The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 13, 1921, Image 10

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i . ,. ., ... .1 .1
WII.S0TOUT. Kdltor ami I'nbllshcr,
Bntorctl at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Poilofftce ub Socond Class Muttor.
suiisoitirriON fkice:
Ona Year, in advance..:. ,$1.50
Fronv'now on wo oxpect to closo
the forniB for tlio Tribune by nine
o'clock on tho day of publication.
This inoanH that wo will not he able
to talco care of any advertising on tho
day tho paper is Issued and that only
a limited number of items can bo tak
en in. This will enable us to got the
paper into tho hands of our suhscrib
ors in tho city during tho noon hour
nnd wo can get tho out of town copies
into tho early mails and get them de
livered on time.
Ordering of Christmas cards can
not be put off much longor. Tho se
lection is still good but it will bo toe
Into to get them hero unless tlioy aro
ordered now. There is a satisfaction
in having your own messago nud naino
neatly placed on u card that oxprcBsou
your own Idea. It can bo dono and wo
aro doing it every dnyiiiow. Tho cost
is modorato whero fifty or moro aro
ordered at onco but some only order
ten to twenty-five. Our samples nro
ready for your Inspection- Thq' Trib
une Office
Wo havo not heard yet that any or
ganization Is to sell tho Christmas
seals In North Platte. For sovoral
years tho Twentieth Century club
has boon tho local agonts and has
oxpondctl our share of tho proceeds
for tho benoflt of tho community. For
Hojno reason, It Is not expecting to
handlo tho seals this year and we
havo not boon nblo to loam who takes
them instead. The Christmas seal ap
peals "to many pooplc from tho side
of sentiment and each carries a mes
sago of choor. Wo will mtss thorn If
thoy do not reach North Plotto thin
. 'ill, v
Onq of tho mistakes which pcoplo
often mnko is in accusing tho high
school of being responsible for' tho
acts of thp, individual pupils. This is
not fair to sSuporlntondcnt Llttcl.nor
10 inp lacmiy wnon a mm scnopi
boy Is found gambling, It is common
prncMco to . omphaaizo tho . fact thai
ho is a high Bchool boy ns though
tho teachers had taught him to gum
bio. Whon a high, school girl goo
wrong tho fact la slated In such a
manner that It implies she Iff bad ho
causo sho gooa to high school. Other
Illustrations might bo given along tho
saino line. Thoy nro not fair to the
school. Tho whole Influence of the
school und toaohers is against thono
vices which nro oftenest montloned
in connection with high hHiooI pupil
Usually tho high ' school toachor.i
know tho truth as soon aft anyone nnd
It Id moro than probabl.o that they
nro worrying over ll and studying
moans for stopping It long beforo
those who toll of It, know anything
nbout It. Those samo pooplo aro op
posort to iv church bocauso of tho
people who belong. Thoro havo al
ways boon black sheop In cvory high
BohooT and thoro always will bo. It
Is not to the discredit of the school
Hint It takos thorn In and does all it
can for thorn. Let's ho fair and not
accuse these high schools of wlu t
tboy ore in no wny to blamo for.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Sebastian spont
Sunday In Lowollon with friends.
Frank Guthrie, Dean Oocllcn and
Halph Johnson left Saturday for
Scotts Bluff whero thoy obtained em
ployment in tho sugar beet factory.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith left Sat
urday for tholr homo In Starbuck,
Wash, after visiting at tho homo of
tho former's slslter Mrs. Howard Cur
tis. Mrs. Wm. Richards returned to" Om
nha Sunday whero Mr. Richards is
transacting business after attending
tho funeral of her nephew Josoph
Mrs. Arthur Hunter and son re
turned to their homo in Gothenburg
Snturday aftor ylBltlng Mrs. Hunter's
sister Miss Mnry Blmson, a teacher In
tho city.
JiiBtlce of tho Peaco Paul Moycr Is
holding Judgo Tracy's chair In po
llco court this week during tho ub
sonco of Judgo Tracy who is spending
tho week in Omaha. -
Mr. and Mrs. James Graco and Miss
Alice Smith and Mlllogo Grace re
turned to tholr homo In Choyenno
Sunday after attending tho funeral
of tho late Jos. Grace.
