn tnl, llfm ,t ,R fln 1Tn J. S. Koch, prosldont; James Shoup, vice president; A. R. Lcavitt, socre tary, and Fred McClymont, treasurer. Full reports of the state convention wero mado by Mr. Koch, Mrs. Shoup and others. Plans for tho coming year wero discussed and approved. , ; . , , . The Sunday Journal had a picture of a youth in boy scout costume under which was tho following caption: ',wTi Mirr;tCaP?ln;1fC; Ul - ' " - . vw mm... vM..., year. IIo is quarterback and a star at tno rorwaru passing act." His friends aro .peculating on whether it .Biuaiiy u piu.iui-B ui ueorBo or whether It la someono olso, At any rato .th honor Is thcro. W 1 IN is liood! WE SELL Tho guests of honor at tho Rotary party yostorday. woro Bishop Boochcr of Hastings: Judgo Payno of Grand I Island; Genoral Suporintondont N. E. I Williams of Omaha; Mrs. Wm. Cun ningham of Iowa; Gordon Payno, I manager of tho Assoclntod Stock Yards; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sooborgor, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. M. McFarlnnd, Miss Anna Kramph. y I Word was rccolved horo Saturday that C. J. Pass of this city hns boon appointed Lincoln county chairman of tho Wilson founatlon fund by Wil liam F.. Baxter of Omaha, chairman for Nobraska. Tho object of the en dowment la to raise a fund for prizes to bo destowed each year on thoso whoso offorts havo boon notably in support of peace and against mllltar Ihui. Tho B. of L. E. arrangomont com mtttoo which had charge of tho Charity tall has askod us to express its thanks to all tho3o who so cheerfully helped make tho ball tho success It provod to bo. In particular tho committco is Indebted to tho American Legion, tho , Musicians Union, Coatos Lumber & Coal Co., Star Bottling Co., tho Tolo praphrTho Tribune, tho North Platto Light & Power Co., and to O. S. Pot orson. Saturday t ovonlug forty friends gathored at 'tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Russoll Wynmn. At 8 o'clock thoy u. N. Johnston, tho occasion bolng 1 Mr. Johnston's (orty-slxth birthday. Iiriz8 woro won oy u- J- AorK,UB Reenter of tho country on tho Fourth warn damos Wyman, Misohko and Snyder. At tho close of tho evening Mr. Julm- afnn wna nrnanftfnrl mIMi n trrt iWnf charm. a T.inin rn,-ntv inAuet u ' ho Calls "Homo Maid" and ho Hays It is composea or pone rroin pigs winch . ho has raised himsolf. Theso pigs aro all purobred stock and freo from disease. Mr. THrirn ta nsftur n rAcln'o ,, , , ,, .. , , HUD 11IUWUU L1UO Ull OU1U 111 U, ummbor of stores In North Platto , ,t fc nnrpimnwl roeninriv Ono of the humorous fncldonts of i tho -Rotary banquet last night was when Dr. Brock called W. C. Sholvor !to tho front of tho room to rocolvo a L glns3 Watcr Bet Aftop m a f, B h of pre80ntallon ho innjnnAfl tn VAmpr r.a . " ay containing tho water sot TIT T71 T .1 11.. 1 1 .uui. quuivci. juiiiiur uuu uio umi muii. tsv flH n .1 1,. T .. erc(j j m nil' unu liiu feiuoowiiiu wua csiiuw - tho floor. OFcourso Mr. Coatcs tried to oxplain, tho ladies wnrn nnntn ntrlplfnn. Hin mon worn ,,, OTw1 ,A 0-hx ,, i, est emotion, except Mr. Sholvor who smiled throughout tho scene. At that moment newsboys rushed through tho door with Spink Shoot Special of a local papor, giving a full account ot tho awful crash. Tho water set had been purchased at a local ton cont store. Ono of tho funniest things wo havo heard for a long timo wnB tho roport of the lono bandit who hold up tho Rotary spoclal last night. Tho roport was mado during tho spcoch making following tho dinner. IIo was intro duced as Carlylo tho Union Pacific bandit, but in his confession ho said ho was Cordon Payno, son of Judgo Bayard Payno who had sontencod him a fow hours boforo. IIo said It was necessary for him to report what ho got In tho holdup so that his lncomo tax could bo properly figured. Thon ho told of tho articles taken from the passongors carrying us from tho corkscrew which ho returned to Dor soy Leypoldt as bolng of no uso to him in Crand Island whero ho lives to tho lipsticks which ho took from Miss Kramph. IIo kept tho crowd in an uproar of clean and killing humor. LOCAL ANI) 'PERSONAL MrB. Patrldgo loft for Rawllngvillo, Colo., today to visit for sovcral wooks. Mrs. Mlnnlo Mooro will leavo for Chicago today to spond a fow wooks thoro on business. Tho War Mothers wero ontortalned at tho C. S. Clinton homo Saturday night. A vory delightful ovonlng was spont. Madollno Bllckonsdorfor rond ored two solos, after which Mrs, W. M. Cunningham of Cedar Rapids gavo an intorostlng talk. AUTO RACES FOR FOURTH LEADING RACERS CONSENT TO DRIVE HERE IN