ncLth THE PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE L . n miiMUjn Tf- J" --- H1 lIlHaTflir 1 mt' " -J Ai ,k ltd MUM Willi " .... i Scmf'JBeeklu &rilumc. WILSON TOUT. Editor ami Publisher. Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postdfflco na Second Class Mutter. One SUIiSOKU'TION L'ltlCEt Year, In udvance . $1.50 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20', 1922. EDITORIAL Remember tho meotlng of tho stock hbldors and officers of tho County Fair which will bo hold at tho Llborty Land Cos. officers on Saturday aftor noon. Election of officers and plan nlng for tho next county fair Is tho order of business. Poem Uncle Joe IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT THAT'S SURE THE HOUSEHOLD FURNACE 0,' my best girl sits In her cosy niche, away from tho haunts of men, . . . Sho receives my calls as early as six, and in rifternoons till "ten. ! . . I tlcklo her chin sho opens her mouth I drop a, carmel thor.o Sho blushes anon, llko tho Solid South In a yellow fever scare. Sho Inspires my pen as I sit aloft, In tho range of her amorous' smile. . . . Sho knows my heart and my coal are soft I'll visit her onco In awhile. ... Of courso sho cools when I ain't around, as a faithful sweetheart can, so Bho braces right Up and stands her ground she. knows Cm a married man! Tho editor received nn Invitation to attend tho annual meeting of tho Nebraska Road ,-InstItuto at Lincoln on Fobruary 14-17 and was somewhat j So, I flirt with hor, at her ovory whim, In neglect of my lawful spouso surprised whoa, the invitation closed .... but my bank resorvo is becoming slim, with affinities in my with tho suggestion that wo bring u house . . . But, what can I do, or what shall I say? I hato to admit follow "highwayman" with us. Wo I'm stuck I ain't no hand to pester around an' swear at my probably can'tugfyjbut wo havo been j blasted luck. woudorlng whoi wo could take with us , T.. ,. , T . .,, . . . , . , If Old King Coal 1b a merry old soul, I reckon I'd ort to be. . . . I'll in caso wo could net aWay. . . f i , , L , , , try to augmont tho vanishing roll that lays between him and me. . . . Mrs. Fred Elliott loft yesterday ,Tho sooty old ,vamp ",at ,wams my ?mP' Jf cf"B o to her lalr.-I mhst morning for Omaha whore sho wlli; h, ,no ,UVIiy t0 11,0 tryst 80 at Ul foot ot tho kltoheu 8ta,r! visit hor son Frod Elliott Jr. for a fow days. Mrs. Elliott confessed a do- of tonsllltis and a complication of Biro to sco Hory Lauder when ho Is pneumonia. Sho will probably not be in Oniahn. Saturday but did not say around for sovoral days yot as she for cortain alio would go unless sho will need somo tlmo to recuperate accompanied somo of tho grand child- ( before taking up hor work again. Her nor. Sir Harry Is a groat man and wo physician says sho is getting along hopo Mrs. Elliott will go to hoar him. ' nlcoly howovor and wo hope sho Is North Platto cdngrrttulatos tho lo cal firemen $n their success in lo cating tho state "convention for 1923 to North Platte? Tho wholo city will Join with you in making preparations and helping: to entertain tho firemen. Wo nro ur tfe response will bo hearty and that you will work hard er ond mako jnoro brilliant succoas fo Hi convention whon you know that you havo such backfng. -nr. ' In a general way, all books may be classed no flckjon and non-fiction. Li brarlani oxpoct,(tio roadors of fiction to grotttly outnumber tho roadors of other books nnjl Uyjy usually do. Hut tho reports of thp North Platto library for tho .pMt'typnk.ohow tho opposite to bo true, IXtthp night school can got peoplo to ,uso non-fiction boQlq part ot tho'ttmo Jt will havo accom plished a great deal. Wo shall watch tho further use of tho. library for ad- for wo miss hor sorvlcos at tho office. Howovor" hor friends and ours havo been very kind about "phoning news in to us and wo nro getting along until she gets back. Thoro aro sovoral hundred young men in an around North 'Platto who Should bo lntorosted in those fllxtoon younx womon who composo tho sup per class in tho night school. , Thoso young ladies prepare and oat thoir suppers oach'cvonlng undor tho direc tion of tho regular cooking toachor of tho High school. When tho course is ovor it should bo a recommendation of their efficiency as coqks and should mako an appoal to tho youn 'inon of tho community who do not llko boardinghouso cooking and are anxious to mako a -change, s bo done. We would suggest that Scout Executive Stephens take up the matter and boo what can bo -dono in that lino by tho scouts. Wo havo hoard of scouts acting as traffic di rectors in other placos and it might bo worked out hero. :n: " ItHOEDER DISTRICT DOINGS 11 FOR TWO DAYS ONLY SAT,, JAN. 21 ANDJON. JAN J3 WE PLACE ON SALE ONE BIG LOT OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Broken Sizes From Our Regular Lines, Your Choice No Alterations No Wrapping Put them under your arm and walk'out POSITIVELY NOT MORF. THAN ONE SUIT TO A CUSTOMER Mr. and Mrs. Voss and family spon' last Sunday witlMr. and Mrs. FroJ Elliott. Chief Splllnor has proscntcd a con dition which should bo looked nftor A ll2 o'clock thoro nro many autO' dltional roports on this Bldo of tho niobiles on tho stroet. Business and night school work. Tho Function and Marco production ot "Sun-Klst" which nppeared at tho Keith Wednesday evening drow a crowded house, T)io play was a sue professional men aro Just going tp tholr homos. Somo plan on stopping nt tho High Bcliools and picking up members of tholr families. Delivery wagons and truck drlvors aro just re-1 Tb,o Sunday School met last Sunday and oloctod officers for tho coming yoar. f Marshall Orton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cypher and family Inst Sunday. Almost ovoryone in our digging has a bad cold In somo form or another. Somo aro affoctod moro and scfnYe less. - , . We Are Always Busy There Is a Reason We Are Always Busy There Is a Reason THE ONLY fjTORE IN .NORTH. t'LATTt- THAT HAS NO COMPETITION EES Miss Llzzio Broedor has)becn con fined to her room for moro "than ,a week with a sovorp cold but is somo bettor at this writing. Ed Chittenden butchered a beef Monday. Ed is becoming quite a butch or, wo supposo tho people In North Platto aro glad of it as ho soils to them cheaper than they can buy it in town, and gets a great deal moro out ot it for himself. Great is the meat trust. iou iiuubu, i. j . om thQ,r ,nBt ,oad,or put. and ploaaed. To tho writer the mix. COBB star of tho bIiow was tho musical dl rector. Roubon Wolf. Ho orchestra and choruses with his cor net and did everything but mako it talk. Brilliant execution, artistic In terpretation and skillful directing gave adash tp t,ho music which was attractWo..' Tho comedian .was. good and sovoral other parta wore woll takon. . uu iiiviiuj DUbiv.J litut. Itvab rtl TUn uirnnt frnfflo Is llflriVV IllHt fit tllQ nn. ,., .. i ....! lead tho jvu luut. uiuiu u migu i;iuvii noon nour ami uiiuumuy uu nmJ ft gO0(l Buort program which In stroet. At tho same tlmo tho two eluded a mock trial. Frod Elliott was High schools dismiss about BOO boys convicted of stealing chickens from and- girls and tho most of thorn cross , Robi KUnkel by tho Happy Hollow Dowoy strcot at the comer ot Fourth, j court un,i wua flne(1 tcn conta wllIch Uut61y sovoral accldonts havo beon Fr0(1 Sfty8 ho won-t pay s0 h0 wln avoided by a very narrow margin and hnvo to lay out hls flno ln jall Ti10 6 of the "Heart Throbs" from the Angel Face Chorus.: V t 'I Want Ads WANTED A good used incubator. Ray W. Hoatson, Sutherland Nebr. North Platto, Neb. FOR SALE Hogs; also Incubator. Phone 828J. 714 East 7th street. pouuJf each. Liberal roward for re turn or for Information leading to recovery. R. H. Jandebeur. Experi mental Station, North Platto, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1,500 pourd dapple gray brood or draft mare; 8 years old," will trade for cow or Ford. Phono 540W. :o:- FOR RENT Furnished room in a modern homo. Phono 913J. John Nelson returned tho first of this, week for Sterling where ho transacted business. Mr. and,Mrs. Fred Bradley returned WANTED Salesman for North Platto , to tholr hJmie in Maxwell after spend and vicinity. Commission contract, i ing sovoral days at tho E. E. Bradley only, for spare time or full tlmo. We : homo. will teach you to sell income protec- FOR RENT Storage spaco in tire "" luluus ulu "uo B"J"UUU1 1,1 ,u' proof ware house. Simon Bros. struction and help you build a profit able business. Aiassacuusetts uonu- tho attontion ot tho chief has boon j jall iias to 1)0 yct so we congior LOST Dunn fountain pen. Reward, ing and Insurance Company, Aocident brought to tho conditions at that cor-,Froti juat 10c to tho good nor. Ho docs not hajVo an officer to Leave at this office. Miss Adulo LoDIoyt who la city re porter for tho Trlbuno, is still con-.dotnll for traffic direction at that More than seventy friends and LOST Ladies' fountain pen. Phone and Health Dept., Saginaw, Michigan, Capital $1,500,000. wi,nm win. nvorn ruse tlmo and ho is wondering what can , nolgnbors of Mrs. Carl Broedor gath- 430J. itiiuxt i,w iivi "'w " r I , . , , . , , at hor , homo last Sunday and Vaudeville at the Keith Theatre, Friday Only. SONG Aiil) STEP KEVIEW MEYEKS & NOLAN Novelty Song and Dance Miss Nolan is a vocalist of high ability having a range of five tones above High C and is a writer and composer Of a number of popular songs and material for several well known stars. Mr. Moyers is an exceptionally clov er dancer having appearod for threo