TTTFi NORTH PLATTA SMMTAVEKKLY TRTBUNR. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION JNDIGESTKWJ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25i and 754 Packages. Everywhere Thirty Feet of Danger The intestines bend and twist mnd turn on them el vet morn than thirty feet of them and when food waste dogs them up, Irritating and dangerous poisons are formed and carried by the blood through the system. Remove this food waste regularly with Nujol the modem method of treat ins a old complaint. Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura CqUenra SoapbthfTOriUforiftyrorthTbg. DONT DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pas sage of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and utlc add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. inree sizes, alt druggists. Loot for tho namo Gold Medal on OTery box and accept no imitation PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RemomDaoortia-StopinalrFallls; Reitorea Color anil Deanty to Gray and Faded Hatrl uc. ana ai.uu ai urorxMU. ninnoT Chrm. Wfca, I'ntchogiif ,K.T. I-IINDERCORNS louses, etc, (tops alt rain, rntures eomfortto tha reet. nakes walking ran. mall ratDruc- Uisaoi: Chemical Works, ratcboitno, N. T. i Money back without question If HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES I (Hunt's SSlve and Soap), fall In the treatment of Itch, Bciema, Rlngworm,Tetter or other Itch inn skln'dlseaaeaTrythla treat ment at our risk Soldl.yallrellabIedrugKlata. A, . Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Texas ATTENTION rcopls who wish a little spare money. I can tell you how If you will send i . Biniiips. LUUia JIEJ1NK1S, PATENTS Wstion K. OolsmsB, Bates reasonable, nishestrsferenoes. liestserrloes! John's Discouragement. Little John sat upon the stnlrs look lug disconsolate. "What's the matter, Johnny?" asked Cousin Isabel kindly. "Well, you see. Cousin Isabel, thov let. me hold the baby on my knee, sometimes, tiiough lie enn't even hold his head up 8tr.ilKM. And thev welch lini every single day, but slnco they i i. i..... I..., . .... . iK'un ii in- Kiunuu oiuy two pounds lind three ounces. And I've Just been thinking that I'll bo nn old, old man smm n before that fellow II bo of any use on the team." On the Other Hand. The late Hdgur Saltus, the brilliant and satirical novelist, said one day at a New York wedding breakfast, where the bridegroom was a millionaire of forty-live: "Our Rockefellers and Schwabs and Russell Sages nmrled In their first youth. Well, our successful men don't marry now as early as they used to, but. on the other hand " And Mr. Saltus looked round the table with a bland smile. "On the other hand, they marry oftener." Couldn't Fool Him. An Indianapolis woman wne visiting her three-year-old grandson, anil one day saw him standing before the mir ror looking at himself, and saying: "Yes, that's me." "Thonuis," said grandmother, "you Bhould say, 'That's I..'" "Well, It might be I, but it looks like me," Mr ' Morning I - if- 7 I KeepYour eyes Clean - Clear HealthV yw- - r,, f, r Car Book Murine Co,CM,.f.U-tii COPY TBI G-HT THE (CHAPTER IX Continued.) 12 "December 28. Of course the cave under the point is the logical place. I have been unable to find nny stone marked B. H. on tho ground above it but I fenr that a search after Bill's tombstone would be hopeless. Under circumstances such ns those of the mate's story, it Beems to me that all tne probabilities point to their con cealing tho chest in the cavo with nn opening on the bny. To get tho boat, laden with the heavy chest, through tho surf to any of tho other caves If the various cracks and fls- surcs I hove seen nre Indeed properly to bo called caves would be stilt I work for three men. Yes. evervthlntr Indicates tho cavern , under the point. The only question is, Isn't It Indicated too clearly? Would a smooth old scoundrel such ns this Captain Samp son must have been