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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CITY iVXI) COUNTY NEWS. J. A. Stunrt is pondlng this week In Donvor. Mrs. h. Smith left the Platts Vul loy hospital Wednesday. Xmris windows Ht Dlxons. It. A. McWlm of .Gothonburg was a city visiter this woolt. Burt Mooro of Ilorshsy Wks an out of town visitor Wednoadfty. Paul Myora loft Vodnosday for Wftjlan to transact business; Philip Strunip of Sarbon transacted business In tho city Tuaddny. Mrs. Walter BroVn of Horshny shopped In tho olty yuosday. Burr Lloyd of "WolifloQt spont Wed nesday In tho city on buslnoss. Mahogany clocks from $10 to $50, at Dlxons. Mrs. W. T. Smith of Curtis spent Tuesday In tho city shopping. Miss B. Catoy of Hcrshey spent Wednesday In tho city shopping. O. O. Seonoy of Tryon transacted huslnoss .In tho city Wednesday. Carl Calllster of Paxton transacted business Jn tho city Wednesday. C. P. Spencer went to Chappel Wednmday to transact business. C. W. Clark of Sutherland transact ed business In tho city this week. Miss Mablo Eadon of Itoscoo visltod local friends and shopped this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hatcher of Curtis spent Tuesday in tho city 6n buslnoss. Ilonry Cannon of Hastings trans acted business In tho city this-week Itobort Hoatson of Hcrshey was among tho out of town visitors Tuesday. Mrs. to. Q. Dolph of Carmen was among tho out of town visitors yester day. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. WIndstram of Hershoyishopped In the city Wednos day. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rich of Choy onno arc guests at tho W. P. Brosnan homo. Japanese screens In beautiful, and curious designs the Hotel Pala ;o Bazaar. Dr. McGraw of Tryon transacted professional business In the, city Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eshelman were among the Hcrshey shoppers here Tuesday. Mrs. L. J. Krause and daughter, Jean, left the Platto Valley hospital Wednesday. Frank Caso returned to his ljomo In Ogalalla yesterday after undergoing an operation at the Platto Valley hospital. Mrs. Suwm BoqJU,B and ,,du.ghto.r, Mary, of Ogaltflla shopped In the ettv this week. Miss Frecdn Shuman will spend the Christmas holidays with hor parenti In Grand Island. - Elmer Coatos roturnod Wednesday from Omnlm where he spont a few days Qh buslnoss. " William F. Rltzonburg "of Arthur transacted business In the dlty tho first, of tho wook. An olectrlc waffle Iron makos nt oxcollent Christmas gift. North Platte Light & Power Co. Miss Ellon Flynn of Uolgrado Is expoctod soon to spend tho Christmas holidays with Miss Lottie Lnltuc A baby girl was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Patrick. All con cornod nro getting along nlcoly. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Throckmorton on Tuesday. Mother and baby nro doing nlcoly. ' Miss Hazol Conkoy will loavo tho latter' part of tho week for Olwcen, la., to spend Christmas with hor par ents. Miss Jeanetto Crawford returned to hor homo In Larnmlo yesterday after visiting at tho homo of -Mrs. W. P. Bronson. , Mrs. W. II. McDonald and daughter, Janet, will leave tho first of tlie year for California to spend the remainder of tho winter. Saturday special at the Cash Meat Market Fresh pork hams trimmed for roasts at 17c a pound. I. L. StobLlns Phono 2G. Ivan Walters is assisting nt tho post offico during tho absenco of L. H. Plttman who Is confined to his homo on no ount of illness. Superintendent C. L. Llttol address ed tho Parent-Teacher Association at Sutherland last evening. His topic was "High Spots in Education." A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Guyer on Wednesday at their country homo north of tho city. Mother and baby aro doing nicely. The Westminister Guild of the Pres byterian church met Wednesday even ing in tho Guild parlors at a kensing ton. Adninty lunch was served, yesterday. Mr. Earhart