tribune FN TUESDAY nnd FRIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 13, 1922. NO. 2. V. r COMPARISON OF SALARIES SALARIES OF KUItAIi TEACHEItS SHOW VARIATIONS DUIUNfl PAST TWO YEARS An educational directory Is pub lished by County Superintendent Allcen G. Cochran of Lincoln county for each year. The directories of 1D20-21 and 1921-22 have been com pared 'as to teacher's salaries In the rural schools. All teachers In coun try and town schools outside of North Platto wero considered. The highest salary paid this year outside of North Platto was $222 a month, tho lowest $75 a month. Sixty-two toachors are receiving $100 a month and that Is more than twice as many as receive any other amounL Jt is tho favorlto Balary this year. Comparing the salaries this year with those of last year wo find that soventy-six places lowered the salary some this year, twenty-nine Increased tho salary Borne and fifty-nine left it the same. These figures aro taken from the printed list and- are subject to such corrections as might come from mis takes and oversights. Tho deduction Is that there was a slight tendency this year to lower rural teacher's salaries' but that tho favorite amount Is $100 which is more than was paid somo few years ago. County Super intendent Cochran has shown tho need of paying well for rural teacher? and tho local school boards have heeded her advice. Read the Bargain . Counter list. The Most Per Dollar! is what you want wheii you buy "Coal. We handle only the best grades of coal and we give you the best quality, the best preparation and honest weight for your ,raoney. Quality and preparation is what counts." ' , If You Want Satisfaction Try Our Coal. , ' If our. coal pleases you;' tell your friends. , If it does riot; tell us. PHONE 40. The-Artificial Ice & Cold Storage, Co. Honest Coal, Honest Weight, Honest Service, . At The Sun- Theatre, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. ROBERT W. CHAMBERS Greatest Novel "The Fighting' Chance" Directed by Charles Maigne Scenario by Will M. Ititchey The sins of his fathers were on him. Around him, tho downward drag of his loose-lived, wasting set. Yet ho took his chance for the girl of his dreams arid fought! A New York romance of love and luxury. Of club, resort, boudoir and ballroom. Of fashion's reveals and follies of beautiful women. With ANNA Q. NILSSON CONRAD NAGEL DOROTHY DAVENPORT SEE THE SENSATIONAL UNDER-WATER KISS ANNUAL KEl'OllX ON HUNT ING LICENCES BY THE COUNTY CLERK Lincoln county residents took out 1,853 hunting and fishing licensed during the year 1921 according to figures given out by County Clerk A. Allen yesterday. Each cost tho pur chaser ono dollar. In addition to this, there wero 13 non-resldont licensed issued at $10 each. Thoro wero 180 trapping licenses Issued at $2 each. The total rooeived for all of these licenses was $2, 343 wliich amount was sent to Lincoln to bo turned .Into tho game warden's department and used for tho protection and propaga tion of gamo and fish within tho state. , WOMAN'S CLUB HELPS IN ! WORK OF ASSOCIATED CHARITIES Tho Twentieth Century Club hold Its regular meeting at tho homo of Mrs. York Hlnman on Tuesday after noon. Community singing was led by Mrs. B. Burko and Mrs. E. -V. Cooper road a paper on" "A Study of Races In Our Own Country." Reports on Uio club's work for half a year wore given by tho leaders of tho dif foront departments and showed tho Club to bo In good shapo financially and having accomplished much in all its aims. Mrs. Frater gavo a short talk about tho night school and tho assist anco being given by tho members of tho Twontieth Century Club. Mrs. Ollle Salisbury and Mrs.. I. L. Stebbins and Mrs. M. E. Scott gavo reports of tho work being done by the Charities of the dtp and of tho club.; $58.00 was voted to tho Charities to help get the work started. , Clinton & Son, the Eye Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. -:o:- rVl jr.' 900 E. FRONT ST. Heat ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CUKKENT COMMENT ABOUT PEOPLE AND THE THINGS THEY AKE DOING Passenger traffic on tho Union Pa cific ia pretty light at present. Oc casionally a train leaves North Platto without having lot off or takon on a pa8songor. Formorly