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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SIDMI-WIDKICIjY TRIBUNE FIRST TEMPLE OF AGRICULTURE if .' ' ' :. f or two Bonding you catalogue and giving ydu lnfonnntlon cpncornlng tho work." Maxwell Tolepost :o:- ItllOKDHll DISTINCT UOlXtiS " The farmers of Dona Ana county. New Mexico, have built the above Temple -of Agriculture, the first in the World, at a cost of $10,000. It houses the offices 'of . the Elephant Butter Irrigation district, the farm bureau offices and the offices of the cooperative marketing association. The 'inset is Mr. H, H. Brook, president of the Irrigation district, who led in the temple project. WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS FKOM EX CHANGES WHICH BEACH OUR DESK, COMES HOME . Albert Ginapp took No. 4 Monday night for Omaha, whore he went to meet his sister, Margaret. Miss Gin app has been touching school nt Louisville, Ky., and recently under wont an operation for appendicitis. Tho doctors advised 'her to give up lier school work and go homo and take a good rest. Brady Vindicator. V. B. Smith, manager of tho Lin coln Highway Garage in Paxton ad vises iis that tho pumping ofall tho water for tho village system Is done by the power furnished by a Ford son tractor, and that the arrange mont is satisfactory and economical. Keith County Nows. Thirty-six thousand tons of beets wore harvested this year in the Her shey, Nichols, Blrdwood and North Platte territory. This is tho Ameri can Beet Sugar Co. territory. Two hundred and thirty-four thousand dol lars thrown Into this area this year has materially helped out our grow ers. Hershey Times. DISTRICT COURT Judge Eldred is presiding over dis trict court this week during tho ab sence of Judge Towell. Tho latter waa called to Lincoln' to act In the ca pacity of supremo judge for a week or two, which is one of the uses to which district judges may be put by ' reason of the new constitution adopted by Nebraska a few months ago. Lexington Clipper-Citizen. tho convention city of 1923, for while tho boys have attended twelve stato, conventions they have never asked for it to come hero before. Not be cause wo could not have cared for them before, but beacuso the prepond erance of Invitations seemed to bo to tho east. However, now Sidney feels that her long patience should bo re warded by tho support of many dele gates who have had their turn In the past. Anyway the delegates are go ing down loaded with pep and prop aganda to bring back tho convention if it is within the possibilities. They will go to arrive in Columbus at oclock on the morning of the 10th and tho Columbus flro department will take them In hand and give them a jolly day before going over to Nor folk. Sidney Telegraph. Tho Litornry Soqloty has n gooeo to pick with the weather man for solid Inf suchun awful brand of wonther lldat Friday which spoiled their moot-In. n acoitt until ho litis' completed the tondorfoot tot and it roglBtorod at M138 Mary Toriiplo arrived home Saturday from Lincoln tb sjiand tho scout office. A halt was cal e : ni Christmas with hor pa. rants Mr. and Little Paul Moonsy'has boon quite sick for aevsrftl days, llo had a tooth pulled and a cold sattlod lii it. lie U undsr the doctor's car. William Broedor of Call, is visiting his parent Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brooder and other relntlvos ajid friends hero during tho holidays. Bkl Chittenden is carefully nursing a sort) jaw caused by a soro tooth. Dorothy Orton spoilt tho wook ond In North Platto visiting hor toachor, Mrs. Chas. LaVollo and trying to get a glimpse of Santa Clausr Our toachor gave the childron a treat and a taffy-pull on Friday after noon boforo vacation. Tho children had a fine time and appreciated it. tho dairy barn of tho oxporlmontnl station and wator was taken for the next lav. Tho flold south of the ex perimental station orchard was the place where Uio final halt was called. Tho scouts sat down In a clrole and sonio instructions about fire provont Ion ?as given and how to fight fire in doors and out of doors. Some signals to be used with n whistle or bugle were taught and trlod out. A' I scouts desiring to do so had n chance to try for tho pngo test before dinner- About half of those trying pastt od. Tho dlnuor signal was tho one tho lads woro all Ustoniug for. When It blow thoy all foil to and built their fires and cookod tholr dlnnor. The scout masters were the ones to suffer now as It was necessary for thorn to tast all tlto moat that was supposod to bo cookod. After nn hour of feast ing the