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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
, THE NORTH PLATTE SEME-WEEKLY TRIBUNE - J hi uHT - ii i ii " 1 "" , . ,.,.. ..-.. I, ,. , ,i mi in. mm.i iiiin i .I MiuT-TtrTriiilv lMiilliVhlllr i'W";Ti''rahLL:'1 Scmt-JRSecklu Iriiumc. WILSON TOUT Editor and Publisher. Entorcd nt tlio North Platto, Nebraska Posto'ffico an Second Class Mutter. ITunscnirTioN thick t On Year, In advance... $1.50 ;,pftjpAV. I)JCJ5MBJ2Il 1G, 1921. editorial LOCAL AMI 1MSKSONAI are The Now Brunswick RocordB hero. Holloy Music HoiIbo. Cordova loflthor. Dixon, tho Jcwolor. Andy Soharman trnmmctod busl lioat) In oKarnoy Wednondny. Mr. find Mrs. II. L. Glbbs of Dunwell woro jelty visitors this wook. Mrs. Thomas Blblo loft Tuesday for Oniaifh to shop for a fow days. Mllior tablo lamps at ?12, at North Platte Light & Power Co. C. II. Colo of Keystone oritorod tho Platte Valley hospital yostorday. Ti.1- Mm 'Pllfio Avloll 1111(1 HOI1 , ( I 1 T 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 ' .... " " ' ' -------- Wo have hoard something of the . .. ynstorilnv for Lincoln to visit. possibility of organizing a business M,HS( Anna n'Haro attended the women's cliib hero In North Platto funorai 0f e. j), Earhart in Cozad after tho holidays. There Is nothing Mdvin Jackson of Scnols taking definito yet but tfio suggestion has mo(ijcni treatment at the Qcnoral hos- boon made and will probably be given pttali Borne consideration If somoonc starta Ml8(J Ruth Duckworth undorwont an tho movement. Thoro arc over 35ft opcration at tho General hospital women In business In North Platto ycstordny. according to recent figures nnjrt It MB8 Esther Guffoy of Sutherland urged that they havo soino problems Ifl Bpcn(ijng tho week with Miss Bu- in common which could bo worked lah carftw. out to advanlago It they had an or ganization. Ono enthusiast has ovon LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY (jOMING MEETINGS IN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY Buy Her Gifts at the W omans Store o the City LUTHERAN 11:00 a. m. 7:30 p. m. -"Only a VolcoV "The Adorned Life." Plcard china at Dlxons. Attornoys Bentty and . Hoaglantl TONIGHT Tho Robekah lodg6 will hold Initia tion nt I. O. O. F. hall this evening at 7:30. EPISCOPAL 11:00 n. m.- Morning sermon. 7:30 p. m. Evening sermon. Prayer and Prayer and suggested that club rooms should ba wcnt to LcxnBton yesterday to trnns Bocurod for tho use of tho business nct ,cgal 1)UHin0S8, women whon thoy aro off duty. j Mr nn( MrH T P Drummy rc- HlBOwhorc wolaTeTlvlng nn account trnl Tuesday from Omaha where of tho now school building which V,1yTIBp0"t atmon"1, , Just completed In District 31. Tho Miss Dorothy HigglnB was off duty "little red schoolhouso" of tho Now this week at tho W. J. O'Connor stor& England hills was followed by tho on nccount of illness. little white crackcrbox" of tho No- C E. Smltho returned to. his homo braska plains but both of- these aro Staling after transacting business giving way. to tho modem community , ' tho pity for a week. building which serves tho ncodB of tho Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, alders as woll as tho children: Tho Sorvlco nnd Satisfaction. pcoplo of District 31 aro to uo con- Kolth Novillo returned Wednesday grntulalod on their enterprise In put- j from Omaha whero he transacted ting up such a building which will business for a fow days. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Hi 00 a. m. Christian Science ser vice. Sorvlco in the Building and K Loan building. will PRESBYTERIAN 10:00 a. m. Sunday school ( present Christmas program. No preaching service. 