The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 24, 1922, Image 1

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(The ' JJorth
NO. 5.
About foity stockholders In tlio
Lincoln County Agricultural society
met at tho office of the Liberty Land
Company last Saturday afternoon
and organized for tho coming year by
olectlng officors. J. C. Wilson wag
mado president; P. C. Plelsticlcor,
vice president; S. M. Souder, secre
tary, and M. "Bj Scott, treasurer. All
woro reelected as woro tho outgoing
directors. Tho financial reports show
a deficit of about $8,000. Tho last
fair about paid for itself if tho per
manont Improvements mado last year
arc not counted. Tho association do
elded to hold only two celebrations,
one on tho Fourth of July and one
at the timo of tho county fair. A
committco composod of 0. E. Elder,
J. J. Crawford and Thomas Healy wag
appointed to investigate and report
on tho advisability or holding auto
races on tho Fourth and a like com
mittee consisting of L. O. Johnstbn,
Scott Reynolds and Loo Caso was
appointed- to report similarly about
horso races for tho fair. Another
meeting will bo held in oarly February.
It.. J. Posson was visiting his undo,
W. P. Snyder, over tho week end. Mr.
Posson is a dairy inspector for the
United States department of agricul
ture. T. C. Patterson will arrive in North
Platto sometime tho lastof this week
or tho first of next,;and will spend
a fehv days looking after business
J. V. Itoinigh- reports tho sale of
;Dodgo Brothers' touring1 cars to Jos
Morga and Theo. Elerdam.
This aftornoon from 2 to 4 o'clock
officors of thov Associated Charities
will bo at the city hall to rccolvo any
donations of clothing which may bo
brought In. They nro asking for
children's clothing ospoclnlly. The
have had to go to tho stores and buy
somo children's clothing already and
this will havo to bo repeated unless
they get a supply donated. At least
eleven families woro found whero tho
children wero not In school becauso
they did not havo warm clothing. Mrs.
OlHo Salisbury reports the following
cash receipts to date:
Twentieth Century club $ C8.51
Barbers' Union 15.00
Christian Science S u n d ay
school 10,00
Loyal Order of Mooso k 25 00
$108 51
VMllh us
Anyone who banks with us
systematically saving a portion
of their income at regular in
tervals rcan bank on us to
safely guard their funds.
Furthermore tho systematic
saver creates a confidence that
is close kin to credit.
for bankers back their judg
ment on people' who havo de
veloped regular habits of
Committees arc soiling tickets foil
tho Charity Ball which is to bo held
at the Legion hall tomorrow night
undor tho auspices of tho IJ. of L. E.
These committees report a good sale
with' ovoryone interested. Tho ex
pense has all been donated and ev
ery cent will go to tnko care of
worthy people who need holp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGracIo of
Tryon spent Sunday In tho city.
E. E. Carr went to Ogalalla this
morning. Judgo Towoll Is holding dis
trict court thoro this week.
The W. W. G.vof tho Baptist church
enjoyed a skating arty at the munb
cipal lake Friday ovoning.
C. W. and R. C Parker of May-
wood and W. .A. Parker of Dickens
wero. city visitors tho. - Inst -ofL the
Miss Mildred McK,Ti returned
home from Hebnm o-uurdiy She was
accompanied by her Mstti. Mrs. Ar
thur Wortman, who will &i:end several
weeks hero.
Senator and Mrs. Hoagland will
hold a reception at their homo this
evening for tho members of the
Presbyterian church and their new
pastor, Rev. and Mrs. Patterson.
Rev, Stevens left Monday morning
for Lincoln whero ho will attend the
state meetinK of Christian mlnlstors
hold there. lie will return home
When tho last consus was taken
0.4 por cent of tho population of Lin
coln county had boon born in a for
eign country. Ton
tho per cont was llij. it was ,nlso
stated taht in every county In Nebras
ka tho por cent of forolgn born whltou
had decreased and tho nctual number
had also lncreasod. '
this station during -tho yoar 1921.
