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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Hi Hi 3R Tiir I Ht Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi nm NOVELTV HEAUTY COMIiDV and MUSICAL is flic Mnko Up of (lie Vaudeville at llic Keith Friday. The feature offering' Is MOWATT & LYNCH,' tho JIANG BOYS Expert Jugglers with the Indian Clubs doing many difficult and Senittionnl tricks new to Vaudeville. "WALKER & BROWN' are colored comedy couple who will furnish pari of the fun for the evening's entertainment In singing, talking and dancing. . KEITH THE GARRISON SISTERS in a novelty Posing Act, featuring the most perfect formed girl In the World this act is a stunner. it . i MORSE & CLARK an artistic Vocal and Instrmental Episode both good Vocalists who sing popular songs and in addition to this bright bill wo Will Show a Feature Plcturo; ' Hi Hi Hi Hi SemMtedtly Eribunc. WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher, Entered at Uio North Platto, Nobraska Postottlco as Second Class Mutter. " SUBSCRIPTION PRICE i One Vcnr, In advnnco $1.50 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1921. EDITORIAL Tho Tribune mn had tho plessuro yesterday of visiting tho warehouse and offlco of tho Stacy Mercantile1 Co., In tho Lamb building on North Locust stroct. Wo wore surprised at tho largo stock of grocery supplies which wo saw thoro. Tho stock Is placed In dopartjaenta according to the best means of caring for tho goods. Apples and other fruits arc placed In p. room whoro thoro Is fa cllltlcs for heating If tho weather be comes sbvoro but no flro Is maintained . iindor ordinary circumstances. An other room Is maintained at a high tomporaturo which Is required for rip ening somo kinds of fruit. Anothor room lias no flro and horo tho goods aro stored Which may frcozo without linrm. Wo saw a refrigeration plant for maintaining low temperatures during tho summor und a humidor for protecting clgnrs from tho drying of . . njm ZZT fects of this climate. Thoro woro.lm monso quantities of apples In boxes and baskots. Everything was clean and neat and showed caro on tho part of tiro employees. T. N. Arnold, tho gonial manager of tho local plant was omphatlc In his commondatlon of tho local merchants, Btatlng that almost all of them wero regular customors of tho Stacy Co. Ho said tho Stacy Co. does nothing but a wholcsalo business nnd Is supported by tho retailors of tho city nnd the torrltory which hln hoiiBO covors. It seoms to us that the Stacy Co. offors tho merchants of this community a groat convenience In having a storo of fresh goods on hnnd from which to order for Immedi ate dollvory. Tho other day wo went Into a local grocery storo and asked tho prlco of a caso of canned goods of a standard quality. Tho merchant stopped to tho phono and called the wholcsalo houso and wo had tho prlco glvon to us and could have had tho goods delivered that day If wo had wanted them. Thnt Is sorvlco and thnt Is tho opportunity of tho Stacy Co, Wc enjoyed tho visit to tho Stacy Co. LOCAL AJVI) PERSONAL C. V. Cooper transacted business in Ogalalla yesterday. Clinton & Son, tho Eye Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction. Charles I3oguo roturnod to Omaha after spending a few days with his family. Mrs. John Frederlcl and children left yesterday for Boulder, Colo. to Bpond Christmas with relatives. Miss Tholma Frator returned Tues day frm San Francisco whoro aha spent two weeks. Dulclo will romnln In California for somo time. E. M. Loypoldt of Hershey was u city visitor Tuesday. Clinton & Son, tho Eye Glas3 Men. 