THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WIOIffKLY TRIBUNH i SOUTH LINCOLN COUNTY HEWS and aro now figuring out what tholr Income tax will bo for 1921. The waathor has upon almost Ideal Ed. Latimer and family and S. J. for husking the worthless crop of Filbert and family woro called to corn. Those who have tried each say Maywood on account of Grandma that corn at tho prosont price Is much Lntlmor's serious IllnosB. cheaper fuol than coal. ( Mr. CordoP of Dickons has pur- John MrConnol), for many yours -i chased tho Hall farm west of Wall resident of South Lincoln county, who ( n0ot and will oqulp It for raising move 1 to Holbrook about thrdo yonra hogs. apn, died Docembor 14. Mr. McCott-1 Tho teachor and pupils of Boll Prn nr 1 lived for many years near Somer- lrlo school gavo a program and hot Fot and was one of our foromost 1 suppor Saturday evening. A nice brcedors of lloroford cattle, taking crowd was present to onjoy tho pro-m.- ny prlzos at tho Denver shows. j gram but theso crimpy times caused A fow dajs ago Mrs. Farrar wlfo the boxes to go at loss than cost as of Rev. Farrar of Wollflcet was taken j everything olso Is going down on tho to n hospital In Omaha where sho 'farm. passed away December 15. Tho body 1 v :o: will be taken to Adams, Neb., for : Qhrlstmas suggestions. S6o Dlxona burial. Mrs. Farrar was a cheerful, four largo windows, hnppy lady and wfll bo greatly missotl T. O. Stevers of Denver visited by hor many friends in this vicinity. , friends this week enrouto to Omahji Street grading still continues In where ho will spend Christmas with Wellfleet , his parents. Mr. Slovors was a for- Tho Wollfloot Community club gavo mer omployoe of tho Roberts Mutflo n dance and oyster supper Friday eve- Co., and Is now teaching manual nlng, December 9. A nice crowd on- training In one of tho high schools of joyed the evening and tho proceeds , Denver, wont to defray the expenses of street grading; ' , .' So eral Jnvo finished husking corn Sco Dlxons Xmas windows. If you are worried about Xmas glfU I sco Dlxons four largo windows. CHRISTMAS GREETING t Wetake this space -To tfish you in the good old way . A bright and Merry Christmas.. JOHNB. EDWARDS CO., 7 V 'I. Say it with t Pass's Flowers Christmas im i V. ' 5 JBESTWi8HES TIDE k' - Some say it is old-fashioned sending greetings Christmas Day; Hut some of us cling fondly to the good old-fashioned way. 'f Accept old-fashioned wishes for the sake ot Auld 1 nngSyne. ; A happy, happy Yule time, good luck to thee and thine. t "& Lucilc Hass'oldt. i ' WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. "1 t ... MOYIK C1ULO OHJKCTS TO SANTA CLAUS 1'UULICITY Tho most precocious children in tho world work in tho movies. Two of theso aro Peaches Jackson nnd Dorecn Turner, six nnd four years of ago respectively, appearing thin Christmas In Mary Plckford's newest cinema offering at tho Keith theater. During tho making of this feature, Litttlo Mary talked to tho children a 1 great deal about Snnta Claus. Mai-j volous stories about old St Nick ,wo'vp ' told' to both kiddles, and whenever Santa's plcturo was shown on ti billboard on tho way to or from lo-1 cations it was always called to tho attention of Peaches' or Dorecn. Fi nally Doreen said, to Miss Plckford, 'This man Santa Claus gets entirely , too much publicity; than I do,". : :o'- ho gets more Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lawhead spent Wednesday and yesterday In Kearney with friends. Anbury Kenworthy returned to his homo In Omaha Wednesday after vis iting friends in tho city. Mr. Ken- worthy was a lieutenant in Company B and spent several days in tho city looking, up old acquaintances. Tm Hanifnn Is suffering a badly bruised hip which ho sustained Tues day when bo ,was thrown from hlu dray, caused by ils horses running away. The accident occureu on Norm Locust street where his horses won frightened. Store Open I'venlnics In wishing you A Merry Christmas we are hut voicing our sincerest sentiments .toward , those whose friendship we have always so highly ap- preciatcd and we have resolved this New Year tofanerftW 'your patronage more than ever by giving you honest ' value, high quality and excellent service. The ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO- ? EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Fine Quality BATH ROBES Made of the celebrated Heacon Blanket Cloth A dandy $10 value $12.90 GIVE HER AN Eden Washer FOR CHRISTMAS And You Give Her the Best What would save wife or mother more work or worry than a good wash: ing machine? Call in at our office and let us show you this " wonderful machine with many exclusive feat ures. TERMS IF DESIRED. North Platte Lirfit & Power Co, A FltOGltAai AT THE THEATERS FOB CHRISTMAS This was a special purchase; wo havo just 32 of them so us to Ke. a pood pick don't delay ' : n You?VlR have to hurry. MENS SMOKING JACKETS just 11 of them $3.90 values up to $10 The H1RSCHFELD Xorth Platte's Ruslest Men's Store. Co Manager Hawloy wishes to an nounce his Christmas program at the theaters will consist of some of the best pictures on tho market. At tho Sun, "The Heart of MnryJ land," featuring Cathorlno Calvert Is considered by tho critics to bo tho Lhest Civil war plcturo over produced In addition to this will bo showa Duster Keaton in "Tho Playhouse" without doubt the best comedy of his career. ; At tho Keith Mary Ptqkford In ''Through tho Back Dood." In this wo find Mary back again to tho kltU of a picture every ono loves her in. Mary says herself sho has out done herself In this picture. Matineo a: both houses. :o: Look for tho "Bargain Counter" In an early Issuo of Tho Tribune. Brodbeck & Sons. Big Meat Reduction Prices This is nil cholco corn fed meats, killed under all "SanitHry Laws." Thoso prices Include dollvory to all parts of tho city. All mall orders sont par col post, prepaid. This Is not a special sale but theso prices will con tinue as long as prosont live stock prices continue. Please order early, as an early order means an early dciv.rv CHOICE COKJT FK KEEP Hoof plato boll, at 8, 10 and V2U . Choice porterhouse Shoulder stoak 17s Prime ribs of hoof 20 Beef pot roast 15 Choice sirloin steak 22)! and T4iono' stoak .... 1?.iii--22J Choice round steak 20 Cholco corned beef ,-.-10 CHOICE PIO PORK Chuck Steak 18 Loin Steak -- .20 Pork Steak 18 Chops - 20 Sldo Tork 12V.J Sugar cured Hams .20 Bacon r -17 "l CROW & CROW . Toiepliono 708 Cholco pork roasts 17 anil 22& Pig pork loins 22 i Pork ritoak ' 120 Pork tenderloin chops . 2." Spare ribs 17JJ Homo rendered lard , IB Freah sido pork 12 is , Salt pork 12 Bulk sausage 'fr-.-'- Link sausago ..20 CHOICE MILK FEB VEAL Choice veal steak and cutlets .2." Vcjil roasts ' 20 Veal chops - .2" Here's to Christmas! May it hold for you all that you hoped it would in joy, remembrances and friend ship. , And may there be manjy other just such Merry Christmascs in store for you; COATES LUMBER & COAL CO. Plain veal steak 20 ' Veal loaf J .125 Veal stow Ll .-.lS'fe CHOICE LAMB ' . Lam I) logs. 25 Lamb loin' chops ItVt Lamb rib chops 20 Lamb shoulder roast Link sausages 20 . 12 . Link FRESH HOME MADE SAUSAGES sausages -Hi Link pork sauBago 20 nunc porK sausago i Hamburger . to Bologna ; 15 frankfurters . , 20. Wcnnies 1 20 Summer sausage : l , 25 Fresh dressed turkey 1(5 Fresh dressed duck 'I0 Christmas smoked hams, skinned half or whoiol-, 2215 Cholco augur cured hams, half or whole 1..20 Peanut butter 20 Ilelnz big katchup, per bottle .:(.' Hoinz small katchup, per bottle .20 LIbby mustard, per Jar 1 .1 Puro horse radish, per bottle 25 Kraft cheeBo, all flavors, per can 20 CHRISTMAS POULTRY Fresh dressed goose Fresh dressed chicken 30 . ...25 and 39- Wisconsin cream cheese 50 American brick cheeso 30 Northern oysters, per quart 1.00 Chesapeako oyBtors, por quart 80 Fresh pig liver , .-I0 Freslt calves liver 15 Fresh beef liver i 10 Fresh beef tongues 20 Fresh beef heart 124' Homo mndo saner kraut, per qt. 20 Yours for Sanitation BRODBECK & SONS ifrodbcck Building Phone 21 . 101 E. - Fifth 1