Thoso woro divided as follows: Ico
344, llvo stock 198, sugar beets 15S,
bay 81, flour and grain products IS,
machinery 15, grain 9, live poultry G
miscellaneous 14. Tho total numbor
of cars of goods received was not
ascertained but thoro woro 73G cars
of coal recolvod at tho North Platto
station. ,
A good house greeted "Anirol
nt tho Koith last night. Tho show
was light opera and was vory pleas
ing in ovory respect. It was remark
ably clean for such a production, tho !
sconory wns attractive nmi h, ,.,iJ
was harmonious. Tho comedy was
auovo mo ordinary and wns really
funny. Tho company left this morn
ing ror Kearney whero It will show
Mrs. C. F. Sponcor writes from
Lincoln that Herbert and Eloiso nro
to enter the ninth grado in tho Lin
coln High school tho next soihestor.
Sho says, "I feel that it is a coirtpll-'
ment to v the Nortli Platto schools '
that they wero ablo to do tho eighth!
grado work in tho Lincoln schools'
in ono semester." t
Tho report comes from Lincoln to
local Farm Bureau representatives
that Governor McKolvlo has stoned
a fivo year Individual growors con-'
tract with tho U. S. Grain Growers,!
Inc. His nnme complotcd 7,800 mem
bers in this state. It Is oxpected hmt
tho total of 8,000 members will' he '
reached boforo the wook Is over. ' I
' Tho' High school debating ioajj la ',
preparing for tho first contest qfithe '
serlos for February 9 whon Gqfton
burg is oxpected hero. On accoun ' of
legal duties, Mr. Carr has not l?eon
ablo to give much time to Uiq. coach
ing of debaters and most of tho work
ha3 been ilnnn Jv ATtao nn,,. ,5i
Carr will probably bo ablo to give
more timo lnfrr nn T
Tho Chamber of Commerce commit
too having charge of tho local tolc
phono situation mot last Frldav nmn,
ing and planned their cnuran nr
action. Tho committco will ask for
costs, oxpondluros nnd profits and
whon thero aro received it will glvo
them a preliminary review and then
ask tho reprosntltivo of tho phono
company to discuss tho matter with
It. It will tnko somo timo to carry
out thoso plans and get tho results
boforo tho people y
The ladles auxiliary to tlio B. of
R. T. hold nn election of officors Fri
day aftornoon at tho K. P. hall. Tho
fplowlng wero elected: Mrs. May.
Bailor, prsldont; Mrs. Alta Rlggs,
past prosldont; Mrs. Bollo Murdoch,
vlco president; Mrs. .Boitha Inman,
conductress; Mrs. Helen Soaburg,
warden; Mrs. Eliza Cool, chaplain;'
Mrs. Aimottn .Harrison, secretary;
Mrs. Graco Lambert, treasurer; Mrs.
Iva Senburg, Inner guard; Mrs. May
mo Powers, outor"guard.
Third degreo work, Thursday, Jan
uary 2G, at 8 p. m.
Rogulnr communication of Platto
Vulloy Lodge No." 32, A. F. & A. M.
at 8 p. m. Research.
Thoro will bo a social at K. P. hall
for tho Yeoman and tholr famlHna
only, Thursday, Jan. 2G.
tainmont committee. A cordial lnrl
tatlon is extended to ovoryone.
A. K. P. E. O. Will meet Wednes
day aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. M.
E. Scott, 220 West Second street
Word wjib received from tho John
B. Rogors Producing Co. this woek,
that. tlio professional director for
"Miss Bob Whlto" would arrlvo hora
noxt Monday. This Is tho homo talent
production which is being civen br
tlio E. Y. P. A. on Fobruarv IS nnd
flG. Plans havo boon mado for a big
success when. "Miss Bob Wliito" is
givon and tho best known talent In
tho city liner consented to tnko Im
portant parts.
About forty men are at work on Lo
cust street crossing this week. They
aro planking tho roadway between
tho tracks. The ground is frozen
hard and requires much Blow work to
got tho roadway In shape. J. T. Mur
phy Is in charge.
Mrs. Harry Dixon and Mrs. Lester
Walker will ontortaln this week at a
series of parties In honor of Mrs. Wil
liam Cunningham of Cedar Rapids
,1a., and Mrs. Frank Conlln of Omaha.