this did not hap' pen with any except tho Overland trains. Tho annual meeting of tho Mc Donald State bank vasheld Tuesday at tho hank. Following is a list of tho officers oloctcd: W. II. McDonald, president; J. B. McDonald, vico pres ident; W. E. Starr, casliior. Tho board of directors consists of W. H. McDonald, N. V. Reynolds and J. B. McDonald. Tho Monthly Bulletin says that on tho tenth of last month, Walkor, p. Hincs, formor director of tho rail roads, notified tho Interstate Com morco Commission that in order "to maintain, tho national railroads in a condition adequate to the needs, 1$ would bo.necesaary to spend over a billion dollars a year on construction and equipment. Tho Union Pacific extonsion of tho branch is boing pushed on toward Torrington. Tho entire lino has boon authorised and plans for completion of tho construction aro being perfect ed. Surveys are being lrfnde, wo aro told, to connect tho North Platto branch with tho main lino just oast of Choyonnel Until tho survey is com pleted, it will probably not bo known Just whore tho junction will bo made. Betwwh twenty and twenty-fivo lo-' cal firomen will ko to Cnlninlnin mi Monday, where they will Join .tho flroW men from Kearney and take a sleeper for Norfolk. They will uso tho Pull man for1 sleeping quarters during tho state convention t of firemon at Nor folk and will return to Columbus with the bunch. They will work for tho location of tho next state con vention at North Platto. Tho nnnua4 meetlhg of the First National Bank' wnsjhold last Tuesday at tho bank. Tho following officers woro" elected. E. F. Seoborgor, presi dent, Ray C. Langford, vico-presidont; Keith Neville, vico president; F. L. Moonoy, cashier, Anna C. Kramph, as sistant cashier; W. H. Mungor, as sistant cashier. The board of directors is as follows: John J. Halligan, Keith Neville, Ray C. Langford and F. L. Mopney. . Ono kind of license is good for hunting and fishing and another is good for trapping. You cannot trap on a hunting and fishing license. Tills Is tho information obtained from Doputy County Clerk Ritner yesterday. Tho hunting license conts ?1 while tho trapping .Hccnso cobU $2. Non-residents have to pay moro. Licenses for 1922 aro npw for anlo at tho "courts houio, at John Don's storo and at evor'y bank in the county. Tho foundation for tho new 'court house was been odmplotod. Con tractor McMidlmol lift aiBo Uikfei qd vantage jrf th '-wjjiw; to dV r. great doal Jflf work'fcbout the ground which will savo much tints .jvhon tho construction work bogins. Ho has boarded up the troo trunks so they will not get injursdby hhy poMlbiltty, Ho has built his office and hi store room and has nssomblod n groat deal of material on tho ground, roady for the opening of -actual construction. Georgo H. Kellogg roturnod from Lincoln and Omaha whoro ho spont tho holidays una ttttondod tho meet ings ot organizod agrloulturo nnd kindred associations. Ho was pres ent nt tho mooting, of, tha Nobraska Farm Bureau federation , and waa a member of tho Association ot County Agents which met with tho rest of tho societies. Mr, Kollogg mado arrange ments for a number of attractions o bo in Lincoln county during tho com ing ear, Tho meetings will bo hold in tho precincts. -:o;- Thoro will bo no preaching servlco at tho Presbyterian church next Sunday but It Is expected that reg ular services will bo hold on tho following Sunday with Rov. Pattorson in tho pulpit. Musical comedy company in return date at the keith Tho advance manager of tho Fan ohon and Marco musical comody "Stm-Klst" which comc3 to .tho Keith on Jan. 18 tolls tho following of Cornish Book tho boy who takes a leading part in that production: "Do you romombor tho clover boy who portrayed tho title part in the mjbtion picture production of "Tho LOno Wolf" In which Bort Lytoll and Hftzel Dawn woro starred? Ho' play ed tho part of 'Tho Lono Wolf who had not yot arrived at manhood. Well thU same littlo dinn was Cornish Bock, now ono ot tho featured prin cipals in our production "Sun-Kist". "Tho Lono Wolf" was tho first mot ion picturo in which Cornish Beck had over appeared. Prior to that, when only at tho tondor ago of sovon years, ho mado his theatrical dobut in a play with Nazimova. Other