successive years in the famous Winter Garden Now York City. DAINTY BITS OF MUSICAL CHATTER . CHASE & JANIS presents an'unusually high class and ex clusive offering of specially written songs and chatter closing With somo graceful dancing. Tho little lady is dainty and pretty and has an abundance of personality while offering hor songs. Tho young man knows how to roach his audlonco with comedy lines, also display ing a woll cultivated baritone voice a woll matched team. DANCING BltOWNIE DANCING BROWNIE in his novelty eccentric dancing act shows himself to bo tho king of stops. This act should pleaso all. THE MUSICAL EOUR THE MUSICAL FOUR offer both singing and instru mental numbors. This act comes Veil recommended ahd should prove a treat for all. !Also a Good FIvo Rool Feature succeeded in giving hor a completo EOR SALE Fresh milk cow; tested. Riirnrlnn fin Min fnliln thorn wna n PllOnO VSUI'-J5, 1.111. .1 . t 111. I m.KO mummy RU wiui any ono FOR RENT Furnished rooms, strict- can.ues representing uio mile posts - lv mo,lorn. 405 West Fourth St. suo niiu paHscd on uio journoy or nro. STRAYED OR STOLEN From the Experimental Station at North Platte, pair of Alrdale dogs, malo and fomale; both had on round collars; male has jet black coat of very coarse hair, no whiskers on forofaco; female I has white spot on breast and has been After tho guests had loft wishing her FOR SALE Plymouth Rock roosters. nursing puppies; dogs weigh about 45 many moro happy birthdays, sho was Mrs. C. S. Trovlllo. driven to North Platte where sho took Dixon Optical Co., 'lens grinding. J. P. Rauch left Wednesday for Lowellen whero ho will transact bus iness for several days. Father McDaid is reportod to be getting along nicely, Ho is taking medical treatment in a Grand Island hospital. G. Poterson reports that over five pedplo attended the dance last Sat urday night. All heet music 15c per copy. Rob erts Music Co. Mrs. Brosseau and sister, Cecilo Bache will loavo tonight for Concor dia, Kans. . a night- train for Alexandria. Nebr While thnro shr will vlnlt. lmr ninrl father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sinn mT0 1U0 weat x "OHO FOR SALE Two soft coal heating stoves, and ono kitchen range. In- who aro nearly ninety years old. Her F0R SALE 8 room fathor's birthday comes this month TXrilt rrnalf1nr art run also. modern houBO. trade ln :o:- stook. R. H. Stock. 515 West B St. delivered. Choa. Shlnn, Just north of Baker school house. Phono 781F11. G. Peterson loft this morning for EON SALE Alfalfa in tho stack or Gothonburg whero ho Is giving a car nival dance. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Stowart last Thursday. Mrs. Stowart was formerly Miss Eva, Dick. Congratulations. Josoph Finloy of Omaha, division WANTED Maturo lady or gentleman managor of tho Fraternal Aid Union to collect and solicit business in was in tho city thte cok looking North Platto. Address P. O. Box 678 nftor Uio affairs of tho lodgo and FOR SALE Beet tops for stock. Can also tako in cattlo and horses for winter. Chas. Shlnn. Phono 781F11. conducting a school for agonts. " roowB- ovor luu J. V. RomlKh who has snont most w " of his time during tho past six weeks U8t st w- u' McDonald. in umana wiui ms mtio ooy wno is pQR EXCHANGE Land in north- taking treatments thoro. is in tho cast Kansaa for clty pr0porty o-ty touay looking nrtor ouainess Pllono ncow, manors. both in good condition, street 120 E. Third Clinton & Son, Tho Eye Glass Men, WANTED Agent to soli Hog, Stock conrlco and Satisfaction. and Poultry tonic. Supply dealers Tho danco nt tho K. C. hall last and also sell direct to farmers. Ad- i F'lday night was given by the Fra- dross E-6 caro Tribuno. nmnl Alii TTnlon rmil Mi nan wlin nt- tended say it was a very pleasant of. FOR SALB-A 4-holo kerosene Btovo for January 27. A- gang of workmon is planking tha Locuat stroat: crossing of the STRAYED OR STOLEN Ono light Union Pacific tracks in rosponso to brown maro, Bpot in forehead, and a promtso made somo tlmo ago by ono light brown gelding, each weigh officials ot that road that this' .im- ing about 850 pounds; ono of them provomont would bo mado in tho near has mano roachod and tail bobbed. II future. found notify A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff, ATTENTION! HOUSEWIVES We have reduced the price on Semi-fini3hed or sometimes called Rough-Dry Laundry, from 12c per pound to 10c. In this proces we use nothing but pure soap and pure soft water just like rain water. All your flat pieces, are ironed and starched pieces are starched ready to dampen. Surely a flno combination for this cold, snappy weather. All we ask is a trial bundle. Just Phono 77 and "Your Bosom Friend" Will Call. Dickeys Sanitary Laundry "Tho Soft Water Laundry" Phono 77 i Li