have hidden his treasure In tho very place certain to be ransacked If the secret ever got out? Unless It whs deenlv hurled. which it could have been onlv nt cer tain stages of the tide, oven old Ilelntz would have been apt to run across It In tho course of his desultory re searches for the riches of tho buc caneers. And I nm certain Dlncld old Helntz did not mislead me. Besides, at Panama, he was making arrange ments to go with some other Germans on n small business venture to Samoa, which he would not have been likely to do If he bad Just unearthed a vast fortune in burled treasure. Still. I shall explore the cave thoroughly. though with little hope. "Oh, Helen, if I could watch these tropic stars with you tonight! "January G. I think I am thronch with the cave under the, point tho Cavern of the Two Arches, I have named it. I peered into every crevlco In the walls, and sounded the sands, .i-m t t . n.iu u unu, x Bupjjust: i ivuuiu iiuvo made a more thorough Job of It If I had not heen convince twm , w had not been convinced frdm tho ilrst that the chest was not there. Shall I ever forget the feeling that stirred me when first I turned the pages of my grandfather's diary and saw there, in his faded writing, the story of tho mnte of the Bonny Lnss, who died In wnvana in my grandfather's arms? My grandfather had gone ns sunerenr- S in his own ship, nnd while ho did n good stroke of business In Havana trust his shrewd Yankee Instincts for that he managed to combine tho service of God with that of Mammon. Many a poor drunken sailor, taking his fling ashore in the bright, trench- erous plaguo-ridden city, found in him n friend, as did the mate of the Bonny Lass In his dying hour. Oh, If my good grandfather had but made sure from the man's own Hps exact ly where the treasure layl It Is enough1 to make one fancy thnt the unknown Bill, who paid for too much knowledge with his life, has his own fashion of guarding the hoard. But I ramble. I was going to say, that from tne moment when I learned from my grandfather's diary of the exist ence or tne treasure. I have been driv, en by an Impulse more overmaster ing tnnn anything I have ever experl' wiced In my life. It wns, I belleye, what old-fashioned pious folk would call a leading. All my life I hnd hnon irresolute, the sport of circumstances. triflng with this and that, unnhl tn set my face steadfastly toward any goal. Yet never, since I have trodden this path, have I looked to right or lert. l nave deiied both human onln- lon and the obstacle's which nn un friendly fate has thrown in my way. AU alone. I. a sailor hitherto of nlenn. nre-craft among the bays nnd Islands or tne New England coast, put forth in my little sloon for n vovnirn nf three hundred miles on tho loneliest wastes of the Pacific. All nlon. did I say? No, there was Benjy tlie faith ful. His head Is at my knee as I write. He knows. I think, thnt his master's mood Is sod tonight. Oh. Helen, If you ever see these lines will you realize how I have lonced for von how it sometimes seems that my soul must tenr Itself loose from my body and speed to you across half a world? jeDruary l, since mv last record my time has been well filled. In the Isinnd Queen I have been aurvevlne the coasts of ray domain, sailing ns ciose in as I dared, and taking note of every cre.vico that might be tho mouth of a cave. Then, either In thn rowbont or by scrambling down the cliffs, I visit the indicated point. It la bitterly hard labor, but it has Its com pensations. I am growing hale and strong, brown and muscular. "So far I have discovered half a dozen caves, most of them quite small. Any one or tnera seemed bucIi a likely place that nt first I was quite hopeful Hut I have found nothlntr. TiHimiiv the floor of the cave beneath a few Inches of sand Is rock. Only In the ncne ot snna is roc ander " point have I fmnd sand to any depth. I go always BOBBS - WER.R.ILL COMPANY on tho principle