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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1922)
THE NORTH PliATOBB .SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Seta Wti<u (Uribtmfe: 5 a s It is, WILSON TOUT. Kdllor mi.l Publisher. Entered ut the North Matte. Nebraska Postoftlce ua Second Class Mutter. .sunscitirriox puicei One Year, In advance -.$tJf0 n.. n r. .dt TUESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1922. EDITORIAL The Trlbuno 'la Thlrty-novon years old today. The first Issuo was dated January, 1S8G. At that time North riatto was a hamlet of tho west. It jraa in tlio wild west stago and a nowspapor venture was Indeed a von turo North riatto has since passed through floods, opldomlcs, striken, drouth, panics, war and depression but emerges today as the fifth city of tho stuto and still growing. Dur ing theso years Tho Tribune has told of Its Joys and Its sorrows. No baby camo but that its coming was chron icled. No woddlng was omitted. No death was unnoticed. -'And with this issuo of Tho Trlburio tho purposo la strong to mako Tho Tribune all that u newspaper should ho. Nothing will bo omitted that la thought worthy of itg, pages. Nothing will be, Included; that la not deserving. The Trlbunu Is, an institution' and Its friends will bo interested in knowing that It has reached such a rcspectablo age. Tho purposo' to go, on and assist In tho' . dovolopmont o North Platto and Lin-J coin county ls'tho dominant object of itsfoklstoncoy It .tyll havo tq havo tlifa , cooperation of Its friends tluVt It may do tb'ls in a worthy mamfol. This fs what It asks today. y ; . 5',. ' 'Wllsori .To'Hti Editor.. v , '..,,, ;4n. ii-csponso' to the demand;;, that HpotKjnust cpmoA .down" ,qtf;ir has UUf'&t oX U-aallCfUiiUlaiiiOo ta'jtoft, tho tax on freight and oxproau bills, passenger fares, tollot ar'ticlos, many, of tho luxury taxoa and a num ber of' smaller ltoma. Tho nation Is hcHifted'ln tho right dlroctlon. Then coriids tho announcement that th6 iiq&o tax ty o bo loppod 10' per", jjpnt byi substituting a gnsbl Tho EOXoT,nor is proposing L reduction in i(o: budget far 1D22 anil cutting of all tbofhlghcr salaries of pT(ciUs. That Is (nsf It should he) Wlillo tlto cciUnty, city, and school districts havo not yt-t rttlndunccd . whoro tlicy dan redUco taxes It Is oxpo'clcd that thoy will each study the proposition' carefully and dispose of ovory item in tho bud get which' can bo loft out. ' It was a ploasuro last week for us to record tho election of Frank Mooney to tho presidency of tho North Platto Chambor of Commerce Tho oloctlon Is especially fitting. Mr Mooney Is u closo studont of condi tions. Ho Is a conservative by nature and training and that Is the type of man needed in tho conduct of public affairs today. Ho Is constructive and has tho necessary tact to get others to sco his point of view. Follow ing tho successful administration of t John Edwards and his board of dl-l rectors wo predict that Frank Mooney 1 Confide Merchandise and his board of directors will carry ( tho Chamber . of Commerce through t anothor successful year. i Thoro arc some sports and amuse ments which high school youths In dulgo in which nro frownod upon by thoso who havo tho best Interests o! , tho boys nt heart, Theso people should bo quick to favor basket ball and should Bhow their favor by buy j ing a season ticket That is criticism . with a punch In It. ! strive -to most re! 00.17 nee in our As . the adhire to. . igious role i itsiness proves; fast. Practice' Prices Policy an we his "ft 'the or success, T "The "Bargain Countor" Is ono of tho nowor features of Tho Trlbuno. 