LlL y II E NORTH .PL ' TTJ3 SWMl-WEBKIiY TRIBUNE If -JLJ 'fJOMW SnIP HE WAS TRYING TO Pfcrii the mtmv train " , "fi COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS "THERE wcro 0,250 similar accidents during the year 1020 In tlio United States, killing 1,273 and Injuring 11,077 H persons, and an Increased number during 1021. When statistics nre avallnblo for "November 1021 It will show that nioli'th as bolng ono of the worst In history. Isn't it about tlmo automoblllsts wero coming to a realization of the ncjwwuily for stopping before proceeding over railroad grado crossings, not only for tho safety of themselves, but also occupants of thojr cars whoso llvos thoy have In their hands, as well ns persons on trains. Tho great number of,. ac cidents occurring would Indicate that travelers dn public hlghwnys misjudge tho. speed of trains, and do not look for them In both directions. Many accidents occur by reason of the fact that automobiles proceed over crossings after, n train passes without knowing whether or not another trnln Is coming in the opposite direction. STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN for trains on all tracks before attempting to cross - WILSON T001V Editor and Publisher. Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco ns Second, Class Matter. . SUBSCRIPTION PJIICeT One Year, in advance $1.50 1 A, . , , FRIDAY, JANUARY 27,' 1922. n,i.' ii J-'-. .' I. EDITORIAL Yostorday Harry Dixon showed us ono of tho now "pcaco dollars" and lid said it was tho first and only ono In North Platto at that timo. It is hn attractive plcco of monoy in fact WO novor saw n dollar that was not attractive, but this ono has an added attraction in thnt'lt is beautifully de signed and pretty to look at'. At tho editors' convention Inst Sat urday, tho namo of A. P. Kolly was frooly mentioned ns a candidate for tho stnto Iogislaturo at tho' coming probably as much lasting- benefit' to bo dorlvcd from excelling In a class in school as in oxcolllng in a foot hall game, and the pupil who does fall election. Tho last Iogislaturo! his school work well is entitled' to didn't pay any attention to tho news piipor men and it wjas thought that an editor with tho oxporienco of A. P. would bo able to look after somo of tho things that editors want and at tho same tlmo tako caro of tho gonordl legislation ns woll as any ono olso. Jt was proposed to placo his nnmo in nomination for tho son-; ate. I ns many cheers and parades as tho ono who scores In athletics. ' Somo of our readers hae been qsk ing about tho Nebraska National Egg Laying contest. Wo do not havo all tho .Information nbout tills contest but aro giving what wo do know. Tho contest lasts a year and Is held at the State Farm at Lincoln. Each entry consists of ten hens. Thoy aro Moving tho local offlco of M10 American Express comany from tho Llpshltz building to tho. depot Booms ! to bo made at a groat loss of timo on Wo regret to boo tho Roberts Miwlo!011 nuro brcd 8tra,na ftnd aro enter?! Co. discontinue Its North Platto store. as such- ThW aro fetl a uniform ra Mr. Roberts assures us that it Is not I tlm bMed 0,1 tio bcst knowlodgo of bocauso tho storo did not pay because Ul nceds of cacll variety. If a hen ho claims it has boon a rood busl- alcs for any reason no replacements nesB proposition. Ho has recently ,nr0 allowed after Docemhor I. The bought, nnothor music storo In Sow ard and ho fools that ho cannot dl vldo his Interests too wldoly. Tie had also found tho trips to North Platto account of tho poor connections at Grand Island nnd his having Jo bo awny from homo so much is not to lileo a backward stop In tho commer cial policies of tho successful busi ness institutions. Thoy are keoplng ttiolr expenditures within their ln-to his liking. Mr. Ttoborts has Bhown comes whether thoy aro progressive . hlmsolf to bo a man of high honor, or rotrogrosslvo. In tho long run , thoroughly buslnessllko in his moth wo admire their conservative busl- ods and agonlol acquaintance. ness man. ' ( ' In tho last numbor of the High "Businoss Is rotten" 1 In school Round-Up thoro is a pago spots nogloctod spots whore given ovor to tho names of students tfip merchant has shown ho Is not who havo enrned grades of 90 per following good business methods. Wo can think of ono