The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 27, 1922, Image 1

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ife Jlorth
NO. 6.
Cjv H v'v'
Tho report was circulated this
week that water rates had been ro
fnnnnco charcc. This report was
started from a discussion which took
placo In thoclty council meeting last
week when tho matter of lowering
, - ,!S j AND THINGS
Tho Lincoln County Medical so- j tin nttnunt mnnHilrr Tnnil- '
UIUI UUIU HO UUUUU4 iuukltlf i
nry 24 at tho Pacific Hotel. After a CUHKENT
U O Cluuii uiliuur mu uuamioD luuvwut, (
was hold. Tho following officers
woro elected for tho coming year: j
Dr. T. J. Kerr, president; Dr. J. It.
McKlrahan, vice president; Dr. J. I.'.. '
Rcdfiold, secretary-treasurer; Dr. J.' Thoro aro three moro froight 6rbs
S. Simms, counselor for ono year; at work on tu th, , d,gtpIo ,i6.v
Z flUZiTfU B- W. Fetter, counselor for two than woro nt (vork Ul0 fIrst of
lUli wJ?0 ,? LTrt TJy' Dr' N- McCabe, counselor tor Thls nmkog slxtcen crowg
ono year Dr. O; II. Piatt, delegate tho boar(1 now
to tho State Medical society; Dr. F.
J. Wurtolo, altornatc. j Tm DOard of county commissioners
Tho Buffalo BI1J Gun club Is build
ing a now club houso on the grounds
leased from tho city at tho east sldo
ot City Park. Tho concrcto founda
tion was put in placo yesterday by
Edward Walker nnd tho friuno struc
ture will bo put up ns soon ns pos
sible. This is boing dono in prepara
tion for tho state shoot which is to bo
hold horo in May.
Judgo Bayard II. Payno spoko to
tho Klwanls club ut tho Tuesduy
luncheon, taking 40 mlnutoa. His ad
dross was along tho lines ot tho ad
dross ho gavo to Botary tho day be
fore but was much moro extonded.
Kiwanlans are loud in their praiso of
tho Judgo as a speaker and glvo him
credit for boing vory woll Informed
i .i t. - i. . n. ' oil i no uniiHOR ni Liin irinnticini lift
m(no -.una tnlrnn lltl NO nC- "luuuruu tuu uuuuu Ul UIO Ciont 01
Water WateS Was laiCCn up. WO ,mrMitmv TJATT nxri? AW . 'nrnnsiinn hi thn Iin tml Rntna
ttm i ii ii 11,1 i i iiiiijjj wiiu Liin iiisrriri. rnnrr. ivnmn a hAunwi h . -
taken at mat umo. wnon - - . - -- - ",,u"7 "
THE H1U DAri UlvS IB' , oaianco ot $120.30 in oxcoss foos
tion was
soon yesterday, Horshey Welch, city j
water commissioner, said that tho
maintouanco charge of $1.20 a quar
ter was put on when tho prico of
coal began to go up. "Moro than half
tho cost of tho water service is in
the prico of coal," continued Mr.
Welch. J'Tho prico per ton dellvorcd
at tho waterworks station a fow
years ago was $3.75 while tho prico
today Is just twice that amount. As
tho price of coal decreases tho main
tenance tax - can bo decreased." It
is thought that when tho waterworks
extensions arc completed tho addi
tional business will take caro of
somo of tho overhead which cannot
bo handlod whore tho output is re
stricted as it has been in the past.
Tho Charity ball sponsored by the
turned over to tho county treasurer.
Tho county commissioners spont
TllOHllnv n nlinnlrlnir. r
Engineers Wednesday J J sheriff's office. They fount tho ba I
big success. It rivalled tho Mayi , .,.,,. ,,, . '
"b. , , , ,. ,of T- anco t0 bo $510.75 which had boon
Party n attondance and Interest. It u """"
.i 1, ..1 ,t .collected in fees and turned ovor to
is said tho crowd was so dense at) treasurer,
times that It was almost impossible , '
to danco. Tho Mgpiclans Union fur- Tho numbor q ff '
nlshed some good music am tho ar-!throlIBh tho locaI yans from Ja-U.
rangoments were wo 1 considered. It tQ 23 ,nolU8lyo WM m ,
is not known yet what tho proceeds .,. ..
will be but It is est mated that thoy ThJa ,g cbnsldorc(1 SQQi
Will UU 111 Uitcoo Ul yuuu.
good rco-
In Bpoaklng of tho boy scout bas-
Executive Stophons
Dr. C. A. Selby has boon appoint-;
etl counselor for tho oloventh district
kotball teams,
.1, 1 u rti nf i,n, o Nebraska by tho president of tho
"There has been ono round of bas- , . . ...
