"sun. Or THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 16, 1921. No 98 FARM BUREAU HOLDS MEETING WELL-KNOlVft COUPLE 1LU) A QUIET CHURCH WEDDING ELECTION OF NINE DIRECTOItS TIIK CHIEF HUSINESS OF ' BIEETING Tho Lincoln County Farm Durcau "hold its annual meeting in tho county court room "Wednesday with a fair attondtinnn. All wnn linrninnv nnrl ttm speakers expressed satisfaction with11'0 nt homo to the,r fr,en(ls ln 1,1,3 A very quiet wedding took placo Tuosday evening at 8:30 olclock at tho Lutheran church when Miss Edith Wondeborn became the wlfo of J. Edward Sludcr with Ilov. Franklin Koch officiating. Tho brido was at tended by Mrs.' A. Picard, sister of tho groom, and Mr. Picard acted an best man. The brido was attired in n bluo travoling suit with largo plcturo hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Sludcr left on a midnight train for an east ern wedding trip after which they will the progress made during tho year. Horaco J. Young of Lincoln, report and routing man for tho extension scrvico made a brief address and a nominating commlttco brought in n report which was adopted unanimous ly. Amendment to the constitution "was mado'-so that four of tho direct- city. Mrs. Sluder is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendeborn and has spont most of her life in North Platto having attended tho city schools and later taken up drossmnk 1 ing. She is vory active In church work and has a host of friends. -ors wero elected for two years and 1ir- omuer 13 U1 01uesi Bon 01 wr five for one year instead of tho whole !and Mrs- N- A- sludor nml ,s a Partner nine for one year. Tho following com- j ln the Panting business with F. W. pose the new board: S. J. Koch, Her-, D'stel. flhey; James Shoup, Sutherland; Nath "Ratteen, Antelope; Andrew Howard, Medicine;- Dan Mathers, North Rose dale; II. T. McNickle, Walker; Aaron Leavitt, Plant; i ANNUAL BALL WILL GIVEN BY RAILWAY BROTHERHOOD BE RURAL CENTER IS OPENED COUNTRY SCHOOL JlHSTltlCT OPENS FINE NEW SCHOOL BUILDING TODAY School district No. 31 has just com pleted a new two-room school house with basement nnd tho formal open ing is to bo held tonight. This school is locatod about fourteen miles south east of North Platto and is on what is known as tho ack Morrow flats. Tho now building is of wood and cost n llttio over $7,500 completed and furnished. Tho upper floor has two school rooms, each 24x30 with n li brary nnd cloak rooms. Tho school rooms nro modern, equipped with nat ural slato blackboards and heated, by hot air furnace The basemont is tho samo sizo as tho upstairs nnd has a 12-foot celling. Across one end is a stage which will have a curtain and connecting' with this is a room to be used as a dressing room when thori is a need and ns a kitchen when that is needed. Tho building wns designed by B. M. Reynolds and built by Mc Michaol Bi;osi. of this city. Tho school officers ofiulstrlct 31 are John Die LABOR Sl'KAKER URGES MEN TO PUT MONEY AT WORK Kane, Wallace; A. R. Leavitt, Plant; The Brotherhood of Locomotive Fred McClymont, Osgood. -Following Firemen and Engineers will hold its tho business meeting an address Was tlilrtv-nlvth nnniml Now Vnnr,H--hii1t made by Secretary II. D. Lute of the 'this year on tho evening of December ! nor, director; William Ilaase, mod Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation 30. This party will bo held at the erator, and Orville Roberts, treasurer The address was broad in that it cov- Lloyd Opera house whero so many of J A meeting is to bo hold at tho school ereu tnownoio new ot ngncuuuro in these affairs havo been held ln for-.house this evonlng and a 25 cent sm this county. It was constructive in mor years. Usually tho dancors wel- laying out a program to the farmeia comG the New Year but this year, tho by which they can better their condl- Lloyd could not bo