'ervlco and Satisfaction. Mr nnd Mrs. Jim Elliott of Max well wero city visitors Tuesday. J. II. Anderson of Ogalalla trans-J acted business In the city Wednesday. Peter and EHzaboth Mlllan of Tryon transacted business Jn the city" Wed nesday. Loouls Troxler is expected today to spend Christmas with his mother and sister, Mrs. Goorgo Trexlcr and daughter, Nova. Charles Yost Is oxpoctcd to arrlvo homo tomorrow from Fremont where ho attends Midland college. . Miss Margaret Frodrlckson Is ex poctcd tomorrow from Fremont 'o spend Christmas holidays with hor parents. (4 -, inii nifty you all foelthe sincerity of these wishes, the enmpstneeS. as wo say, "A Merry, Joyous Christmas :tul thanks for making this the best of Cliristmascs for . US! I" WALTEMATH LUMBER & COAL CO. rats ' y y y. of CHRISTMAS CAROL "God rest ye, merry gentlemen; let nothing you dismay For Christ our Lord and Saviour wis barn on Christ- , mas Day." Old English Song- NORTH PLATTE fJLOUR MILLS. NORTH PLATTK'S HOLEPROOF HOSIKRY STORM A Gift Thnt Always Satisfies IfolepFyf ww FOR MOTHER, SISTER, BAD AND BROTHER A Store Full of Practical Gilts For Men MEN'S HOSIERY SPECIAL Fine Cpmbed Cotton Hose in 6 differ ent colors. These Hose are worth 25c a pair. Put up in Xmas box $ 1J .00 6 pairs in Box -a-box MENS AND BOYS WOOL MACKINAWS .HOYS' MACKINAWS In beautiful patterns; this is a samplo lot; values , . up to $12.50 ' 5)0.45 MUX'S MACKINAWS In beautiful dark patterns; this Is n sample Uno; .' values up to $13.50 ST.88 THE VALUE FIRST HIRSCHFELD CO. VALUE FIRST LnjJIos' Heavy Pure Silk Hoso Full fashioned and In all now shndba; a $3.00 Q'l jj valuo tbZtZu Ladles' Extm Quality Silk Hoso Our greatest sollor; CI C n $2.00 valuo ol.Oj , Ladles' Fibre Silk Hose Looks llko Bilk; brown, ()cn black, whlto, $1.25 valuo .DC Ladles' Silk Llslo Hoso Black brown, whlto; a wonder- we 'ful woaror, Bpoclal prlcod DC Men's Fancy Silk Hoso All tho now novoltlos; In all rj rvrv colors; $1.25 valuo Dl.UU MOn's Puro Silk Hoso Extra hoavy quality; In all now or , colors; $1.00 valuo 1 ODC v Men's Fibre Silk Hoso In olght dlfforont colors to chooso ft Bpeclal valuo Men's Llslo Hoso In black, white, navy, cordovan gunmotal - 4UC $2.25 box of G pairs. .60c Extra Special, Ladies Silk and Wool Hose Elognnt Quality of liiidlcs' Pure Silk nnd "Wool Hoso In black, navy, cordovnn, hoathor and many othor popular shades. AH those hoso como In drop stitch; values up to . $3.C0, special prlco $2.45 Stooro Open Evenings Till Xmus Mnll Orders Promptly ""Med -Wo Pay Parcel Post Charges rmc pj ("tuistm If i JI AUTQCASTCB reetins "Back of the.season'of Christmas And hack of the greetings you gel Is the pleasure of thinking of friendships That never have gone back on you et" We trust that you look upon the Rexall store as your friend and wish you all the joys of the season; NOLAN BROS. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Davis of Max well shopped In tho city Wednesday. Matt Grandstaff of Moorefleld was among Jth out of town visitors Wed nesday. Albert Sommer of Maxwell had his tonsils removed at tho Platte Valley hospital Wednesday. Clinion A- son, me Eye Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. Miss Allco Loan arrived this wee!c from Denver to spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. H. A. Brooks. frtlss Ruth Loan nnd mother aro ox poctcd tho last of the week to spend Christmas at the II. A. Brooks home. Mrs. Stevens left yesterday for Lincoln where she will make her future home with her son. Mrs. Stev ens has been visiting at tho homo of her son Rev. P. R. Stevens and family. :o:- NOTICE OP TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by the) undersigned, nine miles south and ono mllo east of North Platte, County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; on tho 2nd Day of Do comber, 1921, one yellow buckskin, weight about 900 pounds, 5 years old. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1921'. M. A. Anderson. VV. C. Knight and wife of Hershey shopped In tho city Wednesday. A. Coates nnd son of Sutherland wero city visitors Tuesday. Mrs. H. A. Lawhead entortafned at 1 o'clock luncheon at hor homo Tues day In honor of Mrs. Kennedy of Wil low Island who was tho guest of friends In tho city. Table decorations and rooms were in keeping with thi holiday season. Covers wero laid for sixteen guests. Following tho lunch eon the remainder of the aftqrnoon was spent In cards. THE HIRSCHFFLD,CO. XMAS SPECIALS Holiday Presents FOR MEN AND BOYS Men's Leather Houso Slippers All leather pair , 3)2. 0D .4 1 Flexible Arch Like the Foot Do you know that tho arch of your foot Is flexible? It Is composed of small bones which flex every step I you tako. Muscles and ligaments hold tho bones In placo. 1 Do' you realize that tho ordinary! shoo has a piece of steel concealed In I tho arch, making tho shoo stiff right at tho point whoro your foot muse flox? Weak, or fallen nrches como when tho muscles and ligaments fall to hold tho arch bones In their nor mal position. You can havo strong, healthy feet by wearing Cantllover Shoes. Thoy havo a flexible arch llko your foot. Thoro Is no metal In the shank to stiffen the shoo whoro it ought to flox. This flexibility permits your mus cles to oxerciso and tho blood to cir culate proporly. Your feet strength en. You onjoy walking and you don't mind standing, for tho Cantll ovor Shank supports tho foot rest fully . Tho toes aro not crowded. Your posture is good, for tho hcols are of proper height to bo healthful and stylish! Tho comfort of Cantilever Shoes is doubly enjoyablo because becauso they nro good looking and fashlonablo for daytimo of semi-dress occasions MCns Initial Handkerchiefs Beautifully initialed, ir each ' O0C $1.00 box of 3. MCn'S Hoso and Garter Sets Colored initial, a 35c value r each 1 Z0C Men's Combination Sets ' Beautiful Tie and Garter f rj sets, $1.50 values, set u p 1 . 1 D Men's Hoso nnd finder Sets In beautiful Xmas box; r $1,50 value, set M.ID Men's Garter nnd Arm Rank Sets Puro silk webbing; a rA useful gift, sot 'OUC Garter and Arm Rand Seis in beautiful holiday box; 1C 50c value, sot SoC Men's Initial Belts With engraved Initial p t c buckle, special J) 1 .D Men's Guaranteed Hoso G pairs in box c,i -A all colors, box -... J) 1 Men's Silk Hose In all colors, . 75c values, pair 00C Men's $U0 Silk Knit Ties In beautiful Xmas box; ( nn newest patterns, cadi . 2 1 ,UU Men's $1.00 Knit Tics Just nrrived for Xmas shoppers 2 for"$T257 65 Vim Henscn Collars Tho biggost collar crazo, nil styles, each 50c 1 0 111 Wyo Swoaters-r- With 4 bellows pockets; $8.i)U vaiuo $6.90 Men's Plaimol Shirts In brown und khaki; a r $3.00 valuo, each J)IAd Men's 2,")c Hoso Put up in Xmas box; o nn G Pair in box - $1.00 Men's Alcorn Mufflers Tho nowest novelty; c,4 , . $2.00 values, each 3)1.05 Men's $1.50 Dross Shirts All new pattorns; on special prlco, euch QyC Wo aro tho excluslvo agents for Cantilever Shoos In North Platto. Dr. S. C. Hupfer 817 Enst Fourth St. Chrlopodlst nnd Foot Specialist. Roys' $1.23 Wnlsts Tho celebrated Kayneo ft- Blouses, fast colors, each "dC Roys' Wool Jorsoy Sweaters Bluo and whlto; ai r $3.00 valuo, each ... $2.25 Men's Heavy Flannel Pajamas Full cut, well mado; n $2.50 values, suit 2)1.00 Men's Flannel Night Robos Cut very largdj e -n $2.00 value, each .. $1.38 Men's Suspenders In holidny box; a usoful presont, pair 50c iron's Fur Caps $10.00 valuos, special ir prlco Men's Heavy Union Suits All sizes; a in a $1.50,valuQ, suit J)1.IU THE STORE FOR MEN