THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LOCAL AfU PERSONAL Now York's nowoBt spring gar ments aro arriving dally nt Blocks. , Gome to the Hoodoo, Four. G and oo tho Dazzling Daisy. Mrs. II. Q. Anderson of llrulo shop ped In tho city Wednesday. " ' Dlxbn Optical Co., oyo service. auin. ui iiuu urewor 01 iiorsncy Bho:)pod n North I'latto Wednesday. , Ullnton & Son, Tho Eye Glass Men, Servlco and Satisfaction. . A. QvWambach of Gothenburg was a business.! visitor hero Saturday. Mrs. A. II. Harvey of Choyonno Is visiting at tho E. M. McConnell homo this week. ' Road tho Bargain Cbunter list. Walter Harbold of Hastings arrived Wednesday to, iook after business Interests. ' Angolina Is' tho "angel" child. Yes sho Is an angcl See tho "Hoodoo," Pobruary G. "- Miss Lydia Bjorklund Is off duty lit tho W. J. O'Connor storo on ac count of illness. Roy Cochran left, Thursday morn ing for eastern -points vhero ho will transact business. Miss Violet Maddox entertained the Chancory Bridge club at hor homo Tuesday ovoning. tBoys kneo pants on salo at 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 at the Lender Mer cantile Co. f-Mlss Rena Dolph will arrive homo tomorrow to Visit hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dolph. p J. .1. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE 3fcCABE HOTEL, OYER STAMl"S BAKERY. PHONE 71. Patrick Hill of Chicago arrived the first of tho week to look after busi ness, interests in tho city. Advanco spring, modols spring's newest creations now on display at Blocks. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Donnely of Ogalalla were in North Patto ' Wed nesday. Clinton & Son, tho Eye Glass Men Servlco and Satisfaction. John Nolson left Thursday morning for Omaha where ho . will transact business for several days. Advanoe Bprlng modols spring's nowost creations now on display at Blocks. G. R. Stobblns of Vontura, Cali fornia arrived yesterday to attohd tho funoral of his brother Rufus Steb hlns. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Maloncy loft Wodncsday for Omaha wtooro they wil transact .business for sovornl days. If you had tho "prettiest load of swag'' including threovaluablo neck laces, what would you do? See tho "Hoodoo, February 6. Mrs. Etta Bonner rcturnod Thurs day morning from California whero sho was called by tho death of hcr'0f Uie week. brother Rufus Stobblns. Dr. L. 3. KKAUSE, Dentist, X-Khj Diagnosis. McDonald Bank Building. Phono 07. Reports received hero Wodncsday from , Rochester, say that Jcsso Ed wards was operated upon at tho Mayo Bros, hospital there. Mrs. Joo Condit who has been spending tho last week in' Omaha visiting relatives and friends arrived homo Wednesday morning. i uurg limes; PLEASANT VIEW ITEMS Thoro was a small snow hero last Sunday morning. an UK , j3 Oilenng the women of North Platte remarkable values m a shoe storm m Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brown visited with Mrs. Joo Stophons Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Is visiting at tho J. M. Souder homo 'this week. Silas Kuglor, Con Soars, Arthur Tcotors and Henry Bajcrs holpcd Dick Teeters butcher last Monday. Tho attondanco at school last week was good after tho cold snap tho first Silas Kuglor, Frank Hands, Charles Llorman, Will McKnlght, Henry Bak ers, Earl LaBounty, Guy St'lnetto and Dick Tootors wero at Con Scars butchering last Friday. Many of our rondors aro members of Gothenburg Lodgo of Perfection No. 7, Scottish Rlto and thoy will bo Interested in tho results of tho elec tion of offiocrs held last Monday night and ron at way down prices at tho Loader Mercantile Co. I Mrs. J. R, Elliott and ichlldren re-. turned tho first of tho week from Olney, 111., whoro they spent a month with Mrs. Elliott's mother. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Block will leave Sunday for Chicago and Now York whero they will spend sovoral, wcoks in the markets buying spring merchandise. I Mrs. Bruco Kano and children of roported W. J. nblo master; F. L. by tho Gothon Blrkofor, venor- Hannum, senior wardon; E. J. Loutzonhelsor, junior warden; Charles E. Allen, orator; E. J. Spauldlng, almoner; A. G. Warn bach, secretary; C. W. Wagnor, treas urer. :o: Dixton Optical Co., tests eyes. -:o:- NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will bo roctrived by it.- "ill-. -. ..-. I r -ill-- e t i i. Orjuind .Tunction. Colo., left Thursday 1,10 i"" uy in worm w t,. Mnw vir oitv nw Platto, Nebraska, at tho office of tho soondimr several davs at tho Harry 'Clt' Clcrk o BaId Cltv UP untiI 8 P' Pnmnr immn . . M. of Tuesday, February 7th, 1922 for Harold Coates of Sutherland ar-, tho furnishing, F. 0. of B. cars North tho following rlvorl linrn flin first nf Mm wpok and 1'iaiio, iNOorusKii, will spend tho rest of tho winter with Itoms: 1.1a n-nmimnthni- Mrs. Emma Pulvor. ! Qne (1) Eight (8) inch Benturl Mo Ho will attend tho city schools dur-' lng his stay hero. -:o;- $5 Portrait Free In order to be doing something during theso dull times, wo will make you a 14x20 oval convex $5.00 vor- trait FREE.' Wo want you to show ii iu yuur inuuus uxiu uuvuilisu uui work we ask of you soud us 95c to pay for . pogtapo and boxing and we will send the portrait prepaid, free. Mail your photos, with 95c .Give us a trial. We copy anything and everything. Money hack if not pleased. PALM ART CO-r - Hastings, Nch. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Having bought tho interests of CHa3. Raney In tho Auto Wrecking Co. of North Platte, I will not bo responsible for any dealings made or contracted by him. Signed, Bechan Bros. :o: LEGION MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Membership of 500 to be tho goal. The. paid up members of tho North Plauo Post have been divided into two teams which wll be known as the Army and Navy teams. This vill be a real contest and tho losing team will banquet tho winners. Tho drive will begin Jan. 20 and close Feb. 17th. The Army team will bo under Gen ornlshln of B. B. Mlltonborcer and L. A. Kelly .for tho Navy. tw lubo comploto with registering, In dlcatlng and recording apparatus and all other accessories including a year's .supply of charts, Planlmoter for integrating ' charts, Instructions for installing; necessary mercury and set of tools. One ten (10) Inch Venturi Motor comploto as above. Ono twelve (12) Inch Venturi Motor comploto as above. Bids to be made, on each meter senaratc: also Eivo .total price if three motors aro taken and states earliest date delivery of somo can bo made. Payments will bo cash within 3) days after arrival of motors, F. O. I .! North Platte, Nobraska. ' Tho City Council reserves tho right to roject any- or all bids. E. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. Elder, City Clork. Dated January 21st, 1922. r. Clearance Sale OF WOMEN'S RICH SHOE S I: , ; -. , ... A value-giving demonstration of Women's Shoes that in 4 every way surpasses previous sales or High Shoes. Every price has been radically reduced for quick clearance. See these extraordinary shoe values and you'll quick 1 ly realize the wisdom of buying the season's needs. Choose without reserve as follows: 218 Pairs of High and Low Heel Shoes $495 UCK'S BOOTERIE THE BARGAIN . COUNTER LIST MERCHANTS OFFER BARGAINS FOR THRIFTY FOLKS OF THIS COMMUNITY Read thes6"advortlsoihohts for. they aro tho offerings of North Platto re tail merchants and are intended to givo tho-readers of Tho Trlbuno values to bo found nowhoro olse. Read and act. COMMENCING SUNDAY Matinee Sunday. 