businoss houso in North Platto which has ndvortlsod continuously and constantly. Evory w!cok it has told tho pooplo of tho special prices and genoral bargains it offers. Tho proprietors claim that business is satisfactory and wo hav9 reasons, to bollovo tholr statement. Good 'business practice demands that tho merchant toll about his gpodt? in tho nowapapors cent "or abovo in a Biibjoct and who havo good deportment Tho list Is small comparod to tho number who aro onrollod in tho High school and shows that a largo numbor of tho pupils aro not Btrlvlng for high grades or olso aro too dumb to got them. Publishing tho list is a flno thing and It would bo woll for thoso lntorostod in tho High sohool utu donts to look tho list ovor and at tho Bnmo timo to remember that thoro is SUN THEATRE SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY MATINEE EACH DAY Onco Maro Wo Havo TOM MIX WILLIAM FOX STAR Tho board of County Commission ers of Lincoln county mot In tho court houso Monday. January 28. with prosont Commissioners Spring-1 or, Cohngen, Coker and County Clerk Allen. Tho following bills woro approved and allowed: Jonnlngs & SpaUldlng, mdse., $12.00. N. C. Bowcn, bridge, $30.70. Cy Clark, brldgo, $16.50. L. N. Cross, mdso., $10.93. T. D. Ogden, road, $50.00. J. F. Snydor, haying, $27.00. Roxall Drug Co., mdso., $5.25. Jim Kolsoy, services, $25.00. Paul O. Myer, sorvicos, $48.00. r O. G. Schick, road dist 20, $7.40. W. M. Jensen, road disk 20, $13.20. L. J. Hanson, coal, $13.39. Dr. E. W. Fettor, services, $18.00. Mrs. A. L. Dolson, poor, 428.00. , H. M. Leech, rent, $12.00. D. J. Antonides, mdso., $10.G5. L. E. Ludwlg, labor,. $24.00. W. Williams, road dist. 42, ?g.70. D. E. Jolliff, road dist. 42, $15.00. Chas. Jackson, road dist. 42, $21.G0. Jas. Campbell road dist. 42, $G.0Q. Goo. W. Jenkins, road dist 42, $168.85. John Burwell, road dist. '42, $8.70. O. Hulohlnson, road dist. 42, $12.00. A. L. Ileovcs, road dist. 42, 18.00. Carl Fletcher, road dist. $45.00. Carl Flotchor, road dist 2, $27.90. E. W. Wyman, road dist 2, $12.00. Lorenzo Macumber, road work, $42.00. . II. S. McKnlght rond dist 51, $12.00. National Refining Co., oil, $56.00." Standard Oil Co., oil, $31.G9. Frank Owen, road, $127.80. Geo. Oweni road, $101.60. H. F. Nichols, road,, $3.50. Lincoln County Lumber Co. $148.80 Lincoln .County Lumber Co., $85.55. Adjoumod to January 25. ' . . ..... h.ih , inMBKHnasaraEa Whee in Omaha STOP VITH US -.0:- FOR SALE Wo will havo young dressed Bel gian Haro? on sale at Crow and Crow Market every Saturday. Platto Valley Pet Stock Association r " DR. ,7. II. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Disease of Women nnd Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 127 Restdenco G5G Wait Acis 1 Soo him do his big stunts, Scojhlm rldo, Soo' him shoot, Soo him mako lovo -IN. "The Night Horsemen" 'From Max Brand's famous novol "Wild GeoaojV a; soquol to "Tho Untamod." Also CLYDE COOK in "THE CHAUFFER" contest lasts a year. Tho idea is to find out which ten hons lay th most eggs In a year and which Individual hen Is tho greatest egg producer. Tho record is mado by meanss of trap nests wherein tho hen ontors at her pleas uro but cannot leave until tho egg has been secured and marked with tho number which tho hen has attach cd to her log band, Thus a record Is kopt of tho production of oach hen ovory day. In tho contost nt Lincoln 41 pons woro nctered making 410 hens In tho contost. By ureeds the ontorlos woro ns follows: Single Comb Rhodo Islnnd Rods, 5; Barred Plymouth Rocks, 1; Whlto Plymouth Rocks, 2; Whlto Plymouth flocks, 2: Whlto Orpington, 2; Buff Orpington, 2; Whlto Wyandottes, 3; Single Comb Rqdo Island Whites, 1; Slnglo Comb Whlto Leghorns, 23; Slnglo Comb Dark Brown Loghorns, 1; R. C. Brown Loghorns, 1. In tho Single Comb Whlto Leghorn class tho North platto Experimental Substation has ontored two pens. A report of tho numbor of oggs laid by each pou and by each individual is issued at tho closo of each month. Tho Trlbuno will keep its readers informed of tho progress of tho contest as fast as the reports como in. FOR RENT Storage space in fire proof waro house. Simon Bros. LOST Ladies' ' 430J. fountain pen. Phone FOR RENT FurnlBhed rooms, strict ly modern. 