The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 20, 1922, Image 3

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I changes wiicn beach
Tho Winnor foals that Lincoln coun
ty should, to bo fairly represented,
bato n board of flvo commissioners,
jbut would not want to soo It divided
jlnto districts as suggested by tho tax
j payer from Brady. Tho south part of
Jibe county should havo ono commis-
iHionor, ana tno norm, ana leave ono
to North Platto, and ono for tho ter
ritory oast of thero and ono for tho
wost torrltory In tho valloy. Wal
lace Winnor.
Wo have hoard many say that if
wfl wero to havo any winter this year
It certainly must hurry, and then, It
can't bo very long In duration. Sov
ral small snows have occured but not
tho kind that is wanted to furnish
molaturo for tho wheat Tho mer
cury has at any tlmo not been lower
than 6 below which 1b not bad at all
for this country. Farmors aro begin
ning to say that they would rather
hare the weather eat in on their coal
bins than in on tho whoat prospects.
Wallaco Winnor.
Bvorott Waro received a letter
from N. B. Spurrier at Long Beach.
Calif. N. B. states that they aro all
well and the weather Is fine. They
haro been having rains like Nebras
ka in April and May. Oats and bar
ley idok like they do hero Juno 1,
and gross is fine. Peas, straw
berries, spuds and tomatoes aro now
on tho market. Thoy have had one
Uttlo frost but that did not hurt any
thing. Times aro not hard there, but
thero are lots of people looking for
work, most of tho people want from
$4 to $8 per day. All carry blankets
that Is, all thoso who aro not too
lazy. Hershoy Times.
Mayor Nelson and Clerk Johnson
upent last Saturday in an effort to
secure tho rfeht-of -way for the trans
mission lino between hero and Max
well, north of tho Lincoln Highway,
without success. Tho Union Pacific
objects to the lino running closer
than 600 feet to tholr telegraph lines.
Most farmers would willingly give the
right-of-way if It ran along their
fonces but object to poles being put
in the middle of their fields. Clerk
Johnson submitted the proposition as
it stands to tho Railway Commission.
Later. Word has just been recolved
that tho Commission upholds tho rail
road company in their claim. Wo un
derstand that tho construction com
pany havo offered to return tho bonds
udor tho present conditions and de
clare tho present contracts off. If
this is the case, this paper believes
it would bo tho thing to do at this
time. We will havo to go through the,
winter with our present light system,
and by spring we might learn some
thing from tho lino operating, west
of North Platto and it might be much
to the town's advantage In later build
ing a transmission line. Brady Vin
Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock
the current was turned on for tho
first tlmo on tho now transmission
lino from, North Platto. Tho first test
registered 115 volts, and nn hour or
so afterward was registering 119 and
120. This was considerable improve
ment over tho old local system which
was registering from 103 to 110. Not
all work on tho local distribution
system has been finished yet and in
somo parts of tho town tho lights
havo not been up to standard, duo to
necessary changes being made. Theso
will soon bo corrected, and Hershey
will have as fine a lighting system
as there is anywhere In western Ne
braska, with power to spare.
Tho automatic motor will soon bo
attached to tho pumps at tho plant,
and this will guaranteo n bounteous
supply of water at all tlmos.
Sutherland and Paxton expect to
havo current turned on In tholr townd
$5 Portrait Free
In order to bo doing something
during theso dull times, wo will make
you a 14x20 oval convex $5.00 vor
tralt FREE. Wo want you to Bhow
It to your friends and advertise our
work. All wo ask of you send us
95c to pay for postage and boxing
and we will send tho portrait prepaid,
freo. Mall your photos, with 95c
Give us a trial. Wo copy anything
and everything. Money back If not
Hastings, Neb.
this coming Saturday night
Thero was talk of tho Union Pa
clfio having served an injunction
against running tho transmission line
over tho north rlvor branch between
horo and Sutherland, but ovldontly
this has been cared for, as thoy ox
poet to havo tho curront turned on
Saturday night. Hershey Times.
William Poulson of tho Plattd Oil
company, commenting on tho differ
ence existing In various railroad
rates, state and interstate, makes tho
observation that in some cases it
virtually amounts to robbory. Somo
weeks ago Poulson received a ship
ment of oil from Tulsa, Okla., tho
tank car containing 8,000 gallons
Tho freight on this Bhlpmont from
Tulsa to Koarnoy was approximately
$145v00. Finding that ho had no Im
mediate uso for this shlpmont, Poul
son was ablo to dlsposo of it to bis
nephew, who is in tho oil business In
Overton. Ho ordered tho shipment
transferred to Ovorton supposing that
tho normal trans-shipment chargo to
Ovorton, a distance of twontyJflvo
miles, would prevail.