secured on New tlon. At tho close of tho address he Year's Eve. A selected clght-pleco received a hearty round of applause orchestra will furnish the music. The which showed he had mado.a hit with committee this year will strive to out- tho farmers. There were no women do the efforts of formor years which per is to be served. NORTH PLATTE HIGH HAVE CLASS IN DEBATING . A largo crowd of Jabor men grcctod Philo P. Qrcono, economist nnd sta tistician in tho interest ot organized labor, who spoko at Labor Tomplo last Tuesday ovonlng. Mr. Greene to a ready speakor and hold tho atten tion of tho men for two hours. lie spoko ot tho nmnlgamatlon ot railroad employees into ono big union instead of tho sixteen crnft unions which now exist. Ho called upon laboring pco plo to stand by labor principles nnd urged them to stand by each other In tho course of his lecturo ho said. "Put your surplus earnings Into tho banks and that will allow somo busi ness man or farmer to mnko a loan and thntw 111 givo somo other laboring man a Job. Build up your homo com munity by putting your Idlo monoy nt work instead of hoarding it." At another point in his address ho complimented tho North Platto Cham ber of ommcrco for not having a mem bership in tho National Chamber of Commorco and for breaking away from tho Nebraska Chamber ot Com merce. Ho spoko against tho opon shop and gave reasons why tho opon shop was opposed by labor. Ono of the crafts which was holding Us mooting in an adjoining room, ad journed for an hour so that tho men could hear tho address. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS :o:- SERIOUS AUTO ACCIDENT ON WEST SECOND STREET TO present. Mr. and ,Mrs. S. Thompson ot Her sl-ey shopped in the city Wednesday Mrs. Ellsworth and Miss Kate Mc Connell of Horshoy spent Wednesday in tho city. " Christinas vacation in thoJcity schools will start Tuesday, December 22 and end Wednesday, January f. This change was made on account of the railroad holiday rates which go into effect December 22. is a big job to undertake. ::o: Interest in debating in the local high school has resulted in tho organ ization of a class under tho direction ot Miss Gibson, with Mr. Carr as as sistant. The North Platte High school will again contend for district and Miss Helen Moore Is expected to re turn soon from Omaha whero she has been attending Boyle's -Buslnost stnte llebattng lonors the flrst dcbate Lollege. Q corno during tho last part of Jan- Curious Japanese toys for wide uary. After tho local debatoaJtiri3 awako girls and boys. "At 'the Hotel (Tver the team will be chosen which Palaco Bazaar. J will contend for district honors. In During the absence of Police Judge addition to the schools which were in Tracy and Justice of the Peace Myer, tho district last year Gothenburg A. B. Hoagland was appointed by the uexingion auu ommuii .110 u.mjouiou mayor to act as police Judge. ifi ffi ffi ffi Mi & LFJ ffi 9i Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi !fi h? m us Hi m 4 to join. Last year the North Platto team won tho district championship by winning from Kearney and Hns- Mnrra Af tlin otnfn flnlintn WnrHl ., car has broken fenders, broken wheel, Platto was defeated by Cathedral , , , ,. ' ,. , Tho following account wns prepared for the early week issuo of Tho Tribune but was, crowded put at tho last minuto: Sunday afternoon about 2:30 tho Frank B. Ytfarsloy car was struck and turned over nt tho corner of Second nnd Ylno streets. Tho occupants wore pinned beneath tho car. Mrs. Years ley is suffering two broken ribs and somo llgamonts were torn from tho vorLeurae- ansa Mary Dugan wan painfully bruised, and Mrs. Dyo sus- 'talncd Injuries. Fayo Yearsloy Mho was driving escaped without" a scratch. Tho Yearsloy car was head ed tovarl tho homo of Miss Isa Mur phy and had almost crossed tho In tersection when tho car