ketbal. games nnd tho socond round
will bo planned this week by the
Heavy Increases in oxports ot
grain during 1921 as compared with
1920 Including an advance of moro
than 700 per cent in corn shipments,
was nnnouncod a Week ago by tho
department of commorco of tho
Unltod States. Exports of corn ag
gregated 129,000,000 compared with
18,000,000 in 1920. Exports of wheat
for 1921 aggregated 280,000,000 bush
els compared with 218,000,000 bushols
in 1920,
Tho American Legion gamo at Lo
gion hall Tuesday evening was tho
first of the season and whllo tho at
tendance was not what it. will bo later
on it was satisfactory and tho spec
tators got tholr monoy's worth. They
saw Solvers place 13 out of 14 pos-
slblo froo throws which is a remark
Nebraska Medical association. The
elovonth district comnriaos Lincoln.
pnrlHno irnttu ATnii.nnn.. o-.iX nhln ronnvil. Tlio flnnl finnrn wnn 1!?
i .i i. ,llffrm.t ' " "" 'wuumuu, uuiuui),
uuiiu -uu Kimball, Choyonno and Deuel coun-,23 in favor of tho Gothenburg Legion.
iroopa. xiuu1Ja m.uu uu .uu , 1 1 Following was tho line-up: Forwards,
a prolimlnary for tho Junior High
The county commissioners at tho gamo last Friday night. Troop nine b. T. Tramp advertised a blanket
regular meeting last Monday order- ( -was doped to win but troop threo sai0 for ono ii0Ur jast satur(iaj;
ed tho county clerk to notify each gaVo them a surprlso by trimming ( morning. At 10 o'clock tho hour apt
road- overseer that tho prico for road j them to the. tuno of 17 to 7. Ono pointed for tho salo to open tho stonj
work for the year 1922 Is as fol-, troop nine player was kopt out be-j was full of people and -all who coulcl
lows: 50 cents an hour for a man cause h$ played with tho Junior High got at tho blankets had, selected 'oho
nnu team; cenua uu uuui iui anu uiu nut uuru iu iy iajr uumr more, in nvo minutes-Mr. Tramnj
man single handed andx75jtcents. an j games. Troop three camo out in nlftr had taken in the money -alfil 'tfiur,
hour for dragging -with tour horses. suits which shows that someone Is blankets wero gone. Not ono was left.
Mrs. Ida K. MoFarland, doan of interested in seeing tho scouts look' it pays to advertise.
English at the University of Denver, neat. Several of tho other troops have j
arrived horo this morning. Sho will nfco suits also. Troop four and eight ( Now officers for tho High school
lecture this evening at tho Methodist played Saturday- afternoon in tho ( cadets wero appointed this week to
church under the auspices of the Del- Franklin gymnasium. Troop eight take tho plnccs of somo who woro
phian society. After conference with had new meh for tho most part who unable to continue on account of con
local committee tho title of tho lec- had never played any basketball and nicts. Thoy are as follows: Rus
turo has been changed' from "Arts of , thoy Insisted on running with the Iwill sen MoMichaol, captain; Harley Uuh
tho Theater" to a lec'ure based on or tackling somo fellow. Thoy will ncUt first lieutenant; Donald McKay,
tho book "If Winter Comes" which , do much better next time as they are SOcond lieutenant; Quincy Wilcox,
Is not only the book of tho year, but coming out with the Junior High for Borgcant; Edgar Douglas, sergeant;
it is tho book of several years. j practice now. Troop four was the Burton Swanson, quartormaster.
.o: easy victor with a scoro of 22 to 8.
L. L. Zook left yesterday for Lin-.Troop five and seven played a pre- Tho American Farm Bureau offi-
coln whero ho will remain until about i.mmary Kamo for the-American Lo-,ciaIs claim through their efforts that
gion gamo with Gothonburg last railway valuations for tho, purpose of
Tuesday night at tho Lloyd Opera ( competing guaranteed earnings wore
Houbc. Tho floor was largo and slick roducod $1,700,000,000 making nn av
putting both teams at a disadvantage ! orago saving of $30 each for every
Tho gamo was closo all thru ending , farmer in tho United States. This
with troop seven victors, 9 to 5. .claim has novor been disputed and
ti. 1 1 m j
:o: nianus U3 a mant oi no iremonuou3
March 1. He goes there to work over
the reports which havo been gather
ed at tho North Platto Experiment
Substation by himself and Professor
Burr during tho past ten or twolvo
years. It. is probable that these rec
ords will bo prepared for publication
during tho year.
Tho Platto Valloy Poultry Associa
tion hold a meeting Inst evening and
cleaned up tho year's business. Plans
were mado for tho coming year.
All wool knitted caps for ladies powor which tho farmer of this coun
and children in pretty styles and jtry can expect when organized,
colors, your choice for Friday and.