was n former resident of North Platte. He has been, receiving medical treatment for soma time In an Omaha hospital and died Monday. Announcement was received of tho birth of a baby boy on Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ford of Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Ford was formally ,Mlsi Betty Hlnman of this city. Mother and baby aro doing nicely. Mrs. Jano James passed away nt tho homo of her son, Elmer James, Wednesday night. Mrs. Jaino has been ill for some time past. Sho was 7S years of age. Alox McLoau returned to his home in Glonvll, Neb., tho first of the week after visiting his mothor, Mrs. Matil da McLean autl slstors, Mrs. J. F. Schwniger and Misa Anna MoLeau. Bishop Stttntr. addressed tho as sembly at the Senior High school yes terday and talked of the Far EnBt. Ho told of the conditions In Japan, and compared thorn with tho conditions of China. The bishop's nddross was so woll rccolvod by the high school that thoy choered hvo minute t the end. Tho following woro flnod $5.23 in police court Tuosdny for violation of tho motor vohlclo laws: Van E. Law rence James Taggcrty, Roy Bryant, Lewis Hnnse. Jnck Bales, Geo. Llesc, Elmer Taylor. Friend Cnrpontor of Hershey was fined $9.80 on Wednes day for being drunk and disorderly. Norman Steeks and Car) Schick woro sentenced' thirty days for being drunk nmi iiisnrrtorlv on Wednesday. Tho following wcro fined $5.40 for having only one or no lights burning on their cars: Vincent Richards, Iru Blakeman, Loon Hayworth, Leo An derson, Elmer Young, J. A. Sodermnn and Leo Soltow. rpr$r2;& -3 & i$ .-35$ '-S'-S 3 3 '-3 333 Sn (?) 'ft 1 This Is A Year For Practical Gifts Give thought the Jeweler. -:o:-to Xmas. Dixon, GRAB BAG Record Sale. Five 85c Records to play with Pathe needle. $1.00 a Bag. Holley Music House, 5th and Dewey 1 (5) to (ft) 0 (I? (ft -3 Our.StodkUs full of dosirablo and useful present! for every nidmbOir Of Ihoftunily. Come inland, take your time in inaking..your uslOGtiOiis. ' O'ur saldafb will gUilly'' .. . W TO it) i) vi) vi; v! give you any assistance they. can. For Your; Convenience Our Store Will Ho Open Until 9:30 in Uio'lSvtfnlng' Until X'nias. Wilcox Department Store 0 it Hi. m Hi i Airs'. Fannlo Murphy entortalned tho Mother's club at her homo Wednes day afternoon. After a vory pleasant nftcrnoon dainty refreshments wcro served. Tablo decorations woro In keeping with tho Christmas season. Illldobrand on Tuesday .evening. Tho first part of tho evening wns spent playing flvo hundrod nnd prlzos woro awnrded to Mrs. W. L. Ross and Miss Edna Sullivan. Tho latter part of tho evening was spont In olcctlng officers for tho coming year, Mrs. I James I tart was olected president, 'Mlnorva McWllllnms, vlco prostdont; I Mario Schatz, secretary, Nell Ilanlfa.i 1 flnnnclnl secretary and Anna Hayoa, i treasurer.. A datnty lunch was served ' at tho close of tho ovonlng. Tho ontor- -The High School is planning a pro-! talning commltteo wns Mrs. Hildor gram on Wednesday afternoon of ncxt.brnndt, Miss Ethel Fry, Miss Margarot Postal and Miss Anna Hayes. hristmas Sale AT- Pi zer s Store m & E E R m sa EJFi Sfi Hi Hi week, tho day boforo Chrlstmns vaca tion At 1 o'clock tho public speaking class will put on two ono act plays and Immediately following tho finals ni Illf rM'llIMll IIILHKI'L I1IL11 LIJllli nament will bo nlavcd Tho nrocram .Tuesday ovonlng in tho parlors of tho is freo to anyono and will bo held In Tho Klwanls club ontertnlnod .it ladles and tho officers of tho Amerl- i can Legion nt a u:au ociocit uuuiur thc Franklin nudltorlum. LOCAL AND PEllSONAL Harmon Thoolockc, nophow of OiUS Thoolocko, died at Arthur, f, Tuosday. Ilitrmon vns 15 yoara of formally attended tho North Plaf ; i schools. Tho local council of th6 Boy Sco. t hold a meeting yesterday noon a I transacted routlno huslnoss. IMjfvM aro being mndq for tho annual budiVt campaign for tho Bupport of