7:30 p. m. Christmas Cantata "Tho Salvation of Israel," under tho di rectlon of Mrs. Honry Gllfoyl. -:o: Glvo hor a Hoover for Christmas North Platte Light & Power Co. torvo as a model ror otnor imuuinga tp'bo put up in other districts. Coun try life In District 31 should bo swoot or and lupp?e- for ho opportunity of getting together under such fav orable surroundings. Open Evenings Till Xmas ' Tho editor was given a special In vitation to attend tho labor trtlk" at tho Labor," Temple Tuosday evening and accepted. Wo enjoyed tho even ing. Thoro was probably not n think ing man who heard tho lecture who ( agreed with everything tho spcako" said. Wo certainly did not becnuso , there woro a number of things spokon J about Jlhat wo had never hoard uf before and do wo could not ngrco un-1 til wo had had time to Invostlgato nnd think them out. But thoro woro enough good things about tho ledum that wo know were' right that wo ap proved of it as-d wholo. Tho speaker wuh not rubld nor was ho radical. Ho did not uttor a word that was unpa triotic nor ono that ladloa could not yo'prly havo heard. IIo was a plain, rofcafuP'sponltor who had n moHsago td gfVo railroad inou and othor work ers and ho gave it und tho men ap proved. Tie talkod cIbbVi just as tho Mothodists talk pUbs and tho doctor talk class and tho farmors talk class. Ho was for t'io Inhering man and for him good and strong. It would do moBt of our clHcis ti lot of good(to - hoar Jut uch looturcH ovory onco in ' nwlitto "d we would Urge the labor sldo of such ouoatlonH nt n public mooting and wo promlso to bo there. :o: . SWurdav Hpooial at tho Cash Moat Market Kroah pork hams trimmed for roasts at 17Mio a pound I, T. Stobblns Phono 20. I A baby boy was born Dcccmbor 12 to Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Prazicr. Mothor nnd baby aro doing nlcoly. Mrs. Asa Cornwoll has accopted n position at tho W. J. O'Connor store during tho Christmas rush. Mrs. O. 13. Dont is oxpectod tho first of tho week to return from Omahu I whoro sho litis boon visiting. Don't let "Tho Rest of the World I Go Buy"; take a fow bargains your solt at Clintons' Jowolry storo. 1 Mrs. Ralph Clabaugh has accopted a position at tho Clinton Jowolry I Storo during tho Christmas rush. Tho Roberts Music Co. will bo open I until 9:30 ovory evening until after i Christmas. Buy your records early. Mr. and. Mrs.. Harold R. Blalock re turned yostorday from Omaha whero thoy Bpont n fow days on business. Don't fail to visit our dollar bargain eountpr. Cut glaBs, china, silver, leather goods and Jowolry. -$1.00 Clinton &Sou. John Brooks left yostorday for Cal ifornia whore ho has boon transfer red by tho Pacific Fruit Express company. Mrs. Brooks and sou will loavo as soon as Mr. Brooks finds n sultnblo location for his family. JapunoHij silk klinonafl nro wonder ful prosonts for tho ladlos. Wo havo a largo lino of real Imported klmonas. Hotol Pnlaco Bazaar. This oveninm at tho Lloyd Opora house the Harry E. Brown Camp Snanlsh War Votcrans will hold ltn annual ball. This ball has always boon ono of tho biggest balls of tho season and a largo crowd Is looked forward to by tho votorans. A good tlmo has boon planned for all. Stamp's orchos tra will furnish tho music. Give Him A Box of Hosiery HOSE .00 6 LADIES' OUTFITTING. STORE! NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA Practical Christmas Gifts and Holiday Apparel for Mother, Daugh ter. Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. Gilts that are useful and apprecia tive, are what counts these days. Then give her something, to wear and your are sure to please her.