405 West Fourth St FOR SALE Colorado homestead and relinquishments. Phono 661W. FOR RENT 6-room houso, modern except heat Inqulro nt 222 East Fifth street. FOR SALE OR TRADE Houso and twolvo lots, for Btock. Inqulro 1401 East Twolfth street WANTED Mature lady or gontleman to collect and solicit business In North Platte. Address P. O. Box 678. FOR RENT Fivo rooms, over the Now Method Tiro Shop, 511 Lo cust St W. II. McDonald. BASKET BALL SCHEDULE January 13 Lexington, 13; N. P., 27, January 20 Gothonburg, 22; N. P. lti. January 27 Lexington thoro, January 28 Sholtoq, horo. February 3 Fromont hero. Fohruary 4 Fromont thoro. Fobruary 9 Lincoln there. I February 10 Havolock there. Fobruary H Uni. Plivco thoro. Fobruary 17 Gothonburg horo. Fobruary 18 Alma, horo. Fobruary 24 Storling, Colo, thoro. Fobruary 25 Sldnoy thoro. March 3 Sutton horo. March 4 Sutton horo. NOTICE FQR BIDS Tho school board of District 8 will nccopt soalod bids up to 7:30 p. m. J Fobruary 1, 1922 for hauling coal rrom worm nauo 10 mo scnoot nouso in District 8. Tho bids must specify tho amount wanted to haul each ton of coal and unload samo. Bids will' be oponod at tho school houso in DIs trlct 8 nt 7:30 p. m. Fobruary 1st. Tho board rsorves tho right to rojoct any and all bids. -II. S. HASKINS, Moderator Dated this 20th. day of-January, 1922 Ho 4 a uonant Clinton & Son, the Eye Glass Men. Sorvlco and Satisfaction. te, Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing Telephone 74 is back of these hotels. Guests may 1 J stop at nny ono of them with tho as surance of receiving honest value and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY PIANO TUNING Work Guaranteed HOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE Phono 115 Masonic Building at Corner of Fifth and .Do way. , . DELL RROWNFIELD Farm and Lhc Stock 1 AUCTIONEER Hcrshoy, Nob. JOHN S. SLUMS, M. I). Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonnld Bank Rnlldlng Office Phono 83 Residence 31 ' WM. WALDORF, Tinner. MakoB or repairs anything made of tin or sheet motal. CIO Locust Under General Hospital. DR, L. A. SNAVELY DENTIST X-nny Diagnosis Oxygon nnd Anathcshi. Over Union State'1 Bank. Phono 29C. TRY McKAIN'S CAFE Fresh Lino of MEATS AND GROCERIES 10S E. Cth St. GEO. MfcKAIN, Froif. I J. S. TWINEM M. D. i.t j Homeopath)? Physician & .. U Surgeon . ' pr-' $ Gciwrnl I'rnctke rind ' !;t CotMructlon ' Surgery Hospital Accommodation II Platto Valley Hospital : Former Namo Xwluoni HospIlaL g NORTH PLATTE, NEBIt, The Farmer's, Auctioneer H.-M. Johansen, North Piatt, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not havo enough stock or machinery for a genoral farm salo, I am located so J can hold a combination sale,, at North Platto or at tho Falrview'dalry 1 M miles west of town. I have, always got enough stock or .machinery Ubted with mo so wo can hold a combination sale any time. OT.IS R. PLATT, M. D ' PhyHlcInn nnd Surgeon X-RAY s . .Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night, 5ver Union Stnto Bank. Offlco Phone 29GW House Phono 29CR HIDES AMD FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ NOTICE OF TAICING UP ESTJRAY Taken up by. tho undersigned, 'four toon mlloa north of North Platte, County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; on' tho 31st day of December, 1921, throb' black mule's, 700 pounds each; two black horsc3, 1,000 pounds each; fivo bay horses, 1,200 pounds each; ono black yearling colt and "one gray yearling colt Dated this 3rd day of January 1922. (Signed) n Frank Clarki - East Tryon Route'. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 210 DERRYBERItY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Fnnernl Director Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 Office 340 Housel26' DR. W. I. SHAFFER Ostcopnth Physician Over tho OaBls. North PlatU FOR SALE Or exchange, for city property, 610 ncros of land, 8 milos from town. O. H. Thooleckc. FOR SALE Whlto Pflyinou,th Rock cockcrols and Buff Orphlngton cockorols. Edw. WeekB, 1503 E Fifth. Phono 920W, Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, ala Real Estate. References and Date First National Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Snrgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj Phones .Offlco 642, Residence 676 To whom It may concern: The