TUB NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE H"'" V.' ' " V 4 ; .'v. - t.' ' .'I if r"; - .ft Xi LOCAL AND PERSONAL Flvo hundred Xmas Buggoationri frco, see Dixon's four large windows. MiBB Flossie Hoed of Brule shopped In the city Saturday. Girts that last Dixon, Uto Jowoler. Tiiss Francos Dolph spent tho wool: end in Paxton with hor slstor. Say It with flowers Christmas. C. J. Pass, Florist. Phono 374. C. V. Turplo of Denver Is transact ing huslnoss In tho city this weak. Evershnrp ponclls. Dixon, the Jowolor. v Dr. and Mrs. Carr of Stapleton transoactod business In tho city Sat urday. Rev. 01. A. Stnnsbury of Maxwell was among tlo out of town visitors Saturday. If you arc worried about Xmas giftri soo JDlxons four large windows. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lutnb of Well flect transacted business In tho city yesterday. Tho largest stock of ladies hand bags 'and beauty cases is'at Wilcox Department store. Goorgo Young will leave this week for Hastings to spend Christmas with his parents Roses express more than other gifts for Christmas. C. J. Pass, Flor ist. 1 Mrs. Gus Chamberlain of Denver is visiting at tho home of her father, P. H. Sullivan. Miss Edna Jonsen will leavo Fri day for Omaha to spend Christmas 'with her parents. Men's ruby rings, solid gold, best stones, $8.00 to $15.00. Dixon, tho Jeweler. Mrs. Katherlno Woodhurst will spond Christmas in Kearney with her son, Sherwood. Gloves make a good present for men. You Will find a full stock at Wilcox Department Store. WESTERN IDEA OF LAW ENFORCEMENT IN EARLY DAYS LODGE, CHURCH Hick in tho oarly 50's thoro occur red in a wostern mining tdwn nn in ciflont recorded in tho 1881 issuo if tho "Pacific Tourist" which Illustrates the workings of lynch law. A minor ono summer afternoon coming out of a popular saloon dis covered that his horse and two pack muloB had been removed from the hitching rack. Taking it for grantod that they had been stolon ho sot out in search, following a fresh trail mado by a horso and two donkeys for some distance boforo abandoning It Ho noted, however, that a man's spur marked tracks accompanied thoso ot tho animals and this ho rclalod to "tho boys" back at tho saloon. After sevcrals drinks and much speculative theory regarding tho theft It was definitely decided that somo 'greaser' had purloined the stock and" should bo npprehended. "But," said the man .assuming leadership, t ain't tho best way to Jest naturally shoot these greasers. Givo 'em a fair trial and ropo 'em up with the majesty of the law. That's the cure." This bit of phil osophy was followed by another round of "hooch," drank to "Hero's hopln' that greaser," but fooling existing AND SOCIETY ffi iirl XMA GIFT COMING MEETINGS IN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY EASTERN STAR Regular meeting will Thursday, December 22, There will bo Initiation. bo at hold I .7:30.1 SOCIAL Tho Catholic Ladles will hold an apron salo and social at tho homo of Mrs. J. L. Murphy, 110 West 4th St., on Thursday afternoon. wo ketch with tho general that if caught tho offender should be dealt with leniently. As tho assomblago loafed back to tho veranda, a Mexican appeared on tho brow of a near by hill and head ed toward tho group, with spurs Jingling merrily. Taking In tho sit uation at a glance the advocate for tho law announced, "That's the cuss!" His statement was accepted Instantly and tho "lubricator," pro testing vainly, was immediately bound hand nnd foot A Jury, likewise . pro- fr METHODIST Tho Methodist Ladies Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at the church. Tho entertaining committee Is Mesdames Porter, Cruzen, Rector, Noroll, Selby and Conrad. AUXILIARY Bradford division G. A. R. will hold a short business