photo plnya in which young Beck may bo roinomborod woro in Bupport of Harold Lockwood In "Broadway Bill" ;wlth Charlotte Walkor In "Just n Women" and latoly with Ela'Ino Hammorotoin In "Tho Point ot View". Perhaps Corn;lsh Bock's groalsot claim to theatrical fame Is by vlrtuo of his having created tho tltlo rolo in "Ponrod" . tho stago play from Booth Tarklngton's delightful "boy stories" of tho came namo. Ho has also been identified with David Boloaco productions, and is on with in-Kist" in ono of tho vory impor tant roles. And ho's only 1G now." -:o: A recent salo of farm land wliich wo failed to record was mado through Roberts Bros. Land Co. when B., Q. Applegato of Cozad bought the Chris Schick placo of Tollio Glaves. This placo contains 320 acres and is just two miles north of Gannett or about six miles from iNorth Platte. iflir. Anpietrato closed thn iinni rnw although ho will not movo onto tho placo until March 1st. Iff on ..X.- i. -Am ' M. ' - MESSAGE TO THE PRESIDENT PAItENT.TEACHEH ASSOCIATIONS SEND TELE GUAM TO MIES I IDE NT HARDING I Tho following telegram was Bent to President Warren O. Harding yes torday: Honorablo Warren O. Harding, Prosldont United States, Washington, D. C, Tho joint Paront-Toachor Associa tions ot North Platto, Nobraska, Buf falo Bill's city of 11,000 peoplo, lo cated 87 miles west of tho contor of tho United States, wlshos to inform you that our high school boasts tho largest and most offlciont band In Nobraska, is tho undlsputod foot ball champion of Nebraska and has Just registered tho largest, adult night school In tho United Statos, number ing 1,137 studonts and 44 toachors. Mrs. W. V. Iloagland, prosldont, Mrs. A. L. Lano, secretary. :o:- HARKEN DISPOSES OP HIS INTEREST IN HOTEL MC CADE An important clmngo in tho' busi ness llfo of tho city took plnco this week when- tho partnership" in tho ownership of tho Hotel McCabo wa-s dissolved and Harry O. Harkon sold his intnrnat In Mm liiml.m..,. t tn " - - ... wi? fjtakikioa .J u . Mason. Mr. Mason will manago tho f hotel from thattlmo on. Ho is an cx j porionced hotol man nnd plans to 'keep tho McCabo up to tho standard 'which has been maintained by hia pro 'decessor. Tho McCabo Is not just a hotel but is ono of North Ptatto's 'institutions and wo wolcomo Mr. and (Mrs. Mason in this now rolation to tho business life of tho city., Bead tho .Bargain Counter' list. Dodge Brothers Will Announce On February 1, their cars, effective January 1st, 1922 V. RQMIGH, L'f-' ' DEALER : -' .wfr fc;' durant Prosperity spe cial GOES WEST OVER UNION I'AOIIJIG; . , A largo number of peoplo woro In torostod yesterday In tho coming of tho Durant Prosperity Special and woro rowardod Into In tho afternoon by sooing tho train slowly pull through tho local yards. It had snont an hour or moro Just east ot the brldgo in having Its picturo takon. Tho train was composed of 100 Penn sylvania cars all Just allko and nil bearing tho Bamo label. Each, car contained five Durant automobiles which aro mude In Now York and billed to San Francisco. Tho train has boon attracting much attention on its trip across tho country and ia taken as an indication of returning prosporlty. Tho Union Pacific re ceived tho "train at Omaha nnd at tached ono of its supor-mogul type engines which will pull It through to Ogdon. It is aald to bo tho world's largest loadod freight train, its total longth boing ovor a mllo and Its weight boing considerably moro than million pounds. ENGINEERS TO HOLD BALL TO An) ASSOCIATED CHARITIES Georgo W. Vromnn Division No, 88. Brotherhood of Locomotlvo Englnoorn has offered to tako tho management ot a big charity ball and tho oftor has boon accoptcd by tho board of control ot tho Associated Charities. jTho Englnoors havo secured tho frco j uso of tho Legion hall, tho froo ser vices of tiio Stamp orchestra and tho , f reo publicity of tho local nowBpapora so that every cent taken in goes to tho treasury of tho Associated Char , itios. Tho dato is Wednesday, Janu ary 26. Tlckots aro $1 each. A com mltteo of onglncors will seo that the , railroad men aro supplied with tlckots t and a committco comp'osod of Mcssors , Dlxom Malorioy, Swopo and Solby ''WllLcall on tho business mon. .1 1922 s A-- from 4 . 2 .'J'. '