driven by Leon Liens hit tho roar wheol and turned tho car ovor Tho Liens car was not damaged whilo tho Yearsloy PRELIMINARY REPORT ON MEMBERSHIP DRIVE I IS GIVEN Socrotary Shilling of tho Lincoln county chnpter, American Red Cross has complied tho following early ro port of returns from tho momborshlp i campaign which has been in progress , since Armistice day. He calls atton J tion to tho fact that nono of tho larg er places ln tho comity outside of .North Plntto havo reported yet and Superintendent Llttel reports J Uiat e nro still 119 school district number ot Mexican children attending '''T, NtU t0 tho city schools this year. Some of I yn.B f"r Ia 111 a PPOtet these cannot speal; English and they I 'nt " l" tatflf iS" duu u nm pi nil. uiu uuuiiionai re- CUKIIENT C03L1IENT A It 0 I' T FEOPLfr AND TIIK THINGS TIIEJI A HE DOING HFHE prosont a real problom to tho teach ers. turns. Here Is tho report: Memberships At a meeting ot tho principals with forth Platto city 44.1 Supt Littol last ovonlng it was de cided to admit all klndorgarton chlld ron of five years of ago at tho end of tho first somostor or Jan. 20th. Regis tration of thoso wishing to bo admit ted will begin ono week prior to tho end of tho scmestor or on Jnnunry 12. School district No. 2 3 School district No. 5 5 School district No. 10 5 School district No. 11 s Shool dlstrlt No. 28 4 School district No. 33 , 12 School district No. 3i 7 School district No. 45 2 School district No. CO 4 School district No. 91 3 School district No. 93 I 3 Reports ln tho stato papers say that flfty-flvo applications for parole.? from tho stato ponltontlnry will bo heard by tho stato board ot pardons School district No. 9G this week. Among those asking pn rolos nro R. W. Johnson, check, no funds; Gcorgo H. Crntty, grand lar ceny; Clydo Sheets, burglary and lar ceny. All of Lincoln county. j School district No. 112 J acnooi district No. 110 1 School district No. 119 i 5 School district No. 127 . 13 School district No. 130 1 Total to dato 533 POULTRY EXHIBITION IS ATTRACTING MANY VISITORS Tho special meetings which have boon held nt tho Christian church 1 will closo this ovonlng. Tho subject of tho sermon will bo "Whero Shall! I Spend Etornity?". Baptismal sor-j voices follow tho sermon nnd thoro will nlso bo ahort fellowship service Tho p0mtry. show is attracting Mr. Harris will loavo at 12:40 for his moro visitors than most peoplo homo in Boulder, Colo. thought it would. It wns not ndvor- tised nnd wns all but Bhut out of a A clipping from ono of tho stato place to hold tho exhibit but It Is papers gives a dispatch from Gratyl : getting more peoplo than ono would Islnnd which tells of tho graduation expect. The exhibits nro about what of Miss Doris Solbort from tho St. Francis training school for nurses. Miss Selbort will bo remembered by many peoplo hero as tho daughter ot A. M, Solbort, Union. Pacific coiiduct or out of hero. Sho graduated from wo nro accustomed to see at poultry oxhiblts with occasionally a real flno bird nnd Bomo times, a real poor ono. Thoro aro chickens, gecso, ducks, ban tams,, pigconsanor guineas. Tho show is in tho Wlllard Battery station, just North Platto high school and later south of tho post ffico. It is frco passod tho examination as n graduate nnd will bo opon tonight nnd tomor nnd registered nurso and is tho first row. to compieto her work at St. Franclw High which won the. stato champion ship. This was a good record for the local team which was coached by Mr. Carr and was composed of Frances Edwards, George Dent and Emmett Moody. Quite n class Is starting tho work this year nnd somo good ma terial may be depended upon. The question is, "Resolved, that the move ment of organized for the closed shop should recoiva tho support of public v r Hi S-fi opinion." smnshed top. windshlld nnd demolished J. I. Smith received