the scout work. A Wo ijivlto you .to attend our demon-; stratlon of electric wafflo Irons," toastors and porcolators. Wo aro acrfr? Ing waffles, toat and coffeo, Friday nnd Saturday. Como In nnd Boo our lino of ChriBtmaV gifts. Vo canholp you out. North Platto Light and Power Co. , Money Invested with tho Goodman- , Buckley Trust Company will rcallio An Invitation has been extended to tho public to onjoy tho Christmas cantata which tho choir of tho Pres byterlnn Church will glvo next Sun-! day ovenlng. Thoro ls not moro In spiring music written than tho sacrc'l music which tells of the birth of Christ. This cantata Is, a Jmrt of tho cofbbratlon qt Christmas. Mrs. M. IMnry Ollfoyl- Is tho-,dlroctor of tho clilrsand Miss Clarp. Sorenson is tho organisL Christian churoh. Dr. O, H. Crosslor f ttm Vavnln Indians car- rled tho tomahawk and S. M. Bonder you from C por cent to 7 per cent and Vnllnwlnir tho 00 lre(J "Oin siaie, couniy uiiu uny The Catholic GIils Club was entor talned at tho homo of Mrs. John carried tho poaco pipe war dance, dinner was served to about 100. During tho oVening talks woro mado by Jay Smith, Ernest Rlncker, Dr. Kerr and Dr. Solby, "officers of tho American Legion. At tho close of tho ovonlng E. S, Norton gave a reading Svhlch wnB well rocolved. Nominations for, officers' for tho com ing year wor.oV.ead. These will ha licld over for two weoks boforo a voto is taken :o: Clinton, & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction.' taxes. Under tho now laws many soA curitics aro subject, to taxation which woro not under tho old laws. " You had .better invostigato .this. J , The Goodmnn-Ducklcy Trust Go. A ; if. NOTICE. Tho Buffalo Hm Gun Club! will hold , a tnrkoy shoot Dec. 18, cominonclng nt 9 n. m. and lasting throughout tho .-, day. Admission to tho grounds is freo and tho shoot is open to tho public. ' Shooting grounds aro lPj?a,tjiiifl!ii?W.v cast of tho raco track. From now until Christmas we are going to. have a sale on our entire stock of Men's and Boys Suits, Overcoats and furnishings and'Slioes. Following is a list of some of our wonderful bargains ' V A samplp lot of "all-wool" Union Suits, regular value, $5.00 at $2.95 One lot of Shoes, broken, sizes at L $2.95, worth up to $5.00 Men's Shirts, values $2.50, -we are closing out at $1.35 Silk Ties, from 35c up Dress Gloves, regular $4 value's, at n , $2.45 Men's heavy weight Sweaters which formerly sold for $1.75 our sale price 95c From 25 to 40 per cent discount on men's nnd boys' Mnckimiws, Lonther Vests Sheep Skin Coats anil Fur and Plush Caps 20 per cent discount. lllg discount on nil Travelling Goods Bath Robes, Fajnnias and Flannel Shirts nt 20 per cent off SaTO 20 to 40 per cent on odd Pants Men's nnd Boys' Suits and Overcoats at this sale at a saving of 20 to 50 per cent A Tom Wye KnW Jacket makes a very nice present, we have a complete range of sizes and colors in both two and four four pocket models. Remember tills is a new store with new titbek and we aro offering this stock at the lowest prices. ' -"iM L Me 313 This store Is NOT affiliated in any way vt 1th any other storoPJensc bear this in mind. Onr location is on Locust street and every step you take in coming hero will snvo you ft" ,4V . money. PEER'S STORE There Can Be No Economy Without Quality. That you can buy cheaper shoes than ours at smaller prices, wo will quickly admit. But it would bo just aa foolish for you to buy such shoes as it would bo for us to sell them. i Wouldn't we have a fino chance to sell you shoes again, when you needed them if the 3hoes yoi; bought here, even at a salo price, proved an expensive bargain? Wo reduce prices to clear broken lines, and discontinue numbers but there will nev er be any reduction in quality. - , "FOR THE MAN WHO SAVES" Two Poors ,North of Dodge Garage. "Look for Onr Sign" JULIUS PIZER HARRY PIZER 07 Locust St. HANAN SHOES FOR MEN LAIRD-SCHOBER SHOES FOR LADIES