special commissioner appointed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at the northwest' cor nor of tho southwest quarter of sec tion 20, thence south on section line to the northwest corner of section 35, thence west on section line between sections 27 and 34 to canyon, then In a southwesterl direction about 25 rods around head of canyon, then In a northwesterly direction back to abovo described section line, thence west along said Hn to established road running north and south, nil this be ing in township nine (9) range twenty-seven (27) In Lincoln County, Ne braska, has reported, favor thereof, all claims for damages or objections thereto by reason of the establishing of said road must be filed In the of flee of the County Clork on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 4th day of march 1922, or abovo road will bo al lowed without roferenco there to. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska this 23rd day of December 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Toachor of Voice Culture and tho Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phone 1147J FOR RENT Farm, 160 acros, flno lo cation, all necessary buildings; near Brady on Lincoln Highway. John McGoo, Brady, Nob. WANTED Agent to Boll Hog, Stock and Poultry tonic. Supply donlors. and also Bell direct to farmers. Ad dress E-C caro Tribune. FOR SALE Fivo-room houso, with bath, gas and garago; all nowly decorated; $3,650. 314 So. Pino St., Phono 329. WANTED TO RENT Thrco unfur nlshed rooms, with bath, also boat furnished, proforablo, for light houso- keoplng. Whlto P. O. Box 159. For Salo, Trndo or Rent ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A HOME Call E. A. Olson it ou want to buy, sol, tradepr build. I can sorvo you in tho way of location and PRICE. Homes, vacant lota, 3 to 40 aero tracts with or without improvements, irri gated farms, Band hill farms, ranch land with alfalfa and wet hay land nt prco3 to comparo with tho prosont tlmo vniuos. uau or wruo E. A, OLSON Phono 1130 314 So. Locust St, DR. M. R. STATES Chiropractor '5,0.7 Building & Loan Building. Offlco Phone 70. Rob. Phone 1243 W. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 816 South Vine Street Hos pital Phone 633, House Phone m GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Offlco 130. Residence 111 Office phono 241. Ros. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knight of Columbus Building. DR. ITAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phono 1021 NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF r-vvuNU mSTIUCT NUMBER 8. IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA T6 tho OWnOrS Of Uin rrvnr,l ilflo of all proporty ndjacent to or abutting upon the streets hereinafter described and all persons interested thoroln: ...f . , 00011 or you aro horoby no tified that tho Mayor and City Council of tho city of North Plaltn 1M Mntnt date of Decembor 20, 1921 pass and iprovo a certain oruinanco forming uu tmuuuB raving district No. 8 of tho city of .North Plattn County, Nebraska. And that tho fol lowing streets including tho inter sections thereof within tho limits of tho citv are comprised within said paving district to-wlt: All that por tion of Vine Street of said eltv mopclng on tho south lino of tho Inter section or vino ana West 6th Street thenco north along said Vino Street to the north lino of tho inter section of Vino and West Front Streets in said city, commenc ing nt tho west line of tho inter section of West Front nnd Vine streets of said city thence west to tho cast lino of tho intersection of west Front and Aah Streets in said city; and all that portion of Sycamore stroot com mencing at tho south lino of inn n. tersoctlon of West Front and Syca moro Streets in Bald city, running thenco south to tho north lino of the intersection of South Sycamore and B streots in said city, thoro to terrain, ate, with tho exception of tho inter sections at Fourth and Sycamore and Fifth and Sycamore Streets of said city. Unless objections aro filed ns re quired by statuto within twonty days from tho first publication of this notlco, tho Mayor and City Council shall proceed, to construct such nav lng. Dated this 12th day of January, 1922 E. H. Evans, Attest: O. E. Elder, Mavor City Clork, (Seal) i