Miss Sarah Kelly returned Friday
from Auburn, Nobn whoro sho visit
ed for tho past sovoral months doing
Red Cross Work. She visited rolatlves
In Omaha enrouto homo..
Mrs. Jos. McMichaol returned to hov
homo in Wellfleot Sunday aftor visit
ing her daughters, Mrs. T. C. Bolan
nnd Miss I row. McMichaol. Sho was
acompanlod homo by Mrs. Bolan.
Some exceptional values in wrist
watches $15.00 up. Dixon, thp Jeweler.
Polyorono book ends nnd candle sticks
of now designs at attractive priced
for Xmas. Dixon tho Jeweler.
Tho remains of Jos. Graco arrived;
Sunday from.Groen River, Wyo. and"
woro taken Immediately to tho Cath
olic Ccmetry south of tho city. A bur
ial Borvlco was held before. Intormow.
John Brooks and family will leave
' soon for Los Angeles, CalK to make
tholr futiiro hom.o. Mr. Brookw has
boon employed at tho local Pj, F. K.
plant and has beon trnnsforod t'o Cali
fornia. Announcement has boon rocolvcd In
the city of tho birth of a baby girl to
Mr. and Mrs. John Whlto of Choyenno
Wyo. Mrs. White tor formally Mls.
Ed mi Fttllt of this city. Mother an I
baby are doing nlcoly.
C. V. Coopor wont to Big Springs
yoatorday to transact business.
Tho Travol and Study club wi en
tortalnod at tho home of Mrs. .!. s
Simms last evoning. A Christmas pro
gram was given followed by n talk
by Mrs. Almos of Now York City who
is tho house guost of hor, sister, Mr
Harry Stevens. Mrs. Almos told of
her visit to tho Orient. A dellcioiu
lunch was served at- tho close of the
Tho business houses of tho cltv
will romaln open until 9:30 during
tho Christmas Season beginning Dc
(John Grant Attorney.)
In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
In tho matter of the application of
Charles W. Trembly, Administrator
of tho estato of George W.'Trembly,
doccased, for leave to sell real es
tate Notice Is hereby given, that in pur
suance of an order made by J. L.
Towoll, judge of tho District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, mado on
tho 8th day of July 1921, for tho sale
of real estate hereinafter described,
I will sell nt the. east front door ot
tho Court Houso In the city of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on
Saturday, tho 7th day of January
1922, beginning at one o'clock in tho
nftornoon, the South East quarter,
South West quarter and the North
Wost quartor of Section fourteen, aim
tho South East quarter of Section
twolvo, all In Township fifteen North
Range twonty-olght west on tho Cth
Principal Meridian In Lincoln County,
Nebraska to the highest bidder for
cash, said aalo wUfrbo called at one
o'clock p. m. and will bo open for one
hour thereafter.
Administrator of thoJEstato oi
Georgo W. Trembly, Deceased.
:o: -
A Special Purchase
of 150 dozen of
Beautiful High Grade
Xmas Neckwear
Enables us tr place on sale at
prices that will buy you two ties
for the price of one. Here they
are in three groups:
Xmas Ties Xmas Ties Xmas Ties
Values up to $1.00 Values up to $1.50 Values up to $2.00
45c ' 65c 95c
2 for 75c 2 for $1.25 2 for $1.75
H For the
m pick
Work Guaranteed
iioltey msic HOUSE
Phone 415
Masonic Building at Corner oL.
' Fifth and Dewey.
. r
The Xmas Gifts With a
Personal Touch
Have Them Made Now
Rembrandt Studio.
WANTED Work in private family or
hotel. Inquire C01 E. 7th.
' "SV
Wait !
If the receiver on a party lino telephone is removecU
' while tho boll is ringing it may cause the bell qf the-
other telephones on the line to ring. ' . .
This is why party lino subscribers sometimes
( answer tho telephone and find that another party on .
u v -JAiitho lino is talking.
If nartv lino subacribnrs will nlwnva wail, until thn
f . bell stops ringing before lifting tho receiver it will pro-
vent annoynnco to others on tho line.
Northwestern B
ephone Company
For the
Want Ads
FOR RENT Storage space in fire
proof waro house. Simon Bros.
Mrs. S. J. Ryan .returned to her
homo in Richmond, Calif., yesterday
after visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. L. L. Bertha.
Mr, and Mrs. Dick Grace and dau
ghter returned to tholr home in Om
aha Sunday after attending the fun
eral of tho lato Joseph Grace.