that Captain Sampson and bis two assistants hnd not time for any elaborate work of concealment. Most likely they laid tho chest In some natural niche. Sailors are unskilled In the use of such implements as spades, and besides, the very heart of tne undertaking wns haste nnd se crecy. They must have worked nt night and between two tides, for few or the caves can bo renched except nt the ebb. And I tnke it ns certain that the cavo must have opened directly on the sea. For three men to trans port such n weight nnd bulk by land would be sheer Impossibility "February 10. Today a strange, tump happened so strange, so wonderful nnd glorious that it ought to be recorded In luminous ink. And I owe it nil to Benjy 1 Little dog, you sunn go In a golden collar and eat lamb-chops every day! This morning " Across my absorption In the dlnrv cut the unwelcome clangor of Cookie's gong. Right on the breathless odgo of discovery l wns summoned with my tunning secret In my breast, to Join my unsuspecting companions. I hid the book carefully In my cot. Not until the light of tomorrow morning could I return to Its norusnl. Hnw T was to survive tho Interval I did not know. But on one point my mind wns mnde up no one should drenm of the existence of the diary until I knew all mar. u nad to Impart. CHAPTER X. Miss Browne- Has n Vlalon Perhaps because of the Rnpror or. cltcment under which I was laboring, I seemed that evening unusually aware of the emotional fluctuations of those nbout me. Violet looked grimmer tnnn ever, so that I Judged her strug- I nles with lint- ,m,n.innn i tn imvo imnr, ii.. ' "-v. uuiiuii y severe. Captain Magnus seemed even beyond his wont restless, loo-inint ,i his wont restless, loose-iolnted nnd iiiu.-iuij;-eyeu, nno performed ex traordinary feats of sword-swnllow- lng. Mr. Shaw was very silent, and ius rorenead knitted now and then Into a reflective frown. As for myself, i una much ndo to hide my nbstrnc tlon, nnd turned cold from head to foot with nlarm when I henrd my own voice nauresslng Crusoe ns Benjy. a ramt ripple of surprise passed rouna tne table. warned your dog over again, AIIss Jinny?-" Inquired Mr. Tubbs. Mr. j. udos una ndopted n fucetlously pa ternnl manner toward mfi T know In anticipation of the moment when he wouio invite me to call him Uncle uam. I sny, you know." nrnncminia Cuthbert Vane, "I thought Crusoe rath er a nice name. Never henrd of any chap named Benjy that lived on an lsinnu. I tried to rally from my confusion, but I knew mv cheeks worn hiii-nltir Looks of deepening surnrlse tn,i the scarlet emblems of discomfiture mat i nung out. "By heck, bet there's a feller at home named Benlvl" rnrkiPd Tubbs shrilly, and for once I blessed mm. Aiinr jnne turned upon him her round innocent eyes. "Oh, no, Mr. Tubbs," she assured him, "I don't think n single one of inem was named Benjy!" . xne laughter which followed this gnve me time to get myself In hnnd ngnin. "Crusoe It Is nnd will be." T nEor ed. "It happens thnt n girl I know nt home hns n dog named Benjy." Which inippeneu ronunntcly to be true, frtf I - .-ww, i OtIICrWISe I nhonld hnvn hnnn i.u . " uuiifcuu to InvAnf It Till Mm I- - . I ia u cat. and the dog a miserable little high- bred someth ng, all shivers and no hair. I should never have thought of him In the same breath with Crusoe That evening Mr. Shaw addressed . . - - -..v.ootv. I the gathering at the camp-flre-which we made small nnd bricht. nnd h. sat well away from because of the neat and In n few words cava it na his opinion that any further search In the cavo under the point was useless. tir no nad known the strantre confirm. uiuijr vtnu una awoke In my mind I) He proposed thnt f lift utlAfA n tnwn aiIia aV.t !. -v 1. 1 . of the Island to a reasonable distance on euner side of the bay entrance should be surveyed, with n VI AW f - discover whether some other cavo did not exist which would answer th scription given by the dying Hopper- - - - -,.