The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 20, 1922, Image 7

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If You're a Young Woman
This Advice is For You
Aurora, Ncbr. "My mother ma
Always a great believer in nil of Dr.
Tierce, s medicines and when I was a
girl she gavo mo the 'Favorite Prescrip
tion when I was in a rundown, nervous
condition and it soon built mo up in
health and strength. I am glad to cn
dorao Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
as being a splendid tonio for girls or
women who sufTcr." Mrs. Walter
Guard, COS Tenth St.
How can delicate, sickly girls hopo to
become healthy' women? A healthy
stato of the system comes with Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It's a
medicine prepared for women's ailments.
Get it now in cither tablets or liquid
from your neighborhood druggist, and
writo Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo
N. Y for free medical advice
fcj (Hunt'a Salve and Soap), fall In
Jjf the treatment of Itch, Eczema,
Rlncworm. Tetter or other Itch-
i 1. 1 .11
mcnt t our risk Sold by all reliable drucclata.
A. U. Richards Medicine Co, Sherman, Texaa
1U:l11:F FHOM 1'II.ES "Hem-Tabs" taken
Internally give irruteful relief. 1 month'n
treatment, postpaid, l. Look for aurprlslmr
result. Oswego Plinrmacy'Co., Oswego. N. T.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 1--1922.
IJICKUUH WW""""" . .
Senna ,
t !.. r.mrtv fflP
1 Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Unpropitlous Setting.
"Hum," said the magazine editor,
"this Is going n bit too far."
"What's the trouble?"
"A eluip who snys he lias received
fifty rejection slips from me In the
last twelve mouths states In this note
that he'd like to meet me."
"Well, you might grunt the poor
devil nn interview."
"Hut he adds, 'in an alley, after
dark.' "
A imin never realizes what u sponge
he Is until he falls Into a puddle of
water and ninpx it nil up.
How Yeast Vitamon
Tablets Put On
firm Flesh
.11 jMkU
'-1 1 ATI.
Vj "Ipaunju
en son
CALF if flcALf
If- m -1
1-.. X.J
ing health-building value of Mastin's VITAMON has been clearly and positively
demonstrated in cases of lack of energy, nervous troubles, anemia, indigestion,
constipation, skin eruptions, poor complexion and a generally weakened physical
and mental condition, it should not' be used by anyono who' OBJECTS to bavins
their weight increased to normal. You can get Mastin'o VITAMON tablets at
all good druggiata.
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Havo you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so many products that arc ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of right and arc soon forgotten? The
reason is plain tho article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A mcdicinil preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
I benelitcd, to those who arc in need of it.
i A prominent druggist says "Take for
1 example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
I preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
; almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
( According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact,
' so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
I liver and bladder ailments: corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottles
for sale at all drug stores.Advcrtisomcnt
Modesty is it virtue tliut many peo
ple would blush to own.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Casforia
Always t
the WW
ft In
HJr Use
va For Over
Thirty Years
A Big Reduction.
A certain young mini, who was nm?
bltlous to shine in the newspaper
world,, did not last very long on the
paper In a Western town that gave
him his chance.
He was assigned to "cover" a fire
In :i group of Ice houses near town.
After telling how they went up In
11 nines, lie inserted this statement in
ids fctory":
"Accordingly twelve hundred tons
of Ice were reduced to ashes."
The'p.ocketbook Is the most popular
book, but not the best seller.
Quickly Increase Your Energy
and Beautify tho Complexion
Easy and Economical to Take.
Thin or run-down folksl Toko
Maatin's VITAMON two tablets
with every meal. Then weigh and
measure yourself each week and con
tinue taking Mostin's VITAMON
regularly until you nro satisfied with
your gain in weight and energy.
Mastin's VITAMON contains highly
concentrated yeost-vitatninca as well
as the two other still more important
vitamincs (Fat Soluble A and Water
Soluble C). It is now being used by
thousands who appreciate) its con
venience, economy and quick results.
By increasing the nourishing power of
what you eat Mastin's VITAMON
supplies just what your body needs
to feed the shrunken tissues, strength
en internal organs, clear tho Bkin and
renew shattered nerve force without
upsetting the stomach or causing gas.
Pimples, boils and skin eruptions
seem to vanish as if by magic and the
complexion becomes radiantly clear
and beautiful.