Tho first party will bo held at
tho Harry Dixon homo Thursday
aftornoon In honor of Mrs. Cunning
A few of our otherwiso intelligent
farmors aro against tho Lincoln
County Faim Bureau becauso they
say it is organized to kill off tho
Non-partisan leaguo or tho Farmers'
Union or this or that. Hero is tho
fourteenth article in tho Declaration
of Principles which was adopted by
tho Nobraska Farm Bureau fodora-
lon at its meeting in Lincoln this
Wo ro-deflno our unqualified
stand that we aro not a political
organization and that wo havo no
intent to assumo tlio prerogatives
o any existing farmers' organi
zation. Wo do not intend to en
ter tho commercial field as a
Farm Bureau but it is our Intent
to further tho object of" all co
operative societies. Wo considor
it our placo to assist In tho de
velopment of present co-opcratlvo
organizations to help in tho re
organizing and reviving of such
local organizations now' In tho
field nnd to offer assistance to
all organizations whoso object It
is to promoto tho principle of col
lective bargaining for tho salo of
their produco and for tho pur
chaso of tholr supollos.
Road It again and sco If you can
find any declaration of war against
anv farmers' orimnl7nHnn nr nn
Under the laws nt
In cities with a population of overl7.-
000 are required to register ovorYLhc
years. Tho first registration wns held
In 191G but as North Platto w nnt
a city of 7,000 at that time it did not
havo to rogister. This registration
will probably tako placo in March bo
foro tho spring election. All persons
of voting age aro required to register,.
County Superintendent Cochran re
ports that tho stato apportionment
of .school moneys has , beon 'received
and is being distributed as fast as tho
records can bo worked up, Tho a
mojint received by tho chools of Lin
coln County is. $8,748.70. To this is
added $943 in fines which wero raised
In Lincoln , county. This amount of
money will holp some of tho school
districts which aro in had financial
A group of editors from tho Cen
tral district of Nebraska met hero
last Saturday afternoon and hold a
conference with . Secretary Olo Buck
of Harvard, who represented the stato
association. Shop questions woro
discussed and tho mooting closed with
a banquet nt tho Palace. Informal
discussions followed. Tho banquet
was given by tho Chambor of Com
merce and was vory much appre
ciated by tho hungry nowspapor men.
Among thoso prcsont woro editors
from Brady, Grant, Sutherland, Wal
lace and Ogalalla.
Chapter, No. C5, O. E. S. wilt
Us regular meeting Thursday, Janu
aury 2G at 7:30. Thoro wll bo inlHn
Hon and refreshments will bo sorvod.
Division G. I. A. will hold lnsbiiid.
tion of officors Friday, January 20 at
2:30 p. m. Tho social committco win
soryo lunclj.
will meet Thursday attornnon nt
tho homo of Mrs. F. F. Connonlly.
Mosdnmos Woolford, Nottln, Shoflold,
R. Chamborlin and J.. F. Schwaigcr
aro on tho ontQrtainmont committco.
Aid society will meet Thursday af
tornoon In tho church parlors. Mos
dames Max McGrow, Simpson, James
Bookman nnd Wilbur Groon nro on
tho entertainment committee.
! Aid socioty will moot nt tho church
I Thursday aftorndon. Tho ontortain
mont coramittooj:onsIs,ts of Mcsdnmo
wi'uixi, oHuuaun, wi,uorron, uar
noll, Anderson, McCabo and Monks,
One of tho pens of Single Comb
Wliito Leghorns bolonging to tho
North Platto Experimental Substation
which is entered in tho National Egg
Laying contest at Lincoln stands
third In tho twonty-three pons of that
breed. Tho total numbor of eggs laid
.u uuio ui uiu leaner is lai, the sec
'ond placo Is 187 and tho Stato Farm
hons is 185. The lowest is 11. Tho
highest individual record is 48 eggs
and ono of tho North Platto entries
has laid 44 eggs.
Tho Christian Endeavor socioty of
tho Christian church has been putting
on a membership campaign. The
campaign closed with a banquet last
Friday night nt tho church. About
fifty attonded. Rev. Stevens was
toastmastor and thoro woro a num
ber of short speeches which were in
spiring to tho members. As a result
of tho contest and tho largo member
ship secured, an intermediate Christ
ian Endear will bo organized.