-v VJV uown ns wen as tnat first nTnin Mr. Shaw's words were nddrpswi i mo lauies, tne organizer and financier, respectively, of tho cxnedltinn in it- ...... .. . A very deliberate exclusion of Mr. Tubbs. nut ne nngnt as well have made up his mimj to recognize tno triumvirate. En- inronea on a cnmp-chalr sat Aunt jane, nice n little goddess of the Dot Inr Sign, nnd on one hnnd Mr. Tubbs Kronen ninndly, nnd on the other VI olft gloomed. You saw thnt In sacred council Mr. Sbrfw's announcement had been foreseen and deliberated upon. Miss Browne, who cnrrlcd nn Invls lblo rostrum with her wherever she went, now nlertly mounted it. "My friends," she began, "those dwelling on a piano where the Mate rial Is nil may fall to grasp the thought which I shall put before you this evening. My friends, this expe dition was, so to speak, called from the Void by Thought. Thought It was. ns realized In steamships and other ephemeral forms, which bore us over roiling sens. How. then, can It hn nth erwlso than that Thought should In uuence our fortunes that success should bo unnblo to materialize before n persistent attitude of Neiratlon? Mv friends, you will perceive that there is no break In this sequence of idens ; an is remorseless logic. "In order to withdraw luvsolf from this atmosphere of Negntlon, for tbeso several days past I have sought se clusion. There In silence I have us serted , the power of Positive over Negative Thought, gazing meanwhile Into the profound dentbs of thn All. Aiy friends, an answer has been vouchsafed us; I have hud u vision or mat for which we seek. Now nt Inst, in n spirit of clad confidence, wo muy advance. For. mv friends, thn cnest is burled in sand." With this triumphant announce ment Miss Hlgglesbv-Browne sat down. A heavy silence succeeded. It was broken by a murmur from Mr Tuubs. "Wonderful that's what I will wonderful I Talk' nbout the eloquence or the nnclcnts I believe, bv irum. this Is on a par with congressional oratory I 'A vision. Miss Brown." Bnld Mr. fchnw gravely, "must be an interest Ing thing. I have never seen one my. self, having no talents that way, but In the little Scotch town of Dumble- dykes where I was born there wns an old lady with n remarkable rift of second sight. Simple folk, not being acquainted with the proper terms to fit the case, called her the Wise Womnu. Well, one day my aunt had been to the neighboring town of Mlek lestnno, five miles off, und on the way back, to Dumbledykes she lost her purse. It had three sovereigns In It n great sum to my nunr. In her trouble of mind she hurried to the Wise Woman a thing to make her pious father turn in his grave. Tho Wise Woman gazed Into the All. I suppose, nnd told my nunt not to fret herself, for she had had a vision of tho purse nnd It lny somewhere on the road between Mlcklestnne nnd Dumbtedykes "Now. Miss Browne. I'll tnke thn liberty of drawing a moral from this story to at the present Instnnce: story to fit the present Instance; ,., ... , . , , en, r!l7 , v 7 stane an(1 Dumbledykes Is tho chest?" "This Expedition Was Called From the Void by Thsuflht" Though startled nt tho audacity of Mr. Shaw, I was unprepared for tho spasm of absolute fury thnt convulsed Miss Browne's countenance. "Mr. Shaw." she thundered, "if von Intend to draw a parallel between me and an Ignorant Scotch peasant 1" "Not at all," said Mr. Shaw calmly. 