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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1921)
TILE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Poem Gy3i TOO QUICK TO LET 00! When I sit on the porch nftor sundown, . An' quiotly puff nt my cob. My mind sorter dwolls on tho feller That works hlssolf out of a Job. . Tho follow that growls nt his pittance," An' envlos tho man who has more. ' Thnro ain't n blamo thing ho encounters. Uut touches tho spot where ho's sore. Ho don't enjoy stretching tho traces, Nor champing his teeth on tho bits, An' so, like u blame balky orltter, , Ho humps n few times an Jes' quits. You can search every spot In creation, - An' you'll find what I toll you Is so,, The most ondopendablc Yahoo " Is tho man that's quick to let go. Then, give mo tho man that's a stayer, No matter how humble his lot, Who novor complains at misfortune, Nor pines nt the little ho's got. WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska FostoffJco as Second Class Matter. , StfBSCIlII'TJOiY PRICE: One Year, in advance $1.50 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1021. EDITOltlAL -Tho cifjior day wo hoard a man say thcrp, is as much Kquor'uscd In Lin coln county ns thoro was lir tho days when tho saloons wore running full blast. Do you bollvo it? Do you quest ion it? Wrlto ub about it and .lot us glvo your idea to our rcudors. water fowl, "I am very much interested to know thut wild ducks havo been found which appear to havo secured a heavy feed of theso nutritious tubers. The tubor, of course, contains considerable supply of starch and othor woll known foods." Tho work of Rov. and Mrs. J. U. I xio North Platto ling come to bo a purjt of tho charitable work pf tho olty and tho citizens nib interested In it ami its results. They are con' tj;Ib"itur tp pay this oxponso but not in a very gouorous. sum. Tho mission needs money and must have money to contlnuo tho work. Tho need Is bore, Wo havo found tho pooplo to do tho work. We' must support thorn. Elso whero wo nro printing a condonsod Btatemont or tho receipts and expen ditures'. Such n statement Is unusual rum nocinl workors and when mado fti iiold'om permlttod to bo published, Roy Payne willingly gave us tho re port whon wo askod him for It.' Tho grain oxchango men aro having tho tlmo of tholr lives now in trying to explain what Is going on in wheat. They havo told tho farmorfl that thoro was no export market for wheat'and that we havo raised too much In this country and so tho prlco has gone down bocnuso of tho big quantity on hand. Formerly Homo such n reason has boon enough to satisfy tho farm ors bocauso they woro so far away from tho forolgn markots that thnv jdid not know tho facts. But now 'things are ' dlfforont. Tho farmorri havo Joined together and organized tho American Farm Bureau. It had j called tho best brains In tho country ! Into Its uorvlco and they havo lli 'vostigated the reason for low wheat 1 prices as glvon by tho grain oxchango. Those mon havo found from tho re ports of tho United States Department of Commorco that wo havo oxported 2C5 millions of whont so far this yoar against 1G0 millions as an average be foro tho war. Tho grain oxchango mon aro being challenged and nro fighting back but so aro tho farmera. It will bo an Interesting contest If tho farmers will stick llko tho grain mon will. Carl Hollman was out hunting tills fall nnd killed a mallard among some other ducks. While cleaning It bo found Its crop filled with "duck pn tnUos." Ho was curious to know just -what thoy wore so ho Immght somo of them tn our offlco and askod uj to find out what they wore. Wo re forrod thoimattor to Professor Ray. 