1 Horo tho business establishments of North Platto will from time to timo call attontlon to their wares or their sorvlco and give descriptions and prices which will be woll worth while. Always xoad tho "Bargain Countor." ltlg trading at this Store it-f. -13 row Mitift by DRY GOODS -WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON. MANAGER SUpOrilUUIlUUIlL JJlllUl BUIUJU ill. Night School ' mooting "last ovoningL tlujt tho enrollment was abovo 850 j and wouiu prouaoiy pass, ino yvv mark tills week. Tho torm is to last eight weeks. Wo would like to support tho Ihlrd or tho fourth party or any othc.r party whldh woUld nomluata Dr, Qco. E. Cdndrti'of Lincoln for gorornor; 1 .0. Margarot Edwards ia roported to bo getting along nlcoly after her fall on tho Ico Friday1, night. I.Ira. C, S- Hlldohbrand and laugh er Bulivh of Tryon were nrnqng- the oiH oT town visitors Saturday, - V: J. Walthors, for seventeen ycaiy 1u' clmrgo of thp cataloguo arid job prliitlfig. department pf Bon,4J. Allen tToti of Chicago',, was' a caUor- ut thia offlco yesterday. Ho has resigned hl3 work thoro and come weBt, on account of tho health at one of his family. He may locate In North PlattQ. skate. Mrs. 0. Madine of Hershoy shopped in the city Saturday. Mrs. Cusman of Ognlalla spent Sat- Nortji Platto Lodge No. 1023 Fra tornal Aid Union will hold a dance at urday in the city. ' tho K. C. hall on Friday, January 13, ( . Dr. O'Connor of Chappell transacted Evoryono is invited to join with tho ' prbfessiohaf btlsiness In the city yeR- Tho Mothers club will bo enter tfiiu 'mombcrs ln lmvine a good time. An tcrday. -od at tho homo of Mrs. N. McCaii'V'on' "dmiaslbrt of 55 cortts is y charged A h boy wnB born to Mr. mA Wednesday afternoon. ., ' wh,h ln.oludc8 h'ar tax"' "Mrs. F. W.- Anderson yeBtordny. All .. . . . " concerned are doing nlcoly. Mrs. Edward Burke and Mrs. d. J. Tho, American War Mothers met at N putj of Re Q umlpnvcnt IIpHman will entertain Thursday the Homo oC. Mrs. J J Ha llgnn Frl- a mlnor Qperatiou at tho pJatto Val. afternoon nt a luncheon at-tho-Burko b. - if - ' " Hospital Sunday. homo. ' 4 was spont atjtho close of Avhlgh at aouoious ninqir was Bervcuj vine, war Chas. Jphnsoh" of (Jhappell is- ro Tl, EnlMnnrfl 'Younir PioiJIM' 08- -MotUers dooUffl to 1om series M,"'-rrS V.". ."7 tlio M. Y. P. A. club house. Election cordially nlted. - . , . -:o: tho E. Y. P. ,Ar cl.ub house. Election of officers will tiiko place. : The Epwprth Leaguo membors will enjoy an ice .skating party Thursday, night it the lee ia good and of It is not thoy will go to Maxwell and roller menta wero served. 'operation at1 'the General t' Hospital Mrs. J, J. Halllgan, entortrilned tlio , yestorday, War Mothers' at ,hor homo Friday; at ! . Mildred Norris and rMargncet an evening of music and two readings j Tottonhoff returned to their homos by Miss Mildred Skinner. Refresh-' in Chpy.enno Sunday after visltinB . friends in tho city. . Mrs. Geo. Cusman of Ogalalla spent yesterday in tho city shopping. H. E. Nolan of Ogalalla transacted business in tho city Saturday., A baby girl was born, to Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin Ward, 822 North Dewey St, yesterday. Mother and baby are doing nlcoly. ,. Miss Lucille Goldsmith returned homo last week from Bayard where sho lalted her 'sister Mrs. Frank Kelly. Jesse Edwards will leave this weelt for Rocb ester, Minn, where he will .receivo medical treatment at the i-Mayo Bros. Hospital. Tho night school' pupils are- re minded' "that tho city library- Jias many volumes on its shelves' which give extended information on most of tho subjects to bo offored. Students of tho night, school will do well ,to consult the librarian on any topic In which they are interested r ty. I ..J.:: ' i )' ANYTHING TO II: i 8- . ix B REAL EJTATE ... FAjRM PRODUCE 'Mv I H I;' H i. h a . it v .t jt 8' " It : 8 1 :r 8-' LIVE STOCK " V FURNITURE ft 1' 0 4 it 4 f ' v ?4 FANCY WORK BOOKS v - r T r MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TOOLS ALMOST ANYTHING 3- ' ''tit.. THE WAY THEY LOOK , pU FOR SALEWJiltqv. Plymqiith Rock j jv.:rpostors,- last yoara birds. $2.00; pW.T' ' irbifd. O. F. Frey. Horshey, Nobr. Tolef ( , ,. i - phono on llorshoy 'lino. ; -f ' '1 TRIBUNE WANT ADS. 8 8 8 8 8 '8 8 8 "8 8 8 8 8 8 it 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i 8 !! I 8 $ 8 8 I I 8 ft ! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 , ..M.,M..w..w.jMM.M..::.:j.jMM;tJK ' ...,.HW,.,WWVJ-5J i 1 it Mi.. '' HTAMttf r