Hntnrrinv vninnn nn to S2.00. 25c. E. Georgo Chamberlialn will leave
aunuay ior umcago wnero ho will
spend six weeks studying window
T. Tramp & Sons.
.: ' J' m TfT
- j. "
Rauch with Georgo Young substitut
ing in socond hnlf; guards, V. Halll-
gan and E. Rlnckcr, with McFavland
and Anderson substituting in socond
half. Georgo Myers was roferco.
Followcraft degreo,' Saturday, Jan-
unry 28 at 8 p. m.
11:00 "Is God Interested In Our
7:30 "Evolution In Sin."
11:00 Confirmation Borvico. Bish
op Bccchor will preach tho sermon
and will confirm tho adult class.
7:30 Evening Prayer and sermon.
11:00 God Manifest In Christ.
Rov. Patterson, tho now pastor, will
preach tho services this Sunday.
11:00 Rov. C. M. Foroman will
7,: 30 "Tho Neodlo Worker."
Ladles Art club and Twentieth
Contury olub nro cordially invited.
Colfax Encnmpmont No 23 I. O. O.
F. Thoro will bo work iii Goldon
Rulo nnd Royal Purplo dogrooa, fol
lowed by Installation and an oyslor
food in chnrgo of J. Guy Swopo, Fri
day, January 27, at tho I. O. Q. F.
hall. Tho festivities start at 7:30 p.
m. All Patriarchs aro urged to at
tend. :o:
Atxa rocont luncheon tho Klwanls
club entertained tho officers and
mombers of troop 8, boy scouts, nt
luncheon. Aftor a fow songs and a
short nddross by C. F. Tcmplo tho
now scout master Jas. Flynn spoko
briefly of his plans for tho troop
and tho assistant scoutmaster Chan.
Walters mado a fow remarks. Tho
program was closed by Exocutlv
Stephens who took a fow minutes to
toll ot tho relation ot tho club to
tho troop. Tho following Kiwanlans
form tho troop committee which wjll
look nftor tho welfare ot tho boys.
C. F. Tomple, chairman, J. O. Pat
terson, It. F. Logan, Rev. W. IL
Mooro nnd.AlborL Wcstonfold.
Mrs. E. B. Bolsot of Gothenburg
will attend Uio McFarlano locturo
this evening.
Mrs. M. II. Gilfoyl returned Wed
nesday from Omaha whoro sho visit
cd for sovoral days.
Glenn Hofnor entertained fiftoon ot
his littlo friends at a birthday party
at his homo Wodnosday afternoon.
Mrs. II. Hunter nnd daughtor, Flor
onc6, of Massona, la., arrived Tues
day and will spend a week visiting
at tho Hunter homo.
R. P. Halllgnn ot Lincoln is in tho
city visiting at tho homo ot his pnr-
J onts, Mr. nnd Mrs, John J. Halllgnn,
and looking nftor legal mnttors.
1,093,000 Fords delivered to their
.owners In 1021. Tho now low prices
will innlio tho number of sales great
er In 1922.
Dale P. Stough oGrund Island no
compnniod Judgo Payno hero for tho
two weeks' session of district court.
Ho is tho official court roportor.
It' has been announced from Union
Rotary, met at the Methodist church
dining ""room Monday " and "after a
short educational program, Judge
Payno gavo a talk on economic con
ditions ns thoy exist today. Ho has
prepared charts and diagrams from
tho Babson reports and from other
sonrcps which charts woro explained
by the judge. Ono of his deductlonj
Is tint tho. drop In prices always
ccmcs quick with farm products aid
slow with manufactured products. As
a result farmers rea':l'. bottom sud
denly i.nd (her. c" on tholr feet again
in .'h and cvom 'errs before the
'tirrclmi t hns f . vii rid of his high
(incc-d 'nonJ.Ni.Giso. Tho address
was M'Ty instructive and loft the
nicmbprf with tho Idea that conserva
tism. In business will bo safer during
tho next fow months than speculation
or plunging.
Tho DeMolay boys mot at Masonic
hall Wednesday evening and initiated
tho following officers for tho first
torm ot tho year 1922: BenJ. McComb
master councilor; Harold Coxj senior
councilor; Georgo Russell, Junior
councilor; Royer Hnstlngs, Bcrlbo;
Rtnvpr Dpftta. troasurer: Burton
Goo. A.. Holtzlnndor of Darr, Nebr.
was a visitor to tho city Wednesday
liofnir f"illfi1 linrn tn lnnlr' nftnr lila
interfistfj in thn T)infrip nnnrt Tin wna ' I'ftcific hoadquartorsMn Omaha that
formorlv In tin, nlnml.W Imol uFlnE uio conung year uio runroau
here. Ho reports business as qulot wm' l10 0'000 for n0W cquip'
at-his'-'iown-but still-LooplSm-'"1? ' 4 T 'I ,
1 . il.l, . 1 X
lirayno in uisirict court una weoic io
WO Offer tho following articles for nnaln Rlmtv nf TTnrnlmv frntn .Tnhti
sale if taken by Saturday evening,' Show of Ucnvor. on ti,0 KroUndfl of
ono heating Btovo, ono wrapping nonsupport.
tamo, six goou amirs, uouorts. music Louls H. stoii 0f Paxton and Miss
Co., 110 East Front St. . EdIth Q Kiucichuhn of the Bamo
" Tho Catholic Girls Club mot Thurs- placo woro granted a llconso to wed
day evening at tho homo of Mrs. Ed- and tho ccromony was performed by
ward Grioser. Sho was assisted by tho ' Judgo Woodhurst.