meeting Friday nt 2:30 p.' tn., after .which tho social committee will servo tho Chrlstmns lunch, the Inst for 1921. Members are requested to conic out and enjoy this meeting. :o: - UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE... Westbound 1 4:45 p. in. 3 - 1:45 a,, m m. m. in. testing, was quickly hustled Into the Miss Mablo Krabb of Paxton came p0ker room to render a verdict. After Sunday to spend a few days in tho several minutes had passed their city doing shopping. Clarence Mooro will return today from Omaha where ho spent tho past few "days transacting business. Five hundred Xmas suggestions in' our' four largo Xmas Windows, Dix on,' tho Jeweler. ' ' "Mr,, and Mrs.- AleXvJIuntington will loavo today for Los Angeles, Call, to spend two weeks with relatives. Rose3 express more1' than$ oilier gifts1 for Christmas. C. J. Pass; Flor ist. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Willortdn leftMho first of tho week for Mitchell, S. 1"). to spend ChriBtmas with relatives. Don't let YTho Rest of tho World Go Buy"; take a fow bargains your self nt Clintons' Jewelry store. Miss Bess Boylcs will leave tomor row for Cedar. Rapids to spend the Christmas holidays with hor paronts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchfinch nnd children will spend Christmas In Grand Island with Mrs. Buchfinch's mother, Mrs. Gorham. opinion was demanded and tho fore man promptly gave it as, "Not guilty." This announcement was mot with violent oaths0 and threatening ges tures in the' direction of over ready rovolver butts.. Tho door was again closed and locked. Then followed an other interval, this time marked by air unusual hush from tho bar room. Voices fluteted.and shuffling footsteps ceased only to (burst forth r'agaln1 shortly with renewed vigor. Tho Jury feeling themselves forgotten clamor ed for tho opportunity 'to give a sec ond and more favorable verdict in order to gain freedom This oppor tunity granted it was announced unanimously that tho Mexican was guilty, "Correct, gentlemen," said tho leader heartily. "You can- cbmo out now. We hung him an hour ago." No. No. No. 7 : 4:25 p No. 13 - 8:10 a No. 15 . 12:40 a. No. 17 1 C:25 p No. Ho. No. 10k 0:10 a. m in. 25 .7:00 p. in 53 - 8:50 a. m No. 2 No. 4,-, No. 8 No. 10 -i. Enstbound 12:20 p. tn 11:00 p. m .12:05 p. m , 2:25 p. m. 11:30 p. m. No. 12 ; , No. 18 -i-J-f. 1:15 J No. 20 -i 7:20 p. No. 26 ' ' 5:40 a. No. 54 10:10 p. No. 1C.- 'i...8:55 a. m in. m Charles Yost is expected to ar rlvochomo' tomorrow .from Fremont Where ho attends Midland College to nnnml Christmas vacation with hl3 Ar w ' parents. Mrs. Cletus Walters left Sunday for Kearney to visit. :o:- UNION PACIFIC REDUCES FARES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. $5 Portrait Free In order to be doing something during these dull times, we will make you a 14x20 oval convex $5.00 vor tralt FREE. Wo want you to show it to your friends and advertise our work. All wo ask of you send us 95c to pay for postage and boxing and wo will send tho portrait prepaid, free. Mall your photos, with 95c Givo us a trial. Wo copy anything and everything. Money back if not pleased. PALM ART CO., Hastings, Neb. Round trip holiday excursion tick ost between all points on tho Urilbn Pacific system where tho one way fare Is not over $25.00, will be sold December 22, 23, and 24 nt one and ono-half of the regular one way fare. Minimum round trip faro for adults $2.50; for children of half faro age $1.25. Good to re urn until January 4, 1922. For full particulars ask tho nearest Union Pacific agent. :o: High Mass will be celebrated at tho Catholic church on Christmas Evo at midnight. Tho other masses will bo at 8:30 and 10:30 on Christ mas day. Dixon, Christmas headquarters, Dixon. F. C. Plelstlcker left Sunday for Denver to transact business. .Make jour Christmas' nays complete With pretty blossoms rnro nnd sweet. Decorate tho homo during tho holiday sea son. Mirth and laugh ter reign in tho homo whero flowers make tho homo oiks and their guests feel happy. 