IMPORTANT! WMlo tho amaz
Are Positively Guaranteed
io Put On Firm Flesh,
Clear the Skin ond Increase
Energy When Taken With
Every Meal or Money Back
Tubba Interrupts.
I had determined as nn offset to my
pusillanimous behavior about the envo
to show n dogged Industry In the mat
ter of the Island Queen. It would take
me a long while to got down through
the sand to tho chest, but I resolved to
accomplish it, and borrowed of Cookie,
without his knowledge, a largo Iron
spoon which I thought I could wield
more easily than a heavy spnde.
But that afternoon I was tired and
hot It really called for n grimmer
resolve than mine to shovel sand
through the languor of a Leeward
Island nftcrnoon. Instead, I slept In
my hammock, and dreamed thnt I was
queen of n cannibal Island, draped In.
necklaces mnde of the doubloons now
hidden under the snnd In the cabin of
tho derelict.
Lnter, the walling of Cooklo was
heard In tho land, and I had to restore
tho spoon to free Crusoe of the charge
of having stolen It. I said I had want
ed to dig with it. But of course It oc
curred to no one that it wns tho treas
ure I had expected to dig up with
Cookie's spoon.
A more serious obstacle to my ex
plorations on the Island Queen pre
sented Itself! next day. Instead of put
ling to sea, Mr. Shaw and Captain
Magnus hauled the boat up on the
beach and sot to work to repair it.
Tho preceding day had been filled
with hardship and danger so much
so thnt my heart sank a little at the
rccountnl of It. You saw the little
boat threading Its way among tho
reefs, tossed like seaweed by tho
white 'toetii of gnawing waves,
screamed at by angry gulls whose
homes were those clefts and caves
which tho boat invnded. And nil this,
poor little boat, on a hopeless quest'
for no reward but peril and wounds.
Cuthbert Vane hnd a sprained thumb
which could not bo ignored, and on
the strength of which he was dis
missed from the boat-repairing con
tingent, and thrown on my hands to
entertain. So of course I hnd to re
nounce all thoughts of visiting tho
sloop. I should not have dared to go
there anyway, with Mr. Shaw and the
captain able more or less to overlook
my motions from the bench, for I was
quite morbidly afraid of attracting at
tention to the derelict. It seemed to
me a happy miracle that no ono but
myself had taken any Interest In her,
or been inspired to ask by what chance
so small a boat had comu to be
wrecked upon these dcsolato sl)rcs.
Fortunately in her position lh the
shadow of the cliff she was incon
spicuous, so that she might easily
havo been taken for the half of a largo
boat Instead of the whole of a smnll
one, or she must before this hnve
drawn tho questioning notice of the
Scotchman. As to the captain, his at
tention wiis all set on tho effort to
discover the cave, and his intelligence
wns not lively enough to start on an
entirely new tack by Itself. And tho
Honorable Cuthbert viewed derelicts
as he viewed the planetary bodies;
somehow in the course of nature they
So, dissembling my excitements and
anxieties, I swung placidly ui my ham
mock, and nearby sat the beautiful
ybuth with his thumb carried tenderly
In n bandage. Was It merely my be
ing so distrait, or was It quite another
reason that led him to open up so
suddenly about his Kentish home?
Strange to say, Instead of panting for
tho title, Cuthbert wanted his broth
er to gb on living, though there was
something queer about his spine, poor
fellow, and the doctors said ho couldn't
possibly Of course I was surprised
at Cuthbert's views, for I had always
thought that If there were a title in
your family your sentiments toward
those who kept you out of It were
necessarily murderous, and your tears
crocodile when you pretended to weep
over their biers,. But Cuthbert's feel
ings wero so human that I mentally
apologized to tho nobility. As to
High Staunton manor, I ndored it. It
is mostly Jacobean, but with nn an
cient Tudor wing, and It has a chapel
and a ghost and n secret staircase
and n frightfully beautiful and wicked
ancestress hanging In tho hall I mean
a portrait of her and quantities of
oak paneling quite black with age,
and silver that was hidden In the fam
ily tombs when Cromwell's soldiers
came, nnd n chamber where Elizabeth
once slept, and other romantic details
too numerous to mention. It Is a little
bit run down and shabby, for lack of
money to keep It up, and of course on
thnt account all Uie more entrancing.