- Onyx Hose Gloves, Kid & Wool Leather Bags Leather Boxes Middies, Flannel and Serge Merode Underwear Gowns Teddys Camisoles Vests Union Suits Coats Suits ;, . Di esses " - " Skirts . . PetticDats ' H ' Bloomers, Silk Blouses Silk Waists' Bath Robes Wool & Silk Sweaters Kimonas Crepe Aprons FURS FURS FURS Every Woman clearly loves Furs. We have them in Fur Coats, Fur Sets, Capes, Separate Scarfs, Muffs and Chockers. Each Coat and Fur Piece at the most surprisingly Moderate Prices in years, and fully FURS guaranteed by the Manufactures and us as well. ox of Pairs Made of tho ftrie combed cotton with double soles, heels and toes. Fine ribbed lops - Black, Cor dovan, Grey and Navy. to IP. Sizes 9 V, Want 'Ads LOST--Cap of gas tank from Palgo car. Call 1024W. Howard. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Poland China boars. Inquire Harry Huck feldt. Plione 70GP2. FOIt RENT Storage space In fire proof ware houso. Simon Bros. WANTED Work in private family or hotol. Inquire G01 E. 7th. The Store of Practical Presents for Men. FOR SALE Pure bred Duroc Jersey boars. J. E. vuinn, 220 E. 3rd St. FOR SALE Beautiful yellow roller canaries; guaranteed singers. Mrs. R. V. Cox. Phono 914W. FOR SALE Will havo a car of po tatoes on track Saturday. Harry Huclcfeldt. LOST A pair of brewn lined kid gloves with tho initials "P. O." on lining. Finder please leave at this offic.o or call 1111J. CHRISTMAS JOY 0 FOR SALE S. C White Orphlngtoa cockrols. E. F. Wallln, Sutherland, Nob. Wanted HIDES AND FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ otograp 52ET The Xmas Gifts With a Personal Touch Have Them Made Now Rembrandt Studio. Give Your Own Home a Present I FOR SALE House and 3 lots; cheap for cash or part trade on time. Call 2003 West Gth. FOR SALE Ford touring car, $1&U cash or trade for cows. 2003 West Gth. FOR SALE Vacuum hand washer; practically now, cheap. Phono 1252- FOR SALE Ono roglstoreu uuroc boar. Inquire of N. M. Petttt. Phono 792-F-13. FOR' SALE Ono Radiant Home hard nnnl ntnvn eood na now. A- O WANTED Maturo lady or gentloman to collect and solicit buslnoss in North Platto. Address P. O. Box G78. 0 course you are planning a gift for ovory ono but havo you thought of a collectlvo gift for your household? What would bring greator dollght to all than a Tnlho in your jrj Kockon, 220 West sixth stroot. nomo .' HOW ,101'OUS A HOME IS WITH GOOD MUSIC How tho kiddles enjoy it! Well why shouldn't thoy, for tho birthright of ovory child is a lovo for music.- And it is ono of tho raro things "that is good for them." Opora, dance, hand, and orchest- a selections at your finger tips. The most famous muslcti.u. in tho world in your own home. Thoro is no othor way t ? giving the lcldddles full ap preciation of good music at such a small cost. And It is a joy for tho wholo family tho mo is of spending many a pleas ant hour. Theso musical instruiv.onts aro mado in all sizes and stylos at a prlco to suit ovory pocketbook. There is ono for you. 25 in:COKl)S GIVEN FKEE WITH EACH MACHINE LETS MAKE THIS A HOME CHHISTMAS FOR SALE Poland China uoars; prlco right. G. E. Chittenden, Phono 782-F-14. STRAYED" From my placo, a whlto faced steer with horns, long year ling. Return to Harry Huckfoldt. Collect Your Liberty Bond Interest C. FOR SALE 300 big, fine Barred Rock cockrols, pullots, $5 up. util ity, show birds. Dr. Fllppln, Stroms burg, Nob. W. R. Maloney Co. FOR RENT I havo taken tho Hoag- land houBO. 405 West 4th and can nccommodato a fow doslrablo room ers. Mrs. R. L. Graves. vnn- SALE Box npplos, Johnathan Roman BcautyB, Delicious nnd Grimes Goldon. Call at Crystal, Caio, Holders of First or Fifth Liberty Loan issues nro advised that tho next lntorcst Installment was payable Docomber 15th. By all moans clip your coupons promptly and placo tho amounts to your credit in your savings account, that still moro Interest may accrue Money accumulates most rapidly when Intorest Is loft to earn moro In terest. If you have already tried It, you know. The Platte Valley State Bank mm Mi-fl-iTnll rn'TTTnn PUT V 1 it vr rafflSMk- B Balloy.