'THE NORTH PiATTEM FLORAL CO. yJT ROWERS AND PLANTS WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR PHONE PHONE 1023 EASTMAN KODAKS and Cameras. Kodak Albums, Snap Shot Frames. CANDIES Martha Washington, Woodwards and Apex-. Gibson Xmas Cards and Booklets, Framed Mottos. Crane's Distinctive Stationery for Xmas. Moore's and Waterman's Fountain Pens. Books Ail the Latest - PopularCopy rights $1.00. Boy Scout Books 25c. Boys', Girls' and Children's Books. Fancy; Packages of Perfumes for Christmas. S.I' .-,'"1 t V.lii'.l . . J ; Ivory Manicure Sets Traveling Sets, Military Brushes. WARNING AGAINST OVElt FILLING BEFORE SHIPPING - CEDAR CHESTS PROTECT CLOTHING FROM MOTHS w lltf I ' M il I" Ml i marr r- - i in ) ''WV.V.V.. ... ''... a a a a I a i a s 1 THE HIRSCHFFLD CO A man's Gift HIRSCHFELD CO fir a man ' NORTH PLATTE'S SHOPPING CENTER NORTH PLATTE'S SHOPPING CENTER I ft a 1 it MENS BATH ROBES Made of genuine Beacon blan ket cloth in extremely pretty combination colorings, a dan dy value, all sizes .... 97.45 EXTRA SPECIAL A Box ! 6 Pairs , MEN'S FINE HOSE FOR Sl.OO They come in black, brown, navy and grey, put up in a beautiful holiday box. Mens Wool Angora Muf flers made or finest quality all wool in brown heather mix turps; a very useful present, regular $2.50 value $1.65 The Genuine TOW WYE all wool sweaters, special price each $6.90 Practical Xmas Gifts 50c for Van Heusen Collars, which are now all the rage; all the new shapes are in. Buy him a box of six. f.t fx a a a a a a Roports to tho effect thnt 'oxcesBlvu shrinkage on Ilvo stock nt central markets Is frequently experienced are sometimes received from members and managers ot co-operatlvo live stock associations by tho United States department of agriculture. In somo cases theso reports tako tha form of complaints, and at times the shrinkage feature la pointed to as a, weakness in tho whole system of co operative shipping. While many things can, and fre quently do, result .in- oxcesslvo Bhrinkago in live stock, investiga tions have shown that at times It in at least partly" duo to a disposition on tho part of somo shippers to over fill their stock before loading This custom seems to bo relic from the days before co-operativo shipping camo Into voguo and vfhon, most small producors sold their stock to country buyers. Under tho system , of marketing whero in Hvo stock was usually sold on tho basis of home weights, or at most, shipping point weight, it was usually to tho pro ducer's advantago to obtain a gen erous "fill" on his stock boforo turn ing It over to tho country drover. Tho co-operativo system of shipp ing llvo stock, howovor, practically oHmlnatos tho lnccntlvo to excosslvo homo or shipping point fills. Stock that Is fed heavily Just before loadinp is not only quito llkoly to sicken and sometimes dlo while In transit, but seldom takes a good fill when It ar rives at market. Furthermore, whoro rn-onnrntlvn nhlnmonts aro trraded at tho shipping point tho man whoso stock has boon given a heary fill receives more than his Just proportion of tho not returns. Homo grading of co-oporatlvo shipments is, in moBt In stances, highly desirable, but It can bo successful only whoro tho Individ ual members "play fair" with each Lother or, in other words, whoro they really co-oporato. :o: Curious Jananoso toys for wido UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PHYSICAL PLANT IS GROWING awako girls 'and boys. Palaco Bazaar. At tho Hotel Chests mado of red codai heart wqod are