2:1 5 and 4 Harold Ll" , . m I m$ .. ... Harold Lloyd, The King of Comedians In His Latest Three Reel Laugh Producer. Also a ROBINSON & COLE Five Real Feature, "LIVE AND LET LIVE" LOCAL AND TERSONAL Myrtlo Deal of Ogalalla was a city visitor Tuesday. New York's nowost spring gar ments aro arriving dally at Blocks. K. A. McCall of Lcwollcn spent yostorday in tho city. Dixon Optical Co., grinds lenses. Gingham houso drosses and aprons for ladies and children, iucludlng Truo Worth drosses, Jialt prico Frl day and Saturday. B. T. Tramp & Sons. Lloyd Kaln of Gothenburg spont .Tuesday in tho city. Dixon Optical Co., glasses fitted. L. S. Rotcn of Staploton was a city visitor Tuesday. Sco tlio "Hoodoo," February G. Price CO conts and 25 cents. ' :o:- NOTICE.' Tho annual mooting of tho North Platto Equity Association will bo held in tho District Court room on Monday, January 30th. at 7:30 p, m. Wo aro soiling our entire lino oi flno cotton Japanese kimonas nt ?4.75 each for a short time. Hotel Palaco Bazaar. LISTEN Don't forget tho big fcoil at McKain's Cafo and meat market combined for 35 conts. 108 East 0th street. Cash and Carry Specials FOR SATURDAY Have a photograph mado of your kiddles. Their charms can bo mado pormanont In a good portrait. Rem brandt Studio. ' A Ford car lc3s Btartor soils at North Platto for $449.80, includes gas and oil. Give us your ordor today. Hondy-Ogler Auto Co. SPECIAL Apples, per box, $1.75. Flour, 48-pound sack, $1.48. Gamble wit Springor. 4 Stores. Soo my 1922 stock of1 paper fjom one-third to one-half cheapor than laot year; also somo bargains in pa pers left over. Call 10G1J and I will bring to books to your houso. Phil Doats. Farmors aro now plannlns how thoy aro to do tholr spring work with the Fordson. Call nnd get our prices on FordBon and equipment. Hondy-Oglor Auto Co. Tho Specialty Shop has a new shipment of beautiful linen towels, napkins, scarfs and center pieces. Also bungalow aprons, Jumpor dress- os, card table covers, aprons etc. Arvllla Whlttaker. 500 Locust St. I. 'Mills of Brule transacted busi ness li( tho city Thursday. 4 First showing of now spring frocks, suits, coats and capes nt Blocks. Miss Floronco Hunter left Thurs day morning for Portland, pro. L. L. Kammoror of Flats was a city visitor Wednesday. First showing of now spring frocks, suits, coats and capos at Blocks. T, Sharploy Thompson was a busi ness visitor to North Platto yestor- W, J. O'Connor returned Wodnes Ua from Colorado whero ho looked after business intyorosts. , Harry Harken Is' in the city look ing after bUBinoss matters, Ho f orm orly owned the McCnbe hotel. Pork Loin Roasts per pound Baby Beef Hearts per pound , . -1 lb. Cocoa per pound, dime ; : Fresh Cinnamon Rolls, per dozen 12 Bars P. & G. Soap , McMichaePs Grocery PHONE 441 16c 10c 10c 18c 72c THIRD ANNUAL SALE OF BIG TYPE POLAND CHINA BRED SOWS 55 Head, Spring Gilts, Fall Yearlings, Tried Sows Bred to Designer Jr. by $30,000 Designer and Grand Champion Nebr. State Fair; Paul's Designer, Junior Champion Nebr. State Fair, 1921; Model Prospect, by Joe's Prospect, another State Fair Winner. Tuesday, January 31, 1922 COME ON BOYS, LET'S GO TO L. R. WHITE'S BRED SOW SALE In Heated Pavillion at 1 O'clock. Write for Catalog. LEXINGTON, NEBRASKA. NOTICE Tho Farmers and Laborers of Lincoln County aro invited to attend a meeting of tho United Protective Association, Saturday, January 28th, 8 P. M., at tho K. P. Hall, GO210 Dewey Steet. To form a permanent organization" for their mutual protection. BY COMMUTE