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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1922)
THE? NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WJflEKLY TRIBUNE CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. f Graduate Opticians John Molntoah of Sldnoy and woll, LOCAL AND PHIlSONAL known hero wan In North Platto tho first of tho wook. Mr. Molntoah was! Always onrllost with tho Mors at recently nppolntod lntornal revenue. Blocks collector. - Tho funoral of tho lato Rufus P. Stobblns will be hold from tho homo j of Ills slstor, Mrs. Etta S. Bonnor, oid worm uiim street, Saturday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. BnamiwwiooBnnotiootifictBaoorio: I 8 j.t i DR. 0. II. CRESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Offlco ovor tho McDonald Stato Bank. LOCAL AND l'ERSONAL iO UIO of Oshkosh matters hero Mrs. Q. R Swanson lookod after business Wednesday. Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Mon, Sdrvlco and Satisfaction. Evelyn Boldt has resumed her duties at tho A. T. Johnson dopart mont store Always .earliest with tho lators at Blocks. . C. J. Morrison camo down, from Staploton Tuesday to look aftor bus iness matters. Present Ford prices loWosl oyer quoted, V. A. Nelson left yesterday for Gothenburg whoro ho will spend sov oral days visiting frlonds. F. J. Sandall will leavo next wcok for California. Mr. Sandall Intends to locato thero In tho future Mrs. Clara Hun'tor loft -this morn ing for Alantlc, la., whoro alio will spond soveral weeks vlsltrng H. M. Reynard arrived hero from Staploton for several days stay whllo ho attended to business matters. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. F. Mohleman and Miss Ltlllo Potorson of Gothonburg atfondod tho Charity bull hero, last evening. Harry Samuelson will leavo tomor row for Chicago and St, Louis whoro Tio "will purchase his sprlug stock. ' C C. Flansburg of Lincoln was a city visitor this wcok, looking aftor legal matters In' tho district court. L. A. Hoath, P. A. Heath and W. F. Robbtns, all of ArtliUr wero attend ing to business mattorB horo yostor day. Hbmachus," Eupopsla, IahV Osiris, Itamcscs, Ptolmoy, and Httlo Cheops nro all la tho "Hoodoo, February C. Corno and soofthom, ; Editor: A very enjoyable birthday surprise was given on January 15 at tho homo of Carl Broedor, tho occasion being tho fifty-first birthday of Mrs. Broe dor. Sho was given a great surprlso when sovonty-ono of her neighbors and old frlonds rushed Into her homo that Sunday afternoon. Sho Is hon ored with being called tho mother of tho neighborhood and was honored by many toasts and goodwlshcs. Mrs. Brooder was entertained In her usual good manner by songs and games. -which lasted until a lator hour. Mrs. Brooder left on a 11:30 train for Al exandria whoro sho will help cele brato tho birthday of her father. She will bo gono several days. All jolnod In wishing Mrs. Broedor many happy returns of tho day. Thoso present wcro Mrs. Watlclns and family of five; Mr. Cyphers nnd fnmlly of four; Peter Larson and family of flvo; II. S. L. Voas and family of five; L. Brooder and family of threo; Robert Kunklo and family of four; Mr. Num machor and family of flvo; Mr. Por ter and family of threo; Mr. Zlmmor manan family of two; Mr. Elliott and family of four; Mr. Broedor and family of sovon; Mr. Moonoy nnd family of six; Mr. Whlto and fnjnlly of threo; Mr. McDonald and family of threo; Mr. Knotts, Mr. Track worthf Mr. Hanson and family of flvo; Mr. Scott and family of four; Mr. Austin and family of two. ONE WHO WAS THERE. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS The Music, Literature and Art de partment of tho Twentieth Century club met with Mrs. Julius Plzer last Tuesday afternoon. AJter tho busl ness sosslon a very Interesting pro gram consisting of music, papers and readings was rendered. At tho close oi mo program, rorresmnents woro Mrs. Alma Stokes of Council Bluffs, served. Tho meeting was reported to In., Is visiting at tho F. E. Kronqueat havo been very enjoyable to all pros homo and helping tako care of her cnt mother, Mrs. Kronqueat who Is ro- Peoplo aro always complaining covering from an operation which Bho about tho longth of time that they undorwont Christmas week. ! work. It is a big Item In n lifetime - Millinery department of tho Leader but not so big as most of us imagine. Mercantile Co. aro now offering you If "tho days of our ago aro threo your cholco of pattern hats up to ( score years and ten," hero Is an ap-1 $16.00 values at closing out prlco of .proxlmation of tho way a man of 70 S. W. Warren of Tyron spont sev eral days In North Platto this wcok. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction. I. C. Heldenbrand of Tyron attend ed to business matters horo Wednes day. Perry Anthony of Omaha looked aftor business in district court this woelc All wool knitted gloves and mit tens, for ladies and clldren, values to $1.25, Friday and Saturday, 25c. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Billy Jucknon Is ongagod to threo girls. Which ono does ho marr'y? Seo tho "Hoodoo," February 6. Prlco 50 conts nnd 25 cents. L. & S. Groceteria. ?3.45 and $5.85 nothing hold baok, has spont his Hfo VAUDEVILLE -AT THE- your pick. A marrlago llconso was procured from Judge Woodhurst Wednesday by Harry C. Goldsmith of thlB city and Miss Juanita VanWlnkle of Kan orado, Kans. Tho judge lator per formed tho wedding ceremony. Boy Scout Troop 7 will leavo to day for Paxton whoro they will play Sloop r 23 years Work 19 years Amusement , 9 years Rollglous devotion 1 year Eating C years Traveling G years Illness 4 years Dressing 2 years i That's whoro tho time goes to. Of tho Paxton High school basket ball course ho reader must allow, for his team. This troop has a gamo sched- or hor own situation; a traveling uled with Horshey, which they will man, for instance, combines a good play In tho near future. This gamp j part of his sleeping, eating and will bo glvon for tho 'moflt of the! dressing with his traveling. Associated Charities. :o: ROSE COMBED RED COCKERELS Chanco now to buy fully matured stock from this heavy laying strain and at prices low enough for anyone. I havo only a few and If you want' them como soon as thoy will not last long. South Park Poultry Yard. J.' H. Van Cleavo. :o: Doing Sums i Some where in your homo if you aro enjoy ing Electric Sorvico there iB an adding ma chind. .It's function is to sum up tho total amount of current whlih you use. Electrically and me chanically accurately--it totals the number of watt-hours of Electricity which aro consumed to provide youj wih light, heat and power. You know this adding machine as tho Electric Motor. It is a measuring instrument of precision, yet quite simple and easy to understand. 1 It will tell you exactly how much current you are using. Road It yourself. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & power co: To tho Editor: Ono question which hns been shot at mo a number of times Is: "Is there any monoy In rabbits?"' A moro Im portant question Is to ask ono's self If ho has tho qualities which will mako him a succoss at raising rab bits. If tho rabbit business was so easy that anyono ould succeed, some wise gily would havo beaten us to It long ago. Llko other things, It takes brains, work, courage, application and rosourcofulnoss. Tho present demand exhausts all vlslblo moans of supply. If you want to go Into the rabbit biiBtncBS Bolect a few of tho best foundation Btock monoy enn buy. Also purchaso a fow of tho best books on tho subject -and road them with un derstanding and . Judgment. Then subscribe for a couplo'.ot magazines nnd loam as you go. Afftltato with a godd selling, organization If you can, and tho market question is set tied. Boforo tho ond of 1922 wo want ov ory man and woman In LIncoin coun ty to know what rabbit moat Is and that, It Is to best meat that can bo purchttBod, Let's get together hor,e ,tu Lincoln county and put rabbit raising whoro it bolongs. Wo will bo glad to toll anyono whoro to got good breed lng stock and- so get an early start for tho1922 market. Wo enn also lino you up with some good, books and magazines. William Woodlngs, Secrotary, Platto Valley Pet Stock Assn. :o: Closing out wool and cotton blank els at prices way bolow regular at tho Loader Morcanttlo Co. F. C. Plolstlokor Hpont tho day In Paxton. NOTICE Whenever tho flro whistle blows for shutting off tho city water at un; tlmo within tho next two weeks all parties living on Front, Sixth, Fifth, Fourth and Second streets and east of tho 500 block should tako out ouough wator to fast a