'mon J. Pool, professor of Botany in tho JJnlvorslty of Nebraska. Wo sent tho KM!5lmenH to him and recolvod the following roply: "Theso so railed scoiIb aro not seod.i In the'strict sense of tho torm nt all but really of tho nature of buds or bulbs These aro produced by a num ber of speclos of sodges, which grow In Nebraska and olsowhoro. Tho par ticular spoclcs which produce these thick tuber-llko bulbs are commonly called nut grasses and thoy bolong to tho genus Cyporus. Tho specimens which you sont may hnvo booh pro duced by any one of four or flvo com mon spocIeK of Cypcrus (C. oscuIentuB, O. KtrlgoRUs, C. torroyl, G. flllculml, C grayl) somo of which grow In up land sites nnd others In marshy sit uations. Tho little tubers, are pro duced In considerable abUndanco on pomo of tho marsh Bpccios, and could be readily secured by ducks or other Tho Gothenburg Community Club Is doing what tho thoughtful pcoplo of ovory community would llko to do but tho rest of us do not havo tho grit to carry It through. Each year it brings at least ono good concort to Gothenburg and stands buck of It with tho monoy to pay nny deficit. This year tho concort Is to bo given by Irene Puvloskn and Ellas Brceskin. A lot of us may not know theso pco plo but thoso who aro Interested In muslo nnd musicians know of thdm and know that thoy nro up near the top. Uist year forty or moro of North Plattrt's interested musicians mado tho trip to Gothonburg nnd hoard tho Community Club concort and came back bragging and bragging, frhls year thoy will all bo thoro again nnd a lot of others will go with thorn, If all go who say thoy will. Tho club has placed tlckots with Mrs. Gilfoyl and Mr. Dixon nnd has dono nil in its power to lot North Platto and Lincoln County pooplo In on tho ground floor. The. North Platto Chaptor of tho Order of Do Molay for Boys will hold a class initiation in tho Masonic hall on Docombor 28 at 7:30 p. m. This will bo tho first initiation slnco tho organization of tho chnptor and It Is You Cow Milkers Whilo the present surplus supply lasts wo offer to trade you a pure bred Holstoln-Frleslan bull for 200 pounds of good country butter, you soiling it at tins present recall price of 50 cents por pound and bring ing us. the cash. EXPERIMENTAL SUB-STATION W. P, SNYDER, Supt. particularly doslrod that all members bo present. Murh of the success of the chapter is duo to the har,d work hikI efficiency of Its present offlcors. Tho officer aro: ('. Ben McCothb, mastor councillor; Harold Cox. sonlor councillor; George Russoll, junior councillor; Burton House, sonlor deacon; Joe Lano, Jun ior doacou; Ashley House, sonlor stownrd; Arthur House, Junior stew ard; Dale Goodwin, chnplln; Glen Waltomath, marshal; Royer Hastings, ejcrlbo; Stover Deats, treasurer; Don ald Russoll, almoner; Robert Hoag land, standard bearer; Allon Lawhoad, Louis Breternltz, William Adamson, Ralph Hcnckel, Robert Dickey, Phllln Temple, Russell McMIchael, precep tors rospoctlvely; Cecil Barber, son Until. Tho boys have been working hard and tho dogrces will bo conferred by woll drilled teams. Worthy of spe cial mention is tho second degrco team composed of Robort Hoagland, Stover Deats, Emmet Moody, Russell Mc MIchael, Allen Lawhead, Arthur Weeks, William Adamson, Harold Cox and Philip Tomplo. A completo now outfit of robes and paraphornalla has been purchased and will add greatly to exemplifica tion of tho work. All mastor Masons aro invited and urged to nttond. :o: LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ray Johnson of Cheyenne spent Christmas with his parents. Clinton & Son, tho Eye Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. V. Brodino spent Christmas with her son at Elmcroek., Mj. . and Mrs. Arthur Connor left Saturday for Lincoln to spend Christ mas. C B, Sullivan of Wallace shopped in tho city tho latter part of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sugesser nro spending tho holidays in Grand Is land. , Dr. L.J. Kit A USE Dentist, X-Itny Diagnosis. McDonald Dank Building. Phono 07. Mrs. Kathcrlno Woodhurst spent Chrlstmns with her son Sherwood- In Koarnoy. Miss Fannie Lipshltz left