According to A.,'cnt. Etamp there
wero 843 carload Bhlpmonts out of
Roferenco to tho basket ball sched
ule printed olsowhero will Bhow ono
or two changes from tho wny it was
formally printed. On January 28
Sholton High will play hero Instead
of at Sholton as announced. On Feb
ruary 18, Alma High will play hero.
All contracts havo beon signed and
the schedule is full at present. On
tho samo night that Sholton plays
hero, Sutherland High will play tho
North Platto second team In a pre
liminary game. On February 4 tho
preliminary gamo will bo between
Horshoy High and tho Junior High.
Whllo in Norfolk last woek ton of
the local flromon woro taken out to
tho hospital for tho Insane by Sup
erintendent D. C. Rlgdune. Ho show
ed them through the Institution which
now houses 710 patlonts and which
has 85 employees. Tho boys spoka
vory highly of the clean, orderly
manner in which tho buildings aro
kept and wero especially Impressed
with tho moro than 2,000 foot of un
dorgound passages by which tho dif
ferent buildings aro connected. Theso
passages aro warm, dry and well
lighted and nro used instead of out
sido entrances to tho different dc
pnrtmenta of tho institution. Tho sup
erintendent was especially agrcoablo
and told tho boys ho expected to
come to tho convention nt North
Platto noxt year.
Girls club will moot this evening
at tho homo of Mrs. Ed. ' Grlcsor.
Thoso on tho entertainment commit
tco aro Misses Noll Coonoy, Mario
Schatz, NolMIanlfan nnd Mrs. Grlo-ser.
nld society will meet at tho homo
of Mrs. Ed Cederburg, G12 East Tonth
Friday aftornoon, Mrs. Frnnk Strol
berg nnd Mrs. LInvall aro on tho on-
A committoo of Job's Daughters
will lcavo tho last of tho week fr
Omahn' whoro they will ba ontortal 1-
od by tho Omnha Job's Daughters.
Mrs. C C. Williams will accompany
tho girls on this trip. ,
Whon tho 1920 consus was taken
thoro woro 13,242 nogroos in Nebras
ka and only 801 Japanese At tho
snmo timo thoro woro 189. Chlneso, 1G
Flllpins, 13 Koroans, nnd 1 Hindu.
This loaves over 1,200,000 whites as
thoy nro called.
. Ono of tho causes of destructive
fires Is tho uso of korosono, bonzino
or nnptha In lighting household fires.
Evory year thoro is somo loss of
llfo and an ljnmenso loss of proporty
with untold sufforlng on this account.
A Httlo korosono on tho klndHnir win
holp to start a slow'firo In tho Btovo
If it works all right but about onco
in onch- porson's lifetime tho slow
flro ends in bolng a fast flro and
death and sorrow results. Tho only
safo way to do Is to leave It ontlroly
; Mr. arid Mrs. W.' S. Leon woro sur
prised at tholr homo Friday ovoning
by forty of their frlonds, tho occasion
holng tholr twonty-flfth wedding an
niversary. Mrs. Lolninger -rondored
a vocal boIo and Mrs. J. Kolso gave
soverai readings. Gladys Barnoll
gavo Bovoral piano selections nnd
Mrs. F. Loudon and Mrs. E. Hanson
sang a duot. A short talk was given
by Rev. Shcnkv A two courso lunch
eon was sorvod at the end of the
ovoning. The honso wns decorated
with cut flowers. Mr, and MrB. Leon
wero tho recipients of many boautl
ful sliver glfta.
Clinton & Son, "tlio Eye Glass Men,
Servlco and Satisfaction.
First Mortgage Farm Loan Bonds
Free From Nebraska Taxes
$1,000, $500 and $100 Denominations
A satisfactory investment for the man or
woman who makes safety of principal the
first consideration.
Inquire for particulars
Goodman-Buckley Trust Co.
Are Effective Now
' You can buy or order your now car now and get
tlio benefit of tho now prices, and at the samo timo
bo sure of a prompt delivery.
There Is no question of
"Tho Good Numo"
"Low Operating Cost"
"High Ito-snlo Value"
of Dodge Brothers Cars.
Thoro is no question but that tho now Prices
will bo most fair.
v u wfc