The present Lord Grasmore lived up
to his position so completely that he
had tho gout and sat with his foot on
a cushion exactly like all the elderly
aristocrats you ever heard of, only
when I fnqulred If his lordship cursed
his vnlu and flung plates at the foot
men when liU foot hurt him, his son
was much shocked nnd pained. He
did not realize so well as I from nn
extensive course of novel-reading
that Mich In ttie usual behuvlor of ti
tled persons.
It was delightful, there In the hot
Btlllncss of the Island, with the palms
rustling faintly overhead, to hear of
thnt cool, mossy, ancient place I
asked eager questions 1 repeated
gloatingly frngmcnts of description
I wondered enviously what It would
bo like to havo anything so old nnd
proud nnd beautiful In your very blood
when suddenly I realized that, mis
led by my enthusiasm, Cuthbert was
saying something which must not bo
said that he was about to offer the
shelter of that ancient roof to me. To
me, whose henrt could never nest
thero, but must bo ever on the wing,
n wild bird of passage In the track of
a ship
I sat up with a galvanic start. "Oh
listen didn't you hear something?"
I desperately broko in. For somehow
I must stop him. I didn't want our
nlco Jolly friendship spoiled and be
sides, fancy being cooped up on nn
Island with a man you have refused 1
Especially when all the whllo you'd be
wanting so to pet and console htm 1
Rut with his calm doggedness Cuth
bert began again "I was a bit afraid
the old place would have seemed too
quiet nnd dull to you " when the
tiny was saved and my Interruption
strangely Justified by n shrill outcry
from tho camp. I knew that high fal
setto tone. It was tho voice of Mr.
Tubbs, but pitched on a key of quite
insane excitement. I sprang up and
ran, Crusoe and tho Honorable Cuth
bert tH my heels. There In tho midst
of the camp Mr. Tubbs stood, the cen
ter of a group who were regarding
him with astonished looks. Mr. Shnw
and tho captain had' left their tinker
ing, Cookie his saucepans, and Aunt
Jane nnd Violet had como hurrying
from tho hut Among us all stood
"Eurekal" He Repeated, "I Havo
Found It!"
Mr. Tubbs with folded arms, looking
round upon the company with an ex
traordinary air of complacency and
"What Is It, oh, what Is It, Mr.
Tubbs?" cried Aunt Jane, fluttering
with the consciousness of her propri
etorship. But Mr. Tubbs glanced nt her as in
differently as a sated turkey-buzzard
at a morsel which has ceased to tempt
"Mr. Tubbs." commanded Violet,
"speak explain yourself I"
"Come, out with It, Tubbs," advised
Mr. Shaw.
Then the Hps of Mr. Tubbs parted,
and from them Issued this solitary
word :
"Eureka I"
"What?" screamed Miss Higglesby
Browne. "You havo found It?'
Solemnly Mr. Tubbs inclined his
"Eurekal" he repeated. "I have
found it I"
Amidst the exclamations, the ques
tions, the general commotion which
ensued, I had room for only ono
thought thnt Mr. Tubbs had somehow
discovered the treasure In tho cnbln
of the Island Queen. Indeed, I should
have shrieked tho words aloud but
for a providential dumbness that fell
upon me.
"Friends," Mr. Tubbs began, "It has
been known from the start that there
was a landmark on tills little old
Islnnd thnt would glvo any party dis
covering the same a lino on thnt chest
of money right away. There's been
some that was too high up In the ex
ploring business to waste time looking
for landmnrks. They had rutlicr do
more fnncy stunts, where what with
surf, and sharks, and bangtn' up tho
boat, they could make a good show
of gettln busy. But old Ham Tubbs,
he don't let on to be n hero. Jest a
plain man o' business that's old II. II.
Consequence Is, he lenves the other
fellers have the brass band, while ho
sets out on the q. t. to run a certain
little clue to earth. And, Indies and
gentlemen, he's run It!"
"You have found you have found
the trensure!" shrilled Aunt Jane.
Contrary t' his bland custom, Mr
Tubbs frowned nt her darkly.