Misses Noll Coonoy,, Mario Schatz I Wo offer tho following articles foi
and Noll Hanifnn. Tho first pnrt ot salo it taken by Saturday evening,
tho ovonlng wns Bpont in playing ono heating stove, ono wrapping
flvo hunderd and prizes wero award- table, six good chalrB. Roberts Muslo
cd to Miss Holon DoRolt nnd Mrs. Co., 110 East Front St.
Thos. Hagorty. A two courso lunch- In district court this wock Judgo
eon was servod nt tho ond of tho Payno granted n dlvorco to August
ovonlng. H. Tuongo from Mablo I. Tuongo.
S. M. Soudor roturnod this morning Thoy woro married at Qrand Island
from tho annual convention of Coun- Juno 18, 1914, and havo no children.
ty Treasurers which was hold at Tho chargo was desertion.
Omaha this weok. Ho says tho west! Stato Commandor William Ritchie
was glvon full recognition in that tho accompanlod' by Frank B. O'Connoll,
noxt convention will bo hold at Sid- dopartmont adjutant and Earl Cllno,
noy and thoy olocted a full sot ot of- national committeeman will hold a
ifcors from tho wostorn counties. Mr. district mooting ot post commanders
Soudor was elected secrotarykof tho and post adjutants at North Platto on
association. February 10.
Joint Checking Accounts
Business partners or husbands and
their wives can open joint chocking
accounts hero with funds subjoct to
chock of either party.
Thoro is nothing complicated about
tho arrangement and it is often a
convenience to keep funds in ono ac
count That's what wo'ro horo for to
further your convenience in tho mat
tor ot good banking service.
The Platte Valley State Bank
nvi i.,m, n,.i-.-,iii ... House, senior deacon; Dale Godwin,
. , f. . . junior doacon; Russoll McMlchael,
opportunity for Georgo to get tho,Juluor "uav-u"
. x.. Jaonior Btoward; Robert Hoagland,
miuni. uuu uutit iu hum important art , .. ,
,i n t nn ' junior steward; Emmett Moody, chap
nnnan 1,n taVr thn rnflt lam; VJCCll Jiuruui, bouuuw.,
w fT, nMA CornwolL standard bearer; Donald
HU8SCU, aaroonor; uicu iittiroumw..
marshal; Joo Lano, first preceptor;
Louis Breternltz, second precoptor;
According to City Physician Selby,
thoro have been but throo cases ot
contagious diseases roportod to him Will Adnmson, third preceptor; Ar
during tho month. They aro two1 thur Weeks, fourth precoptor; Ashley
1 a..... miiitAr.ntA
liOUBO, Ilim pruuuiuui , xuuuuuu
Pavno. sixth nrocoptor; Allen Law-
cases of dipthcria and ono caso of
moasles. During December thoro
were two cases of scarlet fevor and
ono case of mumps. During Novem
ber thoro was ono caso of scarlet
fovor and during October thoro wn3
ono caso of mumps. This is tho best
record for four consecutive months
that is known.
head, soventh precoptor. Installation
was conducted by David J. Frodrick,
chairman of tho advisory council, as
Installing officer1; Carl S. Bonnor,
advisor of tho chaptor as marshal
and Olin H. Crcssler, secretary of tho
advisory council as orator.
E. R. Goodman. Pres.
N. E. Buckley. Sec.-Trcas.
Goodman-Buckley Trust Co.
CAPITAL $50,000.00
If you would be interested in having a part or all of your
money invested in high grade securites exempt from
State, County and City taxes and have the income from
same paid toyou monthly, call and ace
Goodman-Buckley Trust Co.
We have reduced the price on Semi-finished or
sometimes called Rough-Dry Laundry, from 12c per
pound to 10c.
In this process we use nothing but pure soap and
pure soft water just like rain water. All your flat
pieces arc ironed and starched pieces tire starched ready
to dampen. Surely a fine combination for this cold,
snappy weather. All we ask is a trial bundle.
Just Phone 77 and "Your Bosom Friend" Will Call.
Dickeys Sanitary Laundry
4tTho Soft Water Laundry'
Phono 77