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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE i s-s NOW WAT CHRISTMAS nC r1 THEV KNOW WHO PHHS" FOR WE II U Q ) JAUMl II f V"GOTO HtvND ME jx WBS f ) NEAR MOBOtTT KICKS I P PRESDHS AROUND HERE -ftt WE V ' )W -w V, W O Bl . 1 CREDIT . I GOT AWAY v fl gT CJ ABOUT ME SMOKING IN 1 LI BOSS T ILLATTER XMAS ! N-VK, WAKING I WITH IT FIVE MINUTES J XJLJ SRX I 2 ftllB l,yliiiii mi HOME SWEET HOME - " I LOCAL AND PERSONAL THE LIGHTED CHRISTMAS ( ; irmim pod in tho city Wednesday. A I III imi SSSIiii I llV BUS AUTOCAJTtB A Merry Christmas to Everyone in Lincoln County. May the day be bright, the remembrances delight ful and the dinner satisfying. Many, many thanks for your continued patronage, W. R. MALONEY CO. Miss Grace Gordon of Rlngo shop ped in tho city Wednesday. Wrist watches, 15 Jewel, 20 yonr enso nt $1CG0. Dixon, tho Jowolor. Gcorgo Carter of Arthur transacted business in the city, Tuesday. Miss Helen Souscr has accepted n position In tho Austin JoweJry stora Fivo hundred Christmas sugges tions froo In Dlxons windows. State Flro Marshal C. B. Hartford has sent out tho following warning which Is worthy of notice: At Christmas time, many pcoplo nro so engrossed with tho idea of enter tainment and amusomont for their children thnt they aro forgetful of tho dangers that accompany thcao entor- Townsond Dent will return tomor- tninmcnts. row from Lincoln to spend Christmna v.w.w.w,w..M.w.wwwwwj.; Viands for Xmas Dinner Turkeys dressed, per lb. - Ducks dressed, per lb. jf Geese dressed, per lb. - - - " Chickeris, per pound , - A live Goose, 10 to 12 pounds, $2.50. Celery, Lettuce, Oysters, Stuffed Olives, Dates, Figs, Heinz Fig Pudding. Xmas Jut 8 Candv and Nuts. A few Xmas Trees left. 3Sc 30c 30c 25c McMichael Grocery, i t.t i.t t.t t.t 3 i.t it i.t it i.t i.t j.t i.t it PHONE 441. ft II llll MARY ICKFORD in her latest production "THROUGH THE 5ACK DOOR:' Oicdlon Jar Pickord-J Alfiod E Giccn cnarioU,Manon Fair. Photography Ovaries Rosier recalls io us how warm and real and lovable and divine a thin it is to be lust human and happi ill M' with his parents. Seo our beautiful chests of silver. Dixon the Jowelor. Jolino Antonldcs is expected to ar rlvo home today from Lincoln to spend the holidays. Mon's ruby rings, solid gold, best Btones, $8.00 to $1500. DLxon, Jeweler. Mrs. T. II. Bible returnod Wednes day from Omaha whore sho spent sovoral days shopping. Gifts that Inst Dixon, tho Jowolor. Evershnrp pencils. Dixon, tho Jowolor. Miss Gertrudo Arnold is off duty at tho Dixon Jewelry store this weok on account of illness. Seo our beautiful display of cut glasB at rcaBonablo prices. Dixon, tho Jeweler. Julius Hoga bos accoptcd a posi tion in tho Star Clothing Houso dur ing tho Christmas rush. Dixon, Christmas headquartors, Dixon. Loron Hastings will arrlvo ljomo tomorrow from Lincoln to spend Christmas with his parents. For your neighbors Xmas a now record in' one of our gift envelopes. Dixon, the Jowoler. Miss Becslo Smith and Miss Mablo Walters will arrive homo this even ing from Lincoln to spend the Christ ma's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garmen re turned Wednesday from a trip to Kansas City, Manhatten, Kansas and other eastern points. Miss Mnry DroBt is expected to como nomo tomorrow irom uincoin to spend Christmas with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Drost. Miss Mary Templo is expected to arrlvo homo tomorrow from Lincoln to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Temple., Joo Plzer and Donald Nowton will arrivo home tomorrow from Lincoln in tho latter's car. They will spend tho holidays with their parents. Fivo hundred Xmas suggestions free, see Dixon's four largo wlndown. Mrs. Homor " Peterson entertained tho Chancery Bridge Club at her homo Tuesday evening. A .dainty lunch was served at tho close of tho evening. Give thought to Xmas. Dixon, tne Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Peterson will loavo next week for Omaha to spend tho holidays with relatives. They will look up a now location and movo to that city the first of tho year. At The Keith, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Plcturo Uio family reunion, gather ed nround tho annual Christmas treo, children and grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins and all; tho, treo with Its many decorations, its light ing effects, its imitation snow, tlnsoJ, tho presents for all and Santa Clnua with his whito locks and flowing tuo. board, when suddenly a flash and tho fiend fire appears. Somcono has been carclesB and the accident occurs and somo llttlo follow hopolessly scarred or possibly will loso his life. That happy Bceno 1b changed without warning to ono of sorrow and den pair. Thoro is a Christmas horror which is forovor burned into tho momory and heartB of those who only a short time beforo wore so happy and gay. Lighted candles on trees, tinsel and celluloid decorations, mako a danger ous combination, for Uio Christmas treo. Also, dried holly or mistletoe on gas or electric light fixtures, may bo causo of a holiday blazo. Do not leavo tho lighted treo a momont Tho moderately cheap candlo burns rapid ly, sheds parafln down tho sides and soon bows over. ThiB exposes moro wick and creates a larger flame and It is but a moment until tho tapo: bearing branches aro but a pillar of fire. Do not have tho lights -bo low the dresses of children can como in contact with thorn. All Christmas treo decorations should bo fireproof. Un der no circumstances use cotton cloth or flannel In Santa Claus costumes. If you cannot afford to havo your Christ mas treo lighted by olectric lights it Ib moro advisablo not to light it at all but havo eomeono install them who knows how to install them corroctly. This is Christmas time the season when your friends arc thinking of you and wishing you all kinds of bless, ings the best of life's joys and happiness; hence our greeting A Merry Christmas .... E. T. TRAMP & SONS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FREE ! ! -:o: Buy her a beautiful Elgin wrist watch for Christmas. Dixon tho Jeweler. Paul Simon will return tomorrow from Lincoln to spond Christmas with his pnronts. I J. S.TW1NEMM.D. Homeopathic Physician A Sargooa General Practice and Construction Surgery S Hospital Accommodation 8 Platte Yalley Hospital ft Former Name Tnlnem Hospital. NORTH PLATTE, NEBB. h THE FARMER'S BANKER Farming is a fanner'B business. Ad vising on the financial ond of farm ing is a banker's business. The number of progressive general farmers and cattle raisers on our books offers creditable evidence that wo have a practical under standing of this phase of farming. You'll find it to yonr advantage to mako a connection here. This solves the question of tho high cost of Christinas Fresontn. These aro free All you have to do Ib call. You dou'c h.avo to buy a tiling not a cent's worth just como in. Following aro tho presents that aro to bo hung on tho Christmas tree to be given away at 11 o'clock Monday, December 26, 1921: Two orders for one-fourth ton each of good coal from tho Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. One order for a half dozen fine Photographs from Dedmore Kamera Shop. Ono order for hand made galvanized wash boiler from William Waldorf. Ono order for one set of spring oilers from Schlom mor's Accessory Shop. One order for one 33x4 inch tiro cover from Schlom mer's Repair Shop. ' One order for one pair lacquered book ends from the Gift Shop. One order for ono $10.00 light fixture from the Porter Electric Mfg Co. One order for one inner tube, best make, from tho New Method Tire Shop. . Ono order for fifty visiting cards printed from Hemphill Printery. llcmoinbcr, nil you havo to do is come in. The Gift Shop Tho Porter Electric Mfg. Co. 510 Locust St Phono 210 The Platte Valley State Bank i You Cow MOkers While the present 'surplus supply lasts we offer to trade you a pure bred Holstoln-Friesian bull for 200 pounds of good country buttor, you selling it at thj present retail price of 50 cents per pound and bring ing ub tho cash. EXPERIMENTAL SUB-STATION, W. P. SNYDER, Supt. 1