reasonable longth of time. IIERSHEY WELCH, Water CommissIoncV. The Co. HIRSCHFELD row quality and service But wo can montlon two great economics, open to all. Everyone Is hotter off when tho work Item Is not carried homo, In tho form of worry, to cheat tho sleep Item and the amusement Horn. And nobody denies that regular, light exercise enough work and not too much food will cur tall tho four years most of us spend sick ill bod. Thatj's tho pMaco to economize in timo! Collier's Weekly. :o: CARD OF THANKS. Wo tako this means of thanking our neighbors, friends nnd organiza tions for tho beautiful floral tributes and tho sympathy extended to us In tho loss of our husband, son and brother, John Weinberger, Jr. Mrs. John Weinberger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolnborger, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allen, , Mr. and Mrs. F. T. McGovorn. KEITH-TODAY ONLY PEItllELL IN SHOW LAND The Silhouctto productions of animals, tholr antics and characteristics Is porfect and amusing, and tho laugh is never lacking to' tho artistic display he twisted his fingers and on tho Bcreen appeared a rabbit. Ho twisted again and tho adulenco saw a couple of lovers In hearty embraco and again and thoro appeared two monkeys. AUSTIN & RUSSELL IN "THE GIRL AND THE WOP" A young couplo wjth pleasing personalities and splendid ability 'as entertainers, in a Singing and Talking offering that savors some what of a sketch called "Tho Girl and the Wop." It is an act that will suroly find favor with all. SEBASTIN & MERRILL In harmonized tactics sawing a woman In threo. This act will create a. laughing furore with a conglomera tion of laugh producing effects, principally the Egg-Laying Rooster and his burlesque on tho famous Illusion Cutting or Sawing the Woman to Pieces. Resides the above there Is an extcnslvo collection of fun-mnldug lumiphcnnlln, tho purpose of which Is to laugh. SHIRLEY & HELL DANCING AND TALKING This is ono of thoso rapid flro Talking and. Dancing and Singing, mixed with plenty of talent that is suro to please all. A GOOD FIVE REEL FEATURE WILL RE ADDED TO ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM. THIS SPECIAL 18 jP J? TP IE SALE DAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 2Sth Lndlos Holeproof Hosiery Silk faced, if ribbed top, all shades 89 .Men's Dress Shlrts- .Valuos up to $2.50 sizes 14 to 15&. 89c Men's Henry Union Snlts Grey rlbbod .( cotton, on. $1.50 valuo Biilt Qjb 1 T THE SUN TODAY AND TOMORROW ZANE GREY'S Popular story "The Man of The Forest" A massive tale of lovo and ndventuro, with an ail star cast Including y Robert MoKIm, Claire Adtms, Carl Giitroorl. , . ALSO' . ft "WINNERS (V '1'IIH WKST . t Men's Cotton Hose ' Fast colors, all shados, 6 pairs for , ,39c Meu's Wool Mixed Hose- In gray nnd brown mixed, '5 pairs for 89 Men's, OYoruIIti Fast color, heavy weight, all sizes 89c a Roys' Kajnco Blouses Valuos lup to $1.50, agos G to 13 89c Men's Sweaters Gray cotton, all sizes,, $1.50 value 89c Men's Fliinnol Night Robes Hoavy flannol, all slzos, $1,50 values , 89c I NORTH PLATTK'S GREATEST YALUR. GIVING STORE I WANT TO BUY 1 w4Make your wants known by a Tribune Want Ad. , ,,.3?., v:.' ( . havottne little, home you want and he may want to sell it. Someone may Someone may have the farm you would like to have if you only knew he wants to sell 5 it. The Tribune makes-it possible, for you to get the eye of thousands of readers. Wo print and distribute $,310 copies of this issue. 4" u' :X WANT TO SELL ' Do you need some ready money, Could you get along without that lot or farm? Would: you be willing to dispose of your place'ior a?? s' neat sum in cash and the balance on payments? There' may be at' least '' ' '. ' " '-' one person in North Platte Who would jump at the chance if he only "knew about it. The Tribune tells many thousands -of people each week. Try it. . " 1 ! WANT TO TRADE Would you rather have a farm than a city home? Someone, else wants a city home instead of his farm. Someone has a lot in the east? part of town which he would like to trade for a lot in the west part of yn. Thero is ho better way of getting a "prospect" for a trade than by, advertising in The Tribune. Let's help things move by starting something ourselves. Trade. ! THE TRIBUNE I .IV am -i.. f ' - 1 ' i 5- , J v-