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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PL ATT M SEM I-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WE ARE BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHRISTMAS TRADE. Many new and servicablc articles- for Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and Sweetheart. A-BEAUTIFUL NEW LINE OF FLOOR LAMPS AND TABLE LAMPS. CLINTON & SON, Jewelers and Opticians SIGN OF THE BIG RING LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Truo Rlpplo and son. Storllng, Will lonvo this ovonlng frr Coy States will arrive homo thU T0wa to spond Christmas with rola DR. 0. JI. CRESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Offlco over tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Attornoy M. K. CroBby transacted legal business In Chuppol ycBtcrday. MIsb Hart loft yesterday for hor homo In Idaho to spond Christmas with hor parents. Cordova leather, Dixon, tho Jowoler. Misses Edith nd Blanche Bollowa loft yesterday for Pino Bluffs to upend Christmas with relatives. Miss Mercedes Burgner loft yotser day for Ilyannls to spend Christmas with hor parents. Mrs. II. J. Rnthnmn and children loft yesterday for. Grand Island to spond Christmas with relatives. Mr. Rathmnn will go tomorrow. Visit our gift room. Dixon, the Jowoler. William Davis will arrlvo tomorrow from Lincoln to spond Christmas with his parents. Say it with flowers Christmas. C J. Pass, Florist. Phono 374. Miss Gladys Wild will loavo .Thurs day for Wilbur, Nobr. to spend tho Clirlstmns vacation with hor parents. llosos express more than other gifts for Christmas. C. J. Pass, Flor ist. MIsbos Mary Bimson and Lillian Story will loavo Thursday for their homes In Lincoln to spend the hol idays. Give hor a Hoover for Chrlstmns North Platto Light & Power Co. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Murdoclc and children will leave tho latter part of tho wook for MIbbou;! to spend Christmas with relatives. r Mahogany clocks from ?10 to $50, at DIxons. elorgjit gives us thcopj '7 come nitv io-wish vou-a'Merr mas.. hus pportu- Christ- 3 1 :-.: 4 t . a A RINCKER DRUG CO., The Nyal Store nn onrly issuo of Tho Tribune J. V. Komlgh returned Wcdnosday from Omaha. Ho and his son, Phillip, will go to Omaha Saturday to spond Chilstmas with Victor and Mrs. Ro mlgh, Maurlco Williams; will leave tomor row for his homo In Grnnd Island. He oxpects to bo absent about threo months ns ho will recolv.o - medical attention whllo home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chalotipha and son nro expected this CVcnlriir from Bridgeport to spond Christmas 'with Mrs. Chajoupha's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy, Tim tin u , wur oi'iiAJiAjj $is.uu Table L,amps ilio time has como for the annual . .... i meeting of the Chamber of Commerce , V and'tho directors have set the dan l0" Ut f th? P blpmont. Their I for December' 2!). a i. , , : 8(1,0 Provcs Ulem a S0(1 iuy. 'N. v . - UMllimvil, )V ill 111" served at tho Lutheran church at 0:30 Light & Power Co. Carl Backers and T. N. Cohagon Hskeu- to bo present. Plates arc 75 W " lcavV0Uay bt. - Louis and oiuer eastern points. Air. uacKoro and every cltlzon of North Platto Is For the Boys and Giris Who don't get any candy and nuts for Christmas, call at tho Porter Electric Co. on Christmas morning 1 and get a sack. Tho following good fellows and merchants are go lug to hang a sack of candy and nuts oil our Christmas Tree for some of the worthy little hoys and girls Christ mas morning, so come and get your share, Following are tho donations to be distributed:. . u. ' Johnson Department Store 1 dozen apples. L. & S, Grocertei'Ia- 4 dozen oranges. Chris Paulson, Silver Front 25 sacks candy and-nut?, Tvrrinii-rt rt 1 i.fn . 7i Wm. Waldorf 25 sacks pop. corn. C. Exporter 12 sacks candy and nuts'. II. G. Anderson 12 sacks candy and nuts; ' T. N. Jolinson-l2 sacks candy and nut. Perry Carson -12 sacks candy and nuts. Judge Woodhurst-r-12 saclts candy and nuts. C. II. Qvermyer 12 sacks candy and nuts."' ' Rmomlior the placo Chrlstmns Jromlu'1, 510 Locust Slrcot. 1 All the dolls we don't sell will be given to poor littlo girls Christmas Morning. Anyone else that wants to help this along, lot us know. The, Gift Shop 510 Locust St. Phono 210 Cents. Previous to' tho mnntlnir .11 rectors havo nominated twonty-flyo nnmes for directors. A ballot contain ing these names will bo Bent to each member vIth a return envelope. The members wilt voto for five directors from tho list p'f 25 and return tho oai lott. Tho results of tho election will be announced at tho banquet. ." Now Columbia records. DIxons Music Shop. Tho Community Bathing Beach is attracting many young people this season arid skating ,1s said to be fine. The east end of ' tho pool Is f rozon hard but . skaters are warned not to skate on tho west end if they dont want to get wot. This Is an Ideal placo to skate as it is considered ab solutely safe, Fresh Stato Farm milk for, sale at Dickey's, at, 8c- a quart. ' Seo DIxons windows.. . s . Down at York and at some other placos tho Chambor of Commerce hus an addrossograph and keeps a1 cor rect list of residents of tho county. This list Is at tho service of any of tho merchants who wish to use it for advertising purposes. Tho list Is kept up to date by tho clerical forco of the Chambor of Commerce, Tho Idoa h working out woll and la suld to ron dhcb' tho cost to each one who Uses itrj ' Dixon's Christmas headquarters r Want Ads i ... FOH RENT Storago spaco in fire proof ware house. Simon Bros. LOST-p-Ladles' fountain pen. Phone ' 430J. WANTED Mature indy or gentleman to collect and solicit business in North Platto. Addrosa P. O. Box G78. FOIt SALE Poland China boars; price right, G. E. Chittenden, Phone 782-IM4. STRAYED From niy placo, a white faced steer without horns, long yearling. Return lo Harry Huckfeldt. FOR SALE 300 big, fine Barred Rock cockrols, pullets, $5 up. Util ity, show birds. Dr. Flippin, Stroms burg, Neb. FOR SALE Box npples, Johnnthan, Roman Beautys, Dollclous and Grimes Golden. Call at Crystal Cnfo. C. B. Bailey. TRADE 1,400 pbund-niaro, fat and in flno shapo, will trade for cow or holfors. Write P. O. Box 241, North Platto. WANTED Agont to soil Hog, Stock nnd Poultry tonic, Supply dealers and also sell direct to fjifmors." Ad dress E-G caro Trlbuno. FOR SALE 1010 Ford roadston new ly painted, looks -god; and-Tuns good. Prlca ?100. Phono llC3W.6r 81GJ. . -.-v. . - -: o : - NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No, 1C05, of Hans D. Jorgen son, docoased in tho County Court oi Lincoln county, Nobrasko, Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estato toko notico that tho Administratrix has filed a final account and roport of hor administration and a petition for" fl nal settlement nnd dlschnrgo as such, Administratrix, which havo been sot for hearing boforo said court on Jan uary 20th, 1022, at 10 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same. 't Dated December 20, 1921. Wm. I. a Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. mas. r Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mnhan will spend Christmas In Gothonburg with relatlvos. Thonins OWoal will loavo tomorrow tlvoe. Gorham silver at DIxons. Miss Eva Iloagland, daughtor of Senator nnd Mrs. W. V. Hoaglawt. who attends the stato university Is oxpootcd to arrive homo UiIh ovoulns ANNOUNCBM ISN'T for Lincoln to spond Christmas with '.to spond Christmas with her parents his paronts. Mur, Maunln wll0 attonds tho. State i.uo. mr uio uargain uountor" m University srfont a few davs In tho city this week with his father Chns. Maupln. Ho will spend tho Christmas Holidays In Ewlng, Nobr. with friends. ' The schedule of dntos n;ul arrangs mont of my work' with tho Inter Mountain Concert Buraau, not being, satisfactory to mo I have cancolod my contract with suld Company for tho coming year and will continue my Work ns Volco Toachor in North. Platto. Studio, Room M, McDonald Bank Building. :o: Russell Derryb'orry Is oxpoctod to arrlvo homo this ovonlng from Lin- fcoln to'spend Christmas with his par ents. will spond Christmas with his parenta In Jefferson City, Mo. :oi ATTENTION DE MOLAYS ; Thoro will bo a special meeting of tho Chapter on Monday, December 20, and all members are urged to bo pres ent. Tho meeting will bo short but there is Important business that must bo attended to at this time. Carl S. Bonner Advisor. :o: "NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS : Tho pipe laying gang Is now at in tho south part of the city so whenever tho flro whistle blows ns a notice of shutting off wateT all consumers south of A stree't and East of Willow street should take suffici ent water for three to five hours use. Although tho ditch may not be opened on your street you may be shut off Just the samo as you may not get 'writer from tho main in front of you. I also wish to take this opportunity to thank our, patrons far th'o patlonce luitl cheorfulness with-, which they havo borne th'o Inconvenforico caused by the shutting off of water at various times slncoiio. pipe laying began and to wish thortj .nll a Mcrryv Christmas. HERSHEY S, WELCH, ..Wator Cpmmlssloner. i :o,: Miss Lona Gartner loft yesterday for her homo "in Burcliard, Nobr. to spend Christmas wth hor parents. MERRY CHRISTMAS Not lor a day only, but for a .whole lifetime, is the wish of, - W. J. O'CONNOR 5, 10 & 25c Storfe tils Most Perfect Shaped Woman in the World AT THE KEITH, FRIDAJ Coinpnrative measurements of Mildred Garrison who; with her sister Presents an exceptional po'sing net. Neck Chest' '. Waist Hips Calf if- Venus Diana 5-4 5-4 5-4 , . 21 21 19 12. 12.5 11 , - .. ." 33- ...,.33 35, , .M .2G.. . . . 2G ... 2 G . , 1, 36.G 38 ,' 37 . 13 13.5 13. 22.1. 22.6 24- 7 7-4. ' ' -g lG. 54 t . " ,49.5 ir , Anklo Upper.- Arm Wrist It.. I Forearm 1 jThe Garrison Sisters will introduce a number of posing representatives of ancient and modern statuary and famous picturqs recognized as the hest art. ' XT I; ' A MERRY CHRISTMAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR In the triendly spirit ol the season we take this opportunity to express our sincere ap- ; preciation of the cordial business relations we have enjoyed with you during the pasti -year. THE HIRSCHFELD . NORTH PLATTE'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS- COi it) Mil 1 : ....