FOURTH OF JULY RACES Thcro is a possibility that Barnoy Oldflold will race horo on tho Fourth of July. This is tho dopo given out this week by tho officers of tho County Fair. A committco consisting of O. E. Eldor, chairman; J J. Craw ford and Thomas Hoaloy has boon appointed to tako chargo of tho nuto races on that dato and tho commlt teo Is mooting with cousldorablo on couragomont Socrotnry Soudor Is working with tho committco. Whllo at Donvcr recently, Mr. Soudor took up tho mnttor with Bomo of tho big racing men of tho country and thoy nssurcd him of tholr willlngnosB to como to North Platto on tho Fourth conditions wero right. Tho conditions thoy named woro such as can oaally bo mot by tho local committco. Bar noy Oldflold is ono of tho drlvors who will como If conditions nro to his liking. It. G. Dashbaok of Don vor, who has beaten Ooldflold onco and who won nt tho Donvor Stock B,,, ,,, ,, .,., ,. ,,, thom 01, , . ',, . , ! I" .. ., ' "j to onter ond tlmt tho b',K mM bo mo fIrst ovont of tho aftornoon( whIlo tll0 1 . . ' nro nmnng wcn an(1 tll0 trflclc ir; In good condition. Lessor races would follow Instead of prccedo. Tho ! committo la taltInK n11 sSgosfions Un(lor advisement and will act when , tho matter has boon , carefully con- ' asaHre" of BOtno eroat auto racing on I -;o: Elmor Wnymnn nnd Frank McCul lough appeared in district court Inst Saturday and asked to bo paroled to Shorlff Salisbury Instead of being sent to tho penitentiary. Thoy, with Boyd McGuiro now In tho nonltontlarv al uncom ana Jnu M 18 oui on Pwolo, Avoro sentenced to a year's Imprisonment for stealing from box months ago. Tho cars about two Judgo grauted their roqucBt and In cluded McGuiro In tho parolo. Ho will bo brought from 'Lincoln as soon as possible. By tho conditions of tho parolo theso men will bo onablcd to earn tholr own way and maintain to'tholr wives and children during the ; yunr. wuuo u numocr 01 noonio av I .. . a . I . 1. 1 f .1 . . tuiiuuu 1.1 1 u iiuaini uuu inosi Ol iliom socmod to bo satlsflod with tho do ' clsion. I - Goodbyo, Anxiety! Trnvolora Ac cldont Policies. Dlxton Optical Co., tests oyes. TOMORROW New Prices on All Models of " " JOUJJ NOTOfi VEHICLES We will be glad to answer any inquiry, either in person at ouj store or by .phone, giving you all the good news. Today the buying public is interested only in good products sold at fair prices, and we want you to judge our Dodge Brothers Motor Car line on this basis. Early orders will have preference in delivery. J. V. ROMIGH, Phone 844 UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT OF MANY FRIENDS BY ' ROTARY Yostorday was a blgW with North Platto Rotary club anil tho Union Pa cific. A special train of two conohos with engine was at tho Union Sta tion nt 4 p. m. Provlous to that timo tho Rotnrlans and tholr ladlos had assomblcd nt tho ticket offlco and socurod round trip tickets for tho tour. With Trainmaster Sholvor In chargo the special toured tho yards, making stops at tho. Pacific Fruit Ex press Icing plant tho round house, tho shops and tho stock yards. After leaving tho stockyards a lono bandit hold up each car in turn and colloct od loot from each of tho passongors. Arriving nt tho station tho passongors woro takon to tho banquet room of tho Methodist church whoro tho ladlos of tho church sorved ovor '100 guosts a flno dinner. Following tho dlnnor tho Rotnrlans ontortnincd tholr guests with a number of rousing songs, and short talks woro mndo by Gordon Payno, manngor of tho Union Stock Yards horo; F. L. Moonoy, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, Judgo Tayno, W. L. Richards and Gonoial Suporintondont N. E. Williams. Tho koynoto of tho meeting was sorvlco and co-oporatlon. Tho Rotnrlans appreciated tho oppor tunity of seolng tho local plant and oqulpmont of tho Union Pacific and of having tho officials and represen tatives of tho men as their guosts. :o:- Tho Board of Asaotflotod Charities through tho columns of Tho Trlbunn wlshos to thank tho Engineers for tho chock for $504.30 which, was rooolvod from thom ns tho procoods of tho Charity ball. It also wishes to thunk thoso who gave so frooly of their timo nnd mntorlals for tho success of tho ball. Tho money wno badly needed and Is being used ovory day to re lieve" real nocosolty. Tho kind act of tho; Engineers is tho moro appre ciated; for tho reason that it waB- on tlroly voluntary. , V,f4 .it :;t i.t j.t :.t ft J.t :.t ft It if Wednesday Only $6.10 if i if i if I J Per Sack, Cash with ::t it Order Herrod Grocery Phone 208 J !l t M 5 Dugar ft I CLfFUJincRa DEALER 6th & Locust