Saturday for Omaha to spend Christmas with friends. Goo. Seoloy of Tryon transacted business In tho city tho latter part ot tho week. J. J. WILSON DENTIST opposite arcOAiiE hotel, over STAMP'S BAKERY, PHONE 71. Win. Campboll undorwont a minor operation at tho Platte Valley Hospit al Friday. W. J. Pierce of Wallace transacted business In the city tho latter part ct tho week. Fred . Prltchard left tho latter part of tho week for Omaha 'to spend the holldnys. Edw. Guymun arrived Friday front Schuyler to spend tho holidays nt the W. II. LoDloyt home. Mr .and Krs. F. A. MUlor left Satur day for Colorado points to spend the holidays with relatives. Mrs. Matilda McLean will leave to day for Glonville to spend a few dayd with her son, Alex McLean. M. L. Tomplo of Ocioln, la. arrived tho latter part of tho week to visit at Uio F. L, Temple home. Coy States arrlvod homo from Lin coln whero ho attonds tho State Uni versity to spend Christmas. Misses Besslo Smith and Mablo Waltors nrlvod homo Friday from Lin coln to spend tho holidays. FIno lino of photo frnmos, gold, sll vor and Ivory. Dixon, tho Jowoler. Soo our windows ot frames. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Murdock nnd Mrs. F, Lawrenco left Friday for Missouri to spend tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. N, Eglchoff and chlldron loft Saturday for Loup City to spend tho holidays with relative. Miss Mildred Mob I man left Satur day for Donvor aftor vistlng at tho homo of her brother L. E. Mohlman. LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE ! VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS' OF THE CITY DBMOLAY Inltntlon Thursday evening. All Mastor Masons Invited. MASONIC Regular communication of Platto Valley Lodgo No. 32, A. F. & A. M. tonight. ANNUAL MEETING Of tho Chamber of Commerce, Thursday at 0:30 nt the Lutheran church. Everyone Is Invited. Platea 75 cents'. MIDLAND Collego students, present and for mer, will 'entertain the senior 'class. of tho North Platto high school In tho basement of tho Lutheran church on Friday evening of this week. -:o:- Puul Burke spent Christmas with his parents In Maxwell., Tho Infant child of John Wellner; 405 West Ninth street, died at tho Wellner homo yetserday. Tho Artificial Ice plant was brok en into last night and- the safe forced open., An old revolver and from $15 to $20 was stolen. Tho Christmas trpc.iju front of the Ported Electric Co.,' was surrounded Sunday morning with n throng 'of youngsters ,and a numbor of thqlr old-. ers. Mr. Porter gavo everyone a treat of apples, candy, oranges and popcorn and also gavo away somo dolls and othor toys. Tho children woro happy, the older people were happy and Mr, Porter was happy. It was the true Christmas spirit. -:o:- .Tiino Wntklns Janice Mrs. Robort James was born near Abergavenny, Monmouthshire Eng land on Juno G, 1843 and died at North Platto December 14, 1921 at tho age of 78 years, G months nhd 8 days. She spent her girlhood In England and on April 23, 18G4 she was married to Robert James at Elenezcr chapel, Bryn MnUr Brecon county, England. In" 1879' tho family moved to this country and located at ProvO, Utah, later movlhg t. Locas, Iowa, and fi nally locating In Smith county, Kan sas'. Mr. James died in 1891 and in 1913 tho wifo came to North ' Platte whero sho has lived with her son until tho end. Mrs. James was the mother of flvo boys and threo girls, two of whom proceeded her. Thoso still living aro Bonjamln F. James, Kingston, Pn.; Mrs. Sadio Wilson. La Junta, Colo.; Mrs. Amejla Hutchinson, Republican City, Neb.; Mrs. Luella Opplo, Nebraska City, Neb., and Al fred and Elmer James of North Platte. Tho funeral was hold from tho homo ot Elmor James, 1203 West Thl-d street Want Ads FOR RENT Storago space in fire proof ware house. Simon Bros. LOST Ladles' fountain pen. Phono 430J, ' WANTED A compctont stenograph er. Win. E. Shuman. WANTED Mature lady or