"I said I found the eliu." he cor
rected. "Of course. It's" the same
tlitny. Ladles ami gt'iitloiiiun, not to
nppcur to bo n hot-air artist, I will
tell you In a word, that I hnvo located
tho tombstone of ono William Llnlll
well, deceased 1"
Of course. Not once had I thought
of It. Bare, stark, glaring up nt tho
sun, lay tho stono carved with tho let
ters and tho cross-bones. Forgetting
In the hnbto of my depurture to re
place tho vines upon tho grave, I had
loft the stono to shout Its secret to
the first comer. And that happened to
be Mr. Tubbs. Happened, I say, for
I knew thnt he had not had the' slight
est notion where to look for tho gravo
of Bill Halllwell. This running to
enrth ol clues was purely an nffalr of
his own picturesque imagination.
I wondered uneasily what he had
made of the uprooted vines but ho
would lay them to tho pigs, no doubt.!
In tho countenance of Mr. Tubbs,
flushed and exultant, there wns noj
suspicion that tho secret was not nil,
ids own. '
Miss Hlgglesby-Browno had a closed:
umbrella beneath her arm, nnd sho
drew nnd brandished It Uko a saber
as she took n long stride forward.
"Mr. Tubbs," sho commanded, "lead
on I"
But Mr. Tubbs did not lend on. "Oh,
no Indeed," ho said. "Old II. II.
wasn't born yesterday. It mny havo
struck you that to possess the sole and
exclusive knowledge of the where
about u million or two rutin' It
low Is some considerable of nn asset.
And It's ono I ain't got tho least Idee'
of partln' with unless for Inducements
held out"
Aunt Jane gavo n faint shriek. I
had been silently debating what my
own course should bo In tho face of
this unexpected development. Sud
denly I saw my way quite clear. I
would Bay nothing. Mr. Tubbs should
reveal his own perfidy. And tho cur
tnln should ring down upon tho play,
leaving Mr. Tubbs foiled all around,
bereft both of tho treasure ond o
Aunt Jane.
Littlo I dreamed what surprises en
suing acts of tho play were to hold
forino, or their astounding contrast
with the farce of ray Joyous imagina
tion. I took no pnrt In tho storm that
raged round Mr. Tubbs. His face
adorned by a seraphic, buttery smile,
ho stood unmoved, whllo Miss Hlgglesby-Browno
uttorcd cyclonic exhorta
tions and reprouches, whllo Aunt Jano
sobbed and said, "Oh, Mr. Tubbs 1"
while Mr. Shaw strove to make him
self heard above tho din. Ho did at
least succeed In extracting from tho
traitor a definite statement of terms.
Theso wero nothing less than fifty per
cent of tho treasure, secured to him
by a document, sealed and delivered
Into his own hunds- To u suggestion
that as ho had discovered the all-Important
tombstone, so might some ono
else, he replied with tranquillity that
ho thought not, as ho had taken pre
cautions ugnlnst such nn eventuality.
In other words, as I was later to dis
cover, the wily Mr. Tubbs had con
trived to raise the boulder from its
bed and push It over the cliff Into the
sea, uftcrward replacing the mass of
vines upon the grave.
As to tho entrance to the tunnel, It
was apparent to mo that Mr. Tubbs
had not yot discovered It. Even If ho
had, I am certain that ho would havo
been no more heroic than myself ubout
exploring It, though thero was no
missing Peter to haunt his Imagina
tion. But with the grave as a start
ing point, thero could bo no question
as to tho ultimate discovery of tho
I was so eager myself to sqo
the inside of tho cave, and to know
whatever it had to reveal of tho fato
of Peter, that I was Inclined to wish
Mr. Tubbs success in driving his hard
bargain, especially ao it would profit
him nothing in the end. But this sen
timent was exclusively my own. On
nil hands indignation greeted the rig
orous demands of Mr. Tubbs. With a
righteous Joy I saw tho fabric of
Aunt Jane's llluslous shaken by tho
rude blast of reality. Fpr where was
tho Tubbs of yesterday tho honey
tongued, the suave, the anxiously ob
sequious Tubbs? Gone, quito gone.
Instead, hero was a Tubbs who cocked
his helmet ruklshly, and leered round
upon tho compnny, deaf to the claim
of loyalty, the pleas of friendship, tho
voice of tenderness Aunt Jane's.