copies ot nowspnpors printed in Akron, Ohio which tolls of tho football team which is coached by his son, Harry. BICYCLE RIDERS TO TRY FOR CHAMPIONSHIP SATURDAY :n: LOCAL MILLER HONORED BY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Christmas Phonograph Outfits BUY NOW DELIVER XMAS IF YOU WISH Music for all tho family on Christmas morning! In a very short tlmo holiday season will be here. Bo propared by select ing your Christmas outfit now. Wo will hold it until you order it delivered to your home. Some Very Popular Christinas Outfits Compieto With Records Xmas Outfit Xmas Outfit See Dlxons Xmas windows. T T 1... Cln4 Ti - . ..... .1 . . . t V, . . Ijua 1 mrs. J111111 omnia luu juaiuuuv; iwi Jnj Denver to visit her son for a few dnyy. 2il i Bradley sweaters at Wilcox Depart Jjpj ! mont Store. Carl Backers will leave soon for Missouri to visit his mother. He will icj jbo gone until tho first of the year. jjP Buy your wife or sweetheart a nice fur piece. You will find the reliable lAlbrocht furs at Wilcox Department Store. No. 1 Victrola Stylo 80, with $10 worth of records. your cho'co complete $ J J Q Xmas Outfit No. 2 Ylctrola Stylo X with $10 worth of records. Your cholco compieto dlK for pl iu No. 3 VIctroln Stylo . XIV, $10 worth ot records. cholco complete for Hi EdR Bi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi L. C. Carroll returned Wedncsdav from Lincoln whero ho attended tho annual convention of tho Nobrnslr. Manufacturers' Association. Mr. Car roll was made a member of tho board of directors of that association for tho coming year, having boon rc-olect-cd for tho second term. Ho reports a good meeting and a gonornl foolin that tho lowest point in tho business affairs ot the country has been passo.1 and that the trend is now upward. Following tho Manufacturers mooting on Monday, Mr. Carroll spont Tuesday In Omaha, whorSt ho visited tho Omaha grain exchange and attended to bus iness matters. :o: See Dlxons windows. John Null, tho popular bicycle man Tliia of this city, has announced a serIo3 tonni won tho city high school chain- j of bicycle races for Saturday after- Ipionshlp of Akron for tho third sue- noon. Tho rldors.wlll meet nt 10G lu. cesslvo year. Akron has a numbor Front and proceed to tho Fair grounds of big high Bdiools nnd tho rivalry is whore the races will take placo. Pria- vory keen. Harry Smith will bo re- os will bo given for tho different 0 momborod ns captain of tho North ! vents which aro so that different ages with Your ...$235 Xmas Outfit No. 4 VIctroln Stylo XI, with $10 worth ot rccordB. Your choico compieto for .$160 CHRISTMAS OUTFITS CAN RE PURCHASED ON jjn OUR LIBERAL PAY PLAN I ROBERTS MUSIC CO. rj 110 E. Front St. Phono SCO STORE OPEN EVENINGS .TILL XMAS GIVE HER HOSIERY FOR XMAS LADIES PURE SILK HolepjPiCMyf with extra stretch ribbed top $1 ,65 "pair Ladies Silk and Wool Hose in all popular shades a won- $0.45 derful value pair Holeproof G Hosiery For Men And Women rpr m i - - - aM 11 1 mmmm JSI Holeproof Hosiery For Men And Women Mall Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled. Platto High school team of 1907. He Is nt present tho nthlctlti director of that high school and has boon there for n numbor of years. :o: Elgin wrist watches at Dlxons. Mrs. John Konny returned to her homo In Sterling yestordny after visit ing at tho homo ot her slstor. ' Somo good bargains In olectrte washers Co. of boys muy compete. Tho closing - vont. Is trick and fnncy riding for which n numbor of ontrles have boon mado. :o:- Tho largest stock ot ladles hand bags and beauty cases is at Wilcox Department store. Saturday spoclal at tho Cash Moat Market Fresh pork hams trimmed North Platto Light & Power, for roasts at 170 a pound. I. L. I Stobblns Phono 2C. m- Ldw opErating cast For their Christinas. J, V. ROMIGII, Dealer. Dodge Brothers SEDAN Z 4