gentleman to collect and solicit business in North Platto. Addross P. O. Box 678. FOR SALE Poland China boars; prico right. O. E. Chittenden, Phono 782-F-14. WANTED Small modern house ?i threo nice unfurnished rooms. Call 199 and ask for Mrs. McDonald. STRAYED From my plnco, a whlto facod steer without horns, long yearling. Roturn to Harry Huckfold A NoT YearB resolve mnko It real, for for sooth, Li You say It with flowers yon say It with truth. Jgf Brighten up tho lives of your family and frlondsw1 with cholco, fragrant flowers and bring morof roni nappmoss into your own oxlstonco than youk havo nnown bofore. THE NORTH PJATTM FLORAL CO. J" TLOWERS AND PI ANT.? I Wt AREAS NEAR TO YOU I AS YOUR DUnNP PHONE 1023 FOR SALE 300 big, fine Barred Rook cockrols, pullets, $5 up, UU1 lty, show birds. Dr. FHppln, Stroms burg, Nob. FOR SALE Box apples, Johnathau, Roman Boautys, Doltcious and Grlmos Goldon. Call nt Crystal Cafe. C. B. Balloy. TRADE 1,400 pound mare, fat and in fino shape, will trado for cow or heifers. Wrlto P. O. Box 241, North Platto. WANTED Agent ,to soil Hog, Stock and Poultry tonic. Supply doalors and also sell direct to farmers. Ad dress E-G caro Tribune. FOR SALE 1919 Ford roadster; now ly painted, looks good, and runs good. Prlco ?100. Phone 1153W or Pathe supreme The "Musical World" gives high praise to Pathe method of reproduction. The tone aim is universal, plays all makes of records perfectly without the use of attach ments, and without changing the position of tho jewel or needle. No matter What type of record is being played, Pathe's tone aim is always on a straight line, giving a straight, steady pull from friction point to swivel center. Note the absence of any ofiaet joints in this' "tone aim. The Pathe sapphire ball is round, smooth and per manent, never injures or wears out your records and does not scratch. The' ti'buble'- of "Changing needles is eliminated by using the Pathe. The mb'tor used in the Pathe is of the Swiss type to be compared with the won derful Swiss Avatches because of its unusual smoothness of operation. This motor is used in a large majority of phonographs manufactured in America . THE SWISS MOTOR used in Pathe has two thirty-two foot springs and adjustable bronze bearings giving sixty-four feet of pulling power that is as "smooth as oil" to the last rev olution. ' . Pathe 'tone and enunciation can not be described in words, you must liear it to fully appreciate- quality and clearness. ' Pathe cabinets are built from genuine walnut mahog any or oak, positively no cheap imitations are ever used, and you will find the finishes to be excellent. Note that all Pathe's are finished alike on all sides, it is not necessary to keep your Pathe backed against the wall to hide an unsightly, unfinished back. Come to our store and see and hear this wonderful machine. We have so much confidence in its ability to make good that we will gladly demonstrate in your own home. Prices on all models have been materially nnd temptingly reduced1. W. R. MALONEY CO. When you buy a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY you want a CONTRACT that is clear in construction and fair in terms, RATES that are equitable, a proper adjustment between premium charged and risk oar ried, SERVICE that Is Prompt, courteous and effi cient, ALL backed by financial strength to meet every obligation. Such policies are issued by tho Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Nob. . he Are those torn- N PILLS" "I dnn't n.rl - - very Often, hilt vuVim T .1- r i j . ........ i UU, J. 'need them quick. One or two and the naln I nr. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills will relieve you quickly and safely no unpleasant after effects no danger of form ing a drug habit. Next time you pass a siurc siop in and iret a box. Dr. Miles AntJ.D.I. mn i3 7 . i 7 . . am rms I Jru'c " " frming Vaiik Y-.. t a 815J. 1 ww 4uKKist uas Them.