.Manfully Miss Hlgglesby-Browno
stormed up nnd down tho beach. Sho
demanded of Mr. Shaw, of Cuthbert
Vane, pf Cuptaln Magnus, each and
severally, that Mr. Tubbs be compelled
to disgorge his secret. You saw that
sho would not havo shrunk from a reg
linen of racks and thumbscrews. But
there wero no rucks nnd thumbscrews
on the Islnnd. Of course we could havo
Invented various Instruments of torturo
1 felt I could have developod Borne
Ingenuity thnt way myself hut too fa
tally well Mr. Tubbs knew the civil
ized prejudices of those with whom he
bail to tlenl. With perfect impunity
he could strut about the enmp, sure
that no weapons worse thnn words
would be brought to bear upon him,
that he would not even be turne .
nwny from the gcnornl board u
Jirowse on coconut? In solitude,
'm a;t go.vriNur.n
St Louis Womtn Relieved by
Lydia E. Pinldiam's Veg
etable Compound
St Loute, Mo. "I waa bothered
with cramps nnd pains every month and
had backache nnu
had to go to bed as I
could not work. My
moth or nnd my
wholo fnmilyalwaya
took Lydia E. Pinlc
ham'o Vogotablo
Compound for sucli
troubles nnd they
induced mo to try it
and it has helped mo
very much. 1 don'f.
havo cramps any
more, nnd I can do
my housework nil through tho month.
I recommend your Vcgotnblc Compound
to my friends for female troublos."
Mrs. Scholz, 1112 Salisbury
Street, St, Louis, Mo.
Just think for n moment Lydia K
Tinkham's Vegetable Compound has
been in uao for nearly fifty ycaro. It ia
prepared from medicinal plants, by tho
utmost pharmaceutical skill, and oupo
rior methods. Tho ingredients tnua
combined in tho Compound correct tho
conditions which cause such annoying
eymptoms as had boon troubling Mrs.
Scholz. Tho Vcpotablo Compound exer
cises n restorative influence of the most
dcsirablo character, correcting the trou
ble in a gcntlo but efficient manner.
This is noted, by the disappcarnnco, ono
after another, of tho disagrccablo
Keep Clean
Internal cleanliness
means health.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujol softens the
food waste. The many
wtiy uiuiikiua in iiiu in- h
tcstincs can then easily I
remove it regularly. Ab
solutclyharmlcss tryit.
in New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don't nllovv
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pain3 and aches. Guard
against thi3 trouble by taking
Tho world's otandard remedy for kidney,
llvor, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland'a National Remedy oinco 1696.
All druggists, three sizes.
Look for the Hint Cold Medal on ery box
and accept no imitation
and M6CE
Always use the genuine
It forcna these potts to .run from tlio bolldlog for
naUirand frosli air.
Roady for Use Bettor Than Trap.
Directions In 16 languages In ovorjr box. ,
Uaundtl.M). "Money liacklf Itfalls." '
U. H. Government bays It.
He Was Only Sparring.
Judge A few minute (iro yon
swore that yon wero only sparrimr
with the plaintiff anil thai waa what
Injured him. Now we lmvo proved
that you struck him over the head
with ti blunt Instrument. Why did you
Prisoner I wns telling the exne(
truth, your honor; it was n pleee of
spur 1 lilt hlm with.
Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum
When nildlne, to your toilet requisites.
An exuulslte face, skin, baby nut duat
liiK powder nnd perfume, rendering
other perfumes superfluous. You may
rely on It bocuiiHO one of the Cuticura
Trio (Soap, Ointment nnd Tnlenm).
lifte each everywhere. Advertisement.
After you know hoi no peoplo well
you are apt to regret the plltcnusy
you wastetl on them.
Snowy linens ore tho pride of every
housewife. Keep them In t'hut condi
tion by uslnj; lied Cross Hall Ulue in
your liiuntlry. At all Krocors. Adver
tisement. Kvery iniin posM'sses Miim'thiii Unit
Homo olli 'r limn envies.
' Morning
eeoVour Evfes
Cloan Clear "i HooltlW
Writ Tor fro C' Cora Uoett Murlr.a Co.Chkago.U.3Jl
iL E
WW 71. U.J 1 1-.L . J HI