On receipt of tho car, bo Btatoa
tho freight charges wero found to bo
$132.00 additional, this bocauso tho
original shipment had boon over tho
Burlington and tho trip to Overton
was made ovor tho Union Pacific, re
i'V '
i ' -
t ; -
The volume of manufacturing and trade is increasing daily, unemployment
U decreasing, loans are expanding. Business is gathering momentum
Prosperity Is Just Round The Corner
quiring a new bill of lading.
In Poulson's opinion, and It Is co
incident with many n dlfferenco of
only $13 dollars on a carload shlp
mont, between twonty-flvo miles and
a journey ncross two states, Is as
toundlngly unfair. Needless to say,
Poulson is all for a rovlslon of rail
road freight rates. Koarnoy Hub-
Tho Indopendont confesses a dis
position to bo Interested in tho letters
from tlfo pooplo to tho various news
papers in tho State. Not only do such
lettors pormlt newspaper readors to
know what others nro thinking, but
thoy also provide, a sourco of vory
UBoful information to tho oxtont that
tlmo Is avallablo for tholr perusal.
Sometimes thero aro found In thorn
most oxcollont Ideas and suggestions
Ono Albert Fitch of Central City, for
Instance contributes a thought to tho
Stato Journal, gormlnatlng powor,
woro it only glvon a rocopttvo soil
and climate. Taking up tho subject
of widely varying conditions of tho
pooplo of tho world tho copulonco of
people of tho world tho opulence of
among others this contributor writes
"Under such conditions Is it not in
cumbent on us to resolvo not only as
a mensuro of ordinary business pru
donco but in behalf of dying human
ity, rigidly to limit all oxpondltures
in tho way of individual indulgences.
, rTHE ONLY OBSTACLE to broad business revival pessimism -stands
balanced ready to be pushed aside.
Add your strength now to that of hundreds of thousands of other busi
ness men and remove it. Confidence Optimism will do more than
anything else to restore
Business is reviving as
Spaco contributed by Tho
social functions, public fotos and cele
brations, and tax creating pro.'oU-i
promoted largoly by our civic prldo
and lovo of display and labor united
ly and In good faith for tho alleviation
of economic and physical distress?'
If particularly In our largo, state
wldo undertakings, but also In county,
city and school affairs, such a per
ception of tho nocd of tho tlmo could
bo applied strictly, how ' surely and
soon conditions would vory materially
right themsolvos. Grand Island
P. H. Sullivan, now of Seattle, re
inomborod a dozon or so of his ac
quaintances horo during tho holidays
with a nlco box of frosh salmon. Wo
happened to bo ono of tho lucky ones,
and can vouch for all of them that
the fish woro grand. That is, wo
know half of ours was somcono else
can vouch for tho othor half, for
thoy only loft tho box In which tho
big follow was shipped. Wallaco
Tho wavo of economy which is said
to havo struck somo of our public of
ficials is a tardy hoed to tho demands
of tho tax. payors which has been
voiced for months gone. Tho press of
tho stato contains numerous refer
ences to economlces and so-sailed
oconomlces. Horo Is ono from Koar
noy: good times.
it did after the depressions
Trlbuno In co-oporatlon with tho Rotary Club Prosperity campaign.
"Tho board of education has de
cided to drop club work for tho year,
as ono moans of cutting down ex
penses. Failuro to ro-olect J. C. Mc
Millan, school club loader, will lop
off a salary outlay of $100 per month
Roforrlng to tho action token, ono
member of tho board stated: It Is
simply a mattor of cutting down ex
penditures of school appropriations
ond no reflection upon club work or
tho bonoflt that might bo derived
from it Possibly it is unfortunate
this servico Is being dtsponsod. with,
but tho board folt it nocossnry to cut
oomowhoro, and docldcd boat to drop
club work for the tlmo being. Fur
ther application of tho pruning knlfo
or may nil can ny. bo foreseen, he
a posBlbl.i, although whoro it will bo
ad- ed.' Tho Huo.
Cllnton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Mon.
Service and Satisfaction.
L. & S. Groceteria.
of 1896, 1904, 1908, 1914.
January 13 Loxlngton, 13; N. P., 27.
January 20 Gothonburg thoro.
January 27 Lexington there.
January 28 Sholton thoro.
February 3 Fromont hero.
February 4 Fremont thoro
February 9 Lincoln thero.
February 10 Havolock thero.
Fobrunry 11 Unl. Placo thoro,.
February 17 Gothonburg horo.
February 24 Storllng, Colo, thoro.
Fobrunry 2G Sldnoy thoro,
March 3 Sutton horo.
March 4 Sutton horo.
Photographs aro being takon this
week of tho outstanding groups in
tho night school. Theso photos will
bo sent to Lincoln pnpors which
havo wired for thom. Thoy will be
shown in tho Sunday edition.
An Improved placo for stock and
farming; 13 miles S. E. of Wallace,
Nob.; 120 acres good corn ground
and 430 acres pasturo and hay, pas
ture fenced into throo dlfforont pas
tures. For particulars soo or Phono
owner, D. D. Dillon, 410 East 2nd St,
North Platto, Neb. Phono 995W.