tost work was rosumod and games woro plnyod. At four o'clock tho march homoward was begun and Mrs. F. L. Tomplo. Mrs. Ifllvin Storltng of San Fran cisco who Is a guost at tho homo of hor brother Thos. Bolan and Mr. and Airs. Bolan loft Saturday for 121 m croek to spond Christmas. ;o; NOTICE OF SALS UNDIOIt ClfATTKL MORTGAGE Notice is horoby given that by vir tu. o of a chattel mortgago datod Oc tober 10th, 1021, and duly -filed In Uie offlco of the County dork of Lincoln County, Nobrtiska, on tho 11th day of Octobor, 1921 and oxocuted by Mtut rlco K. Martin and Lloyd R. Wilson, 'to II. M. Portor, to securo tho pay ment of six promissory notes In the sum of Twontyfivo Dollars ($2G.OO), ouch payablo monthly, tho first note payablo NovomhoY 1st, 1921; and flf toon promjBBory notes In tho sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), payable nionth- caso; 2 largo dandy drtao's; 2 upright onndy ensos. 1 Ice Cronm Tables, Mnrbel tops, 1 wood top. 1 Harrietts Ice ohett, S doors: 2 Gum cases; 1 Pino Case. 1 Countor with Oltrollte top; 1 ('ash Rogistar. . 9 dish recta; 1 lunch counntor. 1 Cigar Case, ninnil; 1 Scale, sub ject to a first mortgage. S Ioe Cream Dlshors. at public auction at Block Two (2), Wost lot Five (5), in tho Two Story Cement Block Butldlng occupied as restaurant in Vlllago of Hersuey, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Tues day tho 17Ui day of January. 1922, nt tho hour of Ono o'clock P. M., of sa'd dato. II. M. PORTER, Mortgngoo. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 210 ly, tho first noto payablo May lBt, again It was necessary to stop at tho 1922, and all boarlng lntorost nt Sj f;alry barn for liquid. Thoro was a' por cont por annum, nil of which notes , Jack Frost has been on a rampage during tho past few days and every one. Is staying Indoors as much as he can for fear Jack Frost will got him and pinch his nose and blto his toes. Oh you weatherman! Shamo on you! ONE OFJjIEM TELLS 'XUE STORY OR A ROY SCOUT HIKE Last Saturday seventy-five scouts answered roll call In front of tho Franklin building and lined up for tho hike. Tho line of march was by twos With tho senior patrol loaders In charge. Several boys wero detained from going on account of not holm; scouts. They hnd some of their tend erfoot work done but a boy is not happy suprlso in store this tlmo as tho gontlo'nian In chnrgo of tho dairy sat a, big pall of milk out and It la aro now duo and paynble, dofaulc having been made In tho payniont of tho original noto, nnd lntorost, when noodloss to sny that it was consumed , tho samo becamo duo, nnd no suit or In short order. Just after wo hnd lin ed up to start tho final lap homo an other gontloinnn offered to sot out a can of milk but it was getting lato other proceeding at law having boon instituted to recover said dobt, or any part thereof, thcroforo, I am selllrg tho property therein doscrlb'od, to- and tho sun was commencing to near, wit: tho horizon so tho most wolcomo of fer was refused. It was Just about dark when tho starting point of tho hlko wnB reached and tho sovonty-flvo scouts sought their homes for some of, mothers cooking. Tho hlko was a first class success with but ono ex ception and that was that some of tho scouts Insisted upon thinking that they know what to do bettor than tho 1 leaders for which they will havo to havo tho consideration of tho scout court. 1 Royal IcoIosb, 8 foot soda foun tain. 1 Stool tank, for Caronnted wator. 1 Gas Regulator and equlpmont. I G Beds and Bedding; 2 Dining Room Tables; 3 smnll Lunch Tables; 1 Coal Range, G holo; 1 Oil Stovo, humors. 4 Dressers; 1 Comodo; 22 Clinlrs with Bteol rounds and legs. All shelving; 3 Llnoloums. All kitchen utensils nnd dishes used In restaurant 2 Ornngo crush urns; 1 largo Cigar To whom it may conconit Tho special commissioner appointed to locato a public rond as follows: Commencing at tho northwost cor ner of tho sotithwost quartor of sec tion 2G, thonco south on section lino to the nortiiwost cornor or section jo, thonco wost on section lino botweon sections 27 and 34 to canyon, then in a flouthWostorl direction about 25 roth around head of canyon, thon In a northwesterly direction back to above doscribod section Hue, thonco west along snld lln to established road running north nnd squtli, all this be ing In township nlno (9) range t "on ty-soven (27) In Lincoln County. Ne braska, has reported favor thoreo1'. all claims for damages or objef'ons thereto by reason of tho ostablln'ilng of said road must bo filed In tb" of-, flco of tho County Clerk on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 4th day of march 1922, or abovo road will bo al lowod without rcforonco thoro, to. Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska tlils 23rd day of December 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. The Community Literary society held forth at Congrogatlonal church In Arthur last Tuesday ovenlng, with tho usual largo attendance present. Tho question dobatod: "Aro Dairy Cows more valuabl to Arthur county than stock cowb?" Tho cows won In a walk with Moth and Floyd Dorris doing tho milking while for tho stock or mother criwj was ably uphold by R. H. Barber and Tod Lightbody. Judges woro Mrs. Frod Heath, Oren Cowon and Roy Smith. Arthur Enterprise. A DIFFERENCE "Wliero is the mother of that child?" A rough man exclaimed ac last, when he could endure no longer the mourning and crying of a Httlo child; and ho voiced tho sentiments of all In tho pullman. "In tho baggage car in hor coffin," replied the tired woman who was caring for the little one. A chnngo came over that car. There i no more complaint. The women vied with each other In caring for the Httlo thing which fell asleep in ono of their arms. When in the night the child awoke and cried for Its "mam ma," it was tho big rough man that walked up and down the alslo until It foil asleep on his Bhoulder, nnd, as tenderly as a womnn, he placed It in the tired nurse's arms in a sleep un broken through tho long night. It did make a dlfferenco. It doeB make a difference. If wo could but know what is behind that nervous ness, that word that Irritates, that tone of voice that sets on edge, If wo could know bow near a nervous break down a true and kind heart Is; tho Kick ache, headache, heartache; what Is tho strain thnt life is under tlu-t very moment what sorrow ,or Injury, or loneliness, or broken hope, and particularly, how sorry they aro after ward, It Is more than conceivable wo would bo patient, respectful, appred atlve, and kind. But, alas, wo do not know tho load thoy havo to bear. Wo aro gruff, unfeeling; we would bo otherwise. If we understood. Central Advocate. Hi m Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi There is a movement on foot to havo five commissioners on tho coun ty board. Last wook the North Platte Trlbuno published an article addreso od to tho editor from a resident tax payor of Brady endorsing this plan. Tho writer of tho article claims to havo lived in tho county about forty years. It lookB reasonable that a county tho sire of Lincoln with all its ' road Improvements going on would bo oaslor looked after with two moro commissioners. The voters of the county will probably havo a chanco to vote on tho proposition in tho future. Brady Vindicator. TRY FOR' CONVENTION Every citizen should bo behind tho Volunteer Flro department in their efforts to securo tho 1923 convention for this city. Tho boys aro going casi with that purpose in mind. Thoro is no reason why Sidney should not bo WINS HONROS Tho following letter was addressed to Manley RasmuBsen of Maxwell and was from L. I. Frlsblo, Boys' and Girls club leador of tho Agricultural Extension sorvlco: "Your name has been reported to tho club offlco as tho winner of tho Union Pacific scholashlp prize In honor of having made tho highest standing in club work during the year 1921. This fkio prlzo was offered to tho boy ranking highest in animal and crop projects, both club and com raunlty activities being considered. "I wish to congratulato you and trust you will make tho best poBBlblo uso of this opportunity. "This prlzo entitles you to a $75 scholarship in tho Collego of Agrlcul turot" tho School of Agrlculturo or tho w!nt6r short courso of tho bcnooi or Agriculture In tho UpivorBlty of No braska.- "Your name is being referred to Dean Burnett of the Collego of Agrl culture, who will write you in a day MAN STOCK MOVING Mens and Young Mens Suits in IK 3 m Entire stock of new fall and winter suits, consist ing of serges, worsteds, cassimere and novelty suit ings. Priced at $9.75, $19.75, $29.75. 1 I Mens and Young Mens Overcoats in 2 Lots. All the latest styles pur chased for this seasons selling. Young mens belt ed coats, fitted and semi fitted dress coats, Ulster ond AutoCoots. Priced at $1975, $2475. BR m Leather Vests, "Gorden Make" values to $16.50 moving at $5.75 S6.10 $7.35 $8.50. Moleskin Coats sheep lined with pelt collars at $9.25. Traveling Traps One-Third Off. ODD TROUSERS, $1.20 to $3.00 per leg. Railroad Mackinaws 3-4 length, leather reinforced pockets priced at $9.75. GABERDINE COATS, $35.00 values at $24.00. jgppp SHOP T V 1 Nn Lav-AWflVS. mma