A year's subscription to a magazine
makes a pleasing gift. Phono mo
your order for any magazine or club.
Mrs. Fred G. Rector, Phono D37.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrjr Bailor aro tho
proud parents of a bahy boy born
Friday. Mother and baby aro doing
FOR RENT Six room house. Inquire
921 W. Sixth.
LOST Envelope containing paper
money. Return to Leader. Roward.
FOR SALE Pure bred Duroc Jersey
boar.. J. E, Quinn, 220' E. 3rd St.
FOR SALE Beautiful yollow- roller
canaries; guaranteed singers. Mrs.
R. V. Cox. Phono 914W.
FOR SALE-S. C White Orphlngto.i
cockrels. E. F. Wallln, Sutherland,
FOR SALE House and-3 lots; cheap
for cash or part trado on time. Call
2003 West. Gth.
Methodist Church, Thursday 8 p. m.
FOR SALE Fqrd touring, car, $150
cash or trado for cows.; 2003 West
FOR SALE Vacuum hand .washer;
practically new, chonp. Phone 1252-
FOR SALE One registered Duroc
boar. Inquire of N. M. 'Pettlt. Phone
FOR SALE Ono Radiant Homo hard
coal stovo, good as new. A. O.
Kockon, 220 West Sixth street.
WANTED Mature lady or gentleman
' to collect and solicit business In
North Platto. Address P. O. Box G78.
FOR SALE Poland China boars;
prlco right. G. E. Chittenden, Phono
When you buy a- LIFE INSURANCE POLICY you
want a' CONTRACT that is clear in construction and
fair in terms, .RATES that are equitable, a proper
adjustment between premium charged and risk car
ried, SERVICE that is prompt, courteous, and effi
cient, ALL backed by financial strength to meet
every obligation. Such policies are issued by the
iity Res
Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets,
North Platte, Neb.
FOR SALE 300 big, fine Barred
Rock cockrols, Vullots, $5 up. Util
ity, show birds. Dr. Fllppln, Strong
burg, Nob. N
FOR RENT I have taken tho Hoag
land house, 405 West 4th nnd can
iiccommodnto n few desirable room
ors. Mrs. R. L. Graves.
FOR SALE Box applos, Johnathau,
Roman Beautys, Doltcious and
Grimes Golden. Call at Crystal Cafe,
C B. Bailoy.
FARM WANTED Wanted to hoar
from owner of a farm for salo;
glvo lowest price, full information. L.
Jonoa, Box 84, Olnoy, 111.
STRAYED From my ranch, known
as tho Calandor ranch, 15 bond of
twq and three-year-old steors nud
cows branded 2 on olther right or loft
hip. Also two mnroe and two colts.
Any Information will bo appreciated.
E. B. McOdnnoll, Sutherland.
Mrs. Georgo Whlto of Sutherland
was a city vjgltor yesterday,
Pr. J. S. Twlnom trnnsnctod pro-
foelpnal business In Horshoy Friday
Ajlss Effio Christ returned Sunday
irom urnqyj wnoro, no, spent two
Platto Valley Poultry breeders' Association,. Iiic'
announce these dates . '
December 14, 15, 16 and 17 Inclusive
Show will bo hold at Willard Servico Station, 410 Locus
Korth Platte, Nobraska
The biggest and hc&t Poultry Show ever held in
Western Nebraska.
Chicken fanciers from all parts of Western Nebraska
have requested premium books and are preparing to
come with their birds.
Tell your neighbors and have them procure a premium
book from the secretary, L. I. Tucker, so that all inter
ested may have an opportunity to enter for the prizes and
havo their chickens scqred by the American Standard of
Perfection. We anticipate from 300 to 500 birds and ev
erything points to the largest show ever held- in Lincoln
Interest in pure-bred poultry is-growinv all over Ne
braska all of which makes this the opportune time for a
big and grand display of poultry. Wo invito all the
neighboring towns and all the neighboring farm people
who read this announcement tocome and bo a spoke in
tho wheel of success. Wo need tho co-operation of all
chicken fanciers and people who breed standard bred
poultry to put over the biggest show in tho state. Don't
forgot tho date, December 14, 15, 16, 17, at 410 Locust St.,
WUlard Service Station.
tmnrtn mam