'fnrlivn Mtik Wlun IVaiikih - w- .tuiuuii lino a . ... . . luuav juaiicuiuuiu iiurcsuu Illld nail a . ...... granuson in tno Kirit. Tlie nolnt Is can you Indicate with nnv degree of exactness the whereabouts of tho chest? For there Is a good denl of Band on the shores of this Island. uui on, ouuwi inter Aunt Jane tremulously. "I "Oh, but Mr. Shawl" Interposed the sand Why, I nm sure that is such a helpful thought I It shows quite plain ly that the chest is not burled In In a rock, you know." She cavo the ef fect of a person trying to deflect a thunderstorm with a pnlm-leaf, fan. Dynumlte dynamite blow the lid off the Island I" mumbled Captain Magnus. "If anyone haa a definite nlnn to propose," said Mr. Shaw. "I am verv ready to consider it. I have under stood, myself, from the first to bo act ing under the directions of the lndlea who planned this expedition. Consid ering Its importance to myself, no one can well suppose that I am not doing all In my power to bring the chest to light. Tomorrow, if the sea is favor. able, It Is my Intention to set out In the boat to determine tho character of such other caves as exist on tho Island. I'll want you with mo, lad,' a ml you too, Mnguus," (TO HE CONT1NU15D,) CHOICE BETWEEN TWO LOVES Can On Wonder That Malvlna Tur tledove Hesitated When It Came to a Showdown? Malvlnn Turtledove wceped "bitter ly. Those dear, bright blue eyes wero in danger of being washed elenrer nud bluer still. She wns In love I Then sho dressed hurriedly, In prep nrntlon for Jack's expected visit. Promptly nt eight he nrrlved. "Jnck," she breathed, "I am so wor ried." "My pet, my angel, what Is It?" Hsked Jnck, In grcnt concern. "I have got to glvo one of you up, nnd I don't know which 1 lovo best. Cnn't I" the maiden wept. "Nol" returned Jnck, determinedly. "You must choose between us ho or U" "Jnck," she wept, "show mo some mercy 1" But he showed her none, nud so, with n Inst look of love. Mnlvlnn threw her Pomeranian, Bob, out of the whitlow and snld: "Jnck, I nm yours 1" DIFFERENT, OFF THE STAGE Master Crook Had to Seek Ordinary Mortal to Perform What Would Seem Simple Task. Darohmn Drake, the world-fnmous film villain, had hnd a very busy day nt the studios. In the performance of part nineteen of "The Muster Crook" bo had deftly cut open with his electric saw live formldnble safes, mastered swiftly the mysterious combinations of nine more, nnd with n iionchnliint air had picked the lock of his prison cell. And now, his day's work finished, lie breathed a sigh of relief as ho alighted from his car and reached the door of his flat. It wns locked. Anxiously ho senrched every pocket of his clothes for tho latchkey, but failed to unearth It. "Here's u fix I" he groaned. After another vain search the Muster Crook walked around to the nenrest locksmith's shop, Hung n $20 bill Into the counter nnd begged the unshaven mnn In charge to come nnd open his "blessed" doorl Not rot n While, nc wns n bachelor In the forties nnd she wns a sweet young thing of twen ty, but be loved her nnd wns courting her vigorously In nil the wnys nil old bachelor knows how to woo n young mnld. Then one night he decided ho would sing to her. Going to the plnno, he picked up some loose sheets of music nnd begnn to play. Finally ho enmo to one which pleased him nnd begnn to sing: "Grow old with nn The best of" But tho sweet young thing had In terrupted, him very forcibly. "I won't do It," sho tossed back Impudently, "nt lenst, not for 25 years." Brooklyn Standard Union. The Court Understood. "You ndmlt you were speeding?" "Yes, your honor." "A frank confession goes a long way In this court. What excuso lmvo you to offer for exceeding tlie speed limit?" "A mnn In a little old ruttlotrnn fllv. ver drove up behind me nml bawled to mo to get out of the wov nml lnr somebody use tio street who could get more out of one cylinder than I could got out of six." "Umph I I do ii little inotorlinr mv. pelf. I'll let you off with tho minimum fine this time." Birmingham Agu-Her aid. Lost a Sale. "I want," said the very plnln girl. "a book entitled 'Cultlvnte Your Nat ural IJenuty.' " "Hero It is," snld the clerk, who wanted to bo sociable. "Are you get ting It for a friend?" And the very plain girl put her nurse back Into her bug nnd went right out. From the Retail Ledger, Philadel phia. Surprise for Mother. Marjory Mamma, were you at home nnen I wns born? Mother No, darling, I wns nt grnndmn's In tho country. Marjory Wnsn't you nwf'ly B'prlsed when you henrd about It? 'SSilllll! Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING I Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are. not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism fToothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottlos of 24 and 100 All drugglsti. ' fclrla 1 U tfidt mark of Uanufoclur. of Moooacallcacldettrr of 8lle7llrs(t. SAW THING IN RIGHT LIGHT Old Moso Taylor Undoubtedly Had the Situation Sized Up, but Who Got tho Dime? "At tho end of n Georgln negro meeting," snys nn Atlnntn limit, "l wns decided to tnke up u collection for chnrlty. Tho chnlrmnn passed the lint himself. Ho dropped n dime In It for n nest-egg. Kvery right hnnd encoun tered thnt lint, nnd yet, nt the end. when the chnlrmnn turned 'tho lint over nnd shook It, not so much us hie own contribution dropped out. "Fo do hind's snkel" lie cried. 'I hns even lost do tllmo I slnrtcd with V "All tho rows of dusky faces looked puzzled. Who wns tho lucky mnn? Finally tho venerable Moso Tnylor summed up the situation. " 'Gentlemen ho snld solemnly, rifl ing from his sent, 'tier 'pears to be n great moral lesson round henh somy wheah !'" Pittsburgh Dispatch. MOTHER! MOVE i CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Hurry, mother! Even n sick child loves tho 'fruity" tnste of "Cnllfornlo Fig Syrup" and It never fnlls to opei thu bowels. A tenspoonful toduy may prevent a sick child tomorrow. IX con stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, hur cold, colic, or If, stomnch is eour, tongue conted, breath bnd, remember n good cleunslng of the little bowels It often nil thnt Is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cnll fornln Fig Syrup" which hns directions. for babies nnd children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother I You must sny "Cnllfornln' or you may get fir Imitation llg syrup. Advertisement. ATTORNEY" SURELY A WONDER Out Old Darky's Admiration Must Have Been Embarrassing Under the Circumstances. In Alnbnmn they tell of a prosecut ing pttorney who wns so uniformly successful with his cases that he be came both the terror of evil-doers Iip the vicinity nnd the ndmlrntlon or nllr cspcclnlly tho dusky portion of the population. Upon his wlthdrnwnl from office he wns nt once sought out by those charged with crime. Much to his dis gust, the first two cases thnt he de fended resulted In the conviction of his clients. An aged darky, mimed Joe Clluton, who hnd watched his prosecu tions with wonder nnd who looked on with equul amazement now he con ducted the defense, met the attorney Just after his. .second defeat. "Mlstnh Cnl." sold the old chnp. Irt nwed tones, "yo shore Is u wonder. No matter which side you Is on, they goes to the pen Just the same." Mil wnukee Sentinel. No Labor Saver. A traveling man was entlng In rt istuffy little restaurant one very hot day whero there wero no screens nt, windows or doors. The proprietress herself wnited on her customers nnd "shooed" files from the tnble while do ing so. Her energetlo but vnlri efforts attracted tho attention and roused the sympathy of the traveling man, who said : "Wouldn't It bo better to huve your windows nnd the door screened?" "Well, yes, I suppose thnt would help soiiie," sho replied, nfter n mo ment's reflection, "but don't you think It would look kinder Inzyllke?" Hnr per's Magazine. . -.1 -Tdi Real Drlemma. 1 Parker What's wrong? You look' worried. Streeter I am. 1 wrote two note one to my broker, nsklng him if he took mo for n fool, and the other to Miss Goldlng, asking her If she would' mnrry me. Whllo I was out somebody telephoned "Yes," nnd I don't know which of them It wns I" A Lesson to Him. Rnfferty borer ten feet Into n min ing claim and then abandoned It. An- uier took It up nnd nt 11 feet struck gold. When Rnfferty heard the now he exclaimed: "I'll never leuvo nnoth er claim until I'vo gone ii foot fur ther!" Life. V