effective, If In good condi tion and thoroughly tight, In protect ing clothing from clothes moths, it has boon found by the United States dopartment ot agriculture. That is, provided proper precautions aro taken first to bent, brush, and, if posBlblo, sun all articles before they are placed in chests. SInco it is tho odor of red cedar that kills young moth wormB, special care should bo taken to prevent un due escape of the aroma from the chests. Chests nt all times should re main tightly closed oxcept whon clothing Is boing removed or placed in them, and this proccduro should bo accomplished quickly. Clothes moths during their growth pass through different stnges known as tho adult or moth miller, tho worm or larva, and tho pupa stages. It h only tho larva or worm that dam ages fabrics. Tho moth miller more- ly lays tho eggs from which the worms hatch. Cedar chests do not kill tho moth miller, Its eggs, or pupae. Nolthor do thoy kill tho lar- vao or worms aftor they havo become ono-half to full grown. Cedar chests, It has been found, di kill ' young worms. Practically all moth worms hatching within tho chests dlo within ono or two weeks after hatching, and a surprisingly largo number dlo within two to three days. Of tho worms hatching within codar chests, from tho 2,074 eggs re corded in experimental work, none woro found nlivo ono month from tho dato tho eggs woro placed in tho chests. SInco codar chests kill only tho vory young worms, It Is of great Im portance that clothing bo brushed and beaten beforo it is placed in them If this is thoroughly done tho older resistant worms aro removed and many of tho eggs and young worms aro killed . ' f :o: Tho Itoborts MubIo Co. will bo opon until 9:30 ovory ovonlng until after Christmas. Buy your records early. Tho Extension Nows snyiJ tho grounds and buildings of tho Univer sity of Nebraska aro distributed ias follows: (1) tho original campus, situated in tho capital city of Lincoln, with Me main entranco at Eleventh and H streets, four blocks of ground, acres, sot asldo by the "Now Capital location commission" In 1807, expand ed since 1914 to Incjludo practically soven and one-half blocks of ground 1 ll. . A 1 . . . A It.- -. I ui uiu u;iHi iiuimiy uiki iu mu norm an nroa known as tho "Campus- Exten sion" tract In all approximately for- ty-flvo acres On this onlargcd cam pus aro eightcon buildings dovotcd to Academic, Law, Pharmaceutical, and Engineering instruction. Also, tho Administration building, Ellen Smith hall, woman's billldlng tho residence of tho chancellor and student dormi tories for womon which together with minor buildings mako a total ot thirty buildings on what Is tormed the "City Campus"; (2) tho University Farm of 320 acres, two and ono-hnlf miles northoast of the original cam pus, on which aro twelve bulldihgrf devoted to instruction in Asrlculturu and Homo Economics, having also fifteen or more minor buildings use;l for vnrlous purposes; (3) tho College ot Mediclno building In Omaha at' Forty-second and Dowoy avonuo. Ad Jacaut to this campus and on land , bolonglng to tho state Is tho Child ' Saving Instltuto tho clinical facilities , In -which aro under tho control ot the university; (4) tho School of Agricul-', turo at Curtis; (5) tho Agronomy Farm of 'MlK acres east ot Havolock and University Place; (0, tho Fruit S Farm of eighty acres at Union; (7) , thp Irrigation School nt Scottsbluff; ' (8) tho Substation at North Platto; . (9. tho Substation at Scottsbluff and (10) tho Substation at Valentino. :o: Is ; . M rt f Tho, specially anop specuws ior thlB weokvonly, f lower baskets fitted wftji' flQ'worsiyjt $1.25. Bronzo Ink ! w.qla wltir'galil.'ijU'ln pons $2.00. Polly- cronno ,,candlo